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Pengenalan Kewirausahaan di Industri 4.0 bagi Siswa/i SMK N 1 Braja Selebah Lampung Timur Almira Devita; Heri Kuswoyo; Ingatan Gulo; E. Ngestirosa; Dinda Indah Jelita; Adelia Amanda
Journal of Engineering and Information Technology for Community Service Vol 1, No 4 (2023): Volume 1, Issue 4, April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jeit-cs.v1i4.238


Generasi Z adalah generasi yang berasal dari orang tua yang merupakan Gen millenial, mereka membawa beberapa sifat bawaan Millenial antara lain setia, tegas, bertanggung jawab dan perduli. Namun, GEN Z berbeda dikarenakan lebih memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan yang tinggi dan cenderung untuk berjuang keras demi memperoleh identitas dirinya dan mendapatkan pengakuan dari orang lain. Gen Z juga berkontribusi 85% dari total transaksi. Lebih lanjut, pemerintah saat ini tengah fokus dalam menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi Generasi Z yang diharapkan menjadi bonus demografi tenaga kerja dalam beberapa tahun kedepan, sebaiknya sebagaimana dalam penelitian Mahanandia yang menyarankan bahwa bakat GEN Z perlu dikembangkan. Oleh karena itu sangat tepat untuk membekali siswa/i SMK yang faktanya merupakan GEN Z dengan motivasi pengembangan potensi diri untuk menjalankan bisnis dengan baik.  Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan tujuan membuka wawasan siswa/i untuk mengenali potensi diri dan membangun bisnis yang berawal dari hobi sendiri. Tidak hanya itu saja, melalui kegiatan ini siswa juga akan  diajarkan bagaimana cara berwirausaha dengan baik dan  demikian diharapkan siswa memiliki daya saing yang baik serta mampu berkontribusi secara meluas
Teachers Go Online: Pelatihan Pengelolaan Google Site bagi Guru SMA Teladan Way Jepara Suprayogi Suprayogi; Afrianto Afrianto; Heri Kuswoyo; Sugama Maskar; Arief Budiman; Danu Satya Nugraha
Madaniya Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53696/27214834.434


Merespon kebutuhan pembelajaran dalam jaringan dan luar jaringan sebagai dampak perkembangan teknologi dan pandemic Covid-19, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat tentang Pelatihan Pengelolaan Google Site dilaksanakan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SMA Teladan Way Jepara Lampung Timur melibatkan 15 guru. Kegiatan ini dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk menjembatani guru-guru di wilayah Provinsi Lampung yang jarang mendapatkan kegiatan peningkatan kompetensi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, khususnya dalam hal pembelajaran. Pelatihan pengelolaan googlesite mencakup kegiatan pengenalan manfaat, fitur, dan praktik penggunaan fitur Google Site untuk mengunggah materi pembelajaran, menyusun evaluasi, dan mengelola kertas kerja siswa. Kegiatan ini secara umum telah memiliki dampak bagi guru, dilihat dari peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengelola Google Site.
Enhancing English Language Proficiency of SMKS Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Agung Students through TOEIC Coaching Akhyar Rido; Heri Kuswoyo; E. Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih; Shavina Lestiani; Rizma Amalia Sa’adah; Sahat Parulian Prantinus Kaban; Edho Anggara Doby Putra
INCOME: Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Engagement Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Juni
Publisher : EDUPEDIA Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56855/income.v2i2.407


In today's globalized world, proficiency in English has become essential for academic and professional success. This paper focuses on enhancing the English language skills of vocational students at SMKS Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Agung through TOEIC training. This community service program aims to improve students' language proficiency, particularly in listening and reading comprehension, which are vital for success in vocational fields. This program consisted of two sessions conducted at the school, involving 25 students from classes X to XII. The stages of the TOEIC training included providing an understanding of TOEIC materials, practice questions, organizing the TOEIC test, motivating students, correcting test results, providing practice resources, and recognizing high-achieving students. The results demonstrated that the TOEIC training activities effectively enhanced students' language skills, as evidenced by their improved listening and reading comprehension abilities. Furthermore, the activities contributed to the development of students' soft skills and received positive feedback from the participants. The findings highlight the importance of conducting such activities to prepare vocational students for future career opportunities and to navigate the global job market. Continued efforts in providing TOEIC training and English learning activities are crucial to ensure the success of vocational students in their chosen fields and to bridge the language gap in a globalized world.
Linguistics and Literature Students' Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2023): LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE JOURNAL
Publisher : English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education Universitas Teknokrat Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/llj.v4i1.3252


