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PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH BERBASIS ZERO WASTE SKALA RUMAH TANGGA SECARA MANDIRI Supinganto, Agus; Haris, Abdul; Utami, Kusniyati; Aswati, Aswati; Riezqy Ariendha, Dian Soekmawaty; Sadakah, Syamsuriansyah; Hardani, Hardani
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (31.837 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i4.4721


Abstrak: Sampah menjadi permasalahan utama di Indonesia, bahkan termasuk di Kota Mataram. Masih tingginya produksi sampah setiap hari yang dihasilkan oleh rumah tangga dan kurangnya armada pengangkut sampah serta peran masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah organik perlu ditingkatkan. Berdasarkan analisis situasi, permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra yaitu belum sepenuhnya masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam pengelolaan sampah organik, sehingga pengelolaan sampah organik belum maksimal. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Membekali pengetahuan masyarakat umumnya penerapan prinsip 3R (Refuse, Reduse, Recycle); (2) Memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat mengenai bahaya dari sampah; (3) Meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam memanfaatan sampah organik berbasis zero waste. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini yaitu berupa penyuluhan dan pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan materi berupa (1) Pengenalan tentang pengelolaan sampah organik; (2) Pengenalan hasil pengelolaan sampah organik dengan 3R; (3) Pengenalan peralatan untuk pengolahan sampah dengan Prinsip 3R. Mitra pengabdian ini yaitu Kelurahan Pejanggik, Kecamatan Mataram, Kota Mataram. Jumlah peserta yang mengikuti penyuluhan dan pendampingan sebanyak 25 Kepala Keluarga dengan evaluasi berupa pre-test dan post-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat telah mendapat pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang pengelolaan sampah organik sejumlah 44% dengan prinsip 3R yang dapat mengatasi masalah limbah rumah tangga dan mengubah limbah tersebut menjadi produk bernilai ekonomis. Sehinga secara luas dapat mengatasi masalah sampah di Kelurahan Pejanggik, Kecamatan Mataram Kota Mataram. Abstract:  Garbage is the main problem in Indonesia, even including in Mataram City. The high daily waste production produced by households and the lack of waste transport fleets and the role of the community in organic waste management need to be improved. Based on the analysis of the situation, the problem faced by partners is not yet fully the community has knowledge and skills in organic waste management, so organic waste management has not been maximized. This service aims to (1) Equip the knowledge of the public generally the application of the principle of 3R (Refuse, Reduse, Recycle); (2) Provide knowledge to the public about the dangers of waste; (3) Improving people's skills in utilizing zero waste-based organic waste. The method used in this service is in the form of counseling and mentoring conducted by the community service team with materials in the form of (1) Introduction to organic waste management; (2) Introduction of organic waste management results with 3R; (3) Introduction of equipment for waste processing with Principle 3R. This service partner is Pejanggik Village, Mataram District, Mataram City. The number of participants who participated in counseling and mentoring as many as 25 Family Heads with evaluation in the form of pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the community has gained knowledge and insight about organic waste management amounting to 44% with the principle of 3R that can overcome the problem of household waste and turn the waste into economically valuable products. Sehinga can broadly solve the problem of garbage in Pejanggik Village, Mataram District, Mataram City.
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.75 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4275094


The preparation of pregnancy is indispensable in order to give birth to an intelligent and healthy baby, if the mother does not prepare for her pregnancy, several pregnancy problems will appear which are commonly called pregnancy complications. Complications in pregnancy can be caused by inadequate preparation for pregnancy such as never have health status checks, blood tests and urine tests. The Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2014 have launched a sexual and reproductive health program for brides who serve women from adolescence to pre-pregnancy in order to prepare a healthy pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge and attitudes of the future bride about pre-marital health preparation in Gunungsari district West Lombok. This was a cross sectional study with proportional random sampling, the subjects in this study were future brides in 8 Poskesdes Gunungsari by taking respondents randomly in each group with a number according to the proportion of 152 people. The results showed that the age of the respondents was 20-35 years old, most of the future brides had high school education and almost all of the future brides were housewives. More than half of the brides' knowledge about pre-marital health preparation is quite good, also more than half of them are hadpassablyattitude category. Contribution of research results are its necessary to evaluate and improve local government policies related to efforts to increase the knowledge of future brides about pre-marital health preparation in coordination with the community health centers and the local Office of Religious Affairs through health education and pre-marriage requirements.
Kekurangan Energi Kronis Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I Berdasarkan Usia Dan Graviditas Kusniyati Utami; Irni Setyawati; Dian Soekmawaty Riezqy Ariendha
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 5 No 1 (2020): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/jkp.v5i1.393


