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Hydroponic: Empowering Local Farmer Knowhow to Gain Value Added on Agriculture Commodity Suryaningprang, Andre; Suteja, Jaja; Mulyaningrum, Mulyaningrum; Herlinawati, Erna
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i1.1676


The agricultural sector is one of the potential commodities in business at domestic and abroad, local farmers in the West Java area are trying to run the best farming system that is adapted to market needs. Conventional farming systems that require large tracts of land, the availability of farmer labor and the length of time for harvesting are obstacles for local farmers to expand their businesses and increase their production yields. A concept in the agricultural system that is different from conventional agriculture yet can be used by local farmers at this time is hydroponic farming. Hydroponic farming that uses water as a planting medium can be implemented anywhere such as urban areas because it does not require large tracts of land. One of the hydroponic techniques that is currently developing is the NFT or Nutrient Film Technique which can be applied in the highlands and lowlands. This system can provide quality harvests. The NFT system provides added value for farmers by increasing farmers' knowledge about the hydroponic farming system and increasing agricultural commodities produced, through this system the farmers can run their farming business on land that is not extensive in urban areas. The commodities produced are of high quality because they are environmentally friendly, with efficient fertilizer, water and the use of non-pesticide ingredients. In fact, this hydroponic system requires a large enough cost to purchase material, regardless of the greater quantity of harvest and shorter harvest time. Increasing the quality and quantity of agricultural products encourage local farmers to run a hydroponic system in meeting market needs so that they have high economic value and can improve the welfare of local farmers.
Pasundan International of Community Services Journal (PICS-J) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Volume 1 Nomor 1 December 2019
Publisher : LPM Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/pics.v1i1.1994


In improving the economy of a small family, a woman with an important role in economic activity, especially in the activities of SMEs. With the female SMEs can help the family economy, therefore, women should be given a motivation for getting success in entrepreneurship. Educational activities regarding the development of women's empowerment of SMEs is intended to help women who usually only as a housewife, to be able to know how to start doing business and foster entrepreneurial spirit also manages her with good management and professional manner. The method used ismodel of active participation through interactive discussions. Seeing the public response is expected to follow up in an effort to increase the income of local communities, among others, by providing knowledge about the importance of improving the products contained in In the village Ciwalen - District of Sukaresmi Cianjur regency of West Java province in order to increase income supplements for those who already have a business and add insight for new entrepreneurs.
Pasundan International of Community Services Journal (PICS-J) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Volume 03 Number 02 December 2021
Publisher : LPM Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/pics-j.v3i2.4953


The problem that faced partners is the not yet optimal application of digital marketing in marketing products. The solution to each of these problems is to utilize ADS Facebook and Social Media and provide assistance and training. By providing these solutions, it is hoped that there will be an increase in sales and an increase in social media interaction and being registered in the Market Place. The specific target of this activity is that partners can market their products to various regions so that the distribution radius is wider and in line with increased sales. The method used is to identify needs, SWOT analysis and Expalanatory Survey to Javaganics Partners. The implementation stages consist of (1) Digital Marketing training and empowerment; (2) Data analysis; (3) Coordination of partners and researchers; (4) and internal administration of the institution; (5) Institutional self-evaluation and institutional development funds.
Adopting New Technology in Coffe Plantation :The Role of Knowledge Sharing in Supply Chain Management Andrey Satwika Yogaswara; Andre Suryaningprang; Disman Disman; Ratih Hurriyati
International Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol 9, No 4 (2020): International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM)
Publisher : International Journal of Supply Chain Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The problem currently faced is that the ground coffee beans are dried and still found many defects, the defects are caused form  sorting system, a good coffee system can increase sales of farmers businesses that initially only sold coffee beans without sorting with simple technology, but with the computerized method of sorting system and sales development will continue to increase with modern computer sorting standards than manual sorting and coffee beans become greenbean. in this study, the application of Computer Vision will be tested to facilitate a sorting process, a computer system with the help of a camera will introduce a type of coffee recognition system to Robusta and Arabica, this system is able to read the number of defects that exist in coffee, this system is able to be implemented and has more accuracy of 90%. coffee that has been sorted automatically will have a good quality and perfect shape of beans and will produce  have unique  aroma and will automatically increase the sale value. This system makes added value for coffee bean farmers, training on knowledge of the sorting system that uses computer applications and practices in running the system supports working farmers to work more efficiently and effectively and provide maximum results in accordance with market needs.
Ekono Insentif Vol 13 No 1 (2019): Ekono Insentif
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah IV

