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Journal : Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya

Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Khasanah Ilmu - Maret 2014
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.39 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/khi.v5i1.451


Live experience at tourism village give a major influence on the formation of the tourists image. The image formed, greatly influence the decision-making process to make repeat bussiness or not at all. This study used a qualitative research design with a phenomenological study approach, by outlining or exploit live experience in the tourists through three stages, namely intuiting, analyzing and describing. The population were all live in participants in the tourism village in Brayut, on December 4 s / d January 5, 2014, which is totaled 150 participants, Yogyakarta BSI students who are following the live activities in the tourism Brayut village. Samples were obtained six criteria of participants, and the results of research, there are several indicators of dissatisfaction, namely the lack of a safety guarantee for the participants, the event is less attractive packaging, lack of good coordination of the committee, as well as the lack of infrastructure, covering the less knowledgeable, equipment not supplicants for all participants, homestay locations away from the center of the show. In this case the manager of Brayut village tourism have an  important homework, to look at the dissatisfaction indicators which is founded by researcher in the field. The stakeholder must evaluate the village tourism and decide the next strategic steps to improve the services quality for the visitors, which is influence the behavior of subsequent travelers, as revealed by Schiffman and Kanuk (2007), customer behavior is a process through which a person in finding, purchasing, using, evaluating and acting after using the product, service or idea which is expected to meet the needs.
Strategi Pengembangan Salsa Café Dan Bistro Di Hotel Kumbokarno Yogyakarta Ika Arista Suzanti; Ani Wijayanti - AKPAR BSI Yogyakarta
Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Khasanah Ilmu - September 2012
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (67.952 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/khi.v3i2.515


AbstractThe research is a qualitative research purposed to examine the development strategy of Salsa Café and Bistro restoran at Kombokarno Hotel Yogyakarta. The data was collected by active participation interviews, direct observation and study of reference. The respondents are kombokarno hotel staff and all side involved in the operation of the hotel in general and in particular Salsa café and Bistro. The data is analyzed by descriptive and SWOT analysis. Kombokarno Hotel is one of jasmine hotel which has a strategic location, which is in the Malioboro tourist area. The hotel has a café & Bistr,  named Salsa that provide food and beverage services to guests along 24 hours. Hotel Kombokarno and Salsa café has a different management, although still in the same family. Some of the obstacles faced are the lack of equipment and a small area of Salsa Cafe. The existence of Salsa café provide special attraction for visitors Kombokarno Hotel, because it provides service for eating and drinking, both in restorant or room service.Keywords : Strategy, Development and  Restoran
Pengaruh Lingkungan Internal Dan Eksternal Terhadap Minat Kunjungan Wisatawan Melalui Daya Tarik Wisata Taman Tirta Arta Di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta Ani Wijayanti - AKPAR BSI Yogyakarta
Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Khasanah Ilmu - Maret 2012
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.648 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/khi.v3i1.492


The research is a kind of quantitative research which research many factor that influence rate of tourist visit, cover by internal environment, external environment and tourist attraction. The data collected through interviewing by spreading 200 questioner to respondence. and analyised by Structural Equation Model (SEM). The result of the research proved that internal environment had a direct effect on interest of tourist visit although indirect pass through tourist attraction and the tourist attraction itself influential to interest of tourist visit.  Whereas, the external environment hadn’t an effect on interest of tourist visit whether direct or indirect pass through the tourist attraction. Based on the result of hyphotesis testing, inferential many effort could be done to increase the interest of tourist visit are increasing the human resources quality, offering the innovative and creative tourist product, building good relationship to other site for infrastructure developing as a tourist activities supporting. Besides, creating the relaxation situation to all visitor at Tirtha Artha Park. Keywords: internal environment, external environment, tourist attraction, interest of tourist visit and Tirta tour.
Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Khasanah Ilmu - Maret 2010
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.338 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/khi.v1i1.448


