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Penerapan Kontrol PI Pada Alat Pengaduk dan Pengukus Adonan Pudak untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Produksi Industri Rumah Tangga di Gresik Indra Ferdiansyah; Irianto Irianto; Epyk Sunarno
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 8, No 2 (2020): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v8i2.935


Abstrak       Seiring dengan semakin berkembangnya kemajuan teknologi di era modern ini, membawa manusia untuk terus melakukan inovasi-inovasi dan kreasi guna memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi yang ada, khususnya dibidang perindustrian baik skala besar maupun industri rumahan. Dibidang perindustrian kebutuhan sistem kontrol yang efektif dan efisien sangat diperlukan untuk mempermudah, menghemat atau mempersingkat waktu kerja dan tenaga pada sebuah proses produksi. Dalam hal ini sebuah  plant yang akan digunakan adalah motor DC sebagai pengaduk dan heater sebagai pengukus pada proses industri rumahan pembuatan makanan khas Gresik “Pudak”. Adapun yang sering menjadi kendala dari industri rumahan adalah tidak mampu memenuhui permintaan dengan jumlah besar dan lamanya proses produksi.Solusi dari permasalah ini adalah merancang dan membuat alat produksi pudak secara semi-otomatis, dengan menggunakan kontrol Propotional Integral (PI) pada setiap sistemnya. Pada sistem yang diusulkan, proses pengadukan kecepatan motor dijaga secara konstan selama 10 menit dengan nilai parameter Kp=10 dan Ki=5. Setelah itu pada proses pengukusan suhu dijaga konstan sekitar 900C selama ± 90 menit,  dengan nilai Kp=75 dan Ki=5.0. Kemudian setelah seluruh proses selesai maka buzzer akan berbunyi sebagai tanda bahwa prsoses pembuatan pudak telah selesai. Kata kunci :  proses kontrol, industry rumah tangga, kontrol PI
Model Matematik dari Spark Ignition Engine FIAT DEDRA V6 Irianto Irianto
Journal of Natural A Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (820.18 KB)


Pemodelan matematik dari spark ignition engine (SIE) berupa engine stand yaitu motor bakar bensin mobil FIAT DEDRA V6 selama ini banyak didominasi oleh model matematik sistem siso, yaitu masukannya berupa Spark advanced position A(s) (time ignition) di dalam ruang bakar (silinder) atau dapat berupa Duty cycle of the throttle valve D(s) sebagai penyebab variasi Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR) terhadap keluaran berupa speed engine atau manifold pressure. Pemodelan matematik dari plant SIE pada penelitian ini, bagaimana menentukan hubungan antar kedua keluaran terhadap pengaruh dari kedua masukan tersebut di atas. Hubungan dari kedua keluaran terhadap kedua masukan dinyatakan dengan transfer function berbentuk matrix sistem multi input multi output (mimo) 2X2 dari SIE, sehingga subsistem-subsistem dari plant engine didapat dengan menggunakan metode superposisi dari kedua keluaran speed engine dan manifold pressure terhadap kedua masukan yaitu Duty cycle of the throttle valve dan Spark advanced Position. Hasil yang didapat disimulasikan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pengaruh dari masing-masing masukan yang memberikan kontribusi ke keluaran terhadap subsistem-subsistem sistem mimo dari plant spark igniton engine.
Pemodelan dan simulasi kontrol proporsional integral pada proses pembuatan pupuk kandang Eka Zulia Agustin; Irianto Irianto; Hendik Eko Hadi Suharyanto
Jurnal Teknika Vol 16, No 2 (2020): Edisi November 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/tjst.v16i2.8492


