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Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam Vol 7, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan

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Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasi dan mencegah punahnya jenis pohon bernilai tinggi palahlar (Dipterocarpus spp.) di Jawa Barat  adalah dengan penanaman. Dalam menunjang keberhasilanpenanaman salah satu kegiatan pemeliharaan tanaman yang penting adalah pemupukan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian pupuk organik M-dext terhadap respon pertumbuhan anakan palahlar (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl. dan D. hasseltii Bl.).  Penelitian dilakukan pada blok penanaman palahlar di wilayah BKPH Jasinga, KPH Bogor seluas 3,5 ha. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan rancangan acaklengkap dalam percobaan faktorial dengan dua perlakuan yaitu jarak tanam (5 m x 5 m dan 3 m x 3 m) dan pemberian pupuk organik M-Dext (0,0; 1,0; dan 2,5 ml/tanaman). Waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengukurrespon pertumbuhan tanaman setelah pemupukan adalah enam bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi perlakuan jarak tanam 3 m x 3 m dengan dosis pupuk satu ml/tanaman memberikan pengaruhsangat nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter untuk D. hasseltii  masing-masing sebesar 2,31 cm/bulan dan 0,06 cm/bulan dan untuk D. restusus masing-masing 2,33 cm/bulan dan 0,03 cm/bulan
KARAKTERISTIK TEMPAT TUMBUH POHON PALAHLAR GUNUNG (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) DI KAWASAN HUTAN LINDUNG GUNUNG CAKRABUANA, SUMEDANG, JAWA BARAT (The Site Characteristics of Palahlar Gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) in Protected 1) Forest of Cakrabuana Mountain, Sumedang, West Java) istomo, istomo; Pradiastoro, Andita
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam Vol 8, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan

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Palahlar gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) adalah salah satu jenis pohon famili Dipterocarpaceae yang bernilai tinggi yang terdapat di Jawa Barat. Keberadaan jenis tersebut terancam punah dan belum diketahui pembudidayaannya, oleh karena itu dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik tempat tumbuh palahlargunung (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah Hutan Lindung Gunung Cakrabuana, Sumedang, Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan jalur pengamatan lebar 20 m, arah tegak lurus kontur dari ketinggian 1.000-1.600 m dpl sebanyak tiga jalur dengan jarak antar jalur 500 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pohon palahlar gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) dijumpai pada ketinggian 1.000 sampai 1.225 m dpl dengan kelerengan 4-100% pada tanah Latosol yang bertekstur geluh debuan sampai lempung dengan tingkat kemasaman tanah masam sampai cukup masam. Pada ketinggian 1.000-1.099 m dpl pohon palahlar gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) sebanyak sembilan pohon. Pada ketinggian 1.100-1.199 m dpl ditemukan sebanyak 12 pohon dan pada ketinggian 1.200-1.299 m dpl ditemukan sebanyak lima pohon. Pada kelas lereng 26-50% kelimpahan palahlar gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) paling besar yaitu sebanyak 15 pohon. Pada kelas lereng 51-75% kelimpahan palahlar gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) sebanyak lima dan empat pohon dan kelimpahan palahlar gunung(Dipterocarpus retusus Bl.) paling kecil terdapat pada kelas lereng 76-100% yaitu sebanyak dua pohon.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 13, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v13i3.671


