Zainuddin Basri
Faculty Of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Indonesia, Indonesia

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AGROTEKBIS Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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The aims of this experiment were to obtain the most suitable explant planting position and medium composition for the growth of dragon fruit via in vitro culture.  This experiment used Split Plot Design with the main plot was explant planting position, namely vertical and horizontal positions.  The sub plot was media composition, namely 2 ppm BAP + 0.40 ppm NAA; 3 ppm BAP + 0.20 ppm NAA; 2 ppm BAP + 0.40 ppm NAA + 0.88 ppm vitamin C; and 3 ppm BAP + 0.20 ppm NAA + 0.88 ppm vitamin C.  Data were analysed by using Analysis of Variance and differences between treatmens were determined by Honestly Significant Difference.  Results of this experiment indicated that media composition had a highly significant difference on the growth of dragon fruit explants on each planting position tested.  Medium composition supplemented with 3 ppm BAP + 0.20 ppm NAA planted horizontally showed a good growth with average shoot formation 8.67 shoots and shoot length 1.76 cm per explant.  Intensive root formation was observed at vertical planting position with average 7.50 roots per explant.
Induksi Kalus Dua Klon Kakao (Theobroma cacao l.) Unggul Sulawesi Pada Berbagai Konsentrasi 2,4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid secara in vitro D, Arianto; Basri, Zainuddin; Bustami, Mirni Ulfa
AGROTEKBIS Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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Di Indonesia, Sulawesi terkenal sebagai daerah penghasil kakao terbanyak dan telah memiliki klon kakao unggul yakni Sulawesi 1 dan Sulawesi 2, termasuk sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil kakao terbanyak, namun tingkat produktivitasnya masih sangat rendah bila dibanding dengan potensi produksi kakao unggul. Adapun faktor penyebab rendahnya produktivitas kakao di Sulawesi Tengah adalah penggunaan jenis (klon) tanaman yang memiliki potensi produksi rendah.  Guna mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, salah satu upaya yang perlu dilakukan adalah melakukan perbanyakan dan pengembangan jenis (klon) kakao yang memiliki potensi genetik yang unggul. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terpisah (RPT). Perlakuan pada petak utama adalah klon kakao yang terdiri atas dua klon yaitu  Sulawesi 1 dan Sulawesi 2, perlakuan pada anak petak adalah konsentrasi 2,4-D yang terdiri dari lima taraf yaitu 0,5 ppm 2,4-D, 1 ppm 2,4-D, 1,5 ppm 2,4-D, 2 ppm 2,4-D, dan 2,5 ppm 2,4-D.  Terdapat 10 kombinasi perlakuan dan setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga terdapat 30 unit percobaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan induksi kalus pada berbagai konsentrasi 2,4-D  dari setiap klon kakao unggul Sulawesi yang dicobakan dan mengetahui konsentrasi 2,4-D dan klon kakao unggul Sulawesi yang lebih baik untuk induksi kalus.  Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kemampuan induksi kalus tidak berbeda pada berbagai konsentrasi 2,4-D untuk  setiap klon kakao unggul Sulawesi yang dicobakan. Saat muncul kalus paling cepat diperoleh pada konsentrasi 1 ppm 2,4-D baik pada klon unggul Sulawesi 1 maupun pada klon unggul Sulawesi 2. Persentase pembentukan kalus tertinggi diperoleh pada konsentrasi 1 ppm 2,4-D baik pada klon Sulawesi 1 maupun klon Sulawesi 2 dengan persentase pembentukan kalus mencapai 100%. Konsentrasi 1 ppm 2,4-D merupakan konsentrasi yang lebih baik untuk menginduksi kalus pada klon kakao unggul Sulawesi.
INISIASI TUNAS CENGKEH (Syzigium aromaticum L.) DENGAN BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI BAP SECARA IN VITRO Haris, Abdul; Basri, Zainuddin; Bustami, Mirni Ulfa
AGROTEKBIS Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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Clove tree is an annual plant that can grow to a height of 10-20 m, it has oval shaped leaves and flowering emerge in its shoots . Fruit stalk at first green, and become red if it is blooming. This study aims to determine the best concentration of BAP on shoot clove growth in in vitro. This research has been carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tadulako, Palu, from August to September 2012. The material used was sterile shoots Cloves 1 month of age as much as 9 buds, study design using a Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments, using 5 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA, 6 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA, 7 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA. Each treatment was repeated 3 times sothere were 9 experimental units. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Duncans test. The results showed that treatment 6 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA showed a significant effect on the shoots and leaves of clove.
