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Penerapan Metode Dempster Shafer Pada Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Usus Halus Nugroho, Fifto; Bani, Alexius Ulan
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v6i1.3468


The small intestine is a food processing factory where nutrients are digested and absorbed completely when the small intestine is in good condition. However, many of us have an unhealthy small intestine, so the small intestine does not function properly. Health problems in the small intestine can occur from different factors such as the most dominant factor is food and drink, health awareness is still low, the habit of always wanting to live a practical life and lack of knowledge of healthy living and little knowledge about the problem of early symptoms of a disease. which is the main factor in treating the disease so that it becomes severe. If the patient is late in receiving information about his illness, the patient will be treated by the doctor too late. The doctor's knowledge can be implemented in an expert system system. The expert system method used to find diagnostic confidence uses the Dempster Shafer method. With the aim of making it easier for the public to find out what small intestine they suffer from and be able to check them early. Where the method of finding diagnostic confidence uses the Dempster Shafer method where the final result of this study produces an accurate diagnosis with a sample of symptom data used by 32% with Dianoses are less likely to suffer from Small Intestine Tract Blockage yang selalu ingin menjalani hidup secara praktis, serta cara berpikir yang cenderung mengarah pada kehidupan yang tidak sehat, dan gejala awal penyakit. merupakan bagian dari faktor. sakit.
Sistem Pakar Dalam Diagnosa Penyakit Tuberkulosis Otak Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Alexius Ulan Bani; Fifto Nugroho
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v4i4.2507


Brain tuberculosis or brain tuberculosis is a type of disease that is very rarely known by many levels of society, brain tuberculosis is also a type of disease that cannot be considered a mild disease at all but a type of disease that can cause sufferers to live in suffering and more often result in death and tuberculosis brain disease is very rarely known to the sufferer and until now the drugs in the treatment of this disease are also very expensive. Diagnosis needs to be done before this disease becomes inflamed and takes over from the brain function itself so that the community will be more sensitive and better recognize and prevent brain tuberculosis disease from approaching, in this study an application in the diagnosis of brain tuberculosis is carried out using an expert system approach which is used to assist in Diagnosis of tuberculosis brain disease using the certainty factor method, the results of using the certainty factor method based on the criteria and every listed symptom that many patients with brain tuberculosis experience show a fairly high percentage and accuracy as a means of showing the condition of the body experiencing symptoms of brain tuberculosis.
Design and Build a Strength Recorder Soil Using Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor Dony Agam; Alexius Ulan Bani; Fifto Nugroho
Journal of Engineering, Technology and Computing (JETCom) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): JETCom : November 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

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Soil strength is one of the important factors for hydrological, biological and chemical processes. Soil strength information is needed for a wide range of government and private sectors related to climate weather, potential runoff and flood control, soil erosion and slope, water resource management, geotechnical engineering and water quality. Soil strength information can also be used for weather prediction, early warning of drought, irrigation scheduling and harvest forecasting. In its application, microcontroller technology will be used which functions as an automatic regulating device to work according to input specifications. In this case, the Arduino Uno microcontroller and the Soil Moisture sensor were selected. The goal is to determine the strength of the soil to prevent landslides and to test the feasibility of the soil for the soil moisture sensor parameter in the soil..
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menentukan Sales Terbaik Menerapkan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Rima Tamara Aldisa; Fifto Nugroho; Mesran Mesran; Susi Agustini Sinaga; Kelik Sussolaikah
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 3 No 4 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.257 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v3i4.1955


In this study, the author uses the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method to determine the best sales at marketing company. The SAW method is considered appropriate in determining the best sales because the SAW method performs the weighted summation process of the performance rating on each alternative on all attributes. This research was conducted by determining the criteria, alternatives and weights, then carried out the matrix preparation process, calculating normalization and calculating preferences. So from the results of the calculation of preferences, a ranking process is carried out to determine the best alternative. The results of the study provide recommendations for the 6th alternative which has the highest value with a value of 0.879 being the best sales.
Design A Bird Midge Tool Using Arduino-Based Laser Sensors Ade Hidayatulloh; Alexius Ulan Bani; Fifto Nugroho
Journal of Mathematics and Technology (MATECH) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal MATECH (May 2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (960.877 KB)


