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A Full-Bridge Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Fuzzy Logic Voltage Control for Battery Energy Storage System Prasetyono, Eka; Sunarno, Epyk; Fuad, Muchamad Chaninul; Anggriawan, Dimas Okky; Windarko, Novie Ayub
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (903.883 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v7i1.333


Renewable energy sources require an energy storage system because its are fluctuating and electricity producing at certain times, even sometimes not in accordance with the needs of the load. To maintain continuity of electricity, smart battery energy storage system is needed. Therefore, this paper of a full-bridge bidirectional DC-DC Converter (FB-BDC) with Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) is designed and implemented for battery energy storage application. The FLC has error and delta error of voltage level as input and duty cycle of FB-BDC as output. The FB-BDC is controlled by a microcontroller ARM Cortex-M4F STM32F407VG for voltage mode control. The FB-BDC topology is selected becuase battery storage system needed isolated and need high voltage ratio both for step-up and step-down. The main purpose of FB-BDC to perform bidirectional energy transfer both of DC-Bus and battery. Moreover, FB-BDC controls the DC-Bus voltage according to referenced value. The power flow and voltage on DC-Bus is controlled by FLC with voltage mode control. The experiment result shows the ability of FLC  voltage mode control to control FB-BDC on regulate charging voltage with an error 1% and sharing voltage 1.5% form referenced value.
Load Identification Using Harmonic Based on Probabilistic Neural Network Anggriawan, Dimas Okky; Amsyar, Aidin; Prasetyono, Eka; Wahjono, Endro; Sudiharto, Indhana; Tjahjono, Anang
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.473 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v7i1.330


Due to increase power quality which are caused by harmonic distortion it could be affected malfunction electrical equipment. Therefore, identification of harmonic loads become important attention  in the power system. According to those problems, this paper proposes a Load Identification using harmonic based on probabilistic neural network (PNN). Harmonic is obtained by experiment using prototype, which it consists of microcontroller and current sensor. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method to analyze of current waveform on loads become harmonic load data. PNN is used to identify the type of load. To load identification, PNN is trained to get the new weight. Testing is conducted To evaluate of the accuracy of the PNN from combination of four loads. The results demonstrate that this method has high accuracy to determine type of loads based on harmonic load
Pemodelan dan Prediksi Daya Output Photovoltaic secara Real Time Berbasis Mikrokontroler Prasetyono, Eka; Wicaksana, Ragil Wigas; Windarko, Novie Ayub; Efendi, Moh. Zaenal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (793.143 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v4n2.163.2015


The electrical energy generated by the photovoltaic (PV) as a renewable energy source highly affected by environmental conditions such as intensity of sunlight irradiance, temperature, geographic location and tilt angle of PV itself. How much power should be generated by the PV for every times and anywhere will be discussed in this paper. This paper are implemented models of clear sky solar irradiance, solar position and PV temperature to predict the power output should be generated by PV. The model is implemented on the ARM Cortex M4F microcontroller STM32F407 which is a 32bit microcontroller and equipped with DSP, so the prediction of PV power output can be done online and in real time. To be able to predict the PV power output online, at any time and wherever they are, in this study microcontroller equipped with temperature sensors and input geographical information (latitude-longitude) and also equipped with a memory card for data logger between the predictions and field measurement. Results have been obtained by field experiments, measurements test for PV is very close to predictions with an average error 4.72% and computation time for all models by microcontroller with DSP instruction 33.64% faster compare to without DSP instruction.Keywords : Photovoltaic, Real time power prediction and Microcontroller. Abstrak—Energi listrik yang dihasilkan oleh photovoltaic (PV) sebagai sumber energi terbarukan sangat terpengaruh oleh kondisi lingkungan seperti besar kecilnya intensitas iradiasi sinar matahari, suhu, letak geografis dan orientasi kemiringan dari PV itu sendiri. Berapa daya yang seharusnya dihasilkan oleh PV untuk setiap saat dan dimana saja akan dibahas pada makalah ini.  Pada makalah ini mengimplementasi clear sky solar irradiance, solar position dan PV temperatur model untuk memprediksi daya output yang seharusnya dihasilkan oleh PV. Model tersebut diimplemantasikan pada mikrokontroller ARM Cortex M4F STM32F407 yang merupakan mikrokontroller 32bit dan dilengkapi dengan DSP, sehingga prediksi daya output PV dapat dilakukan secara online dan real time. Untuk dapat memprediksi daya output PV secara online, setiap saat dan dimana saja berada, maka pada makalah ini mikrokontroler dilengkapi dengan sensor suhu dan input informasi geografis berupa lintang-bujur dan dilengkapi juga dengan memory card untuk data logger antara daya hasil prediksi dan daya hasil pengukurang dilapangan. Hasil yang telah diperoleh dari percobaan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa daya hasil pengukuran PV terhadap prediksi daya melalui model sangat mendekati dengan rata-rata error 4.72% dan penggunaan instruksi DSP pada mikrokontroler untuk perhitungan model waktu komputasinya 33.64% lebih cepat dibandingkan tanpa instruksi DSPKata Kunci : Photovoltaic, Prediksi daya secara real time  dan Mikrokontroler
Studi Komparasi Fungsi Keanggotaan Fuzzy sebagai Kontroler Bidirectional DC-DC Converter pada Sistem Penyimpan Energi Prasetyono, Eka; Ashary, Wima; Tjahjono, Anang; Windarko, Novie Ayub
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.57 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v4n2.161.2015