AGROTEKBIS Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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Dragon fruit plants at beginning used as an ornamental plant because of its unique figure, exotic, as well as flowers and fruit look very beutiful. However, constrain encountered in the development of these plants is the availability of seedlingin large numbers with shorten time. To solve this problem, it can be done through tissue culture. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tadulako Palu, from August to October 2012. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth of dragon fruit plants at various ages germination and BAP concentrations in vitro. This study used a design Plots Separated ( RPT ) with treatment in the main plot was the age of germination 3, 4, 5 week after trasplanting, while the subplot treatment was the concentration of BAP: 1, 2, 3 ppm. Therefore, there are 9 combinations of treatment and repeated four times, so there are 36 experimental units. Each unit used three explants, so there are 108 explants were used. The results showed that germination ageeffectsignificant on plant height and number of shoots, while the concentration of BAP significantly effect on the number of shoots and number of roots. Media added with 2 ppm BAP (B2) average plant height 3.37, number of shoots 4.08per explant respectively, and media added with 1 ppm BAP (B1) Average number of roots per explant was  0.53.
AKLIMATISASI BIBIT TANAMAN BUAH NAGA (Hylocereus undatus) PADA TINGKAT NAUNGAN BERBEDA Basri, Hasan; Basri, Zainuddin; Syakur, Abd
AGROTEKBIS Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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This study aims to determine the effect of shade level on the growth of plantlets dragon fruit . This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of three treatment that is shaded by 1 (N1), 2 (N2) and 3 (N3) waring layer. Each treatment was repeated three times so there are 9 units of the experiment. Each experimental unit consisted of 10 plants.  Therfore, there are a total of 90 samples of plants were observed. The results showed that the 2, 4, 6 and 8 week after planting, waring with two layers of shade treatment (N2) shown a good value for all the observations such as number of shoots, plant height and stem diameter compared to waringwith one layer of shade (N1) and 3 layer (N3).
STERILISASI DAN INDUKSI KALUS BAWANG MERAH (Allium ascalonicum L.) LOKAL PALU SECARA IN VITRO P Armila, Ni Kadek; Bustami, Mirni Ulfa; Basri, Zainuddin
AGROTEKBIS Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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Sterilisasi eksplan merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang perlu diperhatikan dalam melakukan kultur jaringan, guna mengeliminir berbagai sumber kontaminan yang terbawa pada eksplan, termasuk untuk induksi kalus.  Salah satu zat pengatur tumbuh yang digunakan untuk induksi kalus adalah 2,4-D(2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid).  Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap.Percobaan sterilisasi eksplan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahan sterilan yang lebih baik untuk sterilisasi eksplan umbi bawang merah lokal Palu.Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan berbagai bahan kimia sterilan yaitu deterjen, fungisida, cloroxs, tween 80, bakterisida dengan atau tanpa pembakaran(perlakuan fisik) dengan 4 ulangan.Tahap induksi kalus bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh 2,4-D yang baik dalam menginduksi kalus dari eksplan bawang merah lokal Palu.  Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan berbagai konsentrasi 2,4-D yaitu M1 = 1,0 ppm, M2 = 1,5 ppm, M3 = 2,0 ppm dan M4 = 2,5 ppm, yang diulang 4 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahan sterilan 1g bakterisida, 1g fungisida, 10% cloroxs dan 5% cloroxs disertai pembakaranmampu menekan kontaminan yang lebih baik dibandingkan perlakuan yang lain.  Penggunaan media yang ditambahkan 2 ppm 2,4-D menghasilkan induksi kalusbawang merah lokal Palu yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan perlakuan yang lain.  Penggunaan media tersebut mempercepat pembentukan kalus (25,66 hari setelah kultur) dengan persentase pembentukan kalus mencapai 91,67%.
