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Sensory and Microbiological Properties of Pickled Bamboo Shoots (Bambusa vulgaris) Mokhammad Khoiron Ferdiansyah; Ulfa Setiwati; Enny Purwati Nurlaeli; Fafa Nurdyansyah
International Journal of Eco-Innovation in Science and Engineering Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020): IJEISE
Publisher : Engineering Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/ijeise.v1i01.14


Most people currently preserve bamboo shoots (Bambusa vulgaris) that have been harvested using alum which has an adverse effect on the human body. Alternative preservation of bamboo shoots can be done by making bamboo shoots using a solution of sugar and salt solution. This study aims to determine the effect of salt and sugar concentrations on the sensory and microbiological properties of pickled bamboo shoots. The design used was the factorial method in the basis of a completely randomized designs (CRD) using two factors, namely salt solution and sugar solution. The formulation used were sugar concentration 1%; 2%; 3% and salt concentration 10%; 12.5%; 15% Sensory test results showed that the concentration of sugar and salt affected the hedonic test values of color, aroma, and texture. Whereas microbiological analysis showed that there is an increase in the total plate count by increasing fermentation time
Comparison of Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic, Methanolic, n-Hexan, and Aqueous Extract of Parkia speciosa Peel based on Half -Maximal Inhibitory Concentration Through Free Radical Inhibition Fafa Nurdyansyah; Dyah Ayu Widyastuti
Advance Sustainable Science, Engineering and Technology (ASSET) Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/asset.v2i2.7129


The objectives of this study was to determine the half maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) from four types of Parkia speciosa peel extracts (ethanol, methanol, n-hexane, and aqueous)  through DPPH free radical inhibition. First Parkia’s peel extract made by drying the Parkia’s peel that has been sorted, then crushed and mashed with a blender. Parkia’s powder then macerated for 3 replication using each type of solvent and then solvent evaporation was carried out using a rotary vacuum evaporator. The evaporated extract produced then tested for antioxidant activity using the IC50 method and phytochemical screening was performed to analyze the potential content of functional compounds. The results showed that all types of solvents dissolve alkaloid compounds (except water extract), flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenols. IC50 values produced from the four types of petai bark extract using methanol, ethanol, water, and n-hexane solvents sequentially were 76.92; 111; 136; and 201 ppm. Methanol extract had the lowest IC50 value of 76.92 ppm which resulted that the methanol extract of petai skin had a strong (active) antioxidant strength compared to others.Keywords: Antioxidant, Exctract, Parkia’s peel, IC50
Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi Vol 11, No 1 (2018): Al-Kauniyah Jurnal Biologi
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.969 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/kauniyah.v11i1.6166


Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kondisi optimum fermentasi asam laktat pada beberapa perbandingan konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum yang berasal dari pemanfaatan limbah kulit pisang sebagai subtrat dan Lactobacillus casei sebagai inokulum. Optimasi dilakukan dengan rancangan percobaan menggunakan Central Composite Design (CCD) dengan penentuan titik optimum variabel menggunakan Respon Surface Methodolgy (RSM). Tiga belas satuan percobaan, yaitu konsentrasi substrat (X1: 2,5; 5; 7,5% b/v) dan inokulum (X2: 2, 4, 6% v/v), digunakan untuk menentukan titik optimum proses fermentasi. Fermentasi dilakukan dengan sistem tumpak dengan volume media 100 mL dalam fermentor berupa labu Erlenmeyer 250 mL. Kultur diinkubasi pada goyangan 150 rpm dan suhu 37 °C, selama 72 jam. Selanjutnya, asam laktat hasil analisis digunakan sebagai respon penentuan titik optimum variabel proses fermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen proses penepungan kulit pisang yang dihasilkan adalah 23,02% dengan karakteristik kimia memiliki kadar pati, gulatotal, asam total, dan serat kasar secara berturut-turut adalah 5,35; 1,36; 0,61; dan 1,54 % (b/b). Titik optimum konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum, yaitu 4,71% dan 6,61%, menghasilkan konsentrasi biomassa yang optimum sebesar 5,99 g/L, sedangkan titik optimum variabel X1 dan X2 dengan konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum sebesar 4,31% dan 4,64% menghasilkan nilai optimum konsentrasi asam laktat sebesar 7,06 g/L, yang merupakan hasil produksi asam laktat terbaik pada penelitian ini.   Abstract The objective of this study is to determine the optimum condition of lactic acid fermentation with various concentrations of substrate and inoculum, which derived from the utilization of banana peel waste as substrate and Lactobacillus casei as inoculum. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this study. Variable optimization was conducted by Central Composite Design (CDC) with RSM to determine the optimum point of lactic acid fermentation variable. Those step used 13 groups with independent variable in the form of substrate concentrations (X1:2.5; 5; 7.5% w/v) and inoculum concentrations (X2: 2, 4, 6% v/v) to decide the optimum point of variable in the fermentation process. Fermentation was performed in a batch system with 100 mL media in a fermenter of 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. The culture was incubated at 150 rpm and 37 °C for 72 hours.The result of lactic acid was used to determine the optimum point of variable in fermentation. The results showed that the yield from the fluor making process of banana peel was 23.02% with chemical characteristics of starch content, total sugar, total acid, and crude fiber were 5.35; 1.36; 0.61; and 1.54% w/w, respectively. The optimum concentration of substrate and inoculum concentration, 4.71% and 6.61%, resulted in optimum biomass concentration of 5.99 g/L, while the optimum point of X1 and X2 variables with substrate and inoculum concentration of 4.31% and 4.64% yielded optimum lactate acid concentration of 7.06 g/L, which is the best production of lactic acid in this study. Permalink/DOI: 6166  
Mini Review: Ekstrak Sirsak (Annona muricata Linn.) untuk Terapi Kanker Dyah Ayu Widyastuti; Fafa Nurdyansyah
Jurnal Ilmu Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknologi Pangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiphp.v2i2.3211


Cancer is one of the killer diseases in the world. The number of cancer patients is grow rapidly as world populations grow. That fact trigger medical world to develop a more effective with lower side effect therapy for cancer. One of the therapy which developed is natural therapy with plant extracts, such as soursop (A. muricata Linn.) extract. Soursop has chemical matter called acetogenin which able to induce apoptosis by inhibit ATP production in cellular respiration. Acetogenin also inhibit Bcl-2 protein activity so cancer cell proliferation is also inhibited. Those leads to inhibition of uncontrolled cell proliferation in cancer patients. Soursop (A. muricata Linn.) extract for cancer therapy has to be developed to determine the optimal doses, longterm safety, and possible side effect that may inflicted so this therapy would be safe for cancer patients.
Aplikasi Teknologi Nanoenkapsulasi untuk Melindungi Senyawa Bioaktif Bahan Pangan Dani Satrio Wicaksono; Fafa Nurdyansyah
Jurnal Ilmu Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknologi Pangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiphp.v5i2.11231


ABSTRACT Bioactive compounds are components in plants that have health benefits such as antioxidants, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities. However, bioactive compounds are easily damaged due to processing such as heating, drying, changes in pH, temperature and environment, thereby reducing their activity and functional value. One technique that can be used to reduce the level of damage for bioactive compounds is to use nanoencapsulation technology. Aplication of nanoencapsulation is used to protect bioactive components of food ingredients due to processes and environmental changes. Nanoencapsulation is one of the most effective technologies because of its ability to entrap bioactive compounds in the coating matrix, namely biopolymer components that are nanoparticle-sized so that they are more resistant to environmental changes and processing. Encapsulation can be used by various methods such as emulsification, coacervation, and inclusion. The coating material that will form the wall or capsule generally consists of carbohydrate, protein and fat polymers. The effectiveness of nanoencapsulation in protecting bioactive compounds depends on the selection of the nanoencapsulation method and the type of coating material used. The results showed that the nanoencapsulation process could increase or maintain the stability of the bioactive components.
Karakteristik Kerupuk Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos) dari Variasi Jenis Pengolahan Tepung Ikan dan Pati Mulidati Mutya Khasanah; Rizky Muliani Dwi Ujianti; Fafa Nurdyansyah; M. Khoiron Ferdiansyah
Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 15, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Balai Besar Riset Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/jpbkp.v15i2.634


