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Penerapan E-Learning dengan Analisis Pengetahuan Awal Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Siswa SMK Moh. Thoyib; Marianus Subandowo; Yoso Wiyarno
Edcomtech Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um039v6i12021p013


Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberikan dampak terhadap bidang pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan electornict learning terhadap hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris siswa di Sekolah Menengah Kejururuan. Metode penelitian kuasi eksperiman digunakan ntuk mengukur pengaruh perlakuan dalam belajar. Populasi subjek penelitian berasal dari siswa kelas XI SMK 5 Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan pengaruh hasil belajar siswa antara kelas yang menggunakan e-learning dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Namun tidak ada hubungan antara model pembelajran dan pengetahuan awal siswa dengan hasil belajarnya. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan para guru untuk mengkombinasikan pembelajaran kovensional dengan pembelajaran elektronikAbstract: The development of information technology has an impact on the education sector. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of electronic learning on student English learning outcomes in vocational high schools. The quasi-experimental research method is used to measure the effect of treatment in learning. The population of research subjects came from students of class XI SMK 5 Surabaya. The results showed that there were differences in the effect of student learning outcomes between classes using e-learning and conventional learning. However, there is no relationship between the learning model and students' initial knowledge of their learning outcomes. The results of this research recommend that teachers combine conventional learning with electronic learning
Pengembangan E-Pub Untuk Administrasi Sistem Jaringan Chandra Setia Rini; Nurmida Chaterine Sitompul; Yoso Wiyarno
Edcomtech Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um039v6i12021p089


Abstrak: Pembelajaran di SMK merupakan pendidikan vokasi memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Mata pelajaran Adminsitrasi Sistem Jaringan (ASJ) pada kompetensi keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ) mempelajari tentang prosedur bagaimana sebuah komputer dapat berperan menjadi server sehingga membutuhkan ketelitian untuk melakukan konfigurasi layanan jaringan  yang sesuai prosedur.  Tujuan penelitian ini menemukan efektifitas pengembangan buku digital ePub sebagai bahan ajar pendamping dalam proses pembelajaran. Pengembangan buku digital ePub menggunakan model ADDIE dengan teknik analisis data bersifat deskriptif. Hasil validasi kelayakan produk pengembangan yaitu ahli isi/materi TKJ sebesar 90,67%, ahli media pembelajaran sebesar 90,52%, dan ahli desain pembelajaran sebesar 96%. Evaluasi produk kepada pengguna (siswa) melalui angket mendapatkan respon yang sangat baik. Uji coba produk yang telah dilakukan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas pembelajaran dengan meningkatnya nilai tes akhir siswa. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk yang telah dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran Administrasi Sistem Jaringan. Abstract: Learning in vocational schools is a vocational education has its own characteristics. Network System Administration (ASJ) subjects in Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) competencies learn about procedures how a computer can act as a server so it requires accuracy to configure network services according to procedure. The purpose of this study is to find the effectiveness of ePub digital book development as a teaching material in the learning process. Development of ePub digital books using ADDIE models with descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of the or validation of the feasibility of product development are content experts / TKJ by 90.67%, learning media experts by 90.52%, and learning design experts by 96%. Product evaluations to users (students) through a questionnaire get a very good response. Product trials that have been carried out can increase the effectiveness of learning by increasing student final test scores. So it can be concluded that the product that has been developed is feasible to use in learning Network Administration System.
Improve Your English Through The 21st Century Skills Shobahul Hoir; M. Subandowo; Yoso Wiyarno
Edcomtech Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1308.659 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um039v4i12019p038


