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Jurnal de jure Vol 12, No 2 (2020): Jurnal De Jure
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/jurnaldejure.v12i2.467


Indonesia ikut serta dalam skema jual-beli karbon sebagai upaya mitigasi perubahan iklim. Karbon merupakan benda tidak berwujud yang diperjualbelikan berdasarkan pada perjanjian. Penelitian ini diajukan untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan yaitu pertama menganalisis skema perdagangan karbon menurut Hukum Perdata khususnya jual-beli. Kedua menganalisa mengenai Certified Emissions Reductions (CER) sebagai bukti objek transaksi Carbon Crediting.Dalam hukum perdata Indonesia tidak mengenal karbon sebagai objek hukum, tetapi Indonesia telah melakukan jual-beli karbon sebagai bentuk adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim. Namun demikian dalam precedent praktek hukum dapat direplikasi sebagai objek hukum tidak berwujud. Hak kepemilikan dari karbon ditandai dengan CER berpotensi sebagai peneguhan objek kepemilikan karbon belum dapat dipastikan yang dapat berakibat pada adanya konflik dimasyarakat karena hak karbon dan pembagian manfaat dari jual beli karbon belum dapat dipastikan.
The Concept of Work-Life Balance and Practical Application for Customer Services of Bank Dirga Lestari; Irsan Tricahyadinata; Rahmawati Rahmawati; Dio Caisar Darma; Siti Maria; Ariesta Heksarini
Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi Vol 8 No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Management Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/minds.v8i1.21121


This paper aims to examine the work-life balance (WLB) standards applied by the Limited Company of Bank Central Asia (PT BCA) Samarinda branch and their impact on employee loyalty, job performance, and turnover intentions. Our targets for employees who work in customer services (CS). We collected the data through survey techniques, where the size of the informants was 340 samples. Multiple regression analyses indicate that the WLB policy has affected employee loyalty, turnover intentions, and job performance. Employee loyalty also plays an essential role in job performance and turnover intentions. Meanwhile, job performance has a significant effect on preventing turnover intentions. The fundamental difference to this finding lies in the escalation in the causality of the variables and is worth developing.
Analisis Pengaruh Threat Emotion Konsumen, Brand Trust dan Corporate Image pada Keputusan Penggunaan Jasa Gusti Noorlitaria Achmad; Rahmawati Rahmawati
Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan | Journal of Theory and Applied Management Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jmtt.v13i1.17054


The Influence of Consumer Threat Emotion and Brand Trust and corporate image to the Buying Decision at Rumah Sakit Pertamina Balikpapan). This study aimed to analyze the influence of Threat Emotions and Brand Trust and corporate image to the Buying Decision. The independent variables in this study are threat emotions and brand trust, while the dependent variable in this study is buying decisions. The type of research that is used is quantitative research. The research was conducted on customers of Rumah Sakit Pertamina Balikpapan. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Data analysis techniques in this study used regression analysis. This study shows that threat emotion does not have a significant positive effect on buying decisions, brand trust does have a significant positive effect on buying decisions, and corporate image has a positive and significant effect on buying decisions.
The Legal Protection of Agricultural Land Sustainable Food in Mining Coal Area of East Kalimantan Haris Retno Susmiyati; Rahmawati Al-Hidayah
Pattimura Law Journal VOLUME 5 ISSUE 1, SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Pattimura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47268/palau.v5i1.478


The effort of fulfillment over people's food is a constitutional obligation of the State.  The development of an increasingly large population can threaten the existence of the tropical wet forest area when opening the land needs of food became imperative. As was the case in East Kalimantan, the area of food land is diminishing because over the function of the land are massive for coal mining and palm oil plantations. This will bring up the feared conditions insistence to open forest areas to agricultural land of food.  The Central Government has the authority to make the national policy while the local government is based on the provisions of Division of the authority of Government, have the authority to make policies related to land protection food crop sector ongoing in the area. This article would like to know (1) How is the legal content in the regulation regarding the protection of sustainable food crop lands at the national level; and (2) how is regional can make a regulation of the protection sustainable food crop lands. The method is used the legal research of normative, as well as by the method of analysis is  analytic descriptive. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the regulation of sustainable food crops land protection at the national level has been set in full, but the content of legal protection, there is a weakness in political designation, which allows agricultural lands sustainable food converted as long as there is not determination as a sustainable agricultural lands. In other words, the provision in The Law No 41 Of 2009 On The Protection Of Land For Sustainable Food  Plantation, but in substance precisely open up opportunities for the occurrence over the function of the land. there is a regulation on the region level regarding legal protection one of them the Regional Regulation No 1 Of 2013 On The Protection Of Sustainable Agricultural Lands, but contain elements of weakness that requires a determination of the agricultural lands before protection While official functionary who is not determination agricultural location does not get strict sanctions. This is a weakness for the agricultural land which has not been established, although physically it is the agricultural land of food, but because there is no designation then will not be affordable by the regulation of the area.  
Peran Masyarakat Sekitar Kawasan Lindung Pura Sajau Kabupaten Bulungan Dalam Upaya Konservasi Hutan Rahmawati Al Hidayah
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 7, Nomor 2, Desember 2011
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

