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Aktivitas Fisik dan Status Gizi Mahasiswa Saat Pandemi COVID-19 Supit, Enrico D.; Mayulu, Nelly; Bolang, Alexander S. L.; Kawengian, Shirley
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 13, No 2 (2021): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.13.2.2021.31763


Abstract: The imposition of social restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in limitations in carrying out physical activities. Physical activity is a determining factor for a person's nutritional status by affecting body mass index (BMI). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the metabolic equivalent (MET) and the body mass index (BMI) of Class 2017 Students for the Medical Education Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine Unsrat during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the relationship between physical activity and nutritional status based on Class 2017 Student Education Study Program Doctor of the Faculty of Medicine Unsrat during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The study used an analytical method with a cross-sectional approach to students of class 2017 of the medical education program at the Faculty of Medicine Unsrat during the Covid-19 pandemic with a total sample of 105 people. Data analysis and hypothesis testing were carried out using SPSS. Result. The significance value between metabolic equivalent (MET) and body mass index (BMI) was (p) 0.035 and the significance value between physical activity and nutritional status was (p) 0.069. In conclusion, Statistically, it was found that there was a significant relationship between metabolic equivalent (MET) and body mass index (BMI) (p) 0.035 <0.05 and there was no significant relationship between physical activity and nutritional status (p) 0.069> 0.05.Keywords: physical activity, nutritional status.  Abstrak: Pemberlakuan pembatasan sosial selama pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan keterbatasan dalam melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas fisik. Aktivitas fisik merupakan suatu faktor penentu status gizi seseorang dengan mempengaruhi indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, Mengetahui hubungan antara metabolic equivalent (MET) dengan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) Mahasiswa Angkatan 2017 Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat saat Pandemi Covid-19 dan hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dan status gizi berdasarkan Mahasiswa Angkatan 2017 Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat saat Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional pada mahasiswa angkatan 2017 program studi pendidikan dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat saat pandemi Covid-19 dengan total sampel 105 orang. Analisis data dan uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS. Hasil. Didapatkan nilai signifikansi antara metabolic equivalent (MET) dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) sebesar (p) 0.035 dan diapatkan nilai signifikansi antara aktivitas fisik dan status gizi sebsesar (p) 0.069. Sebagai simpulan, secara satatistik didapatkan ada hubungan signifikan antara metabolic equivalent (MET) dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) (p) 0.035 < 0.05 dan tidak ditemukan hubungan signifikan antara aktivitas fisik dan status gizi (p) 0.069 > 0.05.Kata Kunci: aktvitas fisik, status gizi.
Status Gizi Mahasiswa Sebelum dan Di Saat Pandemi COVID-19 Bolang, Christy R.; Kawengian, Shirley E. S.; Mayulu, Nelly; Bolang, Alexander S. L.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 13, No 1 (2021): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.13.1.2021.31746


Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused Public Health Emergencies as well as non-natural disasters. Therefore, it is necessary to do countermeasures including prevention and control. Management policies, can result in changes to a person's diet, sleep habits, physical activity, and nutritional status. The purpose of this study, is to know the differences between the nutritional status of student batch of 2019 Medical Education Study Program Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is an observational retrospective study and the data were obtained through an e-questionnaire using the google form application. As a result, 112 samples were obtained through data before the pandemic with nutritional status; underweight 14.3%, normal 43.8%, overweight at risk 17.0%, obese I 19.6%, obese II 5.4%. While the nutritional status during the pandemic; underweight 17.0%, normal 48.2%, overweight at risk 17.9%, obese I 13.4%, obese II 3.6%. Statistical tests using the Wilcoxon Rank Test showed that the nutritional status category during the pandemic, was lower than the nutritional status category before the pandemic. (p <0.05). The result of this study concluded that there is a diminution in Nutritional Status category of Student Batch of 2019 Medical Education Study Program Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University during the COVID-19 pandemic.Keywords: Nutritional Status, COVID-19.  Abstrak: Pandemi COVID-19 menimbulkan Kedaruratan Kesehatan Masyarakat serta bencana nonalam, sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya penanggulangan termasuk pencegahan dan pengendaliannya. Kebijakan-kebijakan penanganannya, seperti karantina, bisa mengakibatkan perubahan terhadap pola makan, kebiasaan tidur, aktivitas fisik, dan Status Gizi seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu diketahuinya perbedaan antara status gizi mahasiswa Angkatan 2019 Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi pada masa sebelum dan di saat pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu observational retrospective study dan data diperoleh melalui e-questionnaire dengan aplikasi google form. Hasil penelitian terhadap 112 sampel, diperoleh data pada masa sebelum pandemi dengan status gizi; underweight 14,3%, normal 43,8%, overweight at risk 17,0%, obese I 19,6%, obese II 5,4%. Status gizi pada masa pandemi; underweight 17,0%, normal 48,2%, overweight at risk 17,9%, obese I 13,4%, obese II 3,6%. Uji statistik dengan Wilcoxon Rank Test diperoleh kategori status gizi pada masa pandemi lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kategori status gizi sebelum masa pandemi (p < 0,05).  Dan disimpulkan bahwa terdapat penurunan kategori Status Gizi pada Mahasiswa Angkatan 2019 Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi pada masa pandemi COVID-19.Kata Kunci: Status Gizi, COVID-19
Asupan Energi dan Status Gizi Mahasiswa Saat Pandemi COVID-19 Rambing, Chorinne J. E.; Bolang, Alexander S. L.; Kawengian, Shirley E. S.; Mayulu, Nelly
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 13, No 2 (2021): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.13.2.2021.31776


Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major health problems as well as social and economic instability. Mitigation measures, such as quarantine, work from home, study from home, can affect the food supply chain and cause food and nutrition insecurity in various regions of the world. The research objective was to determine the relationship between energy intake and nutritional status of students at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sam Ratulangi Manado during the COVID-19 pandemic. An observational analytic study was conducted with a cross-sectional approach which was conducted from September - December 2020 to 105 students who met the sample criteria. Energy intake data were obtained from a 2x24 hour food recall questionnaire with the google spreadsheet application and the survey survey. Nutritional status data based on BMI were obtained via e-questionare with the google form application. Correlation analysis was performed using the Spearman rank test in the SPSS program. The total energy intake of the respondents was 1583.07 ± 408.024 kcal. As many as 8 people had underweight nutritional status, 46 people had normal nutritional status, 20 people had At risk nutritional status, 26 people with obese 1 nutritional status and 5 people with obese 2 nutritional status as many as 5 people. There was no significant relationship (p ≥ 0.05) between energy intake and nutritional status.Keyword: COVID-19, energy intake, nutritional Status.  Abstrak: Pandemi COVID-19 selain telah menyebabkan masalah kesehatan yang besar juga mengakibatkan ketidakstabilan sosial dan ekonomi. Upaya-upaya penanggulannya antar lain seperti karantina, work from home, study from home dapat mempengaruhi rantai pasokan makanan dan menimbulkan situasi ketidakamanan pangan dan gizi di berbagai wilayah di dunia. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara asupan energi dan status gizi mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado saat Pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian analitik observasional dilakukan dengan pendekatan crossectional yang dilaksanakan dari bulan September - Desember 2020 pada 105 mahasiswa yang memenuhi kriteria sampel. Data asupan energi diperoleh dari kuesioner food recall 2x24 jam dengan aplikasi google spreadsheet dam mutrisurvey. Data status gizi berdasarkan IMT diperoleh melalui e-questionare dengan aplikasi google form. Analisis korelasi dilakukan dengan spearman rank test pada program SPSS. Asupan energi total responden yaitu 1583,07 ± 408,024 kkal. Sebanyak 8 orang memiliki status gizi underweight, sebanyak 46 orang status gizi normal, 20 orang status gizi At risk, status gizi obese 1 sebanyak 26 orang dan 5 orang status gizi obese 2 sebanyak 5 orang. Tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan yang bermakna (p ≥ 0,05) antara asupan energi dengan status gizi.Keyword : COVID-19, asupan energi, status gizi.