Dalam proses dekomposisi (pembusukan) pupuk kandang dari kotoran kambing, faktor suhu sangat berpengaruh pada tingkat kematangan pupuk kandang. Suhu untuk melakukan proses pembusukan pada kotoran kambing sebesar 50oC karena mikroorganisme yang berperan dalam proses dekomposisi dapat bekerja secara optimal. Secara konvensional, pengamatan suhu pada proses pembusukan dilakukan di bawah sinar matahari yang bergantung dengan perubahan cuaca, sehingga waktu pengeringan lama dan tidak efisien. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sistem pengontrol suhu pada kotoran kambing menggunakan heater yang bersumber dari AC-AC voltage controller. Dengan adanya sistem pengontrol suhu dalam proses dekomposisi (pembusukan), suhu kotoran kambing akan konstan sebesar 50oC. Pada penelitian ini, teknik pengontrol suhu pada kotoran kambing dimodelkan dan disimulasikan menggunakan kontrol PI (proporsional integral). Kontrol PI dimodelkan untuk menentukan nilai Kp dan Ki serta disimulasikan untuk mengatur tegangan keluaran konverter yang mengontrol tegangan AC yang disebut dengan AC-AC voltage controller. Untuk mendapatkan nilai parameter Kp dan Ki, diperlukan pengujian open-loop dengan beban kotoran kambing sebesar 5000 gram sehingga mendapatkan suhu dalam kondisi steady. Tegangan 170 V digunakan sebagai setting point tegangan pada simulasi kontrol AC-AC voltage controller karena setara dengan nilai setting point suhu pada proses dekomposisi pupuk kandang sebesar 50o RMSC dengan berat 5000 gram sehingga diperoleh nilai Kp sebesar 2,9162814587 dan nilai Ki sebesar 1,7462763226. Waktu yang diperlukan respon untuk mencapai kondisi steady sebesar 12 menit dengan error steady state sebesar 0,3%. Dengan pengontrol suhu menggunakan kontrol PI ini waktu pengeringan kotoran kambing hingga menjadi pupuk kandang lebih cepat dan efisien. In the process of manure decomposition (decay) from goat dung, the temperature factor is very influential in the maturity level of manure. The temperature for the decay process in goat dung is 50oC because micro-organisms that play a role in the decomposition process can work optimally. Conventionally, the observation of temperature in the decay process is carried out under the sunlight depending on the weather changes, so that the drying time is long and inefficient. Therefore, a temperature control system in goat dung is needed, using a heater sourced from AC-AC Voltage Controller. With the temperature control system in the process of decomposition (decay), the temperature of goat dung will be constant by 50oC. In this study, the temperature control technique of goat manure is modeled and simulated using the PI (proportional integral) controls. The PI control is modeled to determine the value of Kp and Ki and is simulated to regulate the output voltage of the converter that controls the AC voltage called the AC-AC Voltage Controller. To obtain the value of the Kp and Ki parameters, an open-loop test is required with a goat load of 5000 grams so that the temperature is in steady condition. 170 VRMS voltage used as a voltage set point in the AC-AC Voltage Controller Control simulation because of the equivalent temperature point setting value in the manure decomposition process of 50oC with a weight of 5000 grams so that the value of Kp for 2,9162814587 and Ki value amounting to 1,7462763226. The time required to reach a steady condition is 12 minutes with a steady state error of 0,3%. With this PI control, the drying time of goat dung to become manure is faster and more efficient. 
Perancangan boost converter menggunakan kontrol proporsional integral (PI) sebagai suplai tegangan input inverter satu fasa untuk sistem uninterruptible power supply Teguh Tri Arvianto; Endro Wahjono; Irianto Irianto
Jurnal Teknika Vol 16, No 2 (2020): Edisi November 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/tjst.v16i2.8511


Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok dalam menunjang berbagai sektor kegiatan manusia. Namun,  dalam  realisasinya,  PT.  PLN  menemui  kendala  seperti  terputusnya  jalur  distribusi  listrik  ke pelanggan.  Untuk  mengantisipasi  terjadinya  pemadaman  listrik,  maka  dibutuhkan  peralatan  seperti uninterruptible power supply (UPS) sebagai sistem back up supply. Pada penelitian ini, rancangan sistem UPS terdiri dari baterai,  boost converter,  full-bridge inverter  satu fasa, serta filter LC yang digunakan sebagai suplai energi listrik untuk beban induktif dengan kriteria regulasi tegangan dan regulasi harmonisa sesuai standar yang berlaku. Agar sistem dapat dioperasikan secara terintegrasi, maka terdapat kontrol PI dengan nilai Kp yaitu 5 dan Ki yaitu 40 sebagai pengatur tegangan output boost converter sebesar 311 VDC yang diperoleh melalui perhitungan analitik. Adapun rancangan boost converter memiliki kapasitas daya sebesar 720 Watt. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan nilai drop tegangan output maksimum UPS sebesar 3,5 VAC terhadap standar tegangan nominal 220 VAC, serta menghasilkan bentuk gelombang tegangan dan arus output sinusoidal dengan suplai energi listrik maksimum menuju beban sebesar ±463 VA.   Electrical energy is one of the basic needs in supporting various sectors of human activity. However, in its realization, PT. PLN encountered problems such as disconnection of electricity distribution lines to customers. To anticipate a power outage, equipment such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is needed as a back up supply system. In this research, the UPS system design consists of a batteries, boost converter, single-phase full-bridge inverter, and an LC filter which is used as an electrical energy supply for inductive loads with the criteria of voltage regulation and harmonic regulation according to applicable standards. In order for the system to be operated in an integrated manner, there is a PI control with a value of Kp is 5 and Ki is 40 as a boost converter output voltage regulator of 311 VDC which is obtained through analytic calculations. The design of boost converter has a power capacity of 720 Watt. The simulation results  show  the  maximum  UPS  output  voltage  drop  value  of  3.5  VAC  against  the  nominal  voltage standard of 220 VAC, and produce a sinusoidal output voltage and current waveform with a maximum supply of electrical energy to the load of ± 463 VA. 
Rancang Bangun Alat Pengering Eceng Gondok Untuk Bahan Kerajinan Tangan (Menggunakan Metode Tuning Controller Chien Regulator I dan Chien Servo I) Aqidah Ahya Nurlaily; Irianto Irianto; Epyk Sunarno
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.986 KB) | DOI: 10.26905/jtmi.v3i2.1522


