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Application of Blog For Media Learning of Online Marketing courses/ Penerapan Blog Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Pemasaran Online Doni Erfianto; Wening Patmi Rahayu; Djoko Dwi Kusumajanto
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) VOL 1, NO.1, JULY 2015
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.286 KB)


This study aims to: 1) describe the implementation of blog as a learning medium for online marketing subject; 2) determine students' response on the implementation of blog as a learning medium for online marketing subject; and 3) know the advantages and disadvantages after the implementation the implementation of blog as a learning medium for online marketing subject. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. Data that were taken for this study is based on the observation sheet and questionnaire. In addition, the data sources that are taken are 26 tenth grade students of Marketing 2 at SMKN 1 Probolinggo. The research finding showed that: 1) the implementation of a blog can help students to learn online marketing materials; 2) the results of the questionnaire showed that students responded positively on the implementation of blogs as a learning medium; and 3) the advantages and disadvantages after the implementation of blogs as a learning medium are: a) advantages: teachers can operate a blog, students can be more active in the learning activities and creating innovative and creative learning; b) dissadvantages: there is one student who did not like the virtual world and if there is a blackout, the teaching and learning activities is disrupted.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan penerapan blog sebagai media pembelajaran mata pelajaran pemasaran online, 2) mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penerapan blog sebagai media pembelajaran mata pelajaran pemasaran online, 3)  mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan setelah penerapan blog sebagai media pembelajaran mata pelajaran pemasaran online. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang diambil untuk penelitian ini berdasarkan pada lembar observasi dan angket. Sedangkan sumber data yang diambil yaitu 26 siswa kelas X PMS 2 di SMKN 1 Probolinggo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) penerapan blog dapat membantu siswa dalam belajar materi pemasaran online, 2) hasil angket menunjukkan bahwa siswa memberikan respon yang positif terhadap penerapan blog sebagai media pembelajaran, 3) kelebihan dan kekurangan setelah penerapan blog sebagai media pembelajaran a) kelebihan: guru dapat mengoperasikan blog, siswa lebih aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran serta pembelajaran menjadi inovatif dan kreatif b) kekurangan: ada satu siswa yang tidak suka dengan dunia maya dan apabila listrik mati kegiatan belajar mengajar terganggu.  
Developing a Higher Order Thinking Skill-Oriented and Metacognitive-Based Assessment for Vocational School Students Wening Patmi Rahayu; Uswatun Hasanah; Rully Wiliandri
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) VOL 6, NO.1, JULY 2020
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um003v6i12020p010


This study aims to provide an assessment instrument oriented to Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based on metacognitive skill. The research product was analyzed for feasibility using a validation test of constructs and contents. The assessment instrument was measured with the difficulty and different levels of the questions. A valid product is tested to acknowledge the user's response. The results showed that the construct and content validation is valid, with 94 percent and 91 percent, respectively. The analysis of the different levels of the question showed a good different result. It implies that the instrument points lead to HOTS, which can improve students' metacognitive skills. The revised instrument was tested to the users, with the response was about 86.17 percent. The validation result from the experts and the response of the user can be concluded that the instrument of the HOTS-oriented and metacognitive-based assessment is entirely feasible, so it can be used as a guideline and reference by the teachers in the vocational school to develop similar products.
The Role of Business Center Alfamart in Improving Student Marketing Competencies Selviani Putri Anggia; Wening Patmi Rahayu; Didik Indratno; Puji Rahayu; Siti Mutmainah
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) VOL 3, NO.1, JULY 2017
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.184 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um003v3i12017p065


The purpose of this study is to know an overall research, optimization and the role of business center SMKN 1 Turen. The research type is qualitative descriptive. The procedure of Data collection used observation, interview, and documentation. The results show that the design is similar with Alfamart store, the school optimizes it as a real practice place not only the simulation, the infrastructure facilities are complete and promotes in improving psychomotor competence that is Alfaclass students can do arrangement product using FIFO method, operate the cash register, and serving consumer by friendly
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Kontekstual Bermuatan Karakter Pada Mata Pelajaran Kewirausahaan di SMK Cendika Bangsa Kepanjen Dwi Rahayu; Heri Pratikto; Wening Patmi Rahayu
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) VOL 2, NO.3, NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.188 KB)


