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Journal : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

Biodiesel Dari Minyak Buta-Buta (Hura Crepitans Linn) Dengan Menggunakan Katalis Ni/Lempung Ekadian Lestari Simatupang; Syaiful Bahri; Edy Saputra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Biodiesel is one of the alternative fuels as a substitute for fossil fuels synthesised from the transesterification reaction. The process of making biodiesel which using a homogeneous catalyst is costly for product separation process. Thus use of heterogeneous catalysts such as Ni/Clay catalyst was developed. This study aims to produce biodiesel from Hura crepitans Linn oil to determine best conditions of making biodiesel, determine the physical andchemical properties of biodiesel produced and studied the effect of the amount of Ni metal that has been impregnated on clay. In this process, the amount of oil use is 50 grams, 90 minute reaction time and concentration of catalyst 0.5%-b. Variations in reactants mole ratio oil : methanol 1 : 6, 1 : 9, 1 : 12, varying the amount of Ni metal 0%-b, 1%-b, 2%-b, 3%-b impregnated into the clay. The highest result biodiesel produced from Hura crepitans Linn oilwas 93.70% having mole ratio of oil : methanol 1 : 9 with Ni catalyst (3%). Physical properties obtained at biodiesl result density 884 kg / m3, kinematic viscosity 4.46 mm2/s,acid number 0.49 mg KOH/g sample and flash point is 185°C .Keywords : Biodiesel, Catalyst Ni / clay, Hura crepitans Linn oil
Pembuatan Membran Silika Dari Bahan Alam Untuk Pemisahan Limbah Rhodamin B Nani Agustina; Jhon Armedi Pinem; Edy Saputra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 7 (2020): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The membrane is a selective and semi permeable layer between two phases, namely the feed phase and the permeate phase. Membrane synthesis uses silica for the treatment of Rhodamin B waste with variations of PVA 8, 10, 12, 14 ml with an operating pressure of 2, 3, 4 bar. This research produced a porous membrane. Characteristic tests conducted include SEM, flux and reflection analysis. based on membrane flux test and reflection obtained an effective membrane performance that is on the membrane composition of PVA 14 ml with operating flux at a pressure of 2, 3, 4 bars respectively is 20.68 L / m2. Based on the characteristics of permeability, selectivity, and pore membrane statistics show that the silica membrane is an ultrafiltration membrane. Keywords: Silica, membrane, Rhodamin B waste, ultrafiltration
Sintesis Kulit Telur Ayam/Serbuk Besi Menjadi Katalis Cao/Serbuk Besi Untuk Reaksi Transesterifikasi Minyak Sawit Off Grade Menjadi Biodiesel Gusti Ayu Nurjanah; Zuchra Helwani; Edy Saputra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Heterogeneous solid base catalyst by modificated Eggshells through calcination, hydration, dehydration methods with iron powder through impregnation method to load calcium oxide with eggshells as precursor. The catalyst with the highest activity is obtained when the calcination temperature of 900°C and the calcination time of 2 hours under transesterification reaction conditions of a molar ratio of methanol/oil 10:1, catalyst dosage of 1% by weight, temperature of 70 °C for 2 hours with yield biodiesel results reached 91,72%.Keyword: biodiesel, calcination, calcium oxide, catalysts, iron powder.
Kuat Tekan Mortar Geopolimer Pofa Yang Dirawat Pada Suhu Ruang Lora Mona Tambunan; Monita Olivia; Edy Saputra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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This research focus on study of palm oil fuel ash based geopolymer mortar which use room temperature curing condition. Amount of Portland Cement (OPC) was added to accelerate setting time of geopolymer paste. The main ingredient to make geopolymer mix use palm oil fuel ash (POFA) which contain Silica (Si) and Alumina (Al) from Dumai, Riau province activated by alkaline activator solution. Alkaline activator solution was combined by NaOH 16M and liquid of natrium silikat (Na2SiO3 ) with SiO2 to Na2O mass ratio 2,3. Alkaline activator content as 100% of total binder. Rest period of geopolymer mortar for 5 days. The geopolymer paste was cast in cube mould 50x50x50 mm. The research show the compressive strength of geopolymer mortar which addition OPC variation. This study aims that compressive strength were improved simultanesly mount of addition OPC. Keywords: geopolymer, palm oil fuel ash, room temperature, addition OPC
