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Journal : Jurnal KALAM

Kritik “INSISTS” Terhadap Gagasan Pluralisme Agama Fata, Ahmad Khoirul; Fauzan, Fauzan
KALAM Vol 11, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (721.858 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v11i1.905


The theology of religious pluralism presented as a solution to resolve the conflict in a multi-religious society. But this idea is very debatable in the Indonesian Muslim community. One of the groups  refuses aloud is a group of young intellectuals who are members of the Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought and Civilization (INSISTS). This paper describes the arguments used in the INSISTS activists criticized the idea of religious pluralism. Instead of a solution, INSISTS activists assess religious pluralism is a new problem in a multi-religious society. The problem lies in some respects, namely socio-historical context is different between Muslim societies and the West where the first time the idea came, also contains the idea of pluralism rated parallelism religious truth and relativism of truth. The negative side is what makes religious pluralism is not the solution in building harmony in a plural society, but it gave birth to syncretism and relativism of religious truth. INSISTS activists viewed the idea of religious pluralism as a foreign idea that is contrary to Islamic faith and the teachings. Due to the application of the  religious pluralism theology in Islam can damage the principal Islamic faith and teachings.
Feminism Paradigm In Gender Equality Argument of Nasaruddin Umar Fata, Ahmad Khoirul; Iderus, Muhammad Hasan Said
KALAM Vol 12, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4587.069 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v12i1.2248


The idea of gender equality, that dominates contemporary men-women relation discourse, makes a number of Muslim thinkers trying to reinterpretation some of the religious doctrines that are considered as biased. At this point the scripture became the main target of the review, because of its position as a major source of religious doctrines. This effort has been done by Nasaruddin Umar through the book "Argument Kesetaraan Gender Perspektif al-Quran". By using the hermeneutics and semantics methods, his study focused on the historical study of Arab society and the meaning of vocabulary in the Quran that are directly related to gender issues. Nasaruddin saw the primary mission of the Qur’an is actually a liberating womens from the Arab patriarchist and similarity to the relations between men and women. But, the structure of the language and culture of Arab societies have been "trapped" word of God. Its makes a misunderstood that Islam helped to perpetuate the culture. This paper attempts to prove the strong influence of feminism paradigm in the Nasaruddin’s thought, and that so impressed coercion meaning of vocabulary and verses of the Qur’an adapted to the paradigm. The imposition of meaning occurs on the distinction of the meaning of the word al-Rijal / rajul and al-dzakar. The first emphasis on the quality and culture, the second emphasis on the biological aspects. But unfortunately, Nasaruddin was inconsistent using the sense that it provides itself. In addition, this paper provides a critical assessment of his socio-historical approach to build gender equality argument. Here the author found the reckless of Nasaruddin in seeing the socio-historical context of Arab society before and during the revelation of al-Quran. This makes his analysis tend to amplify and redirect the reason feminism espoused.
Integralis-Moderat: Potret Politik Mohammad Natsir Fajar Nursahid; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
KALAM Vol 14, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (216.291 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v14i2.7147


Some scholars conclude that someone who believes in the unity of religion-state tends to have resistance to modern Western political ideas and institutions. This view is rooted in the history of the emergence of modern political concepts and institutions which are the antithesis of medieval European political institutions, namely theocracy. As opposed to the absolutism of the Church of the Middle Ages, modern political ideas make all that is colored religious-political integration into a negative. This blurry picture has also hit the Islamic world to this day. By using a historical approach, this paper raises the political ideas and actions of the General Chairman of the Masyumi Party, Mohammad Natsir. He is a prominent Islamic political figure who carries the idea of state-religion integration. This article focuses on discussing the construct of Natsir's religion-state integration paradigm, and Natsir's political attitude towards Western political concepts. This article finds that Natsir does believe in the necessity of unifying religion with politics, however, he can accept modern Western political ideas and institutions. More than that, Natsir actually rejected absolute political institutions such as theocracy or monarchy. Thus, it can be concluded that the proponents of the idea of state-religion integration are not always anti-modern ideas (such as democracy) or support an absolute political system such as theocracy. Natsir became clear evidence of an integralist as well as moderate.
Feminism Paradigm In Gender Equality Argument of Nasaruddin Umar Ahmad Khoirul Fata; Muhammad Hasan Said Iderus
KALAM Vol 12, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4587.069 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v12i1.2248


The idea of gender equality, that dominates contemporary men-women relation discourse, makes a number of Muslim thinkers trying to reinterpretation some of the religious doctrines that are considered as biased. At this point the scripture became the main target of the review, because of its position as a major source of religious doctrines. This effort has been done by Nasaruddin Umar through the book "Argument Kesetaraan Gender Perspektif al-Qur'an". By using the hermeneutics and semantics methods, his study focused on the historical study of Arab society and the meaning of vocabulary in the Qur'an that are directly related to gender issues. Nasaruddin saw the primary mission of the Qur’an is actually a liberating womens from the Arab patriarchist and similarity to the relations between men and women. But, the structure of the language and culture of Arab societies have been "trapped" word of God. Its makes a misunderstood that Islam helped to perpetuate the culture. This paper attempts to prove the strong influence of feminism paradigm in the Nasaruddin’s thought, and that so impressed coercion meaning of vocabulary and verses of the Qur’an adapted to the paradigm. The imposition of meaning occurs on the distinction of the meaning of the word al-Rijal / rajul and al-dzakar. The first emphasis on the quality and culture, the second emphasis on the biological aspects. But unfortunately, Nasaruddin was inconsistent using the sense that it provides itself. In addition, this paper provides a critical assessment of his socio-historical approach to build gender equality argument. Here the author found the reckless of Nasaruddin in seeing the socio-historical context of Arab society before and during the revelation of al-Qur'an. This makes his analysis tend to amplify and redirect the reason feminism espoused.
Kritik “INSISTS” Terhadap Gagasan Pluralisme Agama Ahmad Khoirul Fata; Fauzan Fauzan
KALAM Vol 11, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (721.858 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v11i1.905


The theology of religious pluralism presented as a solution to resolve the conflict in a multi-religious society. But this idea is very debatable in the Indonesian Muslim community. One of the groups refuses aloud is a group of young intellectuals who are members of the Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought and Civilization (INSISTS). This paper describes the arguments used in the INSISTS activists criticized the idea of religious pluralism. Instead of a solution, INSISTS activists assess religious pluralism is a new problem in a multi-religious society. The problem lies in some respects, namely socio-historical context is different between Muslim societies and the West where the first time the idea came, also contains the idea of pluralism rated parallelism religious truth and relativism of truth. The negative side is what makes religious pluralism is not the solution in building harmony in a plural society, but it gave birth to syncretism and relativism of religious truth. INSISTS activists viewed the idea of religious pluralism as a foreign idea that is contrary to Islamic faith and the teachings. Due to the application of the religious pluralism theology in Islam can damage the principal Islamic faith and teachings.