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Efektivitas Model Discovery Learning pada Mata Pelajaran Instalasi Penerangan Listrik Tomo, Yori; Aswardi, Aswardi
MSI Transaction on Education Vol 1 No 1 (2020): MSI Transaction on Education
Publisher : Minangkabau Scholar Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46574/mted.v1i1.5


This study aims to look at the effectiveness of the model learning discovery on Electric Lighting Installation with Basic Competencies component mounting procedure applying electrical installation of small industrial buildings in SMK N 2 Sijunjung. The type of this research is a Pre-Experiment design with research design used is The One Shot Case Study. Based on the results that the percentage of classical completeness student attitudes 87%, student skills 84%, and 87% of students knowledge. After analyzed, the student learning outcomes achieved by students' attitudes category of "Very Good", the student's skills "Skilled", and knowledge of students "Very High". This it can be concluded that learning using discovery learning model is said to beeffective because it has reached the percentage of classical completeness that has been set ≥80%.
Direct Torque Control Strategy of PMSM Employing Ultra Sparse Matrix Converter Muldi Yuhendri; Ahyanuardi Ahyanuardi; Aswardi Aswardi
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 9, No 1: March 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.171 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v9.i1.pp64-72


Matrix converter is a good choice for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) drives, because it has high power density and does not require dc-link energy storage. the disadvantages of conventional matrix converter is using 18 active switches, so it becomes expensive and the modulation method becomes more complicated than back to back converter. To minimize this problem, this paper proposes variable speed drive of PMSM using Ultra Sparse Matrix Converter (USMC) based on Direct Torque Control (DTC) methods. This converter uses only 9 active switches, making it cheaper than conventional matrix converter. DTC is designed based on Space Vector Modulation (SVM) to reduce torque and flux ripples due to  the hysteresis control in conventional DTC. The simulation results show that DTC based SVM using USMC effectively controls the rotor speed with low torque and flux ripples.
Peningkatan Kompetensi Masyarakat melalui Pelatihan Pemasangan Instalasi Listrik Domestik dan Panel Surya Oriza Candra; Aswardi Aswardi; Elfizon Elfizon; Syaiful Islami; Nevi Faradina; Citra Dewi; Doni Tri Putra Yanto; Erita Astrid
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract—The potential for solar energy sources is so large that it has not been optimally utilized, as a renewable energy source. The use of solar energy as a generator of electricity is very potential to be developed in West Sumatra Province. We know that the price of electricity obtained from this non-renewable energy is much more expensive in the short term, but it is much more valuable when calculated in the long term, especially from the aspect of environmental protection. The continuity of electrical services can always be fulfilled. It is necessary to combine PLN electricity sources and electricity sourced from solar energy as an alternative so that the reliability of the supply of electrical energy can be maintained. However, the large potential of renewable energy sources has not been able to be utilized optimally by the wider community, due to the limited competence of human resources who are able to utilize this energy. Through community service activities, Padang State University in collaboration with the Budi Utama Youth Assisted Child Orphanage in Lubuk Alung tries to make a contribution to improving Human Resource Competence through empowerment and community training with an integrated and sustainable process. One of the competency improvement activities carried out is training on the skills of installing electricity from PLN sources and solar energy installations. This training activity aims to provide understanding in the planning, design, operation, and maintenance of PLN sources and solar panel installations. The end result of this training is being able to provide education, increase skills, and competencies to participants to improve technical skills.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Augmented Reality Pada Mata Pelajaran Instalasi Motor Listrik Chindy Febyola; Aswardi Aswardi
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Teachers are expected to provide media in debriefing pupils to meet the present industrial revolution 4.0, one of which is by leveraging technology and automation in the delivery of learning. As a result, media development as a support in the teaching and learning process is required. In class XI TITL at SMKN 5 Padang, this study intends to provide a legitimate and practical Augmented Reality learning media on the subject of electric motor installation. The research method used in this study was research and development using a 4D model. The participants in this study were students in class XI TITL 1 at SMKN 5 Padang. The validation of AR learning media carried out by the validator team in the media area was carried out by two validators who were Lecturers of Electrical Engineering and were certified legitimate, according to the study's findings. The authenticity of the material field was then tested and pronounced genuine by two teachers in charge of the subject of electric motor installation at SMKN 5 Padang. The practicality test, which was done online and offline on 32 students in class XI TITL 1 SMKN 5 Padang, was pronounced Very Practical. The effectiveness test, which was carried out on 32 students from class XI TITL 1 SMKN 5 Padang and consisted of working on 20 questions, revealed that the media used was deemed to be very effective.
Pengaruh Penerapan Blended learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik Elektronika Rifki Ilham; Aswardi Aswardi
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

