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JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA JIB Volume 3 No 1 Januari-Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

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Penelitian ini berjudul ―Pembentukan Idiom dalam Kumpulan Lagu Racine Carrée KaryaStromae (Suatu Tinjauan Semantis)‖. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menunjukkan jenis-jenisidiom apa saja yang didapatkan, bagaimana perubahan makna leksikal ke makna sebenarnya danapa saja dampak yang diperoleh dari perubahan makna tersebut.Idiom dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu idiom penuh, idiom sebagian, idiom yangterdiri dari bagian tubuh, idiom yang terdiri dari kata indra, idiom nama warna, idiom namabenda alam dan idiom yang terdiri dari berbagai kelas kata (verba, nomina, adjektif dan adverba).Data yang terkumpul kemudian diteliti menggunakan teori perubahan makna. Perubahan maknayang dimaksudkan dalam hal ini adalah perubahan makna yang dialami kata-kata pembentukidiom setelah tergabung dalam sebuah idiom.Dari tigapuluh data yang diteliti diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa berubahnya makna pada katapembentuk idiom adalah syarat dari terbentuknya idiom. kemudian Stromae menggunakan idiomdengan caranya sendiri tanpa menghilangkan makna idiomatiknya sehingga terlihat bahwa idiomdalam bahasa prancis lebih fleksibel.Kata kunci : idiom, makna idiomatik, makna leksikal, makna sebenarnya, perubahan makna.
STRUKTUR TEKS MEDIA DARING PRANCIS DALAM PEMBERITAAN MENGENAI NIIS (Suatu Analisis Wacana Kritis) Ahmad Fadhil; muhammad hasyim; wahyuddin wahyuddin
JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA JIB Volume 3 No 1 Januari-Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

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The title of this research is the text structure of French online media in the newsof Islamic Stateof Iraq and Syam (ISIS). The aim of this research is to analyse the structure of the French onlinemedia texts to obtain an overview of the macrostructure, the superstructure and themicrostructure of the text which could define ideology differences from each French onlineMedias.To answer several problems of this research, the methods of descriptive qualitative is applied,based on critacal discourse analysis theory of Teun A van Dijk which divide the text structureinto three levels; macrostructure, superstructure and microstructure. The conclusion of thisresearch is that each French online media construct the discourse of ISIS with different ways ofinterpretation based on their ideology which appears clearly in the difference of news text ineach level of structure text.Keywords: macrostructure, superstructure, microstructure, ideology, interpretation
UNGKAPAN DALAM NASKAH BOCCO TALLU: SEMANTIK Wahyuddin Wahyuddin; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Ikhwan Ikhwan
JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA JIB Volume 5, No 1 Januari - Juni 2017
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

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This study used the qualitative descriptive method. The data was collected through observation and interview. The data was analyzed through coding and reducing. The researcher interviewed the cultural observer and drew the conclusion of manuscript contribution aspects. The result is as follows. First, the analysis of manuscript discourse aspects was observed with two methods, linguistic and structural methods. The linguistic aspect consist of, intentionality, and acceptability of Bocco Tallu manuscript. The structural method consist of words, phrases, sentences, stanzas. Second,the analysis of social cultural context of Bocco Tallu manuscript consist of social level (class social), traditional marriage, leadership concepts, arts, and religious system of Mandar tribe. Third, social cultural context of Bocco Tallu manuscript gave contribution to harmonious society in sociallife of Mandar tribe that is signed with ceremony performed once four years in the presence of all public figures and no other nobles. Having done some analyzes on this text shows the phrases that lead to the concept of power and history in Mandar, especially the kingdom of Alu, Tara Manu 'andSendana.Key words: Manuscripst, Bocco tallu, semantic, culture, structural methode