Hyacinth is a plant that can be utilized for the manufacture of various types of handicrafts, such as bags, sandals, souvenirs, and other furniture that has high art. In the process of making hyacinth crafts, it is considered in the process of drying. During this time, the hyacinth drying process still using conventional methods, which use solar energy which is dependent on weather conditions. Conventional drying methods relatively need long time, ie 7-10 days. So, that was designed hyacinth dryer that is not dependent on the weather and can be controlled with temperature sensors and weight sensor depend its set point. Hyacinth dryers use heater, blower and air circulation fan. The controller of the drying machine is Microcontroller ATMega 16 with PI Controll methods Tuning Controller Chien Regulator I with Kp = 4,55 and Ki = 0,3 and Tuning Controller Chien Servo I Kp = 2,65 and Ki = 0,156. Hyacinth drying with a dryer need time shorter than using the conventional drying method, ie 12 hours with stabil temperature 60ᵒC . With this dryer can dry 30 stems of hyacinth with initial weight 500g become dry hyacinth with weight ± 60g. Depends on the result of laboratory test, hyacint with dryer produce fiber content, water content, and ash content  that good enough.
Comparison Method of PI, PID and Fuzzy Logic Controller to Maintain Speed Stability in Single Phase Induction Motors Irianto Irianto; Farid Dwi Murdianto; Epyk Sunarno; Dewinta Dwi Proboningtyas
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 8, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v8i1.2687


Induction motor speed control is one of the operating conditions that is often used so that feedback with a low error rate is required. To fulfill this, PI and PID controls have been implemented for single phase induction motors. This control has parameters, namely Kp, Ki and Kd. PI and PID controls can cover a variety of desired response conditions, but these controls still have weaknesses in the tuning process. The tuning process used still has a fairly large error value. So in this case we need an intelligent control to meet the desired motor speed response specifications. The performance of motor speed regulation was evaluated using a comparison between PI and PID control with Fuzzy in a closed loop. With a setting point of 1500 rpm, for PI control, with Kp = 7.32 and Ki = 0.005 can produce motor speeds up to 1499. While PID control with Kp = 0.95, Ki = 0.005 and Kd = 0.04 can produce similar speeds. 1492. Fuzzy control can produce an output of 1490 rpm. Fuzzy control is able to produce a settling time of 0.25 seconds and a steady error of 0.67%.
Desain dan Simulasi Battery Charger Metode CC-CV (Constant Current-Constant Voltage) dengan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy Menggunakan MATLAB Faris Rahmatullah
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (27.297 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/cl.v4i2.8621


Baterai merupakan salah satu sistem penyimpanan energi listrik. Namun, dalam pengisiannya rentan mengalami kerusakan. Kerusakan pada baterai sering terjadi ketika dilakukan pengisian daya yang berlebih (over charging). Waktu pengisian baterai juga menjadi faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengisian daya. Oleh karena itu, pengisian daya baterai yang efisien menjadi penting dan sangat perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari terjadinya kerusakan. Sistem charging pada baterai disini dengan metode constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) menggunakan dua buah kontrol logika fuzzy. Metode charging CC-CV digunakan untuk memaksimalkan daya charging dengan waktu yang singkat serta mencegah terjadinya over charging pada baterai. Kontrol logika fuzzy pertama dan kedua digunakan untuk mengatur duty cycle agar arus konstan dan tegangan konstan. Dari hasil simulasi menggunakan metode CC-CV ketika kondisi CC diperoleh nilai arus sebesar 3.3A pada duty cycle 42.6% dan terjadi transisi menuju kondisi CV ketika state of charge (SoC) 80.02% dengan nilai tegangan sebesar 14.4 V pada duty cycle 41.2%. Pengisian daya dan peningkatan SoC pada metode CC-CV lebih cepat 0.15 detik terhadap metode CC dan 0.25 detik terhadap metode CV.
PI Fuzzy Controller of Synchronous Boost Converter for Drug Storage Thermoelectric Cooler Alvin Noer Ramadhan; Novie Ayub Windarko; Irianto Irianto
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/jaree.v5i1.155