Kerupuk ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) merupakan produk makanan kering yang terbuat dari campuran tepung ikan dengan tapioka atau sagu. Kerupuk ikan dapat dibuat dengan beberapa teknik pengolahan tepung ikan serta jenis pati. Kerupuk tidak akan mengembang dengan baik atau memiilki aroma yang disukai oleh konsumen, jika proses pembuatan tepung ikan atau komposisinya dengan pati tidak tepat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik fisiko-kimia dan organoleptik kerupuk ikan C. chanos yang dihasilkan dari variasi jenis proses pengolahan tepung ikan (rebus, kukus, dan presto) serta pati (tapioka dan sagu). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerupuk dengan komposisi 9:1 antara pati jenis tapioka dan tepung ikan hasil pengukusan adalah yang terbaik. Kerupuk ini memiliki kadar air 7,01%; daya kembang 48,41%; dan elastisitas 2,43 mm. Pengujian sensoris secara hedonik (skala 1-5) menunjukkan bahwa kerupuk matang dari komposisi tersebut dapat diterima dengan baik oleh panelis, berdasarkan parameter kerenyahan (3,90), kerapuhan (3,73), aroma (3,06), rasa (3,43), dan warna kecoklatan (3,50). ABSTRACTMilkfish cracker is a dry food product made from a mixture of milkfish meal with tapioca flour or sago flour. There are several options to choose the fish meal process and type of starches. Crackers will not expand properly and having the preferable consumers flavor, if it made from inappropriate fish meal processing and improper composition of starch. Thus, this research was conducted to study the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of fish crackers made from various types of C. chanos fish meal processing (boil, steam, and presto) and starch (tapioca and sago). The results revealed that the preferable crackers was made from 9:1 composition between tapioca starch and steamed fish flour. The crackers characterized with 7.01% moisture content, 48.41% linear expansion, and 2.43 mm elasticity. Sensory analysis (1-5 hedonic scale) showed the cracker made from described composition was preferable from several responses, which were crispiness (3.90), fragility (3.73), odor (3.06), taste (3.43), and brownish color (3.50).
The Effect of Drinking a Cup of Arabica or Robusta Coffee with Sugar or Bread to Blood Sugar Response and Glycemic Index Umar Hafidz Asy'ari Hasbullah; Fafa Nurdyansyah; Rini Umiyati; Laela Nur Rokhmah
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan Vol 10, No 3 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17728/jatp.9065


The two most widely traded coffee varieties in the world are arabica and robusta. Consumption of these two varieties will increase the intake of bioactive compounds in the human body. However, the influence of consumption of both coffee varieties on blood sugar response and changes in the glycemic index of sugar added when consuming coffee has not been studied. The aim of this research to study the effect of coffee varieties on bioactive compound content, voluntary blood glucose response, and changes in the glycemic index value of sugar when consumed together with coffee. This study was designed with the treatment of arabica and robusta coffee varieties. Coffee roasting was carried out at the level of vienna roasting. Analysis of bioactive compounds was carried out on the content of phenol compounds. Analysis of blood sugar and glycemic index responses using volunteers. Coffee was brewed at a dose of 12 grams per 100 ml of water at 98ᵒC. Sugar added 50 grams. The results showed that arabica contained phenol compounds greater than robusta. It was also prove that consuming coffee can reduce blood glucose response compared to consuming glucose. Decreased blood glucose response of arabica is greater than robusta. Drinking coffee mixed with sugar or with eating bread can reduce the sugar or bread glycemic index value. Decrease in sugar or bread glycemic index value in arabica consumption was greater than robusta. Conclusion, coffee consumption can reduce the response of blood sugar and glycemic index of sugar added to drinks and bread glycemic index because of the content of its bioactive compounds.
PENGARUH KONSENTRASI SUBSTRAT TEPUNG KULIT PISANG KEPOK DAN KECEPATAN PENGADUKAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN Lactobacillus acidophilus Ikha Agustina Setyowulan; Enny Purwati Nurlaili; Fafa Nurdyansyah; Umar Hafidz Asy’ari Hasbullah
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Andalas Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.588 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jtpa.22.2.118-125.2018