Fagraea fragrans known as tembesu is a tree species used for panel wood (MDF, medium density fiberboard), particle board, veneer and furniture. The aim of this experiment was to know successful growth origin of shoot cutting F. fragrans and to study the effect of combination treatment the origin of cutting material and media F. fragrans. The shoot cutting was done with KOFFCO system. The results showedthat the cutting material from seedling juvenile shoot provided 61.56% of shoot formation, 91.42% of survivorship and 76.33% root formed.In addition, origin material from seedling juvenile gave a significantly effect on root length and wet root weight, wet shoot weight, dry root weight and significant on dry shoot weight parameter. The increasing age of the parent tree, diminishing cuttings success. The cuttings media cocopeat (coir dust) with paddy husk gives very significant effect on root length parameter, significant on wet root weight and gave very significant effect on root dry wet. There is an interaction between the cuttings material with cutting media, for root length parameter,wet root weight and dry root weight.
Keragaman Struktur Tegakan Hutan Alam Sekunder (The Variability of Stand Structure of Logged-over Natural Forest) Muhdin; Endang Suhendang; Djoko Wahjono; Herry Purnomo; Istomo; Bintang C.H. Simangunsong
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 14 No. 2 (2008)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Differences in logging intensity, forestfires and forest encroachment have caused the variability of natural forest conditions, including its horizontal and vertical stand structures. Information on stand structure variability and dynamic of secondary forests is essential for projecting the future stand structure, which can be used to develop forest management plan. This study, which used 109 permanent sample plots data established on low and dry-land logged over natural forests in Kalimantan, showed that there was an obvious variability of the stand conditions after logging in terms of the trees number per hectare and horizontal stand structures.
Pendugaan Dinamika Struktur Tegakan Hutan Alam Bekas Tebangan Muhdin; Endang Suhendang; Djoko Wahjono; Herry Purnomo; Istomo; Bintang Charles H Simangunsong
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 17 No. 1 (2011)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Dynamics of stand structure (DST), which could indicate the growth performance of logged-over forests, may vary depending on various factors, e.g. stand density, initial stand structure, species composition, time after logging, and environmental factors (rainfall, elevation, etc.). The variations of such factors could result in the variations of DST’s components (e.g. proportion of trees upgrowth and staying). However, this study, which used 75 permanent sample plots data of lowland and dryland natural forests in Kalimantan, showed that the proportion of trees upgrowth and staying could not be predicted satisfactorily using the number of trees, stand basal area, time after logging, and elevation as independent variables in multiple linear regression models. The regression models produced unrealistic projections of stand structures. In contrast, the projection of stand structures using the DST’s components that were calculated using arithmetic mean was better than that of the regression models.
Estimation of Total Carbon Stocks in Soil and Vegetation of Tropical Peat Forest in Indonesia Ujang Suwarna; Elias; Istomo
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 18 No. 2 (2012)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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The study was conducted in the forest concession area of PT. Diamond Raya Timber, Riau Province, Indonesia. Measurement and calculation carbon stocks in soil and vegetation of tropical peat forest should be done accurately to anticipate carbon trading. The objective of the study is to estimate carbon stocks in soil and vegetation in 4 forest conditions. The study found that biomass and carbon stocks in the soil was 8 times higher than in the vegetation in primary forest condition, and 10 times in logged over forest and secondary forest condition. Carbon stocks in vegetation and soil were 189.45 ton C ha-1 and 1537.37 ton C ha-1 in primary forest, 161.76 ton C ha-1, and 1713.77 ton C ha-1 in logged over area, 139.05 ton C ha-1 and 1486.39 ton C ha-1 in secondary forest, and 43.09 ton C ha-1 and 1205.59 ton C ha-1 in degraded forest. Allocation of carbon stocks in the standing trees in primary forest, logged over area, secondary forest, and degraded forest were 70, 60, 62, and 7% respectively.
Pendugaan biomassa dan potensi karbon terikat di atas permukaan tanah pada hutan rawa gambut bekas terbakar di Sumatera Selatan Nong Ayu Eka Widyasari; Bambang Hero Saharjo; . Solichin; . Istomo
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Forest has an important role to absorb C02 which is used during photosynthesis to produce 02 and energy. Carbon was stored dominantly in biomass. When peat forest burnt, a lot of carbon emissions are acumulated in the atmosphere, which stimulate global warming. This study aims to estimate biomass and fix carbon contain in ex-burned merang peat forest and make models between biomass and fix carbon of various tree component (stems, branches, twigs and leaves) and also to calculate fix carbon and biomass stock in burned merang peat forest. The results show that biomass and fix carbon in burned merang peat forest can be estimated using allometric equation models: Wtotal = 0.153108 D2,40 and Ctotal = 0,0302 D2,35•  Fix carbon stock in the trees very related to biomass and it can be calculated using formula Ctotal = 0.188799 W0,980•  Stems store largest proportion of biomass in a single tree. They contribute to approximately 68.09 - 82.28% of total tree biomass. Leaves, twigs and brunch each contribute to 4.17 -  14.44%;  6.16 - 10.32%  and  7.15 -  7.45 respectively.  Fix carbon of trees can be estimated using biomass formula. It shows that each tree shares 16.49 - 17.70°/o of carbon from total biomass in average. Total biomass and fix carbon on the above ground of burned Merang peat forest are 151,650.48 kg/ha and  29,105.19 kg/ha respectively.
Agromet Vol. 22 No. 1 (2008): June 2008
Publisher : PERHIMPI (Indonesian Association of Agricultural Meteorology)