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.828 KB) | DOI: 10.36787/jei.v13i1.66


Kegiatan wisata yang ada di Kota Bandung begitu bervariasi, sehingga dapat mendorong banyaknya usaha bermunculan. Pertumbuhan cafe dan restoran di Jawa Barat, khususnya di Bandung sangat pesat dibandingkan dengan daerah lainnya. Café sendiri merupakan usaha yang tergabung kedalam hospitality industry. Peningkatan jumlah café tersebut berhubungan erat dengan peningkatan tren permintaan dan penawaran atas sektor hospitality industry, pergeseran pola hidup masyarakat dan kebijakan pemerintah yang mendukung iklim investasi untuk pengembangan hospitality industry. Hal tersebut selain membuka peluang juga memunculkan permasalahan baru yaitu tingkat persaingan di restoran dan cafe di kota Bandung sangat ketat, yang mengerucut kepada penurunan: jumlah pelanggan cafe & resto selama 6 bulan terakhir, minat konsumen berkunjung ke cafe & resto dan rekomendasi konsumen untuk berkunjung ke café. Untuk itu dirumuskan penelitian verifikatif untuk mengetahui pengaruh experiential marketing terhadap minat beli melalui strategi disperse harga dan citra perusahaan pada café di kota Bandung, menggunakan consecutive sampling dan path analysis untuk menguji hipotesis yang diolah melalui software XLSTAT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh experiental marketing pada minat beli melalui strategi dispersi harga dan citra perusahaan.
Tax Avoidance Analysis With Thin Capitalisation Andre Suryaningprang; Andhika Mochamad Siddiq; Dewi Yuliati Indah; Wentri Merdiani
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.5599


This study aims to analyze thin capitalization which is used as a way of tax avoidance. This study uses independent variables, namely multinational, managerial ownership, audit committee, while the control variables are effective tax rates, profit growth, return on assets, firm size, current ratio, capital intensity, and inventory intensity. The population of this study consisted of all non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2015-2019. The sample of this research is multinational non-financial companies which means having subsidiaries outside Indonesia. The statistical method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that multinationality, managerial ownership, and audit committee have no significant effect on thin capitalization. As for the control variables, return on assets and firm size have a significant effect on thin capitalization.
Penanaman Pohon Alpukat (Persea Americana) Untuk Revitalisasi Hulu Das Citarum Di Kecamatan Kertasari Kabupaten Bandung MULYANINGRUM SUDIBYO; ELLEN RUSLIATI; ANDRE SURYANINGPRANG
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) Vol 2 (2019): Peran Perguruan Tinggi dan Dunia Usaha dalam Mempersiapkan Masyarakat Menghadapi Era I
Publisher : Asosiasi Sinergi Pengabdi dan Pemberdaya Indonesia (ASPPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.53 KB) | DOI: 10.37695/pkmcsr.v2i0.320


