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Persepsi E-Learning Berbasis Web pada Program Studi Keperawatan Banda Aceh Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh Hermansyah, Hermansyah; Munazar, Munazar
AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2017): AcTion Vol 2 No 1 Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Gizi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (425.003 KB) | DOI: 10.30867/action.v2i1.40


The Nursing Institution of Aceh Polytechnic is the most demanded and has the highest number of students every year and supported by 4 Prodi located in several strategic locations within Aceh Province. Required a development effort in the form of learning media design through e-Learning with the object of study that emphasizes on nursing materials and supporting courses because it can give more time and opportunity for students to be able to discuss. The aim of this research is to know the efficacy of teaching and learning activities through the application of e-Learning application. The system was developed at D-IV Nursing Study Program at Banda Aceh for 6 months starting from June to November 2016 is web-based and uses Moodle as its learning software called Internet Enabled Learning. The results of this study show that this system can improve the quality of subject learning in D-IV Nursing Study Program of Banda Aceh so that it can be used as a means to support teaching and learning process and not only implement teaching materials, but also create a mature learning scenario to invite active student involvement And constructive in their learning process. The design model is expected to be developed more widely to be applied of Health Polytechnic at Ministry of Health in AcehKey words:  Web-based, e-learning, perceptionInstitusi Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh merupakan salah satu Jurusan yang paling banyak peminatnya dan memiliki jumlah mahasiswa terbanyak setiap tahunnya serta didukung 4 Prodi yang berada di beberapa lokasi strategis dalam wilayah Provinsi Aceh. Diperlukan suatu upaya pengembangan berupa perancangan media pembelajaran melalui e-Learning dengan objek kajian yang menitik-beratkan pada materi keperawatan dan mata kuliah pendukung karena dapat memberi lebih banyak waktu dan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk bisa berdiskusi. Penelitian bersifat research and design ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi kegiatan belajar mengajar melalui penerapan aplikasi e-Learning. Sistem yang dikembangkan pada Prodi D-IV Keperawatan Banda Aceh selama 6 bulan mulai bulan Juni s.d November 2016 adalah berbasis web dan menggunakan Moodle sebagai software pembelajarannya yang disebut Internet Enabled Learning. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran mata kuliah pada Prodi D-IV Keperawatan Banda Aceh sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai sarana yang menunjang proses belajar mengajar serta tidak hanya mengimplementasikan materi ajar, tetapi juga menciptakan skenario pembelajaran dengan matang untuk mengundang keterlibatan mahasiswa secara aktif dan konstruktif dalam proses belajar mereka. Model perancangan diharapkan dapat dikembangkan secara lebih luas untuk diaplikasikan pada jajaran Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh.Kata Kunci : Berbasis web, e-learning, persepsi 
Impementasi Pelayanan Kesehatan Berbasis Islami terhadap Kepuasan Pasien di RSUD Meuraxa Nova Perdana; Hermansyah Hermansyah; Ede Surya Darmawan
Jukema (Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Aceh) Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Aceh (JUKEMA)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37598/jukema.v3i1.621


Latar Belakang:  Rumah sakit sebagai industri jasa pelayanan kesehatan saat ini mengalami persaingan yang ketat dengan semakin mudahnya perizinan pendirian rumah sakit swasta. Lokasinya pun saat ini sudah tidak lagi mempertimbangkan jarak. Sehingga persaingan sangat mengandalkan kualitas pelayanan, biaya perawatan dan tenaga medis yang ditawarkan. Dampak dari persaingan ketat ini rumah sakit dituntut untuk membuat inovasi dan strategi untuk mendapatkan pasien. Mutu pelayanan rumah sakit menjadi sangat lah penting. Salah satunya dengan mengembangkan metode pelayanan yang berbasis Islami. Sejak tahun 2015 RSUD Meuraxa Kota Banda Aceh menerapkan pelayanan kesehatan secara Islami  guna  untuk  meningkatkan  mutu pelayanan  kepada  masyarakat,  hal  ini  sejalan dengan penerapan Syariat Islam di Aceh. Metode: Penelitian analitik dengan desain cross-sectional ini dilakukan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, dari tanggal 25 November-5 Desember 2016. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien yang dirawat di 10 ruang rawat inap RSUD Meuraxa. Dengan jumlah sampel 90 orang dengan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan uji regresi logistik untuk mengetahui nilai OR. Hasil: Diperoleh bahwa implementasi konsep pelayanan berbasis Islami (55,6%) sedangkan tingkat kepuasan pasien (56,7%). Hasil uji statistik diperoleh ada hubungan antara implementasi konsep pelayanan berbasis Islami dengan kepuasan pasien di RSUD Meuraxa (p-value = 0,013). Nilai Odd Ratio = 2,9 dengan CI= 1,2-6,8. Kesimpulan: Implementasi konsep pelayanan kesehatan berbasis Islami berhubungan terhadap kepuasan pasien di RSUD Meuraxa.
ANALYSIS OF SMOKING CESSATION EFFORTS IN COFFE STALLS CUSTOMERS IN BANDA ACEH IN 2019 Rahmil Azzati; Hermasnyah Hermasnyah; Irwan Saputra; Nurjannah Nurjannah; Aulina Adamy
Jukema (Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Aceh) Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Aceh (JUKEMA)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37598/jukema.v7i1.1063