Abstrak: Memasuki dasawarsa ke-2 dari abad ke-21 artinya penerapan pola pendidikan abad ke-21 di Indonesia sudah harus mulai diterapkan. The Partnership (P21) for 21st Century Skill mengidentifikasi empat kemampuan penting yang disebut dengan ‘Four Cs’ atau 4Cs, terdiri dari collaboration (kolaborasi), critical thingking (berfikir kritis), creativity (kreatifitas), dan communication (komunikasi). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk bahan ajar pada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui 4Cs. Prosedur pengembangan bahan ajar menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri atas lima tahapan yaitu: analisis, rancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Data dikumpulkan bertujuan untuk melihat kelayakan produk sebagai bahan ajar dan uji coba lapangan di kelas pembelajaran. Data angket berasal dari ahli materi (SME), ahli desain pembelajaran, teman sejawat, dan 30 peserta didik. Teknik analisis ini digunakan untuk mengolah data yang diperoleh/terkumpul melalui angket dalam bentuk deskriptif persentase. Hasil reviu kelayakan produk pengembangan sebagai berikut: 1) Reviu ahli materi bahasa Inggris sebesar 90%, reviu ahli desain pembelajaran sebesar 90%, 2) Uji coba produk kepada peserta didik dan guru melalui angket mendapatkan respon yang sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil reviu kelayakan produk dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk pengembangan ini sangat layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk mengarahkan peserta didik dalam mengembangkan kemampuan abad ke-21. Saran untuk pemanfaatan produk ini adalah guru menjadi pengarah serta motivator bagi peserta didik untuk proses pengembangan kemampuan abad ke-21.Abstract: Entering the second decade of the 21st century means that the implementation of the 21st century education pattern in Indonesia must be implemented. The Partnership (P21) for 21st Century Skill identifies four important abilities called 'Four Cs' or 4Cs, consisting of collaboration (collaboration), critical thinking (critical thinking), creativity (creativity), and communication (communication). This study aims to develop teaching material products in English through 4Cs. The procedure for developing teaching materials uses the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data collected aims to see the feasibility of the product as teaching material and field trials in the learning class. The questionnaire data came from material experts (SME), learning design experts, peers, and 30 students. This analysis technique is used to process the data obtained / collected through a questionnaire in the form of a descriptive percentage. The results of the feasibility review of the development product are as follows: 1) Expert review of English material by 90%, expert review of learning design by 90%, 2) Product testing to students and teachers through questionnaires gets a very good response. Based on the results of the product feasibility review, it can be concluded that this development product is very suitable for use in the English learning process to direct students in developing 21st century skills. Suggestions for the use of this product are that the teacher becomes a guide and motivator for students for the 21st century ability development process.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Tata Rias Pengantin Solo Putri Mochamad Noor Hendra; Subandowo Subandowo; Yoso Wiyarno
Edcomtech Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

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Abstrak: Peran pendidikan vokasi dalam serapan tenaga kerja sudah tidak bisa dinafikan lagi pentingnya. Akan tetapi penelitian yang membahas proses pengembangan bahan ajar vokasi, hingga validasi pada level terapan masih cukup terbatas. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada pembentukan materi dan validasi pada mata kuliah Tata Rias Pengantin Indonesia 1, di Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya Indonesia. Hasil studi menunjukkan kelayakan bahan ajar tata rias pengantin solo puteri, dengan rata-rata validasi ahli kategori sangat layak. Hasil validasi untuk ahli desain rata-rata 90% (kategori layak),  Sedangkan untuk hasil penilaian dari teman sejawat/dosen tata rias pengantin rata-rata 95% (kategori layak). Hasil studi ini memberikan dukungan untuk penerapan pada proses perkuliahan.Abstract: The role of vocational education in generating employment has been prevalent throughout modern times. However, fewer studies have discussed the development process of vocational teaching materials, from validations to applications. This article contributed to the discussion of the material development and validation in Traditional Wedding Makeup, Solo style’s course in Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya, Indonesia. The results of this study supported the applicability and validity of the developed teaching materials. Explicitly, expert designers agreed on the use of contents by 90%, while peer-lecturers concurred by 95%. The result implied the usability and applicability in the classroom.
Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas X SMK Eny Laiyusa; M. Rufi’i; Yoso Wiyarno
Educatif Journal of Education Research Vol 2 No 4 (2020): October
Publisher : Kreasi Teknologi Informasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36654/educatif.v2i4.26


Tujuan pengembangan adalah menghasilkan produk pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia (teks, audio, visual, animasi, tabel atau grafik, softwere program Adobe Flash 2D, dan program hypelink dalam Microsoft Power Point 2010) pada mata pelajaran bahasa inggris yang akan digunakan sebagai strategi penyampaian pesan pembelajaran yang efektif dan inovatif yang menumbuhkan ekspresi positif siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris.Hasil uraian PSA dan PSP yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari semua aspek reviewer ahli IT mendapat prosentase sebanyak 88.83%, ahli TEP 88.63%., ahli isi 86.31%, penilaian teman sejawat 95.71 %. Persentase tersebut termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik, sehingga media yang diproduksi layak untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa inggris menggunakan media CD Interaktif Macromedia Flash 8 Profesional di SMK Al Islah Surabaya.
Effect of using wall media and students’ learning styles on volleyball lower passing abilities of tenth-grade students Bambang Sumedi; M. Rufi’i; Yoso Wiyarno
Educatif Journal of Education Research Vol 2 No 4 (2020): October
Publisher : Kreasi Teknologi Informasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36654/educatif.v2i4.27