This research was done to analyze effects of dimension level or variables of service level of retailer dealer toward tourist satisfaction in Malioboro, beside also to analyze variable which have high importance and performance for tourist in Malioboro. This research have hypothesis that said: (1) service level variable that placed at second quadrant is responsiveness, which have high importance and performance. (2) There are positive significant effects between service level variables (reliability, responsiveness, emphaty, assurance dan tangible variables) toward tourist satisfaction. This research used teknik purposive random sampling for sampling method by got any responden between 20-60 years old who had ever visited malioboro. The measuring scale that used are Likert scale  by using tourist satisfaction scale and service level scale there are  reliability, responsiveness, emphaty, assurance dan tangible variables. To find out more descriptive result of research was used Importance and Performance matrix Analyze, so ascertainabled level of importance every tourist service level variable.This result was used for interested parties references in establish foreigh steps that had taken to increase retailer dealer performance in Malioboro as specifically and retailer dealer in other places for generally. The result of research showed all service level variables (reliability, responsiveness, emphaty, assurance dan tangible variables) have positive effects towards tourist satisfaction by level of significant (α : 5%). The statement answered hypothesis 2 and able to be accepted.Whereas from Importance and Performance Matrix can be shown that responsiveness placed at second quadran it’s meant have high Importance and Performance and  hypothesis 1 also be accepted. Keywords :importance, performance, reliability, responsiveness, emphaty, assurance, tangible
Wisata Kuliner Sebagai Strategi Penguatan Pariwisata Di Kota Yogyakarta, Indonesia Ani Wijayanti
Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Khasanah Ilmu - Maret 2020
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.582 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/khi.v11i1.7998


Abstrak - Kota Yogyakarta merupakan tujuan pariwisata yang berkarakteristik pariwisata kota, yakni menawarkan daya tarik Kota yang dikemas dalam berbagai paket pariwisata. Kota Yogyakarta menjadi penyangga bagi destinasi wisata disekitarnya, yang menawarkan daya tarik wisata alam. Wisata kuliner menjadi strategi yang tepat dalam pengembangan pariwisata di kota Yogyakarta sebagai upaya mewujudkan pariwisata berkelanjutan, karena tidak memiliki potensi wisata alam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yang bertujuan menggali potensi wisata kuliner untuk memperoleh gambaran secara komprehensif tentang pengelolaan wisata kuliner di Kota Yogyakarta sebagai dasar perumusan program, strategis dan rencana aksi. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui forum group discussion untuk menggali informasi dari para stakeholder, sedangkan verifikasi data dilakukan dengan cara uji petik. Data dianalisis melalui proses reduksi untuk menghasilkan program-program prioritas dan rencana aksi untuk percepatan pengembangan wisata kuliner di Kota Yogyakarta. Kata Kunci : Wisata Kuliner; Pariwisata Kota; Gastronomy; StorytellingCulinary Tourism as a Strategy for Strengthening Tourism in the City of Yogyakarta, IndonesiaAbstract - Yogyakarta City is a tourism destination that is characterized by city tourism, which offers City attractions that are packaged in various tourism packages. The Yogyakarta city is a buffer for nearby tourist destinations, which offer natural tourist attractions. Culinary tourism is the right strategy in developing tourism in the Yogyakarta city as an effort to create sustainable tourism, because it does not have the potential for nature tourism. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, which aims to explore the potential of culinary tourism to obtain a comprehensive picture of culinary tourism management in the Yogyakarta city as a basis for program formulation, strategic and action plans. Primary data are collected through group discussion forums to gather information from stakeholders, while data verification is done by means of quotation tests. Data were analyzed through the reduction process to produce priority programs and action plans to accelerate the development of culinary tourism in the Yogyakarta city. Keywords : Culinary Tourism; City Tourism; Gastronomy; Storytelling
Upaya Pastry Section Menjaga Kualitas Produk Bakery Di Hotel Eastparc Yogyakarta Nur Raga Ardhani; Ani Wijayanti - AKPAR BSI Yogyakarta
Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Khasanah Ilmu - Maret 2016
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.211 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/khi.v7i1.1275


Yogyakarta city as a cultural and educational city become a very interest tourism destination of many tourist. The tourism growth in Yogyakarta have reached high level in 2012, 39,95%. The high interest of touris visit have provided opportunity in tourism industry, one of them is business accomodation services. The number of accomodation in Yogyakarta until 2014 is registered as much as 417 hotels, consist of 54 star hotels and 363 non-star hotels. Eastparc hotel is one of five star hotel in Yogyakarta that provide accommodation and food-beverage services. Eastparc hotel manage their own pastry as one of effort in maintaining and increasing service quality in food and beverage, particularly bakery product. The research design is descriptive qualitative research wich take place at pastry section in Eastparc hotel Yogyakarta. The research result state that pastry section implementated three operational standard, there are storing standard, tool using standard, and employee operational standard. Pastry section produce many kind of bakery are Cake. Pie, Cookies, Soft roll bread., Multimalt bread, Rye bread., Hard roll, Praztel bread, Sweet bread, Toast, Croissant, and Danish. However, there are obstacles faced by pastry section related with raw material, product storing, and employee competencies. Three main points able to implement to overcome the obstacles are cooperation with other departement, improve employee competencies, and quality control.. Key Words : Hotel, Pastry, Quality, Bakery, Operational Standard