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Optimalisasi Energi Terbarukan pada Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik dalam Menghadapi Desa Mandiri Energi di Margajaya T. Haryono, Arif Febriansyah Juwito , Sasongko Pramonohadi ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 15, No 1 (2012): MEI 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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The Energy Self-Sufficient Village is one of main programs from goverment about the village ability to produce energy. This program has been launched in 2007 by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, to enhance energy security in rural areas by harnessing local energy potential. The criteria of Energy Self-Sufficient Village is village capability to produce at least 60% of the total amount of required energy, using renewable energy. Geographically, Margajaya village has solar and microhydro resource which is very potential for being developed. Furthermore, Margajaya also produces agricultural commodities such as palm oil, in which it also produces waste like palm bunches which is a very potential biomass. The optimization of renewable energy for electrical power generation which has annual power peak of 65kW and daily energy consumtion of 415kWh/day in Margajaya village has been designed using HOMER. The result from simulation of Hybrid renewable system in HOMER showed that Hydro, Biomass and grid is the most economical solution over hydro-biomass-PV with battery, to design hybrid system with minimum total net present cost (NPC) and cost of electricity. The system can serve annual 100% of load in Margajaya and have surplus of electricity, and could sell to grid with amount of 124.827kWh/years. Economically, the electricity of the system costs US$ 0,013/kWh.
Perancangan SOP Pemilihan Pengadaan Proyek TI Menggunakan Metode E-purchasing di Biro TI BPK Andityo, Bimo Hario; Hadi, Sasongko Pramono; Nugroho, Lukito Edi
Prosiding Snatika (Seminar Nasional Teknologi, Informasi, Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya) Vol 4 (2017): Prosiding Snatika (Seminar Nasional Teknologi, Informasi, Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya)
Publisher : Prosiding Snatika (Seminar Nasional Teknologi, Informasi, Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya)

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Pengadaan barang dan jasa merupakan upaya pemenuhan atau penyediaan kebutuhan baik barang maupun jasa yang dilakukan guna memenuhi kebutuhan pada suatu proyek pekerjaan. Prinsip dasar pengadaan barang dan jasa di lingkungan pemerintah adalah efektif, efisien, terbuka, adil dan akuntabel. Pada pemilihan pengadaan, terdapat metode e-purchasing yaitu tata cara pembelian barang dan jasa melalui sistem katalog elektronik. Metode e-purchasing digunakan untuk mendorong sistem tata kelola di lingkukngan pemerintahan menjadi lebih baik dan transparan. Begitu juga dengan di Biro TI pada BPK yang kerap kali menggunakan metode e-purchasing dalam pengadaan barang dan jasanya. Sedangkan SOP adalah instruksi tertulis tentang langkah-langkah dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan secara spesifik, terstruktur dan sistematis. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi belum adanya SOP mengenai pemilihan penyedia pengadaan barang dan jasa menggunakan metode e-purchasing di lingkungan Biro TI di BPK. Penelitian ini menghasilkan usulan kebutuhan SOP yang dapat membantu mendukung pelaksanaan tugas unit kerja terkait pengadaan melalui metode e-purchasing sehingga proses pengadaan menjadi lebih terstruktur dan sistematis.
An Evaluation Model Using Perceived User Technology Organization Fit Variable for Evaluating the Success of Information Systems Muslimin, Imam; Hadi, Sasongko Pramono; Nugroho, Eko
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 4, No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v4i2.12012