This study aims to investigate the effect of using walls as media and learning styles on ability to pass of the tenth-grade students’ ability of SMAK Suropati Sidoarjo and SMA Santo Yusup Surabaya. A total of 120 tenth-grade students of both high schools were the study subjects devided into the experimental and control groups. A pre-test post-test design randomnized control group design was employed. To collect the data, the volleyball passing tests were taken by the students. A two-way ANOVA and tests of homogeneity and normality were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the significant test results accepted the alternative hypothesis. It means that there was a significant effect and no interaction training using the wall vs. non-walls as media and learning styles on the lower pasing ability of the tenth-grade students of SMAK Suropati Sidoarjo and SMA Santo Yusup Surabaya.
Development of IPA about Digital-Based Hydroponic Cultivation as Students' Life Skills Mar'atus Solicha; Rufi'i Rufi'i; Yoso Wiyarno
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 5 No 1 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

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A reasonable nine-year program requires the school to equip students with life skills so that after graduation students have the ability to live independently. In the learning process of science teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Waru guided by textbooks published by the Ministry of National Education and non-textbooks published by MGMP IPA Sidoarjo Regency, which for modern plant cultivation techniques materials are less interesting for students to learn, due to less interactive learning procedures and applied materials about plant cultivation techniques are less touching towards process skills or practicum, and less supported by images that attract students, especially those that are appropriate for online learning during the pandemic. To solve the above problems, the author makes science teaching materials about digital-based hydroponic plant cultivation techniques that contain interesting materials and various process skills that train students' independence and improve students' understanding of plant cultivation techniques so that it is expected to improve student achievement. Technical data analysis used is Qualitative Discriptis Analysis and Descriptive Percentage Analysis used to process data obtained through questionnaires. The results of this teaching material are validated by material experts and design experts as well as small group tests. The results of the presentation of the achievement rate of the Material experts by 100%, are in the very good category. Of the Design Experts by 92.2%, it is in the category of excellent. Media experts 86.1% Then from the limited group test got a score of 80% large group test of 83.3% while from peers of 86%. Furthermore, the overall flat score so that the teaching materials in the category are good and worthy to be used in science learning.
Pengembangan Buku Ajar IPA Kelas VI untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Anita Hidayati; Rufi'i Rufi'i; Yoso Wiyarno
JEMS: Jurnal Edukasi Matematika dan Sains Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jems.v8i2.5628


The purpose of this research was to develop a coursebook that can be used to support the activities of Science learning of the first semester at Grade 6 of SDN Sambungrejo Sukodono This Research & Development intended for a learning resource. The research used the development model of Dick and Carey. The subjects of research trials were 50 students and a teacher at the school. The instruments for data collection utilized were the interview, the sheet of expert validation for lecturers and practitioners of education, assessment from expert lecturers, school superintendent, principal, classroom teacher and students. The research results revealed that the eligibility level of the science coursebook based on each aspect of the assessment including feasibility aspects of content obtained an average score 4.086 as "good" category with the level of appropriateness of 81.7%; feasibility aspect of presentation gets an average score of 4.307 as "very good" category with 86.1% eligibility level; on the feasibility of the language, earning an average score of 4.388 "very good" category with the level of appropriateness of 87.75%; While on the graphic aspects it obtained an average score 4.302 as "very good" category with the level of appropriateness of 86%. To conclude, the science coursebook for the first semester and the sixth grade students overall gained an average score 4.271 with "good" category and level eligibility 85.54%. Thus, this book stated feasibility.
Pengembangan Permainan Kasvol Terhadap Minat Siswa Untuk Bermain Bolavoli Saat Pembelajaran PJOK Pada Siswa Kelas VI MI Baiturrahman Kedurus Surabaya Bayu Irawan; Muhammad Muhyi; Yoso Wiyarno
Jendela Olahraga Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jo.v6i1.6766