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The use of (conventional) lecture methods in the process of teaching activities can take place well if students have the ability to listen and hear well.This can have an impact on the lack of maximum student activity in the teaching and learning process because of one-way communication.This encourages research on the application of blended learning methods in the basic subjects of electronic electricity at SMK Muhammadiyah Padang.The study used descriptive methods with a quantitative approach and the subject used was class X TITL.Data collection is done by documentation method and test method with the number of questions as many as 25 questions.Data analysis is done with descriptive analysis methods with the help of Microsoft Excel applications so that minimal values, maximum values, mean, median, mode, and frequency distribution are obtained.The results of this study showed that the use of blended learning methods was ineffective because the value of students who did not reach KKM ≥ 75.Test results showed that 50% of students obtained low grades and 7% of students obtained very high grades that almost reached KKM ≥ 75.Thus the blended learning method still cannot be applied to the basic subjects of electronic electricity.
Alat Pendeteksi Detak Jantung dan Kesehatan Berbasis Arduino Saiful Sufri; Aswardi Aswardi
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2020): JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtein.v1i2.31


The heart is a human organ that pumps blood. The heart contracts, where one contraction cycle is usually called a heartbeat. Calculation of heart rate is often done manually by counting the pulse on the wrist for one minute. This method is considered inaccurate because it only relies on the human sense of touch. By making it easier to calculate the heart rate with the Electrocardiograph (ECG) device only but this tool is used in hospitals and cannot be moved. With a sensor that makes daily activities easier. For example, a pulse sensor that is easily available is a pulse sensor that can be used to detect the human heartbeat. With the heart rate device that can be moved using a pulse sensor. Where in the tool that in this final project detects the heart rate will be displayed on the Liquid Crisytal Display (LCD) where the detection results displayed are the results of the detection of human heartbeats accompanied by diseases that may be experienced from heart rate abnormalities.
Rancangan Alat Penyiram Dan Pemupukan Tanaman Otomatis Menggunakan Rtc Dan Soil Moisture Sensor Berbasis Arduino Alex Ander Sinaga; Aswardi Aswardi
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2020): JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtein.v1i2.60


Tanaman merupakan tumbuhan yang dibudidayakan agar dapat diambil manfaatnya oleh sebab itu memerlukan perawatan yang intensif berupa penyiraman dan pemupukan yang teratur sesuai dengan resistensi media tanam dan karakteristik dari tanaman. Diberbagai daerah petani masih melakukan penyiraman dan pemupukan secara manual cara tersebut kurang efektif karena debit air tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan menghabiskan tenaga dan waktu yang cukup lama. Maka dari itu petani untuk segera beralih ke system otomatisasi penyiraman dan pemberian pupuk cair pada tanaman. Pemberian air dan pupuk pada tanaman secara otomatis yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroller arduino sebagai pusat kontrol dan beberapa komponen sebagai alat pendukung dari sistem otomatis berdasarkan data hasil pengukuran menjadi solusi untuk meringankan pekerjaan dan meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman. System otomatis bekerja berdasarkan informasi beberapa sensor mengenai kondisi tanah pada tanaman dengan pengontrolan mikrokontroller arduino. Penyiraman tanaman dilakukan ketika sensor soil moisture membaca kelembaban tanah sesuai dengan set point yang telah ditentukan yaitu pada range >700, dan penyiraman akan berhenti ketika tanah pada tanaman dalam keadaan basah dan sesuai dengan set point yang telah ditentukan pada range >650. Dan untuk pemberian pupuk cair pada tanaman menggunakan RTC yang berfungsi sebagai penjadwalan pemberian pupuk cair yang terlebih dahulu dilakukan setting hari dan waktu pada program sesuai dengan set point yang telah dilakukan.
Human Machine Interface Visual Basic Arduino untuk DC – DC converter Type Buck Mohammed Abdul Aziz Alhaqeem; Aswardi Aswardi
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2021): JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtein.v2i2.126