Bidirectional DC-DC converter is needed in the energy storage system. The converter topology used in this paper was a non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC buck-boost converter. This converter worked in two ways, which the charging mode stored energy into battery when load current was less than nominal main DC current (set point) and discharging mode transferred energy from battery to the load when its current exceeded set point value. Both of these modes worked automatically according to the load current. The charging and discharging currents were controlled by fuzzy logic controller which was implemented on microcontroller ARM Cortex-M4F STM32F407VG. This paper compares two types of fuzzy membership function (triangular and sigmoid) in controlling bidirectional DC-DC converter. The results showed that fuzzy logic controller with triangle membership function and sigmoid as control bidirectional DC-DC converter had no significant different response, both had an average error for charging and discharging process under 4% with ripple current on the main DC bus around 0.5%.  The computing time of program for fuzzy logic controller with triangular membership functions had 19.01% faster than sigmoid, and fuzzy logic computation time on a microcontroller with hardware floating point was 60% faster than software floating point.                                                                                                                                                        Keywords : Bidirectional DC-DC converter, Fuzzy logic controller and MikorkontrolerAbstrak—Bidirectional DC-DC converter merupakan converter yang diperlukan dalam sistem penyimpan energi. Topologi converter yang digunakan pada paper ini adalah non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter jenis buck–boost converter, converter ini dapat bekerja dua arah yaitu mode charging untuk menyimpan energi ke dalam baterai apabila arus beban kurang dari nilai nominal (set point) kemampuan main DC bus dan mode discharging untuk menyalurkan energi dari baterai ke beban bila arus beban melebihi nilai set point. Kedua mode tersebut bekerja secara otomatis sesuai dengan besarnya beban yang digunakan. Besarnya arus charging dan discharging dikontrol oleh kontrol logika fuzzy yang diimplemanetasikan pada mikrokontroler ARM Cortex-M4F STM32F407VG. Paper ini membandingkan dua jenis fungsi keanggotaan fuzzy (segitiga dan sigmoid) dalam mengontrol bidirectional DC-DC converter. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan kontrol logika fuzzy dengan fungsi keanggotaan segi tiga dan sigmoid sebagai kontrol bidirectional DC-DC converter memiliki perbedaan respon yang tidak signifikan, keduanya memiliki rata-rata error untuk proses charging dan discharging dibawah 4% dengan ripple pada main DC bus 0.5%. Ditinjau dari waktu komputasi program, kontrol logika fuzzy dengan fungsi keanggotaan segitiga 19.01% lebih cepat komputasinya dibanding dengan sigmoid dan waktu komputasi logika fuzzy pada mikrokontroler dengan floating point hardware 60%  cepat dibanding dengan floating point secara software.Kata Kunci : Bidirectional DC-DC converter, Fuzzy logic controller dan Mikorkontroler.
Soft Starting dengan Redaman Arus Starting Pada Motor BLDC Ony Asrarul Qudsi; Eka Prasetyono; Indra Ferdiansyah; Syechu Dwitya Nugraha; Era Purwanto
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 8, No 2 (2020): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v8i2.934


Jurnal ini menyajikan desain rinci dan implementasi teknik pengaturan akselerasi pada motor BLDC untuk soft starting dengan redaman arus. Pada umumnya, arus sangat tinggi saat motor melakukan akselerasi terlebih lagi pada kondisi pengawalan (starting). Hal ini dapat menyebabkan penggunaan energi menjadi tidak efisien. Pada penelitian diusulkan sebuah desain pengaturan akselerasi motor BLDC dengan metode six-step PWM yang akan mengendalikan inverter tiga fasa. Sensor hall effect digunakan sebagai sinyal masukan untuk mikrokontroler dan digunakan untuk mengatur sinyal luaran PWM untuk proses swtching/pensaklaran pada mosfet. Pada penelitian ini digunakan mikrokontroler STM32F407. Pengujian telah dilakukan dengan dua kondisi yaitu tanpa pembatasan arus dan dengan pembatasan arus dengan set point 250 rpm. Hasil menunjukkan pada kondisi tanpa pembatasan arus, waktu akselerasi cukup cepat dengan arus starting 44A, sedangkan ketika pada kondisi dengan pembatasan arus sebesar 22A, waktu akselerasi lebih lambat 2 detik namun rata-rata arus starting 22A.
Desain dan Simulasi Adaptive High Power LED Driver menggunkan Feed-Forward Backpropagation Neural Network Muhammad Miftahuddin; Eka Prasetyono; Diah Septi Yanaratri
Jurnal Teknika Vol 16, No 2 (2020): Edisi November 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/tjst.v16i2.8411


