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Structure Vol 5, No 1 (2023): STRUCTURE (JURNAL SIPIL)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/civil.v5i1.8262


Air limbah domestik merupakan air buangan yang berasal dari aktivitas sehari-hari manusia yang berkaitan dengan pemakaian air seperti mencuci dan mandi yang menghasilkan grey water. Grey water menyebabkan terjadinya pencemaran yang menimbulkan kerugian apabila dibuang kelingkungan. Salah satu teknologi untuk pengolahan grey water pada air limbah domestik adalah constructed wetlands. Biochar dan aerasi dinilai mampu menghasilkan efektivitasdalam penyisihan polutan pada air limbah domestik. Pada penelitian ini air limbah akan dilakukan pengolahan dengan sistem constructed wetland dengan penggunaan biochar dan aerasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan biochar dan aerasi dalam menurunan parameter pH, BOD 5 dan amonia pada air limbah domestik pada constructed wetland. Pada penelitian menggunakan variasi waktu aerasi 1 jam : 2 jam dan 1 jam : 4 jam dengan komposisi media tanam biochar 1:1, 1:2 dan 1:3. Konsentrasi awal air limbah domestik BOD 5 yaitu 4041,64 mg/l, Amonia 104,84 mg/l dan pH 8,70. Penggunaan biochar dan aerasi untuk pengolahan limbah domestik pada constructed wetland dinilai efektif dalam menurunkan parameter pH, BOD 5 dam amonia. Penurunan BOD 5 berada rentang hasil uji akhir 172,23 mg/l-17,58 mg/l dan amonia 91,04 mg/l serta netralisasi pH 7,60-7,17. Variasi waktu aerasi dan komposisi media tanam memberikan pengaruh yang cukup signifikan dalam menurukan konsentrasi BOD 5 dan amonia serta dalam menetralkan pH. Penyisihan terbaik terjadi pada variasi media tanam biochar : tanah 1:3 dengan waktu aerasi 1 jam : 4 jam dengan efisiensi untuk parameter BOD 5 99,57% dan amonia 77,26 % sementara netralisasi pH juga terjadi pada variasi yang sama dengan nilai pH 7,17. Penambahan aerasi dan biochar yang berlebih ternyata kurang efektif dalam penyisihan parameter di reaktor constructed wetland karena dapat mengganggu proses degradasi bahan organik secara anaerob.Keywords: Aerasi, Air limbah domestik, Amonia, Biochar, BOD 5, sistem constructed wetland
The treatment of automotive workshop wastewater using electrocoagulation process Monik Kasman; Salmariza Sy; Anggrika Riyanti; Hendi Matalata; Irpan Firfansyah
Jurnal Litbang Industri Vol 13, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institution for Industrial Research and Standardization of Industry - Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24960/jli.v13i1.8046.85-91


Automotive workshop activities generate waste water requiring some treatments before being discharged into receiving water surface. One of the wastewater treatment methods for is the electrocoagulation method. This study aims to observe the effectiveness of the electrocoagulation method in treating wastewater from automotive workshop activities. Observations were limited to the effect of current density on the efficiency of removal of pollutants from wastewater from automotive workshop activities, including pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ,oil and grease Current density were varied into 62 A/m2, 53 A/m 2, and 31 A/m 2. The results showed that the highest removal efficiency for the pollutant parameters BOD, COD, and oil and grease respectively were 91.53%, 94.90%, and 81,38% at current density 62 A/m 2. The electrocoagulation process was strongly influenced by the current density, where the higher the current density, the higher the removal efficiency.
Identifikasi Kelimpahan dan Karakteristik Mikroplastik pada Sungai Batanghari Wilayah Intake Sijenjang Perumda Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi Siti Umi Kalsum; Anggrika Riyanti; Wibisono Daryanto
Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau Vol 8, No 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batangahari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/akuakultur.v8i2.183


The Batanghari River as a source of raw water for Perumda Tirta Mayang, Jambi City, in the last few decades has experienced a decline in water quality due to land conversion and human activities. A lot of rubbish is found in rivers dominated by plastic waste which will fragment into microplastics with a size of <5 mm. Microplastics will affect the process of processing raw water into clean water at Perumda. This research aims to identify and assess the polymer risk index and microplastic pollution index in the Batanghari River in the Sijenjang Intake area. The tool used is Planktonet mesh 150 with a diameter of 20 cm. The research results showed that the sizes of microplastics found ranged from 2-5 mm, 1-2 mm, 0.5-1 mm, 0.1-0.5 mm and <0.1 mm. The microplastic colors were transparent, blue, white, black, clear, green, and brown. The types of microplastics found were fibers, filaments, fragments, and pellets. The abundance of microplastics ranges from 100 – 150 particles/liter. The polymer risk index (PRI) value is between 25.6 and 32.74 in the medium category, while the microplastic pollution index (PLI) value is between 44.72 and 54.77 in the very high category.
Biochar-Based Subsurface-Flow Wetland from Crumb Rubber Scrap in Treatment of Landfill Leachate Anggrika Riyanti; Hadrah Hadrah; Monik Kasman; Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan; Iwan Saputra; Riska Rahmah Dani Fitri
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 21, No 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v21i1.51-60


Leachate resulting from the decomposition of organic waste is still a challenging problem, especially in landfill management.  Constructed wetlands (CW) are effective, economical, and environmentally friendly options to treat landfill leachate. Biochar added into CW as a pollutant adsorbent in leachate treatment.  This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of sub-surface flow CW amended with biochar in reducing leachate pollutants. Biochar was synthesized from crumb rubber scrap waste using pyrolysis. The variation biochar in CW i.e. CW0 without biochar as a control system, CW1 10% biochar, CW2 20% biochar, and CW3 30% biochar.  Leachate samples flowed into each CW reactor for 10 days of retention time.  The scanning electron showed that the biochar pores ranged from 5-10 կm, containing elements of C, O, Ca, N, Mg, Al, Si, and Fe.  Some elements have greater cumulative mass and atomic percentage values i.e. C 34.51%, O 26.54%, and Ca 21.85%.  The result of CW treatment showed that the CW system was able to remove 76-88% BOD5, 70-87% COD, and 67-81% TSS.  The addition of biochar in CW increased pollutant removal by 7-14%, showing that biochar is able to increase pollutant adsorption in wastewater and improve CW performance. Furthermore, converting organic waste into biochar is highly recommended as a sustainable way to generate useful resources.