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The Language Loyalty of Bilingual People in Boarding School Environment Kartini, Ari; Sahidin, Didin
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/seloka.v10i1.40632


The study was carried out to investigate the language loyalty of bilingual people in Boarding School environment. The aims of the study were to describe the languages used by bilingual people in Boarding School environment, to identify the intensity level of language use and to explain the language loyalty of bilingual people. The study used analytical description of Qualitative methods. Questionnaire and Observation used to gather the data. To analyse the data, the researcher used sociolinguictic and descriptive approach. The study was conducted to 50 bilingual people based on gender, age, and profession. The result of the study suggested that 1) The languages used by bilingual people were Sundanese, Indonesian, English, and Arabic; 2) The high intensity level of language use was Indonesian, the second was Arabic, the third was Sundanese, the fourth was English; and 3) The loyalty of Sundanese use as a mother tongue was lower than other languages [Indonesia, Arabic, English]. The factors that contributed to the language loyalty of bilingual people were job demands that required to use Indonesian and Arabic, less confidence in using Sundanese correctly including the speech level [undak-usuk], and their existence in boarding school environment.
The Influence of Intelligence Quotient (Iq) Towards The Speed Reading Ability Nurwahidah, Lina Siti; Kartini, Ari; Anggela, Inggit
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 10 No 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/seloka.v10i3.49526


This study deals with the influence of intelligence quotient (IQ) towards the speed-reading ability among high school students in Garut. It aims to reveal whether an individual’s IQ influences his ability to read quickly. This quantitative study used correlational description methods. To gather the data, a test and documentation study were applied involving 40 high school students that were selected through probability sampling technique. The results of the study revealed: 1) Spearman correlation test was conducted due to non-normal data distribution, 2) the Spearman correlation test, Sig 0,754 > alfa 0,05, means IQ level had no significant influence towards students’ speed reading ability, 3) Other factors contributing to the result might be related to: students’ interest and motivation in reading as well as students’ reading habit or activities that may distract them such as vocalisation, lips movements, head movements, regression, and sub-vocalisation.
Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Marbel Membaca Permulaan Educastudio Berbasis Android Untuk Menunjang Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Ari Kartini; Lina Siti Nurwahidah; Arief Loekman; Dodi Misbah; Anwar Hidayatulloh
ARSY : Jurnal Aplikasi Riset kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): ARSY : Jurnal Aplikasi Riset kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Inovasi Al-Matani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55583/arsy.v2i1.155


Kebijakan pembelajaran daring memicu rasa khawatir pada diri guru dan orang tua siswa kelas 1 dan 2 yang baru masuk sekolah di tingkat sekolah dasar. Guru dan Orang tua khawatir siswanya tidak mampu membaca karena pembelajaran dilaksanakan secara jarak jauh. Berkenanaan dengan masalah ini, tujuan dari pelaksanaan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu guru, siswa, dan orang tua siswa untuk memanfaatkan Aplikasi Marbel Educastudio untuk meningkatkan belajar membaca permulaan dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan PkM ini, yaitu pelatihan dan simulasi penggunaan aplikasi Mari Belajar Membaca Educastudio. Luaran dari hasil kegiatan PkM, di antaranya 1) guru dan orang tua memiliki aplikasi Marbel membaca dalam Hp androidnya dan mampu mengoperasikannya; 2) Siswa dapat mengoperasikan aplikasi Marbel Membaca Educastudio. Tanggapan dari mitra terkait pelaksanaan PkM ini mendapatkan respon positif, terutama dari aspek kebermanfaatan mendapatkan 100%, aspek keefektifan 100%, dan dari aspek kepuasan 75%.   Kata Kunci: Marbel Membaca, Membaca Permulaan, Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh
Kajian Sastra Didaktis dalam Novel Guru Aini Karya Andrea Hirata Ari Kartini; Sumiyadi Sumiyadi
Stilistika: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 15, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/st.v15i1.11063