Sungai Citarum mempunyai peran sangat strategis bagi kehidupan sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi masyarakat pada 2 provinsi berpenduduk padat di Indonesia, Jawa Barat dan Jakarta. Selain untuk irigasi pertanian dan 80 persen sumber air minum, sungai sepanjang 269 Km ini juga digunakan di sektor perikanan dan industri, serta pembangkit tenaga listrik tenaga air untuk Jawa dan Bali. Oleh karena itu, Sungai Citarum menjadi aset vital dalam mendukung kehidupan bangsa di masa depan. Namun saat ini Sungai Citarum menjadi sorotan besar secara nasional dan internasional karena dinyatakan sebagai sungai terkotor di dunia, dengan tingkat pencemaran tertinggi, 10 kali melampaui baku mutu. Oleh karena itu penanganan penanggulangan pencemaran dan kerusakan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Citarum harus segera dilaksanakan sebagai agenda nasional yang sinergis dan terintegrasi melalui Program Revitalisasi Hulu DAS Citarum, yang melibatkan seluruh komponen masyarakat. Keterlibatan Universitas Pasundan terhadap kondisi lingkungan di sekitar hulu Citarum sudah dilakukan sejak lama, tepatnya mulai tahun 2012. Sampai saat ini, 22.000 pohon alpukat telah tumbuh dan 6.000 masih di dalam polybag. Jumlah biji yang ditanam mencapai 132.000 biji. Namun, hanya 30% yang tumbuh. Pohon alpukat itu hingga kini terus dijaga agar tumbuh besar. Dipilihnya pohon alpukat karena sifatnya yang kokoh, bisa mengikat tanah, dan mudah dijumpai.
Pengaruh CR, QR, DER dan TATO terhadap ROA PT Pyridam Farma Tbk Periode 2012-2021 Fany Oktaviani; Andre Suryaningprang; Erna Herlinawati; Yoyo Sudaryo
Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE) Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jbfe.v3i2.3474


The purpose of this research is to find out how the effect of “Debt to Equity Ratio (DER)”, “Total Asset Turnover (TATO)”, “Current Ratio (CR)”, and “Quick’Ratio (QR)” on “Return On Asset (ROA)”. One of the pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, namely PT Pyridam Farma Tbk, is the company used in this study. Purpose Sampling is used to collect samples to be used. This study used descriptive and verification techniques, quantitative secondary data, and documentation techniques which were accessed through the company's official website respectively. This study uses descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, regression analysis, analysis of the coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing (t-test and F-test) to answer the problem formulation. Based on the findings of partial hypothesis testing (t-test), the CR and QR affect ROA, while the DER and TATO do not. If the CR, QR, DER and TATO affect ROA of 82.7% and the remaining 17.3% is influenced by factors other or external factors, the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing (Test F) can be concluded.
Pengaruh CR, DER, TATO, dan ROA Terhadap PBV Pada PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk Kaniasari Wulan Dewi; Erna Herlinawati; Andre Suryaningprang; Yoyo Sudaryo
Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE) Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jbfe.v3i2.3476


Firm value is significant since it is thought to impact investors' perceptions of the firm. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equality Ratio (DER), Total Asset Turnover (TATO), and Return on Assets on the Price to Book Value (PBV) at PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk from 2012 to 2021. The quantitative research technique was applied, using a descriptive and verification approach. Purposive sampling is used in this approach. Following the application of the classical assumptions, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination analysis, and hypothesis testing were performed. The findings revealed that CR, TATO, and ROA had a substantial beneficial influence on PBV, but DER had a negative effect on PBV. Simultaneous test results demonstrate that CR, DER, TATO, and ROA have a considerable impact on PBV, accounting for 94.1% of the total, with the remaining 5.9% affected by other variables.
Pengaruh Likuiditas, Solvabilitas dan Aktivitas Terhadap Kondisi Profitabilitas Pada PT Pan Brothers Tbk Nurshifa Putri Irawan; Erna Herlinawati; Andre Suryaningprang; Yoyo Sudaryo
Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE) Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jbfe.v3i2.3477


The study aims to determine the impact of liquidity, solvency and activities on PT Pan Brothers Tbk's profitability for the period 2012-2021. The method used is a quantitative method with descriptive and confirmatory approaches. Data collection techniques using documented methods. The sampling technique used was targeted sampling. The data analyzes used are descriptive analysis, classical hypothesis testing, multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis, certainty analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results are as follows. 1) Liquidity (CR) is partially unaffected and not material to profitability (ROA). 2) Solvency (DER) is partially unaffected and not material to profitability (ROA). 3) Activity (TATO) has partial impact. Impact on Profitability (ROA) 4) Liquidity (CR), Solvency (DER) and Activity (TATO) all have a significant impact on profitability (ROA).