Pada era teknologi yang semakin berkembang pesat, penggunaan elektronika daya semakin banyak digunakan seperti untuk penggontrolan motor dan lain – lain. Untuk mendukung semua itu tentu juga di iringi dengan metode – metode interfacing yang memudahkan user dalam penggunaaan alat – alat elektronika daya seperti contohnya buck conveter. Interfacing yang di maksud disini adalah dengan melakukan pengaturan keluaran buck converter dengan menggunakan interfacing pada personal computer sekaligus memonitoringnya. Buck converter adalah jenis dc-dc converter yang berfungsi untuk mengubah keluaran tegangan output lebh kecil dibandingkan dengan tegangan keluaran input. Perancangan monitoring menggunakan visual basic dalam pembuatan interfacing, hal ini dilakukan karena kemudahan komunikasi antara visual basic dengan arduino. Metode pengontrolan menggunakan pengaturan duty cycle yang diberikan dari visual basic ke arduino. Dengan mengatur duty cycle, maka tegangan yang dkeluarkan pun akan berubah-ubah. Berdasarkan hasil pengujiaan, maka dengan memperbesar duty cycle maka keluaran tegangan dari buck converter akan semakin kecil, Dengan hasil pengukuran buck converter pada input tegangan 24 volt dan duty 15.97 menghasilkan tegangan keluaran sebesar 19,5 sedangkan pada duty cycle 34.57 menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 13.9.
Self Balancing Robot Menggunakan Metode PID Berbasis Arduino Tyastono Taufiq; Aswardi Aswardi
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia Vol 3 No 1 (2022): JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtein.v3i1.192


Perubahan teknologi robot telah membuat kualitas kehidupan manusia semakin tinggi saat ini. Perkembangan teknologi robot telah meningkatkan kualitas maupun kuantitas manusia dari berbagai aspek. Robot juga telah menjangkau sisi aspek dalam kehidupan salah satunya transportasi jarak pendek tanpa polusi karena menggunakan sumber tenaga dari listrik contohnya robot beroda dua yang telah digunakan sebagai alat transportasi. Tulisan ini bertujuan merancang sebuah self balancing robot yang bekerja berdasarkan sudut kemiringan. Self balancing robot merupakan robot yang memiliki dua roda bertujuan dapat menyeimbangkan diri diatas permukaan bidang datar. Alat ini menggunakan MPU 6050 sebagai sensor untuk mendeteksi besar sudut dan menggunakan arduino sebagai pusat kontrol serta proses data. Pada alat ini menggunakan kontrol PID yang diharapkan mampu membuat robot menjadi seimbang dan bekerja seperti yang diinginkan. Perancangan pada alat ini akan menggunakan bahan dari akrilik sebanyak tiga tingkat dengan komponen dasar seperti motor driver L298N, baterai Lipo 3S, Arduino UNO, dan sensor MPU 6050. Besar nilai set point yang ditentukan pada alat ini yaitu 177,5⸰ dan nilai Kp = 39, Ki = 200, Kd = 2,6 serta didapatkan nilai time settling sebesar 4,5 s, error steady state sebesar 0,6%, maksimum overshoot sebesar 0,6% dan robot dapat bekerja menyeimbangkan diri dengan baik.
Rancang Bangun Absensi Elektronik Berbasis Mikrokontrolller Atmega328 Subandi Saputra; Aswardi Aswardi
invotek Vol 18 No 1 (2018): INVOTEK: Jurnal Inovasi, Vokasional, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.327 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/invotek.v18i1.247


This paper aims to update the conventional attendance system. The focus of this final assignment is: (1) Creating an electronic attendance machine with biometric sensor based on Microcontroller Atmega328, (2) Renewing conventional attendance method into digital absence, and (3) Determining employee performance based on absenteeism. In making of this final task, the writer uses microcontroller atmega328 as main control center, fingerprint reader as main input, LCD as time information viewer on real time clock circuit, and series of SD card module as database system used to store information at the time of absences. Based on the results of the testing of the design of electronic attendance based on atmega328 microcontroller is as follows, the first can be used as a substitute for conventional absorption taking system. This is because the tool is equipped with fingerprint reader sensor so that in absenteeism cannot be represented. In addition, this tool also has been equipped with RTC as a timer system that will record the delay of each user on this tool. the second process of taking attendance (reviewer) can only be done after the user perform the registration process.