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Digital Literacy: Students’ Perception toward Advanced Grammar Interactive E-Books in the English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang Fitrawati Fitrawati; Hermawati Syarif; M Zaim; David Perrodin; Muflihatuz Zakiyah
Publisher : Language Pedagogy Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ijolp.v2i2.47


The use of multimedia as a part of digital literacy also becomes the demand of this 21st-century education. The material has to be more technological and supports student-oriented learning methods. The use of this kind of technology also can be applied in English lessons like grammar. In the English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang, multimedia has been used in grammar classes, specifically in advanced grammar classes for students in the academic year 2018, called interactive e-books. This study analyzed students’ perceptions of using this interactive e-book in advanced grammar classes. The focus of this study was descriptive research. The population of this study was the students in the English Department in the academic year 20. Then the sampling used purposive sampling where the sample was the class used interactive e-books for their advanced grammar. The instrument for this study was the questionnaire, divided into three sections: interface, interactivity, and material. The data was collected by descriptive statistical calculation. The result of this study was that students had a positive perception of using interactive e-books in advanced grammar classes. Hence, the students’ perceptions can be used to improve better interactive e-books used in the teaching and learning process in grammar class.
An analysis of the non-English department students’ speaking ability at Universitas Riau Rukmaryadi; M Zaim; Desvalini Anwar
English Instruction Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): English Instruction
Publisher : Nalar Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This descriptive research aimed to analyze and describe the speaking ability of non-English department students at Universitas Riau in the academic year 2016/2017. The study was also aimed to describe the activities done by the English lecturer in the teaching and learning process and the difficulties the students had in speaking. The data were gathered through observation, an oral test in the form of interview, and documentation. The participants of this study were 20 students majoring in Accounting, the Faculty of Economics. The findings of this research showed that the average score of students’ speaking was 2.36. This implies that the speaking ability of non-English Department students is categorized asFair.Then, this study also found that the English lecturer already applied the stages of teaching English through reading materials on certain topics, but lacked of oral activities in the first week of observation but with more speaking activities in the second week after a discussion was made between the class teacher and the researcher. In the case of the participants’ difficulties in speaking, it was noticeable that they had difficulties in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. Thus, the lecturer should provide students the opportunity to have more practice in speaking in order to improve their ability in speaking.
Perancangan Media Augmented Reality untuk Menghadapi Kesulitan Pembelajaran Grammar Bahasa Inggris Vonny Ardiel*; Muhammad Zaim; Harris Effendi Thahar; Ira Maulina Sa'danoer; Dina Ayuning Tyas
JIM: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 4 (2023): Agustus, Social Religious, History of low, Social Econmic and Humanities
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jimps.v8i4.26416


Pembelajaran Tata Bahasa dalam Bahasa Inggris memiliki citra yang “sulit” di kalangan pelajar Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan tipologi antara kedua bahasa tersebut. Kesulitan ini membuat siswa merasa enggan dan gugup dalam mempelajari tata bahasa. Hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menciptakan inovasi media pembelajaran yang lebih menarik dan efisien. Augmented Reality adalah solusi teknologi yang menghadirkan objek virtual ke dalam dunia nyata siswa, sehingga memberikan visualisasi yang menarik dan pemahaman Grammar yang maksimal. Metode yang penulis gunakan adalah perancangan Prototype. Metode ini membangun prototipe dari aplikasi atau sistem AR yang dirancang. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa desain AR Grammar menggunakan Vectary dan diterapkan pada Google Site.
Filsafat sebagai Landasan Berpikir untuk Pengimplikasian Unsur Linguistik dalam Tatabahasa Pedagogis sebagai Kebutuhan Pengajaran EFL Vonny Ardiel*; Muhammad Zaim; Harris Effendi Thaha; Ratih Septiana Arpen; dewi asmawati
JIM: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Januari, Social, Education, Political, Economic and Humanities
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jimps.v8i1.23490


