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Femur Fracture Patient Characteristics in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Indonesia January–December 2011 Firdaus, Mohamad; Hidajat, Nucki Nursjamsi; Murniati, Nani
Althea Medical Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (657.975 KB)


 Background: Femur fracture is one of the most common orthopedic cases which may occur in all age groups. Its incidence can be characterized by several aspects, such as patient’s age, sex, causes, location and many more. The aim of this study was to understand the characteristics of femur fracture patients in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Indonesia during the period of January to December 2011.Methods: A descriptive study was conducted using 89 medical records of femur fracture patients in the Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from January to December 2011. The inclusion criteria of the study were medical records containing patient aged 20-59 years data who were diagnosed with femur fracture, sex, cause of fracture, type of fracture, location of fracture, type of treatments given, and the length of hospitalization. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution.Results: Of 60 cases of motor vehicle accidents, there were more male (77.53%) than female who suffered from fracture. Closed fracture was more common with 52 cases of closed fracture compared to 29 cases of proximal fracture. Of 35 patients accepted treatment, 30 patients were treated by surgery  and hospitalized for 21–30 days.Conclusion: Young male adults are the most common group suffering from femur fracture. A continuous epidemiology study must be carried out on annual basis so that a better view of the incidence and the location of femur fracture as well as the type of treatment given to patients can be observed.Keywords: Adults, characteristics, femur fracture  DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n1.428 
Pola rugae palatina pada mahasiswa suku Minangkabau dan suku BatakPalatal rugae pattern in Minangkabaunese and Bataknese students Ilma, Mentari Nurul; Murniati, Nani; Ningsih, Djulaenah
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 29, No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.986 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v29i1.18599


Pendahuluan: Rugae palatina merupakan suatu lipatan anatomis yang terletak di sepertiga anterior palatum belakang papilla insisivum. Pertumbuhan rugae palatina dipengaruhi faktor genetik sehingga tiap individu memiliki keunikan pola rugae palatina masing-masing, termasuk antara suku Minangkabau dan suku Batak. Rugae palatina digunakan sebagai alternatif teknik identifikasi ras di kedokteran gigi forensik karena keunikannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat gambaran pola rugae palatina pada suku Minangkabau dan suku Batak. Metode: Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif sederhana kuantitatif dan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di UKSU ITB dan UPBM Unpad, total sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 42 mahasiswa UKSU UPBM angkatan 2010-2012. Data diperoleh melalui pencetakan rahang atas kemudian dibuat model untuk diinterpretasikan pola rugae palatina masing-masing suku. Data disajikan dengan tabel distribusi frekuensi sederhana. Hasil: Hasil perhitungan pola rugae palatina yang ditampilkan tabel distribusi frekuensi sederhana menunjukkan 54,48% berbentuk gelombang pada suku Minangkabau dan 73,68% berbentuk divergen, sedangkan pada suku Batak ditemukan 55,63% berbentuk gelombang dan 83,33% berbentuk divergen. Simpulan: Gambaran pola rugae palatina berbentuk gelombang dan divergen merupakan jumlah terbanyak pada suku Minangkabau dan suku Batak. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Palatal rugae is anatomical folds located on the anterior third of the palate, behind the incisive papilla. Growth of palatal rugae  is affected by genetic factor, thus it was proven that the rugae patterns are highly individualistic, including Minangkabau and Batak tribes. It is used as an alternative method for identification because of its unique anatomical structure. The aim of the study was to describe  palatal rugae patterns in Minangkabau and Batak tribes. Methods: This was a simple descriptive quantitative study, using consecutive sampling technique. Participants were recruited from UKSU ITB and UPBM Unpad, in total 42 undergraduate students from batch 2010-2012 signed informed consents. The maxillary impression of the subject was taken using alginate then transferred to casts to interpret the palatal rugae pattern. The data were presented with simple frequency distribution table. Result: The palatal rugae pattern distribution showed 54,48% wavy pattern and 73,68% divergent pattern  for Minangkabau, whereas Batak tribes had 55,63% and 83,33%, respectively. Conclusion: In this study,  the dominant shape of palatal rugae among the two tribes was wavy and divergent form.Keywords: Odontology forensic, palatal rugae pattern, Minangkabaunese, Bataknese.
Femur Fracture Patient Characteristics in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Indonesia January–December 2011 Mohamad Firdaus; Nucki Nursjamsi Hidajat; Nani Murniati
Althea Medical Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (657.975 KB)


