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Motor Protection Circuit Breaker (MPCB) Sebagai Sistem Proteksi Motor Induksi 3 Phase Pada Mesin Wide Belt Sander SR-RP 1300 PT. Sejin Lestari Furniture Utami Pingkan Anggraini; Didik Aribowo
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Desember : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v1i2.78


Pada PT. Sejin Lestari Furniture merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang furniture yang memproduksi seperti gitar, pintu, lemari, kursi, meja maupun perlengkapan interior dan eksterior. Untuk mempermudah dalam proses pengerjaan barang jadi maka pada perusahaan ini menggunakan mesin pengamplas kayu atau bisa disebut dengan mesin wide belt sander yang memiliki amplas berbentuk selendang di gerakkan oleh motor induksi. Dalam mesin ini terdapat lima jenis motor induksi. Supaya pengoperasian mesin dapat dilaksanakan dengan optimal dalam mesin wide belt sander ini terdapat sistem proteksi yang mampu mengatasi dan meminimalisir terjadinya beban berlebih pada motor induksi, sistem proteksi ini ialah Motor Protection Circuit Breaker (MPCB). Pada dasarnya mpcb ini harus disetting terlebih dahulu sesuai dari kapasitas masing – masing motor induksi supaya pada saat pengoperasian mesin dapat terkontrol secara efektif. Kata Kunci:
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Desember : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v1i2.79


Gas Engine Power Plant (PLTMG) is a type of power plant that uses dual fuel, namely LNG (liquid natural gas) and BBM (fuel oil). Along with the continuous operation of the Ambon Peaker PLTMG unit. So do not rule out that the engine performance will decrease. The decrease in engine performance will affect the power supply of electrical energy to the electricity demand network. In order to maintain a reliable, safe, and efficient electricity supply. So the performance of the engine performance will always be monitored regularly. This is done so that the performance of the engine performance is always properly monitored. One of the performances to assess the performance of the Ambon Peaker PLTMG unit is by carrying out a Performance Test. The method used in industrial practice activities carried out at the Ambon Peaker 30 MW PLTMG is practical work in the form of field research.
SIMULASI JARINGAN METRO ETHERNET DENGAN APLIKASI CIS-CO PACKET TRACER VERSI 6.2.0 Naufal Taufiqul Hakim; Hijroh Tamamil Gina; Apriliano Chandra Diva; Gilang Gemilang; Didik Aribowo
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.130


Metro ethernet is an ethernet-based high-capacity data network solution service that provides flexibility, simplicity and quality of service (qos) to business customers of internet service providers (isp) and other licensed service providers (olo). Ethernet has speeds of up to 10 gbps and with distances of tens or even hundreds of kilometers. The method used in writing this journal is to use the literature review method, namely the method used is the result of an analysis of various previously published scientific article information. Utilization of metro ethernet in its benefits, namely managing risk intelligently, in its management functioning and running independently, namely utilization for each operational, functional and administrative. Reliability, in operation metro ethernet will detect and track discovery to report that it is in a connection failure situation in its performance measurement. Flexibility, support for various services and transportation. Cost-efficiency, simple and highly maintainable metro ethernet network scalability, supports speeds up to 10 gbps. This research was made to find out more about the uses of the metro ethernet network and the configuration on metro ethernet.
Analisis Perbandingan Google Home Dan Amazon Alexa Pada Rumah Pintar (Smart Home) Gera Nugraha; Fernando Juliansyah; Farhan Firdaus; Didik Aribowo
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Desember : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i2.250


This analysis will help Smart Home users to understand the advantages, disadvantages, and significant differences between these two platforms. With this more in-depth information, users will be able to make smarter decisions in choosing the platform that best suits their needs and preferences in managing their Smart Home.
Perangkat Lunak Komputer Agung Rizky Jamas; Destri Anggraeni; M. Aziz Nur Mubarak; Didik Aribowo
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Desember : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i2.254