Students are less active in learning because the learning model is less varied. The problem that arises in learning volleyball at MI Baiturrahman Kedurus is the lack of student interest in doing basic volleyball movements, namely passing and serving, because according to him, volleyball is a boring game. The observation result of PJOK teacher was found that 61.5% of 65 students stated that they were not interested in volleyball. This condition encourages researchers to develop Kasvol games. The research was conducted on grade VI students of MI Baiturrahman Kedurus. This research is a development research using the Borg & Gall model. It can be concluded that the development of the Kasvol game is feasible to be used as a medium to increase student interest in the PJOK learning process. This is evidenced by expert assessment of the content of teaching materials with a percentage of 95% (very good), practice is applied with the results of field trials by field practitioners getting a percentage of 98% (very good) and the development of Kasvol games is said to be effective as evidenced by small group trial analysis. . and large groups respectively get a percentage of 63% (good) and 64% (good)Keywords: Kasvol Games, student Interest, Volleyball AbstrakSiswa yang kurang aktif dalam pembelajaran disebabkan oleh model pembelajaran yang kurang variatif. Permasalahan yang timbul saat pembelajaran bolavoli di MI Baiturrahman Kedurus adalah kurangnya minat siswa untuk melakukan gerak dasar permainan bolavoli yakni passing dan servis. Hal ini disebabkan karena bolavoli dianggap permainan membosankan. observasi guru PJOK memperoleh hasil 61,5% dari 65 siswa yang mengatakan tidak tertarik dengan permainan bolavoli. Kondisi ini mendorong peneliti untuk mengembangkan permainan kasvol. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa kelas VI MI Baiturrahman Kedurus. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model Borg & Gall. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan permainan kasvol valid untuk digunakan sebagai media untuk meningkatkan minat siswa pada proses pembelajaran PJOK. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dari evaluasi ahli isi materi bahan ajar dengan persentase 95% (sangat baik), praktis untuk diterapkan dengan hasil uji lapangan oleh praktisi lapangan mendapatkan persentase 98% (sangat baik) dan pengembangan permainan kasvol dikatakan efektif dibuktikan dari analisis uji coba kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar yang masing-masing memperoleh persentase 63% (baik), dan 64% (baik).Kata kunci: Permaian Kasvol, Minat Siswa, Bolavoli
Pengembangan Program Daily Physical Activity (DPA) Melalui Permainan Tradisional Pada Pembelajaran PJOK di Kelas V SDN Kebraon Surabaya Agus Setiawan; Muhammad Muhyi; Yoso Wiyarno
Jendela Olahraga Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jo.v6i1.6764


This study aims to find out through the Daily Physical Activity (DPA) program to answer problems related to the fitness level of students. Developing the DPA program combined with traditional games makes it easier for teachers to implement the teaching and learning process, especially student fitness issues. The instruments in this study were using observation sheets, questionnaires, and TKJI. The results of the study were to determine the student's interest given by the researcher by providing DPA program through traditional games to students which aimed to determine student responses about the importance of maintaining physical fitness. The results of this study were 73%, so the student's response to the application DPA program through traditional games on student fitness was categorized as Good. From the results carried out in the field, the researchers did not only examine students' interest in learning PJOK through traditional games, they also found out about the fitness of students, namely through the TKJI test with the results that there was a significant model of the development of the Daily Physical Activity (DPA) program in learning PJOK through traditional games in class students V Kebraon I Elementary School Surabaya.Keywords: Daily Physical Activity, Traditional GamesAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui melalui program Daily Physical Activity (DPA) untuk menjawab permasalahan yang berkenan dengan tingkat kebugaran pada siswa. Pengembangan program DPA gabungan dengan permainan tradisional memudahkan pengajar dalam menerapkan proses belajar mengajar terutama masalah kebugaran siswa. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan lembar observasi, angket, dan TKJI. Hasil dari penelitian untuk mengetahui minat siswa yang diberikan oleh peneliti dengan pemberian program DPA melalui permainan tradisional pada siswa yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon siswa tentang pentingnya menjaga kebugaran jasmani. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 73%, maka respon siswa dengan penerapan program DPA melalui permainan tradisional terhadap kebugaran siswa dikategorikan Baik. Dari hasil yang dilakukan dilapangan peneliti tidak hanya meneliti tentang minat siswa pada pembelajaran PJOK melalui permainan tradisional juga mengetahui kebugaran siswa yaitu melalui tes TKJI dengan hasil terdapat yang signifikan model pengembangan program Daily Physical Activity (DPA) dalam pembelajaran PJOK melalui permainan tradisional pada siswa kelas V SDN Kebraon I Surabaya.Kata kunci: Daily Physical Activity, Permainan tradisional