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ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Pura Sajau Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Timur Kabupaten Bulungan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya upaya konservasi yang dilakukan kelompok masyarakat sementara disisi lain kerusakan hutan merupakan hal yang marak terjadi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat sekitar kawasan lindung Pura Sajau berperan dalam konservasi hutan di kawasan lindung Pura Sajau jauh sebelum kawasan ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Hal ini terbentuk melalui proses penyatuan atau integrasi persepsi, integrasi perasaan dan integrasi aturan di tengah masyarakat oleh lembaga adat dan peran seorang tokoh masyarakat dalam menjaga kelestarian hutan. Penetapan kawasan lindung juga merupakan inisiatif dari masyarakat yang meminta pemerintah memberikan kekuatan hukum untuk mengelola kawasan tersebut dan mendapatkan dukungan penuh dari instansi terkait. Dalam hal ini ada beberapa tantangan bagi upaya konservasi dan pengelolaan kawasan lindung Pura Sajau yang kemungkinan dihadapi di masa mendatang, antara lain: (1) Kondisi internal masyarakat yang masih menjadikan tokoh masyarakat sebagai motor penggerak untuk melestarikan hutan dan keterbatasan dana dalam mengelola kawasan lindung Pura Sajau. (2) Kelembagaan yang belum koordinatif dalam mewujudkan konservasi, (3) Belum adanya perencanaan yang jelas terhadap kawasan lindung Pura Sajau juga menjadi tantangan masa mendatang dalam mewujudkan konservasi itu sendiri. Kata Kunci: peran masyarakat, kawasan lindung, dan konservasi hutan
Klinik Hukum Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Penyusunan Rencana Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Haris Retno Susmiyati; Rahmawati Al Hidayah
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 4 (2021): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v5i4.5273


Public participation in the preparation of regional regulations is a right guaranteed by the constitution, especially if the regulations to be made are closely related to the sustainability of the community's living space. This is what underlies community service activities carried out to the coastal communities of Balikpapan Bay through groups of fishermen and activists who focus on environmental and coastal issues with the aim of providing legal understanding and awareness to be involved or participate in the preparation of RZWP3K. With the FGD method through 3 stages which include presentation of material, identification of problems, and preparation of policy briefs, it is hoped that it will be able to provide concrete efforts for community participation in the preparation of regional regulations. Based on the results of community service activities, legal awareness was formed for the participants who attended, as evidenced by the involvement of all participants in the preparation of a policy brief that was submitted to the Kaltim DPRD - Special Committee on the Draft Regional Regulation. at RZWP3K East Kalimantan
The Contradiction of Between Judge’s Decision and Legal Provisions Regarding The Position of Heirs in Proof of Land Rights Sulistiani Adont; La Syarifuddin; Rahmawati Al Hidayah
Jurnal Mulawarman Law Review VOLUME 3 ISSUE 2 DECEMBER 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (489.367 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/mulrev.v3i2.118


As the economic development of Indonesian society increases, so will the need for legal certainty in the field of land for the right holder of a plot of land. the fundamental issue in verifying the right to the land is any person claiming to have a right, or appointing an event to affirm his right or to deny any right of another person, shall prove the existence of that right or prove the event, the heirs' a case study of the Samarinda District Court Judgment Number 138 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PN.Smr.This research uses normative research method. The primary legal material of this research is the legislation that is compiled into a conceptual form based on existing legislation. Which then conducted legal analysis of the problems in this study.The result of the research is the position of the heirs in verification of the right to land must have at least two evidences, that can prove that the heirs are valid first through the certificate of inheritance. To strengthen the verification of the heirs to the land rights, the heirs must prove by means of evidence as set forth in Article 24 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Registration. The second result of the research is the letter of appointment by the Government/Local Government is a valid evidence based on existing legislation, and it becomes the base of the right which is the basis of the land ownership, the analysis of the judge's decision namely the judge decision of Samarinda District Court No. 138 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PN.Smr is incorrect and does not provide legal certainty, it is caused by no reference what is contained in Article 24 paragraph (1) and Article 32 paragraph (2) Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 on Land Registration.
The Contradiction of Between Judge’s Decision and Legal Provisions Regarding The Position of Heirs in Proof of Land Rights Sulistiani Adont; La Syarifuddin; Rahmawati Al Hidayah
Jurnal Mulawarman Law Review VOLUME 3 ISSUE 2 DECEMBER 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/mulrev.v3i2.118