 Kurikulum 2013 dikenal sebagai pendidikan karakter dimana pembelajaran yang dikembangkan menggunakan pendekatan scientific. Untuk menunjang pembelajaran  dengan menggunakan pendekatan scientific salah satunya dapat menggunakan modul. Modul adalah sarana pembelajaran dalam bentuk tertulis atau cetak yang berisi materi pembelajaran, metode, tujuan pembelajaran, petunjuk kegiatan belajar, dan latihan yang disusun secara sistematis dan menarik untuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan dan dapat digunakan secara mandiri.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa modul pembelajaran kontekstual bermuatan karakter pada mata pelajaran kewirausahaan dengan mataeri produk kerajinan dari bahan lunak dan pengemasannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan didukung data kuantitatif. Model pengembangan produk modul ini menggunakan modifikasi Brog & Gall yang terdiri dari: 1) analisis kebutuhan, 2) perencanaan, 3) pengembangan produk, 4) validasi ahli, 5) uji coba kelompok kecil, 6) revisi, 7) produk akhir. Produk divalidasi oleh 1 orang ahli modul dan 1 orang ahli materi, kemudian dilakukan uji kelompok kecil sebanyak 25 siswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan pedoman wawancara, dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul yang dikembangkan termasuk dalam kriteria valid dan layak, ditinjau dari hasil validasi ahli materi, ahli modul dan pada uji coba kelompok kecil sebesar sehingga modul pembelajaran kontekstual bermuatan karakter valid dan layak digunakan sebagai bahan ajar. Abstract: 2013 curriculum known as character education where learning developed used the scientific .To support learning by adopting scientific one of which may be use module .Module is a means learning in the form of written or a print contains material learning , method , the purpose of learning , guidance learning activities , and in whose exercise arranged systematically and compelling to reach competence expected and can be used independently.This study attempts to yield the product of learning module contextual charged character on the subjects of entrepreneurship with mataeri products the craft of soft material and pengemasannya .This study adopted qualitative approaches by the support quantitative data .Model product development this module use modification a brog & amp; gall consisting of: 1 analysis needs , 2 planning , 3 ) product development , 4 ) validation the people of , 5 ) pilot small group , 6 ) revision , 7 ) the final product .Products validated by 1 experts modules and 1 experts matter , then undergone a small group 25 students .Data collected by guidelines , and chief .The research results show that module developed including on the criteria valid and worthy of , in terms of the results of validation the matter , the modules and on trial group fraction of so learning module contextual charged character valid and being used as teaching materials.
Development of Project Based Psychomotor Assessment Instruments to Measure Student Learning Outcomes in Marketing Subjects on Basic Competencies of Marketing Mix Eva Rosita Dewi; Wening Patmi Rahayu
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) VOL 4, NO.1, JULY 2018
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (848.776 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um003v4i12018p020


This study aimed to produce a project-based psychomotor assessment instrument in accordance with the 2013 curriculum, on Marketing Mix Competence and to measure student learning outcomes. A research method that was used in this article is Research and Development (R&D). The data was obtained from validation experts, students' understanding of 12 students, as well as student learning outcomes. The validation result of the contents of psychomotor assessment instruments by expert validators which consist of 1 lecturer and 2 teachers are 94 percent and 92.8 percent. Meanwhile, validation of the project by expert validators is about 95 percent and 93.8 percent, respectively. The results of readability test (comprehension) obtained by the students of tenth-grade of Online Business and Marketing Expertise class with 90.2 percent. While the results of student learning in the product label sketch with an average final score of 3.82. Based on the results of content validation and readability test it can be concluded that the project-based psychomotor assessment instrument to measure student learning outcomes is feasible to be used in the teaching-learning process.
Pengaruh Penguasaan Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya dan Kajian Praktik Lapangan terhadap Minat Menjadi Guru Nynys Khoirun Nisa’; Agus Hermawan; Wening Patmi Rahayu
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) VOL 2, NO.2, SEPTEMBER 2016
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.833 KB)