Biodiesel Dari Biji Buta-Buta (Hura Crepitans Linn) Dengan Katalis Ni/Nza Tresia Monika Natalia Sinaga; Syaiful Bahri; Edy Saputra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Indonesia is one of the oil producing country in the world but is still importing fuel oil (BBM) for meet the fuel needs in various sectors. Therefore, an alternative is needed to meet these needs. Among them is to produce biodiesel from vegetable oil feedstock. One type of vegetable oil that can be used as a raw material is Hura crepitans Linn. This research is aimed to produce biodiesel from Hura crepitans Linn seed oil, to study effect of the metal content in the catalyst of Ni/NZA to biodiesel produced and to determine the best conditions of process of biodiesel and then characteristics of biodiesel produced. The transesterification process was done at a temperature of 60oC, the weight of oil 50 grams, the catalyst 1%-weight of oil, reaction time variation of 1, 1.5 and 2 hour and mole ratio of oil to methanol 1: 6, 1: 9, 1:12 and catalyst NZA of 0% and 2%. The highest biodiesel result gives at experiment of 2% metal content oil to methanol mole ratio of 1: 9, for 1.5 hours i.e. 85.8%. Characterization of physical properties of biodiesel obtained, density of 0.885 gram/ml, 4.29 cSt kinematic viscosity, acid number 0.49 mg KOH / g sample, and the flash point 180oC respectively. Chemical components of biodiesel analysed with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) produce methyl linolelaidate 72,64%, methyl Oleic 19,08%, methyl stearate 2,2%, methyl palmitate 2,11% and methyl octadec-11-enoic 0,66% respectively. Keywords : biodiesel, catalyst Ni/NZA, Hura crepitans Linn, transesterification
Pembuatan Dan Karakterisasi Membran Selulosa Asetat Dari Serat Daun Nanas Untuk Pengolahan Limbah Pulp And Paper Eka Putri Sriandriani; Jhon Armedi Pinem; Edy Saputra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 7 (2020): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The membrane is a selective and semipermeable thin layer between two phases, namely the feed phase and permeate phase. One of the ingredients for making membranes is cellulose acetate from pineapple leaf waste. The purpose of this research is to make cellulose acetate membrane using cellulose from pineapple leaf waste as the main raw material with composition variation and pressure variations. In this research uses variations in polymer cellulose acetate are 15% (w/w), 20% (w/w) and 25% (w/w) and pressure variations are 1 bar, 2 bar and 3 bar. The stages of making membranes are taking pineapple leaf fibers, making cellulose acetate, making cellulose acetate membrane and testing the mechanical properties of the membrane. At optimum condition, flux value was obtained 22.26 L/m2.h at 3 bar with cellulose acetate composition 25% w/w. While the highest rejection value was obtained at a membrane composition of 25% w / w with COD 81.12%, BOD 76.03% and TSS 77.91% at 3 bar pressure. If more cellulose acetate composition were used, the flux value will be decrease and the rejection will be increase. If pressure increase, rejection and flux value will get higher. Keywords : cellulose acetate, flux, membrane, rejection.
Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP): Degradasi Zat Warna Rhodamin B Dengan Metode Fotokatalitik Menggunakan Katalis Covalent Triazine Framework (CTF) Andes Sagita; Edy Saputra; Panca Setia Utama
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 7 (2020): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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BPS recorded the export value of national textile products reached US$ 13.22 billion in 2018 and increased to US$ 15.73 in 2019. The problem that later arises was the textile waste generated by those industries. One of the methods for treating textile dye waste is the photocatalytic. The catalyst used in this study is the Covalent Triazine Framework (CTF), while the radiation comes from a 250 watt mercury lamp. The dye waste used is rhodamine B. The CTF catalyst synthesis was carried out by the ionothermal method at a temperature of 450oC and argon atmosphere for 18 hours. 1,4-dicyanobenzene used as monomer and ZnCl2 as molten salt, the two ingredients are mixed in a furnace cup with a weight ratio of 1: 8 (monomer: molten salt). The best photocatalytic results were shown by variations in the concentration of 1 g/l catalyst and 10 ppm of rhodamine B with a degradation efficiency of 94.790%.   Keywords: covalent triazine framework, ionothermal, textile, photocatalytic
Sintesis ZSM-5 Menggunakan Silika Presipitasi Dari Fly Ash Pabrik CPO Rio Saputra; Edy Saputra; Yelmida Yelmida
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Wisuda April Tahun 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Palm fly ash is waste in the palm oil industry. Palm fly ash has high content of silica. ZSM-5 is one of synthetic zeolite which used as catalyst. It can be synthesized from silica and alumina using hidrothermal method. Source of silica that can be used to ZSM-5 synthesis are sodium silicate, gelled silica and precipitated silica. the purpose of this research is to synthesis ZSM-5 using precipitated silica hydrothermally. The result was analyzed using FTIR. ZSM-5 can be synthesized using precipitated silica hydrothermally. Based on infrared spectrum,the product synthesis shows four characteristic of ZSM-5 characters.Key words : fly ash, silica, hydrothermal and ZSM-5