 Background: Femur fracture is one of the most common orthopedic cases which may occur in all age groups. Its incidence can be characterized by several aspects, such as patient’s age, sex, causes, location and many more. The aim of this study was to understand the characteristics of femur fracture patients in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Indonesia during the period of January to December 2011.Methods: A descriptive study was conducted using 89 medical records of femur fracture patients in the Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from January to December 2011. The inclusion criteria of the study were medical records containing patient aged 20-59 years data who were diagnosed with femur fracture, sex, cause of fracture, type of fracture, location of fracture, type of treatments given, and the length of hospitalization. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution.Results: Of 60 cases of motor vehicle accidents, there were more male (77.53%) than female who suffered from fracture. Closed fracture was more common with 52 cases of closed fracture compared to 29 cases of proximal fracture. Of 35 patients accepted treatment, 30 patients were treated by surgery  and hospitalized for 21–30 days.Conclusion: Young male adults are the most common group suffering from femur fracture. A continuous epidemiology study must be carried out on annual basis so that a better view of the incidence and the location of femur fracture as well as the type of treatment given to patients can be observed.Keywords: Adults, characteristics, femur fracture  DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n1.428 
Ambang pengecapan rasa asin pada wanita perokokSalty taste threshold in smoking women Muhammad Farhan; Sri Tjahajawati; Nani Murniati
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 4, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v4i1.24819


Pendahuluan: Efek negatif panas asap dan kandungan rokok bagi perokok terjadi pada organ sensorik yang menyebabkan menurunnya fungsi pengecapan yang ditandai dengan peningkatan ambang pengecapan. Rokok membuat organ pengecapan atau taste buds berkontak dengan senyawa kimia yang terdapat dalam rokok dan cenderung membuat kemampuan taste buds menurun. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui ambang pengecapan rasa asin pada wanita perokok. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data yang diperoleh merupakan data sekunder dari penelitian Riset Fundamental Unpad (RFU) dimana pengambilan sampel pada penelitian data primer sebanyak 44 wanita perokok dan 91 wanita non perokok. Data objektif ambang pengecapan rasa asin diperoleh dengan meneteskan larutan NaCl pada permukaan lidah dengan berbagai konsentrasi. Data subjek lainnya diperoleh dari pengisian kuisioner. Hasil: Rata-rata ambang pengecapan rasa asin pada wanita perokok 0,025 M(> 0,01 M), ambang pengecapan rasa asin pada wanita non-perokok 0,023 M(>0,01 M), nilai ambang pengecapan rasa asin dengan konsumsi 10 batang rokok per hari selama 2-5 tahun dan lebih dari 6 tahun masing-masing 0,027 M dan 0,024 M. Rata-rata nilai ambang pengecapan rasa asin dengan konsumsi 20 batang rokok per hari selama 2-5 tahun dan lebih dari 6 tahun masing-masing 0,023 M dan 0,024 M. Rata-rata nilai ambang pengecapan rasa asin dengan konsumsi 25 batang rokok per hari selama lebih dari 6 tahun sebesar 0,03 M. Simpulan: Ambang pengecapan rasa asin pada wanita perokok dari nilai ambang normal.Kata kunci: Ambang pengecapan, rasa asin, wanita perokok. ABSTRACTIntroduction: The negative effect of cigarette smoke heat and its composition towards sensory organ includes decreasing taste sensibility that is indicated by an increase in the tasting threshold; thus, the function of taste decreases. Cigarettes causes taste buds to contact with chemical compounds composed in it and tends to caused insensitivity of taste buds. The objective of this study was to investigate the salty taste threshold in smoking women. Methods: The study was conducted by a descriptive method. The data obtained were secondary data from Universitas Padjadjaran Fundamental Research (RFU) consisted of 44 primary smokers and 91 non-smokers. The objective data of the salty taste tasting was obtained by dripping NaCl solution on the surface of the tongue with various concentrations. Other data subjects were obtained from filling out questionnaires. Results: The average salty taste threshold value obtained from smoking women was 0.025 M (> 0.01 M), and of non-smoking women was 0.023 M (> 0.01 M). The salty taste threshold value of women who consumed ten cigarettes per day for 2-5 years and more than 6 years were 0.027 M and 0.024 M, respectively. The average salty taste threshold value of women who consumed 20 cigarettes per day for 2-5 years and more than 6 years were 0.023 M and 0.024 M, respectively. The average salty taste threshold value of women who consumed 25 cigarettes per day for more than 6 years was 0.03 M. Conclusion: The salty taste threshold in smoking women had a higher tendency than normal.Keywords: Taste threshold, salty taste, smoking women.
Nilai ambang pengecapan rasa manis wanita perokok dan bukan perokokSweet taste threshold on smoking and non smoking women Nabillah Handika; Sri Tjahajawati; Nani Murniati
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v4i2.24816