Abstract: Mastery work skills courses (MKB) and teaching practice (KPL) are factors which improve interest in becoming teachers. teaching practice is the course the practice in schools that have cooperated with the campus, where students will be faced directly how to become a professional teacher work of the provisions that have been acquired during the lectures. As for the purpose of the present study is determining: (a) Deskription of mastery work skills courses (MKB) and teaching practice (KPL). (b) Deskription of interest in becoming teachers. (c) The effect of mastery work skills courses (MKB) and teaching practice (KPL) partially to the interest in becoming teachers. (d) The effect of mastery work skills courses (MKB) and teaching practice (KPL) simultanious toward to the interest in becoming teachers. The design of the study is research eksplanasi with deskriptive analysis and multiple linier analysis. The population of the study is 219  students and 150 of them are taken as sample. The sampling technique employed is proportional random sampling. The result analysis shows that: (a) There is significant and of MKB on interest in becoming teachers. (b) There is significant of teaching practice (KPL) on interest in becoming teachers. (c) There is significant of MKB and KPL on interest in becoming teachers. This reseach shows the level of effect in mastery work skills courses (MKB) and teaching practice (KPL) about 2,8% and the left is 97,2% which affected by other variables.Abstrak: Penguasaan Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya dan Kajian Praktik Lapangan merupakan salah satu faktor untuk meningkatkan minat mahasiswa untuk menjadi guru. Kajian dan Praktik Lapangan merupakan matakuliah praktik yang dilakukan di sekolah sekolah yang telah bekerja sama dengan pihak kampus, dimana mahasiswa akan menghadapi langsung bagaimana menjadi seorang guru yang profesioanl dari bekal yang telah diperoleh selama perkuliahan. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (a) Deskripsi Penguasaan Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya dan Kajian Praktik Lapangan. (b) Deskripsi Minat Mahasiswa untuk Menjadi Guru. (c) Pengaruh Penguasaan Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya dan Kajian Praktik Lapangan secara parsial terhadap minat menjadi guru. (d) Pengaruh Penguasaan Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya dan Kajian Praktik Lapangan secara simultan terhadap minat menjadi guru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanasi, dengan analisis deskriptif dan analisis linier berganda. Populasi daa penelitian berjumlah 219 mahasiswa dengan sampel 150 mahasiswa. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Propotional Random Sampling. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (a) ada pengaruh signifikan antara penguasaan matakuliah keahlian berkarya terhadap minat menjadi guru diterima. (b) ada pengaruh signifikan antara penguasaan kajian dan praktik lapangan terhadap minat menjadi guru diterima. (c) Ada pengaruh signifikan  antara penguasaan matakuliah keahlian berkarya dan kajian praktik lapangan terhadap minat menjadi guru. Penelitian ini menunjuukan besarnya pengaruh penguasaan matakuliah keahlian berkarya dan kajian praktik lapangan terhadap minat menjadi guru sebesar 2,8% dan sisanya 97,8% dipengaruhi variabel lain.
Pemanfaatan E- Learning Network Edmodo Dalam Pembelajaran Ika Zutiasari; Wening Patmi Rahayu; Jefry Aulia Martha; Rila Ayu Agnes Indarwati
Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 Maret 2021
Publisher : LPPM IKIP Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31537/dedication.v5i1.443


Malang memiliki banyak produk unggulan yang diproduksi oleh UMKM, mulai dari makanan, minuman bahkan sampai dengan kerajinan tangan (crafting). Mengingat semakin pesatnya perpindahan informasi melalui media digital dan pengguna digital serta berdasar dari data kualitatif dan kuantitatif diatas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa di Kabupaten Malang cukup banyak pelaku UMKM dengan berbagai permasalahannya yang belum mampu untuk melaksanakan system pemasaran menggunakan digital marketing dengan efektif. Tujuan kegiatan ini karena: Pertama, mereka belum menguasi pemasaran berbasis digital dengan efektif sehingga belum memanfaatkan digital marketing secara maksimal. Kedua, tanpa memiliki kompetensi ini (penguasaan digital marketing), maka akan menyulitkan para pelaku UMKM di Malang bersaing dalam perdagangan. Adapun UMKM yang dijadikan objek pelatihan adalah UMKM Perum GPA Ngijo, Karangploso Kabupaten Malang. Teknik pendampingan yang digunakan adalah teknik pendampingan terarah yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Hasil positif dan memuaskan dari pelatihan pemasaran berbasis digital ini merupakan langkah awal yang dilakukan team pengabdian dalam membantu pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah untuk meningkatkan frekuensi penjualan.
Developing Performance Assessment-Based Authentic Assessment of Business Plan Subject Vica Vekyana Sagita; Wening Patmi Rahayu
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB) Vol 7 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi & Bisnis (DOAJ & SINTA 2 Indexed)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.95 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPEB.007.1.4


