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Voicing The Other : Patrick Sweeting’s Perspective in Jaipong Dancer Astuti, Epata Puji
Journal of Language and Literature Vol 19, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (805.046 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/joll.v19i1.1827


Jaipong Dancer is a novel written by Patrick Sweeting, which raises the subordination issue of women as the other. In this novel, Sweeting represents women as the other in paradox. On the one hand, women are represented as the other who is excluded from the society. On the other hand, women are represented as (the ones who are) strong, exotic and difficult to be overpowered. The problem is how Patrick Sweeting voices women as the other in his novel and the research questions are (1) how women as the other are voiced in this novel, and (2) how the writer’s perspective is related to the problem of women as the other in the novel. To understand the voicing of women as the other by the writer, the researcher uses postcolonial feminism by Gayatri Spivak, especially the concept of white men saving brown women from brown men. Textual analysis method is used to find out the relations and the form of the writer’s voice in the novel. Based on the whole analysis, it can be concluded that women as the other are voiced by the writer as the ones who are strong, exotic and difficult to be overpowered. Through his work, the writer who is assumed doing civilizing mission by voicing the issues related to the subordination of women in the Third World is, in fact, silencing the voice of the Third World women and imprisoned it under the stereotype and prejudice. The perspective which is used by the writer to represent the East is the same as other Orientalists’ perspectives. The voice of women in the Third World as depicted in the novel is created by the Western.Key words: voicing, women, the other 
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 3 (2019): 3rd ELLiC Proceedings: Reimagining New Cyber-based Research in English Education, Lit
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.688 KB)


Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0 increases the demand of online learning. In this era almost all aspects of human’s life change into digital.  Education tries to find the alternative of traditional teaching and tries to more engage with digital world. Education needs a tool that can connect teacher and students inside and outside the class, a tool which is more familiar with the student’s life. Schoology is a kind of social networking Learning Management System that offers the easy access for student to connect with their lecturer and vice versa. They can learn the material from lecturer everywhere just by clicking on their mobile phone. The use of Schoology supports not only students but also the teacher in English learning. By the Schoology teacher can create paperless culture in education, give online assignments and online assessments to the students even connect in discussion with other lecture about certain topic.
Voicing The Other : Patrick Sweetings Perspective in Jaipong Dancer Epata Puji Astuti
Journal of Language and Literature Vol 19, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (805.046 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/joll.v19i1.1827


Jaipong Dancer is a novel written by Patrick Sweeting, which raises the subordination issue of women as the other. In this novel, Sweeting represents women as the other in paradox. On the one hand, women are represented as the other who is excluded from the society. On the other hand, women are represented as (the ones who are) strong, exotic and difficult to be overpowered. The problem is how Patrick Sweeting voices women as the other in his novel and the research questions are (1) how women as the other are voiced in this novel, and (2) how the writers perspective is related to the problem of women as the other in the novel. To understand the voicing of women as the other by the writer, the researcher uses postcolonial feminism by Gayatri Spivak, especially the concept of white men saving brown women from brown men. Textual analysis method is used to find out the relations and the form of the writers voice in the novel. Based on the whole analysis, it can be concluded that women as the other are voiced by the writer as the ones who are strong, exotic and difficult to be overpowered. Through his work, the writer who is assumed doing civilizing mission by voicing the issues related to the subordination of women in the Third World is, in fact, silencing the voice of the Third World women and imprisoned it under the stereotype and prejudice. The perspective which is used by the writer to represent the East is the same as other Orientalists perspectives. The voice of women in the Third World as depicted in the novel is created by the Western.Key words: voicing, women, the other
Alam dalam Perspektif Natives dan New Settlers: Kajian Ekokritik Puisi Monolog Bumi Terjarah dan We Are Going Tatang Iskarna; Catharina Brameswari; Epata Puji Astuti
Sintesis Vol 14, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/sin.v14i1.2529


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pandangan dan sikap penduduk asli (natives) Papua dan Aborigin dan para pendatang baru (new settlers) yang menempati tanah Papua dan Australia terhadap alam dalam puisi Monolog Bumi Terjarah karya Alex Giyai (Papua) dan We Are Going karya Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Aborigin). Pendekatan ekokritik digunakan untuk menganalisis pandangan dan sikap mereka. Orang Papua dan Aborigin memandang alam sebagai entitas yang menyatu dengan mereka dalam relasi religio-magis, sedangkan para pendatang baru memandang alam sebagai komoditas ekonomi yang potensial untuk dieksploitasi demi menghasilkan keuntungan. Melalui dua pandangan tersebut, kedua puisi ini memberikan edukasi dan advokasi tentang pentingnya pelestarian alam dan kritik terhadap perusakan lingkungan.
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.281 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/aa.v4i2.3730


English oral communication proficiency is one of the absolute needs of adult learners in entering the digital industrialization era 4.0, where opportunities and competitions are more massive. Several limitations that are implemented as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic have made it difficult for most adult learners to practice their English communication skill intensively. This community service program aims to provide adult learners with the opportunities to practice English speaking skill through an interactive webinar and online group discussions. The Society Speaking Club was conducted in four meetings with the topics of mental health, diversity, environment, and entrepreneurship. The topics were selected so as to allow participants to relate the discussions to their life more easily, as well as to be more aware about the recent issues. This community service program has benefited the participants in a way that they became more confident and fluent in communicating their ideas effectively. In addition, the participants admitted that they got new insights on the issues being discussed, and they were called into actions for maintaining mental health, promoting and respecting diversity, preserving the environment, and developing entrepreneurial skills.
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 3 (2019): 3rd ELLiC Proceedings: Reimagining New Cyber-based Research in English Education, Lite
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.688 KB)


Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0 increases the demand of online learning. In this era almost all aspects of human’s life change into digital.  Education tries to find the alternative of traditional teaching and tries to more engage with digital world. Education needs a tool that can connect teacher and students inside and outside the class, a tool which is more familiar with the student’s life. Schoology is a kind of social networking Learning Management System that offers the easy access for student to connect with their lecturer and vice versa. They can learn the material from lecturer everywhere just by clicking on their mobile phone. The use of Schoology supports not only students but also the teacher in English learning. By the Schoology teacher can create paperless culture in education, give online assignments and online assessments to the students even connect in discussion with other lecture about certain topic.
Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Usia Dini dengan Fun English: English Training for Children using Fun English Almira Ghassani Shabrina Romala; Wedhowerti Wedhowerti; Harris Hermansyah Setiajid; Simon Arsa Manggala; Epata Puji Astuti; Catharina Brameswari; Diksita Galuh Nirwinastu
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v8i2.4282


The people of Nologaten RT 10 RW 04 needed help, especially regarding English. This is due to parents' lack of knowledge and education levels, so they could only guide their children with minimal access to effective learning materials for learners at an early age. Learning English from an early age is necessary so that in its later development, learners will easily master English. English Letters Department of Universitas Sanata Dharma designed a community service activity, i.e., English Training for Children at Nologaten RT 10 RW 04. The series of community service activities began in February 2022 to recruit volunteers. Then the program's implementation started in July 2022 and ended in August 2022; this community service activity is expected to further strengthen the image of Universitas Sanata Dharma as a university that is concerned with the interests of the community in general and will further enhance the 3C spirit (competence, conscience, compassion) among lecturers and student volunteers, as well as to make English Letters Department of Universitas Sanata Dharma give positive impact to society. The post-test results yield increasing scores of 28% compared to the previous pre-test in all three evaluation domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor). They are also interested in listening to others while speaking, showing good cooperation with other group members, starting a simple English conversation, and asking questions in correct grammar.