As the economic development of Indonesian society increases, so will the need for legal certainty in the field of land for the right holder of a plot of land. the fundamental issue in verifying the right to the land is any person claiming to have a right, or appointing an event to affirm his right or to deny any right of another person, shall prove the existence of that right or prove the event, the heirs' a case study of the Samarinda District Court Judgment Number 138 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PN.Smr.This research uses normative research method. The primary legal material of this research is the legislation that is compiled into a conceptual form based on existing legislation. Which then conducted legal analysis of the problems in this study.The result of the research is the position of the heirs in verification of the right to land must have at least two evidences, that can prove that the heirs are valid first through the certificate of inheritance. To strengthen the verification of the heirs to the land rights, the heirs must prove by means of evidence as set forth in Article 24 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Registration. The second result of the research is the letter of appointment by the Government/Local Government is a valid evidence based on existing legislation, and it becomes the base of the right which is the basis of the land ownership, the analysis of the judge's decision namely the judge decision of Samarinda District Court No. 138 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PN.Smr is incorrect and does not provide legal certainty, it is caused by no reference what is contained in Article 24 paragraph (1) and Article 32 paragraph (2) Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 on Land Registration.
Pendampingan Pendaftaran Merek Bagi Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Berbasis Masyarakat Desa Lily Triyana; Aryo Subroto; Sri Susansi; Haris Retno Susmiyati; Rahmawati Al Hidayah; Wiwik Harjanti; Alfian
FLEKSIBEL: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Oktober 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lancang Kuning

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Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) activities are an alternative to increase community economic growth, including rural communities. However, with the large potential of UMKM, there are problems that can weaken the rights of UMKM, one of which is trademark registration for products produced by UMKM activities. This condition also occurs in UMKM actors in Separi Village, Tenggarong Seberang District. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct socialization to increase legal understanding for the public on the urgency of trademark registration and assistance to UMKM actors in the process of registering their marks. The method used in this activity is counseling and mentoring which is carried out through three stages, namely mapping the potential of UMKM, delivering law informations, and assisting in trademark registration. The result is an increase in legal understanding for the community and UMKM actors regarding trademark registration, as well as the registration of product brands from 1 (one) UMKM actor in Separi Village. This shows that it is important to carry out an empowerment process by increasing the legal understanding capacity of the community
Strengthening Legal Capacity of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Mahakam Delta: Penguatan Kapasitas Hukum Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di Kawasan Ekosistem Mangrove Delta Mahakam Haris Retno Susmiyati; Grizelda Grizelda; Rahmawati Al Hidayah; Warkhatun Najidah; Wiwik Harjanti; Alfian; Esti Handayani Hardi; Rita Diana; Nurul Puspita Palupi
CONSEN: Indonesian Journal of Community Services and Engagement Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Consen: Indonesian Journal of Community Services and Engagement
Publisher : Institut Riset dan Publikasi Indonesia

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The economic independence of the community through Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) is an important priority that supports social economy. Especially during a crisis and pandemic COVID19, UMKM are one of the business actors who are still able to survive when economic activity declines. However, in this great potential, UMKM actors in the mangrove ecosystem in the Mahakam delta area have weaknesses in legal understanding as evidenced by the incomplete licensing requirements, and also do not have an understanding of the urgency and procedures for making contracts and other legal aspects. Therefore, training is needed to increase the legal capacity of UMKM actors. The method used is a training involving UMKM business actors in three stages; UMKM mapping; provide material on opportunities and challenges for UMKM in mangrove ecosystems and legal knowledge for UMKM; preparation of strategic plans for UMKM for mangrove ecosystems. The results of this activity indicate an increase in the legal understanding of UMKM actors and a strategic plan for strengthening UMKM in the mangrove ecosystem in the Delta Mahakam area has been formulated. This encourages the community to participate in protecting and rehabilitating mangrove areas for mutual prosperity. Keywords: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ; Mangrove ; Delta Mahakam