Lampu LED (light emitting diode) merupakan salah satu jenis lampu hemat energi yang mempunyai lifetime yang panjang. Lampu LED memiliki dua bagian utama, yaitu LED modul dan LED driver modul. LED modul dan LED driver keduanya harus memiliki sepesifikasi yang sama, apabila tidak sesuai maka LED modul tidak bisa menyala karena tegangan atau arus yang kurang dan bisa mengalami kerusakan karena melebihi batas arus dan tegangan. LED driver yang umum dipasaran hanya dapat digunakan untuk satu jenis LED modul saja, sehingga setiap LED modul dengan daya yang berbeda memerlukan LED driver yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini membahas tentang adaptive LED driver yang mampu menyesuakain dengan kebutuhan LED modul. Metode yang digunakan adalah feed-forward backpropagation neural network (FF-BPNN) yang diadopsi dari cara kerja sistem saraf biologis. FFBPNN terdiri dari layer input, hidden layer, dan layer output. Penggunaan metode ini berfungsi sebagai kontrol driver LED agar didapatkan daya yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tiap lampu LED modul sehingga tidak terjadi over current dan over voltage. Pengujian simulasi adaptif LED driver dilakukan dengan 3 variasi daya LED modul yaitu sebesar 50 watt, 70 watt dan 100 watt. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa driver LED mampu menyesuaikan rating dari daya led yaitu sebesar 49.89 watt, 69.94 watt dan 99.42 watt. LED (light-emitting diode) lamps are one type of energy-saving lamp that has a long lifetime. The LED lamp has two main parts, i.e the LED module and the LED driver module. Both module LEDs and driver LEDs must have the same specifications, if they do not match, the module LEDs cannot turn on due to insufficient voltage or current and can be damaged because they exceed the current and voltage limits. The general LED driver in the market can only be used for one type of LED module, so each LED module with different power requires a different LED driver. This research discusses the adaptive LED driver that can suit the needs of the LED module. The method used is a feed-forward backpropagation neural network (FF-BPNN) which is adopted from the workings of the biological nervous system. FF-BPNN consists of an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. The use of this method functions as an LED driver control to obtain power that is under the needs of each LED module lamp so that over current and over voltage do not occur. Adaptive LED driver simulation testing is done with 3 variations of LED module power, i.e 50 watts, 70 watts, and 100 watts. The simulation results show that the LED driver can adjust the rating of the led power which is 49.89 watts, 69.94 watts, and 99.42 watts.
Load Identification Using Harmonic Based on Probabilistic Neural Network Dimas Okky Anggriawan; Aidin Amsyar; Eka Prasetyono; Endro Wahjono; Indhana Sudiharto; Anang Tjahjono
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 7 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.473 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v7i1.330


Due to increase power quality which are caused by harmonic distortion it could be affected malfunction electrical equipment. Therefore, identification of harmonic loads become important attention  in the power system. According to those problems, this paper proposes a Load Identification using harmonic based on probabilistic neural network (PNN). Harmonic is obtained by experiment using prototype, which it consists of microcontroller and current sensor. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method to analyze of current waveform on loads become harmonic load data. PNN is used to identify the type of load. To load identification, PNN is trained to get the new weight. Testing is conducted To evaluate of the accuracy of the PNN from combination of four loads. The results demonstrate that this method has high accuracy to determine type of loads based on harmonic load
A Full-Bridge Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Fuzzy Logic Voltage Control for Battery Energy Storage System Eka Prasetyono; Epyk Sunarno; Muchamad Chaninul Fuad; Dimas Okky Anggriawan; Novie Ayub Windarko
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 7 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (903.883 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v7i1.333