Pendahuluan: Kebiasaan merokok merupakan kebiasaan yang memiliki banyak efek negatif bagi tubuh. Rokok membuat indera pengecapan (taste buds) terkontaminasi oleh senyawa kimia yang terkandung di dalam rokok dan membuat kemampuan indera pengecapan menurun. Rokok juga dapat menyebabkan kelainan sistemik, salah satunya diabetes mellitus karena dengan penurunan sensitivitas indera pengecapan maka perokok akan cenderung mengonsumsi gula dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran nilai ambang pengecapan rasa manis pada wanita perokok Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel simple random sampling. Sampel sebanyak 44 wanita perokok dan 91 wanita bukan perokok. Data objektif ambang pengecapan rasa manis diperoleh dengan meneteskan larutan glukosa pada permukaan lidah dengan berbagai konsentrasi. Data subjek lainnya diperoleh dari pengisian kuisioner. Tempat penelitian di lingkungan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Unpad Bandung dan Jatinangor. Hasil: Usia rerata wanita perokok adalah 23 tahun. Rerata nilai ambang pengecapan rasa manis dengan konsumsi 10 batang rokok per hari selama 2-4 tahun dan lebih dari 4 tahun masing-masing 0,041M dan 0,043M. Rerata nilai ambang pengecapan rasa manis dengan konsumsi 20 batang rokok per hari selama 2-4 tahun dan lebih dari 4 tahun masing-masing 0,030M dan 0,037M. Rerata nilai ambang pengecapan rasa manis dengan konsumsi 25 batang rokok per hari selama lebih dari 4 tahun sebesar 0,043M. Usia rerata wanita bukan perokok berusia 21 tahun dengan nilai ambang pengecapan rasa manis yang paling banyak terjadi pada konsentrasi 0,01 M. Simpulan: Nilai ambang pengecapan rasa manis pada wanita perokok lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan nilai ambang pengecapan rasa manis normal pada wanita bukan perokok.Kata kunci: Ambang pengecapan, rasa manis, wanita perokok, wanita bukan perokok. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Smoking habits have many adverse effects on the human body, such as decreasing of taste sensitivity. Cigarettes make the taste buds contaminated by chemical compounds contained in cigarettes, thus decrease the ability of the gustatory system. Cigarettes can also cause systemic abnormalities, one of which is diabetes mellitus because by decreasing the sensitivity of the gustatory system, smokers will tend to consume more sugar. This study was aimed to determine the sweet taste threshold on smoking women in the neighbourhood of the Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung and Jatinangor. Methods: The research was conducted using descriptive method. The data obtained were secondary data from Unpad Fundamental Research (RFU) from 44 smokers and 91 nonsmokers as samples chose by simple random sampling method. The sweet threshold data was collected by giving a drop of glucose of different concentrations on the subject’s tongue. The other data needed were collected by filling the questionnaire. Results: The mean age of smoking women was 23-years-old. The mean value of sweet threshold of smoking women who consumed 10 cigarettes every day for 2-4 years and more than 4 years were 0.041 M and 0.043 M respectively. The mean value of sweet threshold of smoking women who consumed 20 cigarettes every day for 2-4 years and more than 4 years were 0.030 M and 0.037 M respectively. The mean value of sweet threshold of smoking women who consumed 25 cigarettes every day for more than 4 years was 0.043 M. The results also suggested that the mean age of smoking women was 23 years old with the sweet threshold modus of 0.01 M. Conclusion: Sweet taste threshold on smoking women smokers in the neighbourhood tend to increase from non-smoking women.Keywords: Taste threshold, sweet taste, smoking women, non-smoking women.
Dharmakarya Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (37.603 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/dharmakarya.v8i1.18101