The development of the world of technology at this time has a major influence and impact on the development of educational information systems. In the world of information systems that aim to provide various kinds of information, and with the development of technological progress experiencing very rapid development, it is characterized by the increasing number of computer-based information systems. The objectives of this journal are (1) Analyzing the history and evolution of browsers, (2) Identifying the Challenges Faced by Browsers (3) Reviewing the Latest Innovations in software. The method in writing this journal is in the form of data collection from several journals. (1) The Internet was first created by the United States Department of Defense (DARPA) in the 1960s. Early browser software such as "NCSA Mosaic" appeared in the early 1990s, allowing users to access text and images simply via the HTTP protocol, (2) The challenges faced by browsers are security, user privacy, sustainability of mobile devices etc., (3) The latest innovations in software are the latest web technologies, enhanced security and support for VR/AR.
Potensi Pembangkit Listrik Berbasis Energi Air Mikrohindro Bendungan Di Banten Rahima Mahabbah; Ryan Adam Hidayatullah; Muhammad Rizky; Khaila Mardina Fauziah Awalia; Didik Aribowo
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v3i1.392


Banten Province has a number of dams that have the potential to be developed as micro hydro-based renewable energy centers. Micro hydro is a technology that utilizes water flow to produce electricity on a small scale, ideal for areas with abundant water resources. The dam in Banten, which was originally built for irrigation, flood control and raw water supply, can be optimized to produce environmentally friendly electrical energy. This research uses literature study methods and secondary data analysis to evaluate the potential of dams in Banten as a micro hydro renewable energy center. The data used includes official reports, scientific publications, and data from government agencies. The analysis includes evaluation of flow capacity and water fall height, as well as the environmental impact of implementing micro hydro technology. The research results show that several dams in Banten have adequate flow capacity and water fall height to support micro hydro installations. The environmental impact of micro hydro installations can be minimized by implementing existing best practices. Micro hydro development in Banten dams can reduce dependence on fossil energy and support the national renewable energy mix target. This research recommends the development of supportive policies and the participation of local communities to realize this potential. In this way, the dam in Banten can be transformed into a renewable energy center that contributes significantly to energy security and environmental sustainability in Indonesia.
Co-Authors A. Dhyta Maulana Aditya Dwi Raja Kamansastra Agung Rizky Jamas Agus Gilang Hermawan Alamsyah Alamsyah Alifia Rukmi Candra Dewi Andri Kapuji Kaharian Anna Safitri Apriliano Chandra Diva Arum Wahyuni Purbohastuti Asmi Ayuning Hidayah Budi Santosa Dede Wirta Deny Exka Saputra Desmira Desmira Desmira Desmira Desmira Destri Anggraeni Deva Adelya Prestanty Dhabit Fauzan Dian Widi Astuti Eka Revadiaz Endi Permata Ester Risanis Travelya Farah Putri Wenang Lusianingrum Farhan Firdaus Fera Puspitasari Feri Febrian Syah Fernando Juliansyah Fikri Firmansyah Fina Ayu Lestari Fiqih Hardana Gelen Veranda Deanda Gera Nugraha Gigih Priyogi Gilang Gemilang Hariyanto Hariyanto Herudin Herudin Hijroh Tamamil Gina Intan Puspitasari Iqbal Maulana Irwan Syah Irwanto - Irwanto Irwanto Johan Whisnu Adji Juliarni Clarisa Juniwan Juniwan Khaila Mardina Fauziah Khaila Mardina Fauziah Awalia Lely Yuliawati Lubna Nadra Hasti M. Aziz Nur Mubarak M. Reza Ramadhon Maeli Khusnul Munfiqoh Maman Hidayaturrohman Marcel Ade Satria Maya Saralina Mohammad Fatkhurrohman Mohammad Fatkhurrokhman Mokh Sidqi Fahmi Muchamad Yunus Muhamad Ryan Agustin Muhammad Iqbal Nugraha Muhammad Reza Nugraha Muhammad Rizky Muhammad Rofiq Muhammad Yusuf Habibi Mustofa Abi Hamid Nani Sofroh Naufal Taufiqul Hakim Nuga Pratama Nur Alifah Panji Anom Respati Pasa Meliansyah Prasta Mahrifatika Puji Pangestu Putri Andini Maulana Ragil Febrian Rahima Mahabbah Ratna Ekawati Repdhi Febriyan Rian Pratama Ridho Aldino Saputra Rifqi Badruzzaman Rini Anggraini Ryan Adam Hidayatullah Shafa Yuniar Yasmin Sikarti Sikarti Siti Annisa Nindia Larasati Siti Mutia Andini Supriyanto Praptodiyono Sutarti Sutarti Syah Alam Teguh Firmansyah Utami Pingkan Anggraini Widhi Dwi Nugroho Widya Dwi Agustin Yolandha Saviraningsih Yudi Syah Pratama Zira Rizqianti