Renewable energy sources require an energy storage system because its are fluctuating and electricity producing at certain times, even sometimes not in accordance with the needs of the load. To maintain continuity of electricity, smart battery energy storage system is needed. Therefore, this paper of a full-bridge bidirectional DC-DC Converter (FB-BDC) with Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) is designed and implemented for battery energy storage application. The FLC has error and delta error of voltage level as input and duty cycle of FB-BDC as output. The FB-BDC is controlled by a microcontroller ARM Cortex-M4F STM32F407VG for voltage mode control. The FB-BDC topology is selected becuase battery storage system needed isolated and need high voltage ratio both for step-up and step-down. The main purpose of FB-BDC to perform bidirectional energy transfer both of DC-Bus and battery. Moreover, FB-BDC controls the DC-Bus voltage according to referenced value. The power flow and voltage on DC-Bus is controlled by FLC with voltage mode control. The experiment result shows the ability of FLC  voltage mode control to control FB-BDC on regulate charging voltage with an error 1% and sharing voltage 1.5% form referenced value.
Series Arc Fault Breaker in Low Voltage Using Microcontroller Based on Fast Fourier Transform Dimas Okky Anggriawan; Audya Elisa Rheinanda; Muhammad Khanif Khafidli; Eka Prasetyono; Novie Ayub Windarko
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 9 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v9i2.615


Series Arc Fault is one of the disturbances of arcing jump is caused by gas ionization between two ends of damaged conductors or broken wire forming a gap in the insulator. Series arc fault is the primary driver of electrical fire. However, lack of knowledge of the disturbance of series arc fault causes the problem of electrical fire not be mitigated. Magnitude current is not capable to detect of series arc fault. Therefore, this paper proposes fast fourier transform (FFT) to detect series AC arc fault in low voltage using microcontroller ARM STM32F7NGH in real time. A cheap and high speed of microcontroller ARM STM32F7NGH can be used for FFT computation to transform signal in time domain to frequency domain. Moreover, in this paper, protection of series AC arc fault is proposed in the real time mode. In this experimental process, some various experiments are tested to evaluate the reliability of FFT and protection with various load starts from 1 A, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A in resistive load. The result of this experiment shows that series AC arc fault protection with STM32F7 microcontroller and FFT algorithm can be utilized to ensure series AC arc fault properly.
Studi Komparasi Fungsi Keanggotaan Fuzzy sebagai Kontroler Bidirectional DC-DC Converter pada Sistem Penyimpan Energi Eka Prasetyono; Wima Ashary; Anang Tjahjono; Novie Ayub Windarko
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.57 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v4n2.161.2015


Bidirectional DC-DC converter is needed in the energy storage system. The converter topology used in this paper was a non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC buck-boost converter. This converter worked in two ways, which the charging mode stored energy into battery when load current was less than nominal main DC current (set point) and discharging mode transferred energy from battery to the load when its current exceeded set point value. Both of these modes worked automatically according to the load current. The charging and discharging currents were controlled by fuzzy logic controller which was implemented on microcontroller ARM Cortex-M4F STM32F407VG. This paper compares two types of fuzzy membership function (triangular and sigmoid) in controlling bidirectional DC-DC converter. The results showed that fuzzy logic controller with triangle membership function and sigmoid as control bidirectional DC-DC converter had no significant different response, both had an average error for charging and discharging process under 4% with ripple current on the main DC bus around 0.5%.  The computing time of program for fuzzy logic controller with triangular membership functions had 19.01% faster than sigmoid, and fuzzy logic computation time on a microcontroller with hardware floating point was 60% faster than software floating point.                                                                                                                                                        Keywords : Bidirectional DC-DC converter, Fuzzy logic controller and MikorkontrolerAbstrak—Bidirectional DC-DC converter merupakan converter yang diperlukan dalam sistem penyimpan energi. Topologi converter yang digunakan pada paper ini adalah non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter jenis buck–boost converter, converter ini dapat bekerja dua arah yaitu mode charging untuk menyimpan energi ke dalam baterai apabila arus beban kurang dari nilai nominal (set point) kemampuan main DC bus dan mode discharging untuk menyalurkan energi dari baterai ke beban bila arus beban melebihi nilai set point. Kedua mode tersebut bekerja secara otomatis sesuai dengan besarnya beban yang digunakan. Besarnya arus charging dan discharging dikontrol oleh kontrol logika fuzzy yang diimplemanetasikan pada mikrokontroler ARM Cortex-M4F STM32F407VG. Paper ini membandingkan dua jenis fungsi keanggotaan fuzzy (segitiga dan sigmoid) dalam mengontrol bidirectional DC-DC converter. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan kontrol logika fuzzy dengan fungsi keanggotaan segi tiga dan sigmoid sebagai kontrol bidirectional DC-DC converter memiliki perbedaan respon yang tidak signifikan, keduanya memiliki rata-rata error untuk proses charging dan discharging dibawah 4% dengan ripple pada main DC bus 0.5%. Ditinjau dari waktu komputasi program, kontrol logika fuzzy dengan fungsi keanggotaan segitiga 19.01% lebih cepat komputasinya dibanding dengan sigmoid dan waktu komputasi logika fuzzy pada mikrokontroler dengan floating point hardware 60%  cepat dibanding dengan floating point secara software.Kata Kunci : Bidirectional DC-DC converter, Fuzzy logic controller dan Mikorkontroler.