This study was aimed at investigating the perceptions of students at lecturer’s classroom management in teaching English. This research employed a descriptive method. The population of this study was twenty undergraduate students in the second semester of reading class in the 2017/2018 academic year conducted at one of university in Makassar, Indonesia. The sample was selected using a purposive sampling. The data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using a Likert scale. The results showed that the second-year students agreed and categorized high on teacher’s classroom management in learning English. By showing consistent reports, an effective classroom manager meets students’ need. The results also offered overwhelming benefits for students and lecturer, namely (1) the lecturer can build good interaction with the students, (2) the lecturer can create fun atmosphere in the classroom, (3) it can help students to improve their skills, if the lecturer has an appropriate method, and (4) the lecturer can find out new strategy how to teach English well. These results provide further evidence for examining students’ perception towards lecturer’s classroom management is helpful for lecturers and students at reading classroom where English is used as a foreign language.
Leksema: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ljbs.v2i1.655


The objective of this research is to identify the problems on the thematic progression in fifth semester students’ academic writing. It examines the problems caused by the misuse of theme and rheme in the thematic progression of their writing. The data in this research are taken from 20 pieces of fifth semester students’ academic writing. The collected data are analyzed based on the theory of problem in thematic progression, regarding misuse of theme and rheme put forward by Bloor & Bloor (1992) and Arunsirot (2013). Then, descriptive qualitative and library research methods are applied in this research. The results of the research reveal that six problems in thematic progression are found; they are the problem of brand new theme, the problem of double rheme, the problem of empty rheme, the problem of empty theme, the problem of overuse of constant theme pattern and the problem of confusing selection of textual theme. In addition, other four new problems are also identified. They are the problem of incomplete clause, the problem of error in choosing topical theme, the problem of unneeded textual theme, and the problem of double textual theme. In conclusion, the students must be aware of the flow of theme and rheme of thematic progression in their writing.
Journal of Community Service (JCOS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April
Publisher : EDUPEDIA Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56855/jcos.v1i2.291


The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is a means of professional development for students at Vocational High Schools (SMK). SMK students are required to have skills in the field of communication in international languages so that they are able to guarantee the quality of their own future. The purpose of this Community Service activity (PKM) is to provide an understanding of the TOEIC test for students of SMKN 1 Labuhan Maringgai, East Lampung. This PKM activity uses several methods such as observation, questionnaires, interviews and documents. The results of this PKM show that the TOEIC skills of students at SMKN 1 Labuhan Maringgai have increased after participating in technology-based PKM activities.
IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SOFT SKILLS OF SMKS MUHAMMADIYAH 1 KOTA AGUNG STUDENTS THROUGH PUBLIC SPEAKING TRAINING Akhyar Rido; Heri Kuswoyo; E Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih; Shavina Lestiani; Rizma Amalia Sa’adah; Edho Anggara Doby Putra; Sahat Parulian Prantinus Kaban
Journal of Community Service (JCOS) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : EDUPEDIA Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56855/jcos.v1i3.426


This article addresses the limited access to language activities and the lack of emphasis on public speaking as a soft skill in vocational high school education. It emphasizes the significance of developing public speaking abilities for vocational students to thrive personally and professionally. The article proposes a social community service program that offers public speaking training for vocational students. The program's effectiveness was evaluated using a descriptive qualitative method and questionnaires. The feedback from students indicates positive outcomes in communication skills, confidence, and overall soft skills development. The article concludes that by addressing the deficiency in language activities and focusing on enhancing soft skills, specifically public speaking, vocational students can better equip themselves for the future and improve their prospects in the real world.