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Journal : Jurnal Talenta Sipil

Evaluasi Simpang Tiga pada Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kuala Tungkal Ardiansyah Ardiansyah; Amsori M Das; Ari Setiawan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.001 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v4i2.55


Dalam menunjang kelancaran transportasi pada daerah urban khususnya transportasi darat, dibutuhkan sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung. Tingginya jumlah transportasi nasional khususnya kendaraan bermotor pertahun mencapai 6,13 % (BPS,2019). Dampak dari tingginya jumlah transportasi akan timbul ketika penambahan jumlah transportasi tidak diikuti dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Seperti adanya peningkatan arus lalu lintas yang tidak seimbang dikarenakan ketersediaan kapasitas jalan yang kecil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi tingkat pelayanan lalu lintas pada ruas simpang tiga Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kuala Tungkal. Perhitungan kinerja simpang menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. Data yang didapat pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei yang dilaksanakan pada pagi sore dan malam hari selama dua hari. Hasil survei menunjukan kondisi eksisting menghasilkan (DS) derajat kejenuhan pada malam hari sebesar 0,84 dimana kondisi eksisting kinerja simpang sudah mencapai kondisi jenuh.
Kinerja Simpang Empat Bersinyal Jalan Depati Purbo Dan Jalan KH. A. Majid William Noferi; Amsori M Das; Ari Setiawan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.581 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v4i2.67


Simpang Empat bersinyal Jalan Depati Purbo dan Jalan KH. Merupakan salah satu simpang bersinyal di Kota Jambi. Arus lalu lintas yang melalui simpang tersebut adalah arus lalu lintas menuju ke Provinsi Riau, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Kabupaten Batanghari dan Kota Jambi, yang merupakan daerah komersial. Simpang Empat Jalan Depati Purbo dan Jalan KH A. Majid mempunyai potensi yang dapat menimbulkan kemacetan karena banyaknya kendaraan sepeda motor, kendaraan ringan dan kendaraan berat yang melewati simpang tersebut dan tidak berfungsi lampu lalu lintas dengan baik. Jenis data yang digunakan untuk keperluan analisis adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pencatatan arus lalu lintas dibagi dalam kendaraan ringan, kendaraan berat, sepeda motor dan kendaraan tak bermotor yang dipisahkan tiap interval waktu 15 menit pada kondisi jam puncak pagi, siang dan sore pengambilan data arus lalu lintas dilakukan pada hari Minggu 09 Agusus 2020 dan Senin 10 Agustus 2020. Data tersebut dianalisis untuk mencari kapasitas, derajat kejenuhan, panjang antrian, kendaraan terhenti dan tundaan dengan metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa arus lalu lintas yang melewati Simpang Empat Jalan Depati Purbo dan Jalan KH. A. Majid adalah padat. Jam puncak terjadi pada Jl. Jambi-Riau sebesar 1283.8 smp/jam pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2020 pukul 16.00 wib-19.00 wib. Dengan nilai waktu siklus sebesar 117 detik. Kinerja simpang dapat dilihat dari nilai kapasitas, derajat kejenuhan simpang yang cukup tinggi, panjang antrian , jumlah kendaraan terhenti , tundaan.
Analisa Penjadwalan Proyek dengan Menggunakan Metode Line Of Balance (LOB) pada Proyek Pedestrian Jl. MH. Thamrin-Jl. Halim Perdana Kusuma Ahmad Efendi; Annisa Dwiretnani; Ari Setiawan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.137


Choosing the appropriate method in project scheduling is an important thing to meet the needs in construction. Construction projects that have repetitive or repetitive work require a continuous and well-scheduled supply of labor, because the repetitive project work must be able to continue to progress without being delayed. Of the several project scheduling methods, line of balance (LoB) is more suitable for repetitive projects because line of balance (LoB) is a construction project scheduling method in the form of a line that represents one type of recurring activity package. LoB can be applied to repetitive projects. Repetitive projects are construction projects whose work is done repeatedly. The study objectives to be achieved are as follows: To find out the form of the Line of Balance (LoB) method network in the “Pedestrian JL. H. Thamrin - JL. Halim Perdana Kusuma". Knowing what is the optimal time to complete the project “Pedestrian JL. MH. Thamrin - JL. Halim Perdana Kusuma” using the Line of Balance (LoB) method. From the results of the analysis using the LOB method, the optimal project completion duration is 218 days, while the existing project time schedule is 240 days. So the calculation using the LOB method is 22 days faster than the existing time schedule.
Analisa Perkerasan Kaku (Rigid Pavement) pada Ruas Jalan Simpang Pudak – Suak Kandis Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Arman Ismail; Amsori M Das; Ari Setiawan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.133


The Simpang Pudak road section is a district road that connects Muaro Jambi with Jambi City. This road section is a link to the economic, social and cultural sectors of Muaro Jambi Regency and Jambi City, so that there are also factory vehicles crossing the Simpang Pudak road section, dominated by small and large trucks transporting economic products and other agricultural products. The condition of the Simpang Pudak Road is a flexible pavement that has destroyed its surface to the foundation layer below it. he purpose of this study is to analyze rigid pavement using the 1993 AASHTO method. Planning with a road length of 312.9 m and a width of 7 meters, with a subgrade CBR of 7.3%, with a W18 value in a year of 455,664,051. In this study, the ESAL value in 30 years was 24,814,115,134 ESAL, with a concrete slab thickness of 27.2 cm. With a continuous type of pavement connection with reinforcement with a plate length of 5.5 meters, M10–150 mm wiremesh reinforcement is installed. As well as installed Tie Bar reinforcement 16 mm with a length of 700 mm and a distance of 750 mm. As well as 32 mm Dowel reinforcement with a length of 450 mm and a distance of 300 mm.
Analisa Tingkat Keselamatan Lalu Lintas pada Simpang Empat Puncak Jelutung dengan Metode Traffic Conflict Technique (TCT) M Darwin; Amsori M Das; Ari Setiawan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.129