Adsorpsi Zat Warna Rhodamine-B Menggunakan Fly Ash Sawit Yang Dimodifikasi Dengan NaOH Sebagai Adsorben Charismayani Charismayani; Edy Saputra; Ahmad Fadli
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Rhodamine B contributes significantly to environmental pollution, because it is nonbiodegradable, toxic and harmful to the environment. One effort to reduce the amount of Rhodamine B is the adsorption process. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of adsorption temperature, pH, adsorbent mass. Knowing the optimum conditions for reducing the levels of dye in the water, as well as determine the adsorption equilibrium modelsRhodamine B using fly ash oil modified with 1.4 NaOH as an adsorbent. fly ash modification processes are done by mixing fly ash and NaOH in the ratio 1: 4. The adsorption process isconducted by mixing fly ash oil and pH solution of rhodamine B. The optimum conditions for reducing the levels of rhodamine B in water is the adsorbent mass of 5 g/L, temperature of45°C and pH 2. Thermodynamic data such as ΔH, ΔG and ΔS were calculated. And the mechanism of rhodamine B dye adsorption by fly ash oil is dominated by Freundlich isotherm models representing physical adsorption.Keyword: Adsorption, Rhodamine B, Fly Ash, Isothermal Adsorption
Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Cpo Off Grade Menggunakan Reaktor Membran (Variasi Katalis Dan Fraksi Mol Umpan Enang Vovilya; Syarfi Syarfi; Edy Saputra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Membrane reactor is an alternative technology that is used in the manufacture of biodiesel, one of the advantages that the reaction and separation process takes place in a single stage simultaneous. This research aims to study the effect of the variation of the catalyst and mole ratio feed CPO off grade - methanol in biodiesel production, a pretreatment process performed on the raw materials that aim to reduce the FFA content CPO off grade, the results obtained pretreatment FFA content of 0.79%, then performed transesterification process which was held in a membrane reactor with a variation of the mole ratio of CPO off grade -methanol 1:12, 1:18, and 1:24, the concentration of the base catalyst 1% -wt, 1.5% -wt and 2% -wt, pressure transmembrane 2 bar and a temperature of 60 oC process. The results showed biodiesel production using membrane reactor reached 72.02% yield on the condition of the mole ratio of 1:18 with a concentration of 2 %-wt, characteristics of biodiesel produced meets the quality standards of biodiesel in Indonesia including biodiesel, densityis 860-884 kg/m3, viscosity of biodiesel is 5.14 to 5.76 mm2/s, Flash Point is 158-161 °C, Acid Numberis 0.62 to 0.75 mg-KOH/g.Keywords: biodiesel, CPO off grade, membrane reactor, mol ratio, catalyst concentration.
Co-Authors Abdullah Syafi’i Ade Anggriawan Affananda Taufik Agustinus Lamhot Viraro Ahmad Fadli Ahmad Zaki Al Qarni Putra Aldi Okta Priyatna Amin Fitra Amir Awaluddin Andes Sagita Arbhy Indera Ikhwansyah Arif Kurnia Arosyidin Arosyidin Bahruddin Chairul Chairul Charismayani Charismayani David Andrio Delvi Yolanda Denny Elisabet Situmeang Desly Fadilla Simbolon Eka Putri Sriandriani Eka Trisnawati Ekadian Lestari Simatupang Ekky Wahyudi Enang Vovilya Eri Kaiyul Erlisa Yanuari Putri Evelyn Evelyn Farhiz Lagan Febrian Adhitya Fenny Lasma Hilde S Fitriani Fitriani Fitry Rahmah Ganis Kharisma Wiranti Genardus Oktavri Sijabat Gusti Ayu Nurjanah Hade Karimata Hafizah Heru Kristianto Hery Fiza Simarmata Ilok Dianggoni Imelda Dewi Agusti Inget Yester Yunanda Irdoni Irdoni Ismeddiyanto Ismeddiyanto Ismi Siska Rahmayani Jhon Armedi Pinem Jhon Fery Marihot Tua S Kartika Pratama Syafitri Khairat Khairat Komalasari Komalasari Lita Darmayanti Lora Mona Tambunan M Arief Riandy M. Wahyu Nugraha Magfirah Marihot Danield Vyendri Simatupang Miguel Felix Wijaya Mohd Fajri Amrullah Monita Olivia Moses O. Tadé Muhammad Rahman Mustapa Ardi Nani Agustina Nazily Haryati Niko Rizaldi Nissa Aqhilla Nova Dwi Safitir Novi Purnama Nuraina Siregar Nurhasanah Nurhasanah Nurlis Nurlis Nurul Afifah Peji Nopeles Rahman Fikri Redol Sianturi Reno Susanto Rio Akbar Rio Saputra Rizaldi Riski Irawan Rozanna Sri Irianty Shaobin Wang Shaobin Wang Sri Meilani Sri Ulina Beru Ginting Subangkit Julio Jaya SYAIFUL BAHRI Syaifullah Muhammad Syaifullah Muhammad Syarfi Daud Syarfi Syarfi Syelvia Putri Utami Tarsensius Wabady Happy Limbong Tejo Yulandi Tresia Monika Natalia Sinaga Trisuciati Syahwardini Utama, Panca Setia Viqrie Wahyudi Wahyu Muhammad Firdaus Wahyuni Zumara Wali Ara Widya Yoesepha Windy Nila Hakim Yelmida Azis Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yudhi Salman Dwi Satya Yuliati Eka Putri Yunita Selonika Zuchra Helwani Zultiniar Zultiniar