Introduction: Chronic energy deficiency (CED) is one of the non-obstetric medical complications in pregnancy that can be enforced by examining the upper arm circumference of less than 23.5 cm in pregnant women. Pregnant women who experience CED can cause stunted fetal growth which results in low birth weight babies. The prevalence of CED in pregnant women in West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) is higher than the prevalence of Indonesia which is equal to 21.5% (Indonesia: 17.3%). The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of CED in pregnant women based on age and gravidity. Methodology: This study was an observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. Population of this research was all pregnant women in five hamlets in the Poskesdes Sesela 2 with a total sample of 137 people using total population sampling techniques. This research was conducted in the Poskesdes Sesela 2 working area of ​​the UPT BLUD Puskesmas Gunungsari, West Lombok in November 2019 until January 2020. The data source was secondary that was analyzed univariately and bivariately using the Chi-Square test. Result & Discussion: The result shows tha the majority pregnant women in Poskesdes Sesela 2 in 2019 are aged 20-35 years which is 79.1. Most parity of pregnant woman is multigravida at 62.2%. Most of the pregnant women who did not experience CED that is equal to 79.7%. There is a significant difference in the incidence of CED of pregnant women aged <20 years and those aged 20-35 years (p-value 0.03). There was a significant difference in the incidence of CED between primigravida and multigravida pregnant women (p-value 0,0004). Health workers, especially midwives in villages or primary healthcare, are expected to be able to measure LILA in young women or prospective brides as an early detection of CED events before pregnancy so that proper management can be done before pregnancy occurs and can reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of mothers and fetuses during pregnancy and childbirth.
The Effect of Moringa Leaf Cilok Supply on Hemoglobin Levels of Female Adolescents with Anemia Dian Soekmawaty Riezqy Ariendha; Sri Handayani; Yopi Suryatim Pratiwi
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.014 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v10i1.8951


Blood that contains less iron can cause anemia. This nutritional case is the most common in almost all countries, including Indonesia. Female adolescents are more at risk of anemia due to stress, eating late, and losing large amounts of iron during menstruation. One part of the moringa plant (Moringa oleifera), namely the leaves, is believed to increase hemoglobin levels. The method of attracting adolescents to moringa leaf is by processing the moringa leaf becomes a snack called moringa leaf cilok. This research aims to determine the hemoglobin level of adolescent girls who experience anemia before and after being given moringa leaves cilok. This is experimental research with one group pre-post test design from October to November 2021 in Mataram. The subjects in this research are female adolescents with anemia who met the sample criteria. The sample used is n1=n2=32 respondents. The treatment group received moringa leaf cilok and was controlled tablets by giving iron tablets. The data collected was processed by a nonparametric test. The results show an effect of giving moringa leaf cilok on the hemoglobin levels of adolescent girls (p>0.05). The content of iron and vitamin C in moringa leaves cilok has increased hemoglobin levels. This research concludes that moringa leaf cilok can increase hemoglobin levels in female adolescents. Therefore, consuming moringa leaves cilok regularly can be used to treat anemia.
PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH BERBASIS ZERO WASTE SKALA RUMAH TANGGA SECARA MANDIRI Agus Supinganto; Abdul Haris; Kusniyati Utami; Aswati Aswati; Dian Soekmawaty Riezqy Ariendha; Syamsuriansyah Sadakah; Hardani Hardani
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.645 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i4.5092