The purpose of this research and development was to produce a product in the form of an authentic assessment instrument on cognitive and psychomotor aspects based on performance assessment in productive learning of business plan subject that was valid and feasible to be implemented in Vocational High School or SMK. The model of the research adopted Borg & Gall's Research and Development (R&D) model. The model used six-stages model of ten stages which were performed, namely: (1) potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) development of product drafts; (4) limited trials; (5) revision of the trial results; and (6) final products. In producing a research product, it was necessary to perform the content validation and limited trial tests. The validation test was carried out by 3 lecturers and 1 Business Plan teacher who met the criteria as a validator. Exercises in Students’ Worksheets (LKS) were analyzed with the level of difficulty and the discrimination power level. The results of the study were the instrument products in the form of Student Worksheets (LKS) on cognitive and psychomotor assessment based on performance assessment for the business plan subjects were considered valid and feasible, in form of test and non-test questions, performance assessment sheets which were used to assess student performance when practicing business plan learning materials. Meanwhile, the quality of the questions used have also met the level of difficulty and the discrimination power level.
Development of a Project-Based Learning Assessment System to Improve Students’ Competence Wening Patmi Rahayu; Hidayatin Hidayatin; Madziatul Churiyah
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB) Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi & Bisnis (DOAJ & SINTA 2 Indexed)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPEB.008.2.1


The study aims to develop a project-based learning assessment system to improve students’ competence. Data were obtained using the Research and Development (R&D) methods adopted from Borg & Gall which comprised of 8 stages. The research products were tested by using the construct and content validations conducted by 2 lecturers and 1 teacher, respectively. Furthermore, students’ competence was analyzed by measuring their cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The product developed obtained highly valid criteria in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains with scores of 84.6%, 84.2% and 84%, respectively. In addition, the results of content validation obtained highly valid criteria in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains with scores of 90%, 93.3%, and 92%. Furthermore, the results of field testing obtained a score of 82% by 1 archival teacher and 82.77% by 30 students which showed that the assessment instrument received a good response and feasible for use in learning. The improvement in competence was measured by projects made in the instrument, and it led to a significant improvement in competence before using the assessment as learning instrument.
Project-Based Assessment Blended Learning To Improve Students' Psychomotor Competence Wening Patmi Rahayu; Ika Zutiasari; Giarti Ningsih
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB) Vol 10 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi & Bisnis (DOAJ & SINTA 2 Indexed)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPEB.010.1.3


This research and development aim to produce an appropriate blended learning-based assessment project that can improve student competence. Project assignment by utilizing various contemporary applications such as Tik Tok, Instagram, and Youtube as a medium for product promotion. The data were researched and developed using Research and Development methods, the research model used was adopted from Borg & Gall. The feasibility of the development product in the form of an instrument was validated by a validator of assessment experts, validators of material experts. Student competence is measured by cognitive and psychomotor aspects. Data analysis by percentage and paired sample T-test analysis. The results of expert validation were declared "Very Feasible" with a score of 86.4% (cognitive) and 88.2% (psychomotor). The results of material expert validation were 89% (cognitive) and 87.5% (psychomotor) with the "Very Feasible" category. The results of the large class trial resulted in a score of 86.7% for the teacher's response and 88% for the student's response to the assessment instrument product. The increase in student competence is measured through project assignments, where the results of the calculation of the paired sample T-test show that there is a difference in the average score before and after using the assessment instrument in either the cognitive or psychomotor domain.