In the information systems field, the fit between the components of information systems is a topic that has attracted the attention of many researchers. Various concepts of the fit such as Task-Technology Fit (TTF), Fit between Individuals, Tasks, and Technology (FITT), and Human Organization Technology Fit (HOT-Fit) are proposed and studied in various studies. In those various concept, the fit is one of the keys to the successful implementation and acceptance of information systems. Through a study of relevant literature, this study proposes a model consisting of human, organization, and technology characteristics, and adds the Perceived User Technology Organization Fit (PUTOF) variable as the initiated variable that influences the intention to use. In subsequent research, this model can be tested quantitatively with case studies of the information system implementation in an organization.
Perancangan SOP Pemilihan Pengadaan Proyek TI Menggunakan Metode E-purchasing di Biro TI BPK Andityo, Bimo Hario; Hadi, Sasongko Pramono; Nugroho, Lukito Edi
Prosiding SNATIKA Vol 4 (2017): Prosiding Snatika (Seminar Nasional Teknologi, Informasi, Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya)
Publisher : LPPM STIKI Malang

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Pengadaan barang dan jasa merupakan upaya pemenuhan atau penyediaan kebutuhan baik barang maupun jasa yang dilakukan guna memenuhi kebutuhan pada suatu proyek pekerjaan. Prinsip dasar pengadaan barang dan jasa di lingkungan pemerintah adalah efektif, efisien, terbuka, adil dan akuntabel. Pada pemilihan pengadaan, terdapat metode e-purchasing yaitu tata cara pembelian barang dan jasa melalui sistem katalog elektronik. Metode e-purchasing digunakan untuk mendorong sistem tata kelola di lingkukngan pemerintahan menjadi lebih baik dan transparan. Begitu juga dengan di Biro TI pada BPK yang kerap kali menggunakan metode e-purchasing dalam pengadaan barang dan jasanya. Sedangkan SOP adalah instruksi tertulis tentang langkah-langkah dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan secara spesifik, terstruktur dan sistematis. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi belum adanya SOP mengenai pemilihan penyedia pengadaan barang dan jasa menggunakan metode e-purchasing di lingkungan Biro TI di BPK. Penelitian ini menghasilkan usulan kebutuhan SOP yang dapat membantu mendukung pelaksanaan tugas unit kerja terkait pengadaan melalui metode e-purchasing sehingga proses pengadaan menjadi lebih terstruktur dan sistematis.
TEKNIK Volume 30, Nomor 2, Tahun 2009
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.948 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v30i2.1871


The Kalman filter is a recursive solution to the process linear filtering problem that can remove the noisefrom signal and then the information can useful. The process that use Kalman filter must be approximatedas two equations of linear system, state equation and output equation. Computation of Kalman filter isminimizes the mean of the square error. This paper explore the basic consepts of the Kalman filteralgorithm and simulate its to filter data of gyroscope to get a rotation. The measurement noise covariancedetermines how much information from the sample is used. If measurement noise covariance is high showthat the measurement isn’t very accurate. The process noise covariance contributes to the overalluncertainty of the estimate as it is added to the error covariance matrix in each time step. If the errorcovariance matrix is small the Kalman filter incorporates a lot less of the measurement into estimate ofrotation.
Transmisi Vol 15, No 2 (2013): TRANSMISI
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.984 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/transmisi.15.2.66-72