Medicines should be stored in a room at a suitable temperature because the condition of temperature affects the quality of the drug. Improper storage procedures may result in the drug being unable to cure effectively and cause drug damage which results in losses for pharmaceutical industry companies and patients. Therefore a controller for temperature is needed in the room so that it is constantly under the rules of room temperature for drug storage, which is 25 degrees Celsius. The following paperwork presents a simulation controller between PI controller and PI-Fuzzy logic controller in adjusting the voltage to match the set of points. The fuzzy logic controller automatically searches Kp value so the voltage output of the converter matches the desired set of points. The converter used is a synchronous boost converter as a voltage regulator and Peltier as a DC load which functions as a cooler. In this research, the system using PI controller was able to adjust the voltage to match the set point 60V with KP is 0.14089, Ki is 125.6738, and the settling time is 0.016 s. While the system using PI-Fuzzy logic controller, it was able to adjust the voltage to match the set point 60V with Kp is 0.08112, Ki is 125.6738, and settling time is 0.014 s. It can be concluded that the PI Fuzzy controller can find the KP value automatically and reach the desired set point. Keywords: peltier, PI cotroller, PI-fuuzzy logic controller, synchronous boost converter
Rancang Bangun Alat Pengering Pelepah Pisang(Menggunakan Metode Controller Chien Regulator I dan Chien Servo I Sebagai Tuning Kontrol PI) Irianto Irianto; Suhariningsih Suhariningsih; Viviana Ratna Dewanti
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 2 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v2i1.1091


Bananas provide many health benefits because they have enough vitamin A for daily body vitamins. Benefits of bananas are not only found in the fruit alone. Banana stem is rarely used because it is considered not to have more benefits and is only considered as waste. However, banana stem can be transformed into various forms of beautiful crafts and high economic value. Banana banana is dried first before being processed into various handicrafts. The process of drying banana is very dependent on the weather conditions and the heat of the sun. Conventional banana drying process takes approximately 70 hours with a solar temperature of about 40oC. The solution to this problem is, design and manufacture a microcontroller based banana bum dryer using PI control to regulate the temperature and utilize the heater as an alternative heat source. This PI control uses Chien Regulator I and Chien Servo I tuning methods. In this Final Project, temperature and banana moisture content is measured. The control will adjust the exhaust fan when the temperature read by LM35 is displayed on LCD 4x20 for temperature monitoring. To adjust the AC-AC voltage controller voltage on the heater, depending on the angle of ignition of the TCA785 IC. DAC of Microcontroller ATMega16 will convert the digital data released microcontroller into analog voltage. The Kp and Ki values used are Kp = 5 and Ki 0.625 using Chien Regulator I method and Kp = 4,126 and Ki 0.414 using Chien Servo I method The drying process takes 16 hours with water content of 4.76% at ± 65oC using Chien Servo I method because the temperature response is more stable.
Optimization Improvement Using Pi Controller to Reach CCCV Method in Lead Acid Battery Load Irianto; Rachma Prilian Eviningsih; Farid Dwi Murdianto; Amir Muhyidin
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol. 7, No. 4, November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v7i4.1496


Solar energy can produce electrical energy with the help of photovoltaics so as to produce sufficient or even excessive supply to the electrical load. Therefore, it is necessary to store electrical energy (battery) from the excess unused energy. However, in the process of charging the battery, it takes a long time to fully charge the battery capacity and damage often occurs due to excessive voltage used. This can reduce battery life. The characteristics of the battery need to be considered so that the charging process can be carried out in accordance with the required provisions. The existence of the CCCV method can speed up the battery charging process with a constant current of 20% of the nominal current of the lead acid battery. To avoid overvoltage, the constant voltage method can anticipate the occurrence of damage. Utilization CUK Converter as charging can reduce output voltage ripple. The PI control on the CUK Converter produces a constant voltage of 13.8 Volts and a constant current of 1.44 Ampere. The average error generated by this system is 0.14%.