AGROTEKBIS Vol 2, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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Pertumbuhan anggrek pada kultur jaringan ditentukan oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya komposisi media yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan komposisi media yang sesuai bagi pertumbuhan anggrek vanda secara in vitro. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Tanaman Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tadulako yang berlangsung dari bulan April sampai Juni 2013.  Penelitian ini disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat perlakuan komposisi media yang dicobakan, yaitu media VW + 2 ppm giberelin + 250 mL air kelapa per liter media, Media MS + 2 ppm giberelin + 250 mL air kelapa per liter media, Media MS + 2 ppm giberelin, dan Media MS + 250 mL air kelapa per liter media. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis peragam.  Hasil analisis yang menunjukkan pengaruh nyata atau sangat nyata selanjutnya diuji dengan menggunakan uji Beda Nyata Jujur guna mengetahui perbedaan nilai rata-rata antar perlakuan yang dicobakan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komposisi media VW yang ditambahkan 2 ppm giberelin dan 250 mL air kelapa per liter media lebih sesuai bagi pertumbuhan anggrek bulan. Rata-rata tinggi planlet, jumlah tunas, jumlah daun dan jumlah akar anggrek bulan yang tumbuh pada komposisi media tersebut masing-masing 1,82 cm, 2,55 tunas, 2,00 helai daun dan 2,25 helai akar per planlet.
PENGARUH SUNGKUP DAN MULSA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL BAWANG MERAH (Allium. Ascalonicum.L) KULTIVAR NAPU Regal, Moh; Fathurrahman, Fathurrahman; Basri, Zainuddin
AGROTEKBIS Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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This research was conducted in Petimbe Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. It held in July to September 2015. This research used Split Plot Design. The main plot was sheiter (N0) = Not in sheiter and (N1) = in sheiter and sub plots were various types of much (M0) = no mulch (M1) = rice straw mulch (M2) =black plastic mulch (M3) = silver plastic mulch. The observation variablewere height of plants (cm),at age of 30 and 40 DAP,number of leaves at age of 30 and 40 DAP, weight of fresh tubers per clump, and weight of fresh tuber per 5 clumps (g). The result of the research showed that the treatment of various types of mulch had no real effect on the growth of Napu cultivarsonion in terms of plant height and number of leaves,the treatment of plastic containtment just hasreal effect only on the number of leaves at 40 DAP. However, it has not real effect on height of the plants, and the treatmentshas real effect on theyields increasing of onion including the numbers of leaves at 40 HST and had no real effect on the numbers of fresh tuber clump, fresh tuber per 5 clumps.The aims of the research was to learn and know the effect of containment and mulch on growth and yield of Napu red onion cultivar. Keywords : Cultivar Napu, Mulch, Onions,  and Plastic Sheiter.
AGROTEKBIS Vol 4, No 5 (2016)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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This experiment was conducted in Petimbe Village Palolo District Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi. This experiment used Split Plot Design. The main plot was containment: (N0) = without containment, and (N1) = plastic containment. The subplot was various mulch types: (M0) = without mulching, (M1) = rice straw mulching, (M2) = black plastic mulching, and (M3) = silver plastic mulching. Variables observed were plant height at 40 DAP, the number of leaves at 40 DAP, weight of fresh tuber per clump, the number of fresh tuber per clump and the weight of fresh tubers per five clumps. Result of this experiment showed that plastic containment had a significant effect on the number of leaves (28,38%), but had insignificant effect on plant height. Plastic containment and mulching had a significant effect on the weight gain of fresh tubers per clump (23.50 g) and the weight of fresh tubers per five clumps (12.33 g), but had insignificant effect on the number of fresh tubers per clump. Silver plastic mulching applied with plastic containment resulted in the highest number of tubers (7.47%) compared with without mulching as well as without containment. Key Words : Lembah Palu Variety, mulch, Onion, plastic containment.
INISIASI TUNAS CENGKEH (Syzigium aromaticum L.) DENGAN BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI BAP SECARA IN VITRO Haris, Abdul; Basri, Zainuddin; Bustami, Mirni Ulfa
AGROTEKBIS Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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Clove tree is an annual plant that can grow to a height of 10-20 m, it has oval shaped leaves and flowering emerge in its shoots . Fruit stalk at first green, and become red if it is blooming. This study aims to determine the best concentration of BAP on shoot clove growth in in vitro. This research has been carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tadulako, Palu, from August to September 2012. The material used was sterile shoots Cloves 1 month of age as much as 9 buds, study design using a Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments, using 5 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA, 6 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA, 7 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA. Each treatment was repeated 3 times sothere were 9 experimental units. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Duncan's test. The results showed that treatment 6 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA showed a significant effect on the shoots and leaves of clove.