Abstrak   Komponen biaya paling besar pada operasi pembangkitan thermal adalah biaya bahan bakar. Permasalahan bagaimana meminimalkan biaya bahan bakar dengan menentukan kombinasi daya output dari masing-masing unit pembangkit dengan kekangan terpenuhinya beban sistem dan batas kemampuan masing-masing unit pembangkit dikenal dengan istilah economic dispatch (ED). Dalam penelitian ini, diusulkan metode Modified Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (MIPSO) dengan pendekatan Contriction Factor Based Particle Swarm Optimization (CFBPSO) Kemudian metode pendekatan ini diterapkan dalam 2 kasus sistem tenaga yaitu pada kasus IEEE 30 bus pada pembebanan 800 MW dan sistem interkoneksi 500 kV Jawa-Bali dengan pembebanan puncak 12058 MW. Dari hasil simulasi IEEE 30 bus,  metode MIPSO dengan pendekatan CFBPSO mampu menghasilkan solusi paling optimal ekonomi dibanding metode pendekatan MPSO dan Quadratic Programing. Untuk kasus sistem interkoneksi 500 kV Jawa-Bali, metode MIPSO dengan pendekatan ini juga mampu memberikan solusi paling optimal dibanding dengan sistem real PT. PLN (Persero).   Kata kunci:   economic dispatch (ED), modified improved particle swarm optimization (MIPSO), sistem interkoneksi 500 kV Jawa-Bali.     Abstract The most substantial component of the operating cost of thermal generation is fuel costs. The problem of how to minimize the cost of fuel to determine the combination of the output power of each generating unit with the fulfillment of load constraint systems and limit the ability of each generating unit known as economic dispatch (ED). In this study, the proposed method Modified Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (MIPSO) approach Contriction Factor Based Particle Swarm Optimization (CFBPSO) then this approach is applied in 2 cases the power system in the case of IEEE 30 bus at loading 800 MW and 500 kV power system Java-Bali with 12058 MW peak load.  The IEEE 30 bus simulation results, the method MIPSO with CFBPSO approach is able to produce the most optimal economic solution than MPSO approach and Quadratic Programming. For the case of 500 kV power system is Java-Bali, MIPSO method with this approach is also able to provide the most optimal solution compared with the real system PT. PLN (Persero).   Keywords: economic dispatch (ED), modified improved particle swarm optimization (MIPSO), 500 kV power system in Java-Bali.
Transmisi Vol 16, No 3 (2014): TRANSMISI
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.42 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/transmisi.16.3.147-153


Abstrak   Ketidakstabilan tegangan merupakan fenomena dalam sistem tenaga listrik yang dapat menyebabkan voltage collapse pada sistem. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menjaga kestabilan adalah dengan memasang peralatan FACTS pada sistem. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan tiga jenis FACTS yaitu SVC, TCSC dan UPFC dalam meningkatkan kestabilan tegangan. Penempatan peralatan FACTS dilakukan berdasarkan analisis menggunakan PV-curve, line stability indices yang terdiri dari Lmn, fast voltage stability index (FVSI),  dan voltage collapse proximity index (VCPI) untuk menentukan bus dengan tegangan terkritis sebagai kandidat lokasi pemasangan peralatan FACTS. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pemasangan SVC memperbaiki loading parameter sebesar 0.0797 pu (2.82%) dan tegangan kritis sebesar 0,276 pu (40.53%). Sementara penempatan TCSC mampu menaikkan loading parameter sebesar 0,0151 pu (0.5%) dan tegagan kritis sebesar 0,0354 pu (5.2%). Sedangkan UPFC mampu menaikkan loading parameter sebesar 0,2212 pu (7.82% ) dan tegangan kritis sebesar 0,2354 pu (34.57%).   Kata kunci: stabilitas tegangan, FACTS, CPF,line stability indices     Abstract   Voltage instability is a phenomenom in electric power systems that can lead to voltage collapse in the system. FACTS devices are used to maintain the stability. This study aim to compare the effects of three types of FACTS devicesSVC, TCSC and UPFC for improving voltage stability. Placement of FACTS devices based on the analysis performed using the PV-curve, line stability indices consisting of Lmn, fast voltage stability index (FVSI ), and voltage collapse proximity index (VCPI) to determine the most crtitical bus voltage. FACTS equipment installed on buses that have a most critical voltage. Simulation results show that SVC installation can improve loading parameters of 0,0797 pu (2,82%) and critical voltage of 0.276 pu (40.53%). While the placement of TCSC able to improve the loading parameters of 0.0151 pu (0,5%) critical voltage of 0.0354 pu (5,2%). Whereas UPFC is able to improve the loading parameters of 0,2212 pu (7,82%) and critical voltageof0,2354 pu (34.57%).   Keywords: voltage stability, FACTS, CPF, line stability indices
Dynamic Modeling and Damping Function of GUPFC in Multi-Machine Power System Hadi, Sasongko Pramono
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science Vol 22, No 4 (2011)
Publisher : IPTEK, LPPM, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j20882033.v22i4.76