Background: Smoking is a major risk factor against the burden of disease in the world. The large number of coffee stalls found in Banda Aceh is one of the causes of the high number of smokers, so it shows that coffee and cigarettes are inseparable. The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that affect smokers in stopping smoking habit in the coffee shop in Banda Aceh in 2019. Methods: This research is analytical observational, using Cross Sectional design. The research site at coffee shops in Banda Aceh was conducted in August 2019. The samples in this study were active smokers. The data was analyzed with a logistic regression test using Stata 13. Result: The results showed that the percentage of respondents who mad efforts to quit smoking was 72.19%. Bivariate analysis shows that there is a link between the number of cigarettes per day that is heavy (p=0.003), medium (p=0.005) and severe (p=0.026) with smoking cessation efforts, while the variable age, the first age of smoking, marital status, income, education, anxiety, alcohol consumption, knowledge, smoking time lag in the morning, and other smokers influences in the family environment has no relationship with quitting smoking. Multivariate analysis shows that the association to quitting smoking is in the in the variable number of cigarettes per day in the moderate, heavy, and severe categories. Conclusion: The most dominant variables that has a connection to smoking cessation is the heavy, moderate and severeamount of cigarettes per day.
Jukema (Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Aceh) Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Aceh (JUKEMA)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37598/jukema.v7i1.1066


Background: Pulmonary TB in children is still a serious public health problem in Aceh Province, this can be seen from the increase in cases in the last three years that are suspected to be related to immunization status, nutritional status, income, knowledge, the presence of TB sufferers, occupancy density and exposure to cigarette smoke. This study aims to determine the risk factors associated with pulmonary TB incidence in children in Banda Aceh. Method: This research is an analytic observational study using a case control design. The population in this study was children suffering from pulmonary TB in Banda Aceh as many as 30 respondents. Using a ratio of 1:2 comparison, the research sample of 90 respondents consisted of 30 cases and 60 controls.  Data collection was conducted from 15 October to 15 December, conducted in the respondent's home. Data analysis using conditional multiple logistic regression test. Results: Risk factors associated with pulmonary TB in childrenare: the employment of self-employed fathers (p=0.046; OR=2.7; 95% CI: 1.01-7.50), low income (p=0.046; OR=2.7; 95% CI: 1.01-7.50), the presence of TB patients in home (p=0.001; OR=31; 95% CI: 4.11-234), cigarette smoke exposure (p=0.004; OR=4; 95% CI: 1.54-10.3), no BCG immunization (p=0.023; OR=4.6; 95% CI: 1.23-17.2), malnutrition status with the occurrence of pulmonary TB in children in Banda Aceh (p=0.002; OR=5.9; 95% CI: 1.93-18.5). The results of the multivariate analysis concluded that the tendency of pulmonary TB in children in the city of Banda Aceh to occur in the presence of TB patients at home was almost 4 times more dominant than other variables. Recommendation: To Banda Aceh Health Office in order to increase the number of pulmonary TB screening in children, especially in children with parents who suffer from pulmonary TB.
Peran Keluarga Sebagai Pengawas Minum Obat (Pmo) Dengan Tingkat Keberhasilan Pengobatan Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru Jufrizal Jufrizal; Hermansyah Hermansyah; Mulyadi Mulyadi
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume IV No.1 Januari-Juni 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (505.118 KB)


Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan suatu epidemik global dengan hampir 9 juta kasus baru pada tahun 2013 dan 1,5 juta kematian; 360.000 kematian akibat TB. Salah satu komponen dari strategi penanggulangan TB Paru adalah menggunakan Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) melalui Pengawas Minum Obat (PMO). Keluarga dapat dijadikan PMO yang akan memantau dan mengingatkan penderita TB Paru untuk meminum obat sesuai program. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan peran keluarga sebagai pengawas minum obat (PMO) dengan tingkat keberhasilan pengobatan penderita TB Paru di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Banda Sakti Kota Lhokseumawe. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan retrospektif ini dilakukan pada 31 Agustus s/d 23 Oktober 2015 dengan metode wawancara terhadap 63 keluarga yang memiliki penderita TB Paru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peran keluarga sebagai PMO dalam katagori baik (79,4%) dan tingkat keberhasilan pengobatan (73%). Terdapat hubungan antara peran keluarga sebagai PMO dengan tingkat keberhasilan pengobatan (p=0,000 ; OR=20,476). Peran keluarga sebagai PMO berhubungan dengan pemeriksaan BTA (p=0,000 ; OR=18,278), peningkatan berat badan (p=0,000 ; OR=25,067), kelengkapan minum obat (p=0,001 ; OR=13,417). Peran keluarga sebagai PMO sangat menentukan dalam keberhasilan pengobatan TB. Diharapkan kepada keluarga untuk lebih peduli pada penderita TB melalui kartu kendali keluarga sehingga pengawasan lebih terkontrol.Kata Kunci: Peran keluarga, PMO, pengobatan, TB Paru.AbstractTuberculosis (TB) is a global epidemic with almost 9 million of new cases in 2013 and from 1.5 million death; 360,000 of them were caused by TB. One component of strategies for overcoming pulmonary TB is by using Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) through tuberculosis treatment observer (PMO). Family can be a PMO to control and remind the family member with pulmonary TB to take drug according to the program. This study aimed to identify association of the family role as tuberculosis treatment observer with tuberculosis treatment success level of pulmonary tuberculosis patients at banda sakti public health center coverage area in lhokseumawe city. This study was a descriptive correlational study with retrospective approach conducted on August 31st to October 23rd 2015 with interview method 63 families that had the family member with pulmonary TB. The result of the study showed that the role of family as PMO was in good category (79,4%), and the level of treatment success (73%). There was relationship between the role of family as PMO and the level of treatment success (p=0,000 ; OR=20,476). The role of family as PMO also related to the examination of BTA test (p=0,000 ; OR=18,278), weight gain (p=0,000 ; OR=25,067); and completeness of drugs taking (p=0,001 ; OR=13,417). The role of family as PMO is very determining in the success of TB treatment. It is expected to family to care the family member with TB more by having family control card so that the oversight can be more controlled.Keywords: Role of Family, PMO, treatment, pulmonary TB.
Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Keluarga Penderita Skizofrenia dengan Perilaku Kekerasan Rita Zahara, Hizir, Hermansyah
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume III No.2 Juli - Desember 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.364 KB)


Analisis Perbedaan Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara Pada Remaja di SMA Negeri 10 Fajar Harapan (Boarding) Dengan Sma Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (Non Boarding) Mayasari Mayasari; Irwan Saputra; Hermansyah Hermansyah; Asnawi Abdullah; Aulina Adamy
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume VI No.2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (804.522 KB)