Abstrak: Sampah menjadi permasalahan utama di Indonesia, bahkan termasuk di Kota Mataram. Masih tingginya produksi sampah setiap hari yang dihasilkan oleh rumah tangga dan kurangnya armada pengangkut sampah serta peran masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah organik perlu ditingkatkan. Berdasarkan analisis situasi, permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra yaitu belum sepenuhnya masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam pengelolaan sampah organik, sehingga pengelolaan sampah organik belum maksimal. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Membekali pengetahuan masyarakat umumnya penerapan prinsip 3R (Refuse, Reduse, Recycle); (2) Memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat mengenai bahaya dari sampah; (3) Meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam memanfaatan sampah organik berbasis Zero Waste. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini yaitu berupa penyuluhan dan pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan materi berupa (1) Pengenalan tentang pengelolaan sampah organik; (2) Pengenalan hasil pengelolaan sampah organik dengan 3R; (3) Pengenalan peralatan untuk pengolahan sampah dengan Prinsip 3R. Mitra pengabdian ini yaitu Kelurahan Pejanggik, Kecamatan Mataram, Kota Mataram. Jumlah peserta yang mengikuti penyuluhan dan pendampingan sebanyak 25 Kepala Keluarga dengan evaluasi berupa pre-test dan post-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat telah mendapat pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang pengelolaan sampah organik sejumlah 44% dengan prinsip 3R yang dapat mengatasi masalah limbah rumah tangga dan mengubah limbah tersebut menjadi produk bernilai ekonomis. Sehinga secara luas dapat mengatasi masalah sampah di Kelurahan Pejanggik, Kecamatan Mataram Kota Mataram.Abstract:  Garbage is the main problem in Indonesia, even including in Mataram City. The high daily waste production produced by households and the lack of waste transport fleets and the role of the community in organic waste management need to be improved. Based on the analysis of the situation, the problem faced by partners is not yet fully the community has knowledge and skills in organic waste management, so organic waste management has not been maximized. This service aims to (1) Equip the knowledge of the public generally the application of the principle of 3R (Refuse, Reduse, Recycle); (2) Provide knowledge to the public about the dangers of waste; (3) Improving people's skills in utilizing Zero Waste-based organic waste. The method used in this service is in the form of counseling and mentoring conducted by the community service team with materials in the form of (1) Introduction to organic waste management; (2) Introduction of organic waste management results with 3R; (3) Introduction of equipment for waste processing with Principle 3R. This service partner is Pejanggik Village, Mataram District, Mataram City. The number of participants who participated in counseling and mentoring as many as 25 Family Heads with evaluation in the form of pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the community has gained knowledge and insight about organic waste management amounting to 44% with the principle of 3R that can overcome the problem of household waste and turn the waste into economically valuable products. Sehinga can broadly solve the problem of garbage in Pejanggik Village, Mataram District, Mataram City.
Perilaku Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 Remaja Di Sidoarjo Irni Setyawati; Kusniyati Utami; Dian Soekmawaty Riezqy Ariendha
NERSMID : Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kebidanan Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): Oktober
Publisher :

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Pandemic Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is still being felt in various countries in the world, including Indonesia. There were 43,450 positive cases of Covid-19 in East Java until September 29, 2020 (East Java Province Covid-19 Task Force, 2020). Sidoarjo Regency has positive cases of Covid-19 until September 30, 2020, totaling 6,236 cases (Communication and Informatics Office of Sidoarjo district, 2020). Wijayanto (2020) reports that many young people aged 15-25 years are exposed to Covid-19 because of the habit of hanging out in cafes or coffee shops by not keeping physical distancing and removing their masks. The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevention behavior of teenagers from Covid-19 in Sidoarjo. The research design was analytic observational with cross sectional approach. The population of respondents is male or female aged 16-19 years who live in Sidoarjo. Samples were obtained through voluntary sampling technique. Data collection used a google form which was distributed via WhatsApp in August 2020 to 18 sub-districts. The questionnaire received responses from 176 people from 13 districts. Bivariate analysis using the Chi Square test. The results showed that there were significant differences in the prevention behavior of Covid-19 transmission based on gender (p value = 0.02) and there were significant differences in the prevention behavior of Covid-19 transmission based on knowledge (p value = 0.0001). Suggestions for the Sidoarjo regency government are to increase education on the prevention of Covid-19 transmission with various methods and media that are preferred by teenage boys and in crowd centers.
Hubungan Dukungan Suami Terhadap Status Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Di Puskesmas Sengkol Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Hardaniyati Hardaniyati; Dian Soekmawaty Riezqy Ariendha
Jurnal Kesehatan Qamarul Huda Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Qamarul Huda Badaruddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.359 KB) | DOI: 10.37824/jkqh.v6i2.2018.44