Panas asap rokok dan kandungan berbahaya dalam rokok dapat berdampak pada kesehatan rongga mulut dan sistemik. Pada saat ini jumlah wanita perokok semakin meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan sekresi saliva, ambang kecap, tekanan darah dan glukosa darah pada wanita perokok dan non-perokok. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis analitik komparatif dengan rancangan komparatif cross-sectional, yaitu membandingkan beberapa outcome kedua kelompok wanita. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukan lama merokok rata-rata 4,4 tahun, jumlah rokok yang dihisap 14,8 batang per hari. Usia rata-rata wanita perokok 21,2 tahun. Ambang kecap manis dan asin rata-rata pada wanita perokok lebih tinggi dari wanita non-perokok. Volume dan pH saliva rata-rata perokok lebih rendah dari wanita non-perokok. Nilai tekanan darah diastolik dan kadar glukosa darah rata-rata pada wanita perokok lebih tinggi dari wanita non-perokok. Ambang kecap manis, tekanan darah sistolik dan kadar glukosa darah antara wanita perokok dan non-perokok berbeda signifikan (p<0,005). Simpulan penelitian adalah terdapat perbedaan ambang kecap manis, tekanan darah sistol dan kadar glukosa darah pada wanita perokok dan non-perokok. 
Pola rugae palatina pada mahasiswa suku Minangkabau dan suku BatakPalatal rugae pattern in Minangkabaunese and Bataknese students Mentari Nurul Ilma; Nani Murniati; Djulaenah Ningsih
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 29, No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.986 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v29i1.18599


Pendahuluan: Rugae palatina merupakan suatu lipatan anatomis yang terletak di sepertiga anterior palatum belakang papilla insisivum. Pertumbuhan rugae palatina dipengaruhi faktor genetik sehingga tiap individu memiliki keunikan pola rugae palatina masing-masing, termasuk antara suku Minangkabau dan suku Batak. Rugae palatina digunakan sebagai alternatif teknik identifikasi ras di kedokteran gigi forensik karena keunikannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat gambaran pola rugae palatina pada suku Minangkabau dan suku Batak. Metode: Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif sederhana kuantitatif dan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di UKSU ITB dan UPBM Unpad, total sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 42 mahasiswa UKSU UPBM angkatan 2010-2012. Data diperoleh melalui pencetakan rahang atas kemudian dibuat model untuk diinterpretasikan pola rugae palatina masing-masing suku. Data disajikan dengan tabel distribusi frekuensi sederhana. Hasil: Hasil perhitungan pola rugae palatina yang ditampilkan tabel distribusi frekuensi sederhana menunjukkan 54,48% berbentuk gelombang pada suku Minangkabau dan 73,68% berbentuk divergen, sedangkan pada suku Batak ditemukan 55,63% berbentuk gelombang dan 83,33% berbentuk divergen. Simpulan: Gambaran pola rugae palatina berbentuk gelombang dan divergen merupakan jumlah terbanyak pada suku Minangkabau dan suku Batak.Kata kunci: Forensik odontologi, pola rugae palatina, suku Minangkabau, suku Batak ABSTRACTIntroduction: Palatal rugae is anatomical folds located on the anterior third of the palate, behind the incisive papilla. Growth of palatal rugae  is affected by genetic factor, thus it was proven that the rugae patterns are highly individualistic, including Minangkabau and Batak tribes. It is used as an alternative method for identification because of its unique anatomical structure. The aim of the study was to describe  palatal rugae patterns in Minangkabau and Batak tribes. Methods: This was a simple descriptive quantitative study, using consecutive sampling technique. Participants were recruited from UKSU ITB and UPBM Unpad, in total 42 undergraduate students from batch 2010-2012 signed informed consents. The maxillary impression of the subject was taken using alginate then transferred to casts to interpret the palatal rugae pattern. The data were presented with simple frequency distribution table. Result: The palatal rugae pattern distribution showed 54,48% wavy pattern and 73,68% divergent pattern  for Minangkabau, whereas Batak tribes had 55,63% and 83,33%, respectively. Conclusion: In this study,  the dominant shape of palatal rugae among the two tribes was wavy and divergent form. Keywords: Odontology forensic, palatal rugae pattern, Minangkabaunese, Bataknese
Human age estimation based on pulp volume of canines for chronological age estimation: Preliminary research Septian Rahmat Hidayat; Fahmi Oscandar; Yuti Malinda; Inne Suherna Sasmita; Murnisari Dardjan; Nani Murniati; Yurika Ambar Lita
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 30, No 3 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.681 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol30no3.19302