Analysis of Didactic Literature In Guru Aini Novel Written by Andrea Hirata ABSTRAKNovel sabagai salah satu karya sastra dapat dikatakan sebagai interprestasi kehidupan dan perilaku yang nyata. Penelitian ini mencoba menggali dimensi nilai-nilai didaktis pada sebuah novel. Kajian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif  analisis deskripsi  dengan pendekatan sastra didaktis. Data diambil bersumber dari novel berjudul “Guru Aini” yang dibuat oleh salah satu penulis terkenal Andrea Hirata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di dalam novel “Guru Aini” karya Andrea Hirata terdapat unsur sastra didaktis berkenaan dengan pertama melalui kajian alur tokoh dan penokohan, serta latar dapat ditemukan nilai-nilai karakter seperti kepribadian yang bermartabat, mandiri, kreatif, tanggung jawab, idealis, kerja keras, penuh semangat, dan mampu mengendalikan diri; kedua adanya dimensi nilai pendidikan nasional, yaitu nilai karakter religius, nasionalis, mandiri, gotong royong, dan integritas; ketiga bahasa yang disajikan sangat menarik, mudah dipahami, mengandung metafora, dan perumpamaan dalam menjelaskan ilmu matematika serta kehidupan. Secara garis garis besar, novel berjudul “Guru Aini” karya Andrea Hirata dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar pembelajaran sastra di sekolah dalam meningkatkan karakter siswa.Kata kunci: sastra didaktis, novel guru aini, nilai karakterABSTRACTNovel as a literary work can be said as an interpretation of real life and behavior. This study tries to explore the dimensions of didactic values in a novel. The study was conducted using a qualitative descriptive analysis method with a didactic literary approach. The data is taken from a novel entitled "Guru Aini" which was written by one of the famous writers, Andrea Hirata. The results show that in the novel "Guru Aini" by Andrea Hirata there are didactic literary elements related to the first through the study of the plot of characters and characterizations, and the setting can be found character values such as dignified, independent, creative, responsible, idealistic, personality. hard work, passionate, and able to control themselves; secondly, there are dimensions of national education values, namely the values of religious, nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation, and integrity characters; The three languages presented are very interesting, easy to understand, contain metaphors, and parables in explaining mathematics and life. Broadly speaking, the novel entitled “Guru Aini” by Andrea Hirata can be used as a teaching material for learning literature in schools in improving the character of students.Keyword: didactic literature, “Guru Aini”, character values
Nusantara of Research : Jurnal Hasil-hasil Penelitian Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Vol 3 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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ABSTRACTIn general the studies to be conducted aims to develop learning the local culture, the culture of Sunda to be applied through character education in improving student politeness STKIP Garut. The plan of activities to be implemented in this study were 1); describe the situation on the ground regarding the rhetorical politeness interperonal Sundanese society; 2) conduct theoretical studies about the characteristics of interpersonal speaking of polite rhetoric in Sundanese cultural perspective; 3) applying the results of theoretical studies through the development of teaching materials Sosiolinguistik. This research is a qualitative research so that the method used is descriptive-analytic method. Where this penelian only describe and develop teaching materials and courses Sociolinguistics Pragmatics in STKIP Garut. The results of observations about the behavior of the public modesty hometown village Kudang Wanajaya Wanaraja Garut districts, showed that people's behavior Sunda "impolite". It can be seen from the observation indicated by the percentage calculation that is, 18.03% shows the scale (often), 52.17% was obtained at the scale of B (Sometimes), and Behavior on scale C (never) get a percentage 29.80%, which means that the Sundanese people never perform the behavior in accordance with the statements in the questionnaire. Meanwhile, the results recap the speech politeness interpersonal rhetoric of the analysis results in twelve events said there are 115 known utterance containing six maxims manners. utterances that contain maxims (-) a total of 52 speech and containing maxim manners (+) were 63 speech. It can be concluded, that in the speech analysis on aspects of language, society Sundanese village village Kudang Wanajaya Wanaraja Garut districts still holds intact politeness in communicating. This is consistent with the character of Sundanese culture that is now known to have cultural values (culture Values). In this case, the community is known as the Sunda religious society, soft, and very spiritual. This trend is born of compassion term penance, penance grindstones, reparation parenting. In addition, the behavior of the Sundanese people brimming with confidence; a language that knows no social inequality speaker with the speaker, but in general the railroad rafter Sundanese language is of the utmost importance.Key Words: Speak politeness, Interpersonal rhetoric, Sundanese culture
Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Dengan Model MLM Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Siswa Ari Kartini; Irwan Hermansah
JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR NUSANTARA Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Nusantara
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/jpdn.v6i2.14534