Berpikir atau berfilsafat merupakan landasan awal manusia meraih pengetahuan dan membentuknya menjadi ilmu. Untuk melaksanakan proses pembelajaran bahasa asing dibutuhkan proses berfikir atau berfilsafah agar bisa memahami pengetahuan linguitik dan implikasinya dalam pembelajaran. Permasalahan yang dihadapi para pengajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing adalah kurangnya pemahaman dan pemikian secara mendalam terhadap dasar ilmu linguistik  dari bahasa asing tersebut. Oleh karena itu akan berdampak kepada sulitnya pencapaian pemerolehan bahasa asing tersebut oleh peserta didik. Penelusuran pustaka dan referensi dilakukan untuk memecahkan permasalahan ini. Penulis menelusuri artikel yang mengkaji dan membahas temuan secara konseptual implikasi linguistik dalam tatabahasa pedagogis. Hasil penelusuran yang ditemukan bahwa perlu pemahaman mendalam tentang linguistik oleh pengajar dan pelajar bahasa. Implikasi linguistik tersebut dituangkan dalam tatabahasa pedagogis.  Inovasi dan pembaharuan juga menjadi kebutuhan pembelajar terhadap tatabahasa pedagogis bahasa ibu, bahasa kedua dan bahasa asing. Pembelajaran virtual hadir dengan beragam media onffline maupun online yang dimanfaatkan pengajar. Dengan aneka ragam media yang hadir sistem pembelajaran ini menantang guru untuk menyusun materi ajar dalam konsep tatabahasa pedagogis  untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris Perlu diperluas setiap kajian, harus kontemporer mengkaji secara itensif topik masa kini, Tema memerlukan perihal objek dari setiap masalah, Judul perlu disesuaikan dengan tema yang di teliti, Judul Sudah menarik tercermin pembahasan, Perlunya kesesuaian dengan tujuan dan metodelogi, Perlunya membandingkan judul dengan beberapa yang pernah dituliskan 
Ta'dib Vol 21, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v21i2.1232


This article contains a study about the use of crossword media in improving the language skills of elementary school students as an effort to create a fun class. The problem was students’ lack of eagerness to emotionally involve in learning process. This condition caused an impact on students’ unsatisfaying learning outcomes that is 80. To overcome this problem, crossword puzzle media are used in learning by referring to the research models of Kemmis and Taggart. The data were collected by using observation sheets, interview guidelines, questionnaires, tests of student learning outcomes and field observations. At the end of the study, it was found that both the students’ learning outcomes and activities, and the teacher performance in planning and implementing teaching increased from cycle I to cycle II. As the result, the learning exceeded the target of the minimum standard of completeness. Thus, the utilization of crossword puzzles is considered to able to improve students' language skills, as well as create fun classes
An Analysis of Code-Mixing Used by Azka Corbuzier on Youtube Channel Choi Sumaylan; M Zaim
English Language and Literature Vol 12, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ell.v12i3.123293


This research is aimed to analyze the types and the factors of code-mixing by Azka Corbuzier on two videos podcast YouTube channel. This research used a descriptive-qualitative method to analyze the data. The data of the research are from the utterances that contain words or phrases in code-mixing uttered by Azka Corbuzier as the speaker on the YouTube channel. The researcher found 125 data of code-mixing in Azka Corbuzier’s video podcast. The theory of Muysken (2000) is applied to identify the types of code-mixing in Azka Corbuzier’s podcast videos. Furthermore, the theory of Bhatia and Ritchie (2006) is used to determine the factor of code-mixing. The result of this research shows that the type of congruent lexicalization was the most common type of code-mixing found in the data. Meanwhile, the type of insertion was the least common type used by Azka Corbuzier. For the factor of code-mixing, participant roles and relationship factor was the most influential factor in code-mixing found in the data. Meanwhile, language attitude, dominance, and security were the least factors influencing Azka Corbuzier to use code-mixing. This research gives a contribution to sociolinguistics in terms of the code-mixing of a bilingual teenager.