Introduction: Age estimation has an important role in the process of human identification and needs to be performed in an efficient, fast, and accurate ways. Age estimation based on the pulp cavity volume of canines was referring to the theory stated that the apposition of secondary dentine during human life could be determined as an age indicator. This study was aimed to estimate the human age based on the pulp volume of canines for chronological estimation. Methods: Forty-one canine teeth from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) 3D image sample from Dental Hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran segmented into dental pulp and enamel were prepared for measurement of pulp volume using the ITK SNAP volumetric software. Descriptive analysis of pulp volume and regression equations were generated from regression analysis of pulp volume and tested for age estimation. Result: Dentine thickness was found to be increased from adolescence age range until adulthood age range. Logarithmic regression between pulp volume was statistically significant (p < 0,001). The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.753 with a standard deviation of 8.421. Mathematics model for estimating age was: Age = 79.523 – (18.194 x ln(Pulp Volume)). The pulp cavity and dentine thickness were decreasing along the age. The same equation was also used in the same sample. There were several differences between chronological age and estimated age approximately 8.4 years following the regression result of R2 (75.3%). The rest of the sample (24.7%) have a big difference, and this could be affected by modifying variables such as occlusal force and human error measurement procedures. Conclusion: The human age can be estimated by the pulp volume of canines.Keywords: Age estimation, pulp volume, canine, ITK-SNAP, CBCT.
Differences of enamel print patterns between buccal and lingual surfaces of extracted permanent maxillary first premolar Sheng Cheng Soo; Nani Murniati; Andriani Harsanti; Yuti Malinda; Fahmi Oscandar
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 32, No 2 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol32no2.21639


Introduction: Ameloglyphics is the study of enamel print patterns on the tooth surface. Enamel print patterns are unique to each individual as they differ on each tooth. The similarity of tooth prints on buccal and lingual surfaces remains questionable as no research has been conducted thus far. The premolar was chosen in this experiment due to its low risk of damage because it is protected by cheek and rarely used compared to other teeth. Thus, the results obtained will be more precise and have higher accuracy than using other teeth. This research was aimed to investigate the differences between enamel print patterns on buccal and lingual surfaces of maxillary right first premolar. Methods: An analytic study was conducted by observing and analysing a total of 34 teeth samples using the purposive sampling method. The middle third of the buccal and lingual tooth surfaces was captured directly after magnified with a stereomicroscope. Photomicrographs of samples were then analysed using SourceAFIS biometric software. This software will process the image and shows patterns of enamel print. Afterwards, the enamel print patterns were observed and classified according to Manjunath Classification. Results: The results suggested that all 34 samples show a similarity of enamel print patterns on both the buccal and lingual surfaces. The interpretations of photomicrographs were statistically analysed using the Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) software. The similarity may be due to the same placement of developing tooth bud, temperature, environmental factor, genetics, pressure and nutrition to the ameloblasts cells in a tooth. Conclusion: Both buccal and lingual in the samples show high similarity due to the very high frequencies of similar sub-patterns occur on both surfaces. Tooth print can be used as a valuable tool in forensic science for personal identification with good prospects in the field of forensic dentistry.