Accidents can occur due to several factor such as road, environmental and human factors. Jelutung peak red light intersection is a place that is prone to accidents due to conflicts between vehicles and other vehicles or between vehicles and pedestrians. The four-peak Jelutung intersection has a fairly large input and output capacity, and a fairly high density alternately in each lane during peak hours. This study aim to analyze traffic conflicts and examine the problems or damage that occurred at the intersection of Jl. Hayam Wuruk – Jl. D.I Panjaitan – Jl. Dr. Sumbiyono – Jl. Gajah Mada using the Traffict Conflict Technique (TCT) method which caused an accident. The method used in collecting data in this research is a field survey at 07:00-09:00 WIB. The result obtained are 8 types of conflicts that occur at the highest peak hour at 07:45-08:45 WIB, with the highest traffic violations occurring in type 7 conflict, namely with 87 cases of violations which are potential Serious Conflicts, in the shortest Time To Accident (TA) 0.18 seconds and the longest time is 0.53 seconds. Conflicts that occur are caused by vehicle factors, damaged road conditions, lack of complementary road facilities such as road marking and traffic signs, and lack of awareness of road users in obeying traffic regulations.
Evaluasi Sisa Material Pada Pembangunan Gedung Kantor Kejaksaan Tinggi Jambi Jufli Triyandi; Annisaa Dwiretnani; Ari Setiawan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.140


In the Jambi High Prosecutor's Office Building Construction Project, remnants of project materials were found. Waste material is one of the serious problems in the implementation of construction projects. Therefore, it is necessary to do a careful and precise calculation in determining the amount of material needed to be used in the project as well as an evaluation of the use of these materials. The aim of this research is; calculate the largest percentage of material waste costs during project implementation, identify the causes of material waste, and find ways to minimize material waste after conducting analysis and evaluation. The method used is a sociological juridical type, which is a type or type of research that emphasizes field research. To obtain data in the field by conducting interviews with the project supervisory consultant and data on images and photos of the project. The result of the observation of processed data is that the largest percentage of residual material costs is obtained from the concrete coral material with the highest percentage of 26.553% of the total cost of the remaining material. As for the causes of material remnants on the job, the first is coming from the factor of throwing or throwing material, workers in the field often throw material such as when casting columns and beams where a lot of concrete is wasted out of the formwork, another cause occurs in the skill factor Based on the skills of workers, there are some remnants of boards from making formwork on columns and beams. And also when cutting iron, a lot of iron can't be reused because the rest of the iron that is cut is too small. The conclusion is that there is residual material in this project from the factor of throwing or throwing material carried out by workers and on the skill factor of the worker.
Analisis Pengaruh Rumble Strips dalam Mereduksi Kecepatan Kendaraan Ari Setiawan; Emelda Raudhati
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v6i1.188


The number of traffic accidents has increased every year, especially in Jambi City. One of the government's efforts to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to make regulations limiting speed in pedestrian areas, especially school areas. One of the speed limiters that is widely used is the rumble strip, especially in the SDN 206 area of Jambi City. This study analyzes the effect of Rumble Strips in reducing the speed of motorbikes and light vehicles. The results obtained for the speed of the motorbike before Rumble Strips was 38.24 km/hour while after Rumble Strips it was 23.81 km/hour and the resulting reduction value was 14.43 km/hour. The speed of light vehicles before Rumble Strips was 32.07 km/hour while after Rumble Strips was 22.75 km/hour and the resulting reduction value was 9.32 km/hour. The speed of light vehicles before Rumble Strips was 32.40 km/hour while after Rumble Strips was 17.07 km/hour and the resulting reduction value was 15.33 km/hour. So that from the results of the analysis it was found that motorcycles, light vehicles and heavy vehicles were able to reduce well.
Analisa Kinerja Lalu Lintas Simpang Tiga Tidak Bersinyal Studi Kasus Jalan KH Ismail Malik-Jalan Raden Syahbudin Kota Jambi Hendra Hasudungan Silaban; Amsori M Das; Ari Setiawan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v6i2.270


This study aims to determine traffic performance at intersections using the 2014 PKJI guidelines, so as to determine the capacity value at the intersection and the Degree of Saturation value to continue research by providing solutions to the problems that occur. This research method uses PKJI 2014 guidelines to obtain vehicle volume and road width values at the research location for further analysis. it is known that the peak hour with a total volume value (Q) of 2010.8 cur/hour, a capacity value (C) of 2203 cur/hour, degree of saturation (Dj) = 0.91, delay (T) = 15.96 sec/ cur and the value of the Queue Opportunity (PA) (65.53% - 33.22%). Judging from the results of the degree of saturation, the location of this study did not meet the requirements in the 2014 PKJI, where if the value of the degree of saturation was ≥ 0.85, a design change was required. The service level in this study was C (15.1 – 25.0) in the medium category. After re-calculation by redesigning the width of the minor road approach, moving the market, installing prohibited parking signs along the intersection approach and recommending the placement of bus routes at this research location, assuming the bus passengers are full. Then the resulting value of Capacity (C) is 2319.7 cur/hour, with a Degree of Saturation (Dj) value of 0.84. Where the Dj value meets the requirements of the Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI 2014).