Penggunaan tepung kulit pisang sebagai substrat dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai alternatif media fermentasi yang murah untuk menghasilkan asam laktat dengan menggunakan bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi substrat tepung kulit pisang kepok dan kecepatan pengadukan (agitasi) terhadap pertumbuhan biomassa dan produksi asam laktat pada proses fermentasi asam laktat. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan percobaan faktorial dengan dasar Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan perlakuan konsentrasi substrat tepung kulit pisang (3%, 5%, 7%) dan kecepatan pengadukan (100 rpm, 150 rpm). Penelitian dilakukan dengan memproses kulit pisang kepok menjadi tepung melalui proses pengeringan, penggilingan, dan pengayakan. Tepung kulit pisang kemudian dihidrolisis dan difiltrasi. Filtrat digunakan dalam proses fermentasi sebagai substrat bagi pertumbuhan bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung kulit pisang kepok menghasilkan rendemen sebanyak 9,37% dengan karakteristik fisik yaitu berwarna coklat kehitaman, beraroma normal, dan berbentuk bubuk. Karakteristik kimia yang dihasilkan meliputi kadar air sebesar 5,99%, pH 5,65, dan total gula sebesar 1,19%. Perlakuan konsentrasi substrat tepung kulit pisang kepok dan kecepatan pengadukan (agitasi) memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan biomassa sel bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai pH, total asam laktat tertitrasi (TAT) dan total gula, sedangkan hasil perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan konsentrasi substrat 5% dan kecepatan pengadukan 100 rpm yang menghasilkan biomassa 3,07 g/l dan total asam laktat tertitrasi 1,05%.
PENGARUH PERBEDAAN KONSENTRASI GARAM DAN GULA TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK PIKEL REBUNG AMPEL KUNING (Bambusa vulgaris) M. Khoiron Ferdiansyah; Ulfa Setiowati; Enny Purwati Nurlaili; Fafa Nurdyansyah
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Andalas Vol 24, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jtpa.24.2.178-188.2020


Sebagian masyarakat saat ini mengawetkan rebung bambu (Bambusa vulgaris) yang telah dipanen menggunakan tawas yang memiliki efek buruk pada tubuh manusia. Alternatif pengawetan rebung bambu dapat dilakukan dengan pembuatan pikel rebung menggunakan larutan gula dan larutan garam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi garam dan gula terhadap karakteristik pikel rebung ampel kuning. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu metode faktorial dengan dasar Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) menggunakan dua faktor yaitu larutan garam dan larutan gula. Formulasi yang digunakan yaitu konsentrasi gula 1%, 2%, 3% dan konsentrasi garam 10%, 12,5%, 15%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi pikel dengan variasi konsentrasi larutan gula dan larutan garam menurunkan nilai kadar air menjadi 85,696%, total gula 0,007%., kandungan asam sianida (HCN) 4,130 ppm, serta mengurangi tingkat kecerahan warna
Peningkatan Kualitas Produksi dan Pemasaran Produk Bandeng Presto di UMKM Bandeng Presto “Mbak Sofi” Semarang Fafa Nurdyansyah; M. Khoiron Ferdiansyah; Arief Rahman Affandi; Umar Hafidz Asyari Hasbullah
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.3.1.2020.1-6


Milkfish is a marine commodity that has a lot of potential to be developed, one of which is soft-boned milkfish in Semarang City. Mbak Sofi's Milkfish Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) of “Bandeng Mbak Sofi” is one of the MSMEs that processes fresh milkfish into soft-boned milkfish. However, the milkfish processing in the MSME is still relatively simple and there is no good management of MSME management. This service aims to help Mbak Sofi's milkfish MSME in an effort to increase innovation and quality of the milkfish processing produced and its management. The main problems faced by the partner are the relatively short shelf life of soft-boned milkfish, limited facilities and infrastructure for processing, management of MSME management, and marketing. Some of the steps that will be taken for the implementation of this program are the provision of supporting infrastructure for the processing and the innovation of milkfish processing. In addition, for regulatory processes, PIRT has been issued for soft-boned milkfish products and other products. Lack of creativity in processing can be given a solution by increasing the innovation of milkfish-based products. Production management, finance, distribution and marketing will also be the focus of this program. With the implementation of this service program, the quality of the soft-boned milkfish is better and is able to compete in a wider market.