This paper presents a new dynamic model of multi-machine power system equipped with GUPFC for power system study, and using PSS and GUPFC POD controller some effective control schemes are proposed to improve power system stability. Based on UPFC configuration, an additional series boosting transformer is considered to define a GUPFC configuration and its mathematical model; Phillips-Heffron scheme is used to formulate machine model, and modification of network dealing with GUPFC parameter is carried out to develop a MIMO as well as comprehensive power system with GUPFC model. Genetics Algorithm method was proposed to lead-lag compensation design, this technique provides the parameter controller. The controller produced supplementary signals, the PSS for machine and POD for GUPFC. By applying a small disturbance, the dynamic stability power system was investigated. Simulation results show that the proposed power system with GUPFC model is valid and suitable for stability analysis. The installation of GUPFC without POD decreased the damping oscillation. But, the results show that the presence of GUPFC in power system network provided by PSS and POD controller is very potential to improve system stability. A 66% overshoot reduction could be reached, it is obtained 12 s in settling time (shorter), although the rise time become 700 ms longer. Simulation results revealed that the role of POD controller is more dominant than the PSS, however both PSS and GUPFC POD controller simultaneously present a positive interaction. Phase angle of converter C, δC is the most significant control signal POD in oscillation damping.
An Evaluation Model Using Perceived User Technology Organization Fit Variable for Evaluating the Success of Information Systems Muslimin, Imam; Hadi, Sasongko Pramono; Nugroho, Eko
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 4, No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v4i2.12012


In the information systems field, the fit between the components of information systems is a topic that has attracted the attention of many researchers. Various concepts of the fit such as Task-Technology Fit (TTF), Fit between Individuals, Tasks, and Technology (FITT), and Human Organization Technology Fit (HOT-Fit) are proposed and studied in various studies. In those various concept, the fit is one of the keys to the successful implementation and acceptance of information systems. Through a study of relevant literature, this study proposes a model consisting of human, organization, and technology characteristics, and adds the Perceived User Technology Organization Fit (PUTOF) variable as the initiated variable that influences the intention to use. In subsequent research, this model can be tested quantitatively with case studies of the information system implementation in an organization.
Studi Stabilitas Pemasangan PSS dengan Memanfaatkan Sinyal Global Berbasis PSO pada Sistem Tenaga Multimesin Prasetia, Fajar; Hadi, Sasongko Pramono; ., Sarjiya
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v5n2.285.2016


This paper presents stability a study on multi-machine power system is equipped with PSS based on global signal as a control signal. Filters in PSS structure is designed based on frequency response, whereas the lead-lag parameters optimized by PSO. The performance of design proposed tested on 3-Machine 4-Bus power system that disturb with load increasing. The eigenvalue and participation factor analysis results show that system with PSS based on coordination between local and global signal have a performance such us damping ratio, settling time and overshoot are better than system with PSS based on local signal only.Keywords : Multi-machine, PSS, global signal, PSO, eigenvalue analysis, participation factor, stability.Abstrak—Paper ini menyajikan studi stabilitas pada sistem tenaga multimesin yang dilengkapi dengan PSS berbasis sinyal global sebagai sinyal kendali. Filter dalam struktur PSS dirancang berdasarkan tanggapan frekuensinya, sedangkan parameter lead-lag dioptimisasi dengan PSO. Unjuk kerja dari rancangan ini diuji pada test system 3-Mesin 4-Bus yang diganggu dengan kenaikan beban. Hasil analisis eigenvalue, participation factor dan simulasi domain waktu menunjukkan bahwa sistem dengan PSS berbasis koordinasi antara sinyal lokal dan sinyal global memiliki unjuk kerja berupa rasio redaman, settling time dan overshoot yang lebih baik dari PSS berbasis sinyal lokal saja.Kata Kunci : Multimesin, PSS, sinyal global, PSO, analisis eigenvalue, participation factor, stabilitas.