Pests are one of the main enemies for farmers which can reduce the level of production of these types of plants. One of the pests that often disturb rice farmers, among others, are bird pests, which are currently not a bit annoying with the continued increase in bird populations. The purpose of making this tool is to obtain a design of a prototype of a rice-eating bird repellent device based on Arduino Uno, which functions as a substitute for the task of farmers to protect rice plants from attacks by birds that eat rice seeds. This bird repellent uses a laser sensor as a detector and a servo motor as a rope mover. Arduino Uno (AT-Mega 328) microcontroller is used as tool controller and power supply as a power source.
Design And Manufacture Of Tools Automatic Feeding And Drinking In Farm Chickens Arduino Microcontroller-Based Alexius Ulan Bani; Fifto Nugroho; Aditya Teguh Arsyendo
Journal of Mathematics and Technology (MATECH) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal MATECH (May 2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1125.374 KB)


Feeding automatic chickens aims to build an automatic feeding and drinking device for chickens to facilitate the work of chicken farmers. Conducting observations accurately, the literature study method collects data related to the topic. Hardware design process and how the tool works. Software is a systematic process program that functions as a tool command, tool testing by implementing tool work. The result of the research is that the tool can work well as desired and the power is stable for each component used.
Design And Prototyping Of Arduino Microcontroller-Based Vacuum Sucking Tools Alexius Ulan Bani; Fifto Nugroho; Jefon Krisna Parell Marunduri
Journal of Mathematics and Technology (MATECH) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal MATECH (May 2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1144.496 KB)


Cleanliness is a very important factor for human life. Good hygiene will reflect a healthy lifestyle. Dust is one of the factors that affect the cleanliness of a room. a lot of dust and scattered on the floor will make the room dirty. In this study, an automatic vacuum cleaner will be designed to clean dust on the floor in a room. In designing and making prototypes of this Arduino microcontroller-based vacuum cleaner, it was designed in terms of hardware and software.The test results of the vacuum cleaner run well and properly, but the dust suction is not strong enough so that it is not optimal for sucking large or heavy dust.
Design And Manufacture Of Automated Home Lighting Regulatory Devices With Iteaduino Microcontroller Atmega 328p-Based LDR Muhammad Andi; Alexius Ulan Bani; Fifto Nugroho
Journal of Mathematics and Technology (MATECH) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal MATECH (May 2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1163.814 KB)


Automatic lighting aims to facilitate work, generally lights use a switch with the principle of an on-off switch. To overcome this, it is necessary to manufacture a tool that functions as a lighting regulator that is able to adjust to certain conditions in a room. Conducting observations accurately, the literature study method collects data related to the topic. Hardware design process and how the tool works. Software is a systematic process program that functions as a tool command, tool testing by implementing tool work. The result of the research is that the tool can work well as desired and the power is stable for each component used.
Design To Build Prototype Of Atmega328 Microcontroller-Based Automatic Water Tub Filling Tool Alexius Ulan Bani; Silvi Damayanti; Fifto Nugroho
Journal of Mathematics and Technology (MATECH) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal MATECH (May 2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (821.196 KB)


Automatic water tank filling aims to fill tubs and torens automatically in order to save water, monitor water expenditure to be more controlled and make human work easier. the library study method collects data from sources related to the topic, hardware schematic design process and how the tool works, systematic software programs as commands for tools, tool testing implements tool work. The results of the research that made the tool work automatically well as desired, as well as stable power distribution to each sensor used.
Pendeteksian Penyakit Limfadenopati dengan Menerapkan Metode Naive Bayes Fifto Nugroho; Yoga Listi Prambodo
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 3 No 4 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v3i4.1997


Lymphadenopathy or often known as lymphatic disease is a disease that is very risky if not handled properly. There are so many signs or symptoms of this disease that have not been known to the public, some even consider it an ordinary lump that grows on the human body and do not know that they are experiencing lymphadenopathy in themselves [3]. Usually to find out the disease in the lump, do an examination to the hospital or consult a doctor. Based on these problems, a technique or method is needed that can facilitate the community in diagnosing the early symptoms of this lymphadenopathy, one of which is by using an expert system. An expert system that in solving problems with oral and nail diseases, one of them uses the Naïve Bayes method. Naïve Bayes is a probability method by predicting future opportunities based on past experience. With the aim of making it easier for ordinary people to take the first step in dealing with diseases that are experienced about lumps on the body. Based on the results of the application of the Naïve Bayes method, the results are based on the input of the user's symptoms, the accuracy of the results of lymphadenopathy in users with mild lymphadenopathy is 32% and acute lymphadenopathy is 68%. critical