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of husband's support to anemia status in pregnancy at Sengkol Health Center, Central Lombok Regency. This research method is a cross sectional observational study. It was conducted in March-April 2018 with an anemia random sampling population of 59 respondents, data analysis using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis using chi square. the results showed that there was a relationship between husband's support and anemia status, most respondents did not support moderate anemia 19 (63.3%), the results of the analysis using chi-square obtained p-value 0.002 due to p-value <? (0.05) . Husband's support from the family can encourage pregnant women to be more enthusiastic in facing the changes that occur during pregnancy, including maintaining the health of their pregnancy through increased pregnancy visits and consumption of iron tablets. In conclusion, there is a relationship between husband's support for anemia status in pregnant women in Sengkol Health Center, Central Lombok District
Lama Penyimpanan Air Susu Ibu (ASI) Memengaruhi Kandungan Zat Gizi Dalam ASI Sri Handayani; Dian Soekmawaty Riezqy Ariendha; Yopi Suryatim Pratiwi
Jurnal Kesehatan Qamarul Huda Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Qamarul Huda Badaruddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.666 KB) | DOI: 10.37824/jkqh.v7i2.2019.122


The condition in which the mother works is one of the conditions that inhibits breastfeeding. In order for women to work, they can still provide breast milk, so milking and storage are needed. The storage process can preserve breast milk for some time. The existence of a long treatment of breast milk storage is suspected to cause physical changes and chemical composition. Based on several research results, it can be concluded that the duration of breast milk storage both in the refrigerator and freezer will affect the amount of fat and protein content in breast milk. The cause of fat damage is divided into three groups, namely damage due to oxidation, the presence of enzymes, and fat hydrolysis reaction. Changes in protein levels of breast milk during storage may be caused by the process of proteolysis and protein denaturation.
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Tentang Anemia Dengan Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Meminum Tablet Zat Besi Di Puskesmas Sengkol Dian Soekmawaty Riezqy Ariendha; Yopi Suryatim Pratiwi; Hardaniyati Hardaniyati
Jurnal Kesehatan Qamarul Huda Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Qamarul Huda Badaruddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (844.362 KB) | DOI: 10.37824/jkqh.v7i2.2019.124


The purpose of this study was to research pregnant woman research on anemia with pregnant women using substance tablets at the Sengkol Health Center, Central Lombok District. This research method is an observational study using a cross sectional study, using a questionnaire conducted in March-April 2019 as pregnant women with anemia, samples taken with simple random sampling from 30 respondents, data analysis using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis using chi square. The results of this study were obtained by respondents who had the highest knowledge from mothers who knew about anemia, 27 respondents (90%), and those who did not know about anemia were 3 respondents (10%). Respondents who used tablets using substances were 23 respondents (76.7%), and those who used iron were 7 respondents (23.3%). the results of the analysis using chi-square obtained a relationship associated with the level of knowledge of pregnant women in consuming p-value tablets <? (0.05). Where the value of p = 0.009 because the value of p < ? (0.05). The conclusion is the relationship between the level of knowledge of pregnant women about anemia with the contribution of pregnant substance tablets at the Sengkol Health Center.
Pengaruh Pemberian Kompres Daun Kubis Terhadap Pembengkakan Payudara Pada Ibu Postpartum Yopi Suryatim Pratiwi; Sri Handayani; Dian Soekmawati Riezqy Ariendha
Jurnal Kesehatan Qamarul Huda Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Qamarul Huda Badaruddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (750.508 KB) | DOI: 10.37824/jkqh.v7i2.2019.126


The problem that can arise in the puerperium and lactation is breast swelling. The impact of breast swelling is a feeling of discomfort in the breast-shaped mother, hardened breasts, fever, the baby is difficult to suck the breasts, mastitis, and breast abscesses. Breast is needed. Some non-pharmacological treatments can be done, one of which is by giving a cabbage leaf compress. This study is a comparative literature that attempts to discuss the comparison of cabbage leaf compresses against breast swelling in postpartum mothers. The results of a review of 6 studies prove that cabbage leaf compresses are effective in reducing breast swelling. This is caused by cabbage leaves containing the amino acid methionine which functions as an antibiotic and other ingredients such as sinigrin (Allylisothiocyanate), mustard oil, magnesium, sulfur heteroside oxides which can help widen the body to absorb the fluid that is blocked in the breast can reduce breast swelling.