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CCFPI is project activity on “Climate Change, Forests and Peatlands in Indonesia” funded by the “Canadian International Development Agency” (CIDA) through Climate Change and Development Fund, Canada. This project is designed to increase sustainable management of forests and peatlands in Indonesia in order to increase the capacity in carbon sequestration and also better of community incomes. One of project location in Kalimantan is area Ex-PLG Blok A, Mentangai, Central Kalimantan. This article present study on total value carbon gained as impact from various interventions in location of CCFPI project activity in area Ex-PLG Blok A, Mentangai. Method of estimation on carbon stock is conducted by Sample Plot of Measurement (PCP). Calculation of carbon stock with equation of alometrik which is present in Field Guidance to Estimate Carbon Stock on Peatland (Murdiyarso, 2004). Activity of cannal blocking by CCFPI project has result to the positive impacts to the reduction rate of carbon both for above and below ground carbon as well as carbon content by tree plantation established by the community inside the areas of around 43,451 ha. Based on result of calculation, the amount of above ground carbon stock obtained 14,448 ton C. Carbon stock found in the trees plantation in surrounding the cannal 0.777 ton C. Below ground carbon stock is ranged between 550,782 ton C up to 2,223,424 ton C.
Kajian Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vries Ras Kerinci di Resort KSDA Bukit Tapan, Kawasan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat, Jambi Istomo .; Cecep Kusmana; Syafda Roswandi
Media Konservasi Vol 7 No 1 (2000): Media Konservasi
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

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Species of Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vries of Kerinci is a unique variety, because this species grows naturally in southernKerinci Mountain. Objectives of this research were to identify growth distribution of P. merkusii Kerinci variety based on field condition and to determine important physically factors for growth of P. merkusii Kerinci variety. This research was conducted in montane rain forest of Bukit Tapan, Kerinci Seblat national park region for two months (April-May 1996). This research used multiply plot sampling with rectangular form (20 m x 20 m) in 24 the research sampling plots. Soil samples were taken from each plot for soil c h d s t i c analysis. Data was analyzed by vegetation analysis, ordination, and multiple regression linear by stepwise procedure to identify mostinfluence's physical factors. Research was found 47 trees species classified within 39 genus and 25 family. The 24 permanent plots wen dominated by P. merkusii (IVI = 115.33%). Number of P. merkusii in each permanent plot among 1-13 trees. Range of basal area of pines between 0.66 m2ha and 39.08 m21ha whereas non-pines among 4.06 m2ha and 13.88 m h a . The result of research showed that P.merkusii Kerinci variety grow well in Litosol soil, with sandy clay texture, with proportion of sand : dust : clay are 14 : 5 : 1 or I5 : 4 : 1, 53.21-56.48% of porosity and 1.14-1.24 g/cc of bulk density.
Mangrove Diversity in Production Forest Management Unit (FMU) Bulungan Unit VIII North Kalimantan Karlina Fitri Kartika; Istomo Istomo; Siti Amanah
Media Konservasi Vol 23 No 3 (2018): Media Konservasi Vol. 23 No. 3 Desember 2018
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.18 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.23.3.253-261


Mangrove ecosystem have various important roles as habitat for marine and terrestrial species. However, the ecosystem has recently faced anthropogenic threats delivered by the expansion of aquaculture pond. Study of mangrove diversity was conducted in Production FMU Bulungan Unit VIII, North Kalimantan. The study was aimed to analyze species diversity in the FMU Bulungan Unit VIII and determine community perception on existing mangrove condition. Vegetation analysis was applied to quantify mangrove community in two sampling locations, Salimbatu and Liagu, within 26 quadratic plots (10mx10m). As many as 63 respondents were interviewed to analyze communities’ perception. As the result, 10 species were identified species and one unidentified species recorded during the survey. Rhizophoraceae was dominated the species composition in sampling area. Rhizophora mucronata had the highest Importance Value Index in tree and seedling stage while Rhizophora apiculata was dominant in sapling stage. On the other hand, Bruguiera parviflora was recorded on each growth stages in all sampling plots. Species diversity index (H’) of mangrove vegetation in the FMU was found at 1,68 with species richness index value 1,58. This diversity index considered as moderate diverse since only few vegetation species are able to live in the mangal. The perpendicular structure of mangrove in the FMU formed an inverse J-shape which showed normal growth of uneven-age forest stand. The interview result implied that more than 50% of the respondent considered that mangrove condition in their village area has been disturbed. Therefore mangrove management with local community involvement is neccessarily required to improve the mangrove performance. Keywords: communities perception, habitat, mangrove, species diversity