Kurangnya minat siswa terhadap membaca akan menghambat tingkat perkembangan intelektual siswa dalam mendapatkan informasi dan ilmu pengetahuan. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pengembangan gerakan literasi dengam model membaca lima belas menit (MLM) untuk meningkatkan minat baca siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriftif kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas 5 sekolah dasar di SDN Cileungsir kec. Cipatujah kab. Tasik. Hasil penelitian diperoleh temuan sebagai berikut 1) Model MLM untuk mengembangkan minat baca siswa kelas 5 dilaksanakan dengan pola pembiasaan, teknik yang beragam dan beragam jenis bacaan; 2) hasil penilaian angket terhadap minat baca menunjukan adanya peningkatan minat baca siswa kelas 5 SDN Cilengsir; 3) Ketertarikan siswa kelas 5 SDN Cilengsir terhadap buku yang dibaca setelah dilakukan kegiatan MLM masih didominasi oleh minatnya siswa terhadap buku yang sifatnya hiburan dibandingkan dengan buku mata pelajaran.
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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Letters are one of the written communication media used in interaction. In writing letters, especially formal letters, it is not just the contents of the letter that must be considered, but other supporting aspects must also be considered, such as the form of letters and letter editors regarding the use of diction, spelling, and effective kalimsat. During this time, there are still many government and private employees at the lower levels who do not yet know the procedures for writing official letters that meet standard standards. They only make letters by copy and paste from the previous letter examples. They do not have special knowledge and guidelines in making official letters. This is evident from the results of an error analysis in an official letter made by the village apparatus in the Pameungpeuk sub-district of Garut district. The analysis showed that there were inconsistencies in the use of letter forms and letter editor errors including the use of diction, spelling, and effective sentences. In connection with this problem, a formal letter writing training was conducted with the concept of andragogy in the village apparatus in the Pameungpeuk sub-district of Garut district. The training results showed an increase in knowledge and practice in making official letters in accordance with the standard rules for writing formal letters.
Pelatihan Model Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Agus Hamdani; Zoni Sulaiman; Ari Kartini; lin Siti Nurwahidah; Nuri Yulhani Alfiah
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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Indonesian language learning in schools must be carried out with various methods so that students are not bored in learning. The cooperative learning model is one of the learning models that can activate students so that it is very suitable for use in learning Indonesian. The results of the author's observations show that teachers in the field often only use conventional learning models because they rarely master various learning models that activate students. This community service activity aims to provide training in the application of various cooperative learning models for teachers in Wanaraja District, Garut Regency. Through this service activity, it is hoped that teachers will be able and skilled in using various cooperative learning models in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. The benefits obtained from this activity are that with the skills possessed by the teacher, students can learn Indonesian subjects in a fun method so that all the basic competencies proclaimed in the learning curriculum can be achieved.
Penanaman Perilaku Hidup Sehat Melalui Pembelajaran Sastra sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Wabah Covid-19 di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Zoni Sulaiman; Asep Nurjamin; Lina Siti Nurwahidah; Ari Kartini; Nur Alyani Salsabila
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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The essence of learning literature in schools is as a vehicle for inculcating values ​​and refining the attitudes and minds of students as members of society. The formation of individual character and attitudes can be instilled in the community through the teaching of literature in the education sector. Thus the teaching of literature in schools must be delivered with contextual content and fun methods. This service is carried out with the aim of providing an understanding for SMP and MTS teachers in order to understand contextual and fun literary lessons so that they can be used to overcome problems that occur in the community. The problem that is currently being faced by the world community is preventing the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. This service is expected to help the government in instilling healthy living behaviors for the community through literature learning in schools. The results of this dedication show that teachers can easily develop literary teaching materials in the form of poetry texts, anecdotal texts and short stories, which are charged with inculcating healthy living behaviors for students. The benefit of this research is the composition of teaching materials that are contextual and in accordance with the demands of the curriculum and are useful for social life in society.
Diksa : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 8, No 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/diksa.v8i1.22657


The 2013 Curriculum of Indonesia mandates various concepts that must be applied through policies and practices by the related parties. Some of them are the implementation of scientific approach and HOTS-based evaluation in the teaching and learning process. The aims of this research are (1) to describe the form of daily Indonesian language HOTS-based test questions; (2) to describe the results of students' creative thinking abilities; (3) to describe the level of difficulty of the daily Indonesian language HOTS-based test questions. This study employed a descriptive method with qualitative analysis techniques. The population of this study was 30 students of class XI IPA SMA Muhammadiyah Cibiuk Garut, while the sample was 20 students who were selected by random sampling technique. The data collection technique was carried out with documentation techniques by analyzing both the test items and the answers. The results show: (1) the daily Indonesian language test items are not completely HOTS-based. (2) not all of the test items meet the creative thinking indicators. (3) there are test items that are not suitable with the difficulty level. In the test items of making proposal chapter, out of five questions, two of them were considered too easy, because of that the questions were not suitable to use in HOTS-based test. From the results of the research above, the implementation of HOTS in test requires a lot of efforts from both the teachers and students. Even though the created test items have been considered at the HOTS level, if they do not assist the students in thinking creatively, then the questions cannot be considered to be able to encourage creative thinking process.