Sebanyak 80% penderita kanker payudara di Indonesia terlambat melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis deteksi dini kanker payudara pada remaja di SMA Negeri 10 Fajar Harapan (boarding) dan SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (non boarding). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross-sectional dengan lokasi di SMA Negeri 10 Fajar Harapan (boarding) dan SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (non boarding), dilakukan pada Juli 2019. Sampel penelitian siswi kelas X, XI dan XII sebanyak 200 orang. Analisa data dengan analisis univariat, bivariat dengan uji chi square, dan multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik. Hasil analisis univariat deteksi dini kanker payudara 62%, pengetahuan tinggi 65%, sikap baik 88%,  tidak ada aksesibilitas informasi 63% dan tidak ada peran nakes 75%. Hasil analisis bivariat tidak terdapat hubungan deteksi dini kanker payudara dengan pengetahuan (p value 0,773; OR=1,14), sikap (p value 0,934; OR=1,65), aksesibilitas informasi (p value 0,647; OR=1,23) dan dengan peran tenaga kesehatan (p value 0,11; OR=0,45). Analisis multivariat tidak terdapat hubungan pengetahuan (p value 0,276; AOR 0,65); sikap (p value 0,135; AOR 2,02); aksesibilitas informasi (p value 0,556; AOR 1,26); dan peran tenaga kesehatan (p value 0,899; OR=0,937). Diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk memberikan sosialisasi rutin tata cara pencegahan kanker payudara. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Riwayat Kanker Payudara, Aksesibilitas Informasi dan Peran Tenaga Kesehatan AbstractThe delay in breast cancer sufferers conducting initial examinations to health services in Indonesia reached more than 80%. This study aims to analyze the early detection of breast cancer in adolescents in SMA 10 Fajar Harapan (boarding) and SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (non boarding). This research is descriptive analytic using cross-sectional design. The research locations in SMA 10 Fajar Harapan (boarding) and SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (non-boarding) were conducted in July 2019. The samples in this study were class X, XI and XII students as many as 200 people. Data analysis was performed with univariate analysis, bivariate with chi square test, and multivariate with logistic regression test. The results of the study with univariate analysis found that the percentage of respondents in the early detection of breast cancer was 62%, 65% knowledgeable, 88% good attitude, 63% no information accessibility and no role of health workers as much as 75%. Bivariate analysis found that there was no significant relationship between early detection of breast cancer with knowledge (p value 0.773; OR = 1.14), attitude (p value 0.934; OR = 1.65), accessibility of information (p value 0.647; OR = 1 , 23) and with the role of health workers (p value 0.11; OR = 0.45). Wilcoxon rank-sum (Mann-Whitney) test results obtained no difference in early detection of breast cancer (p value = 0.72), knowledge (p value = 0.462), attitude (p value = 0.612), information accessibility (p value = 0.374), and the role of health workers (p value = 0.196) between boarding school and non boarding school. Multivariate analysis showed no relationship of knowledge (p value 0.276; AOR 0.65); attitude (p value 0.135; AOR 2.02); information accessibility (p value 0.556; AOR 1.26); and the role of health workers (p value 0.899; OR = 0.937). It is hoped that health workers will provide regular outreach about breast cancer prevention procedures.Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, History of Breast Cancer, Information Accessibility and Role of Health Workers
Analisis Perbedaan Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara Pada Remaja di SMA Negeri 10 Fajar Harapan (Boarding) Dengan Sma Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (Non Boarding) Mayasari Mayasari; Irwan Saputra; Hermansyah Hermansyah; Asnawi Abdullah; Aulina Adamy
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume VI No.2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (804.522 KB)


Sebanyak 80% penderita kanker payudara di Indonesia terlambat melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis deteksi dini kanker payudara pada remaja di SMA Negeri 10 Fajar Harapan (boarding) dan SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (non boarding). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross-sectional dengan lokasi di SMA Negeri 10 Fajar Harapan (boarding) dan SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (non boarding), dilakukan pada Juli 2019. Sampel penelitian siswi kelas X, XI dan XII sebanyak 200 orang. Analisa data dengan analisis univariat, bivariat dengan uji chi square, dan multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik. Hasil analisis univariat deteksi dini kanker payudara 62%, pengetahuan tinggi 65%, sikap baik 88%,  tidak ada aksesibilitas informasi 63% dan tidak ada peran nakes 75%. Hasil analisis bivariat tidak terdapat hubungan deteksi dini kanker payudara dengan pengetahuan (p value 0,773; OR=1,14), sikap (p value 0,934; OR=1,65), aksesibilitas informasi (p value 0,647; OR=1,23) dan dengan peran tenaga kesehatan (p value 0,11; OR=0,45). Analisis multivariat tidak terdapat hubungan pengetahuan (p value 0,276; AOR 0,65); sikap (p value 0,135; AOR 2,02); aksesibilitas informasi (p value 0,556; AOR 1,26); dan peran tenaga kesehatan (p value 0,899; OR=0,937). Diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk memberikan sosialisasi rutin tata cara pencegahan kanker payudara. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Riwayat Kanker Payudara, Aksesibilitas Informasi dan Peran Tenaga Kesehatan AbstractThe delay in breast cancer sufferers conducting initial examinations to health services in Indonesia reached more than 80%. This study aims to analyze the early detection of breast cancer in adolescents in SMA 10 Fajar Harapan (boarding) and SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (non boarding). This research is descriptive analytic using cross-sectional design. The research locations in SMA 10 Fajar Harapan (boarding) and SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh (non-boarding) were conducted in July 2019. The samples in this study were class X, XI and XII students as many as 200 people. Data analysis was performed with univariate analysis, bivariate with chi square test, and multivariate with logistic regression test. The results of the study with univariate analysis found that the percentage of respondents in the early detection of breast cancer was 62%, 65% knowledgeable, 88% good attitude, 63% no information accessibility and no role of health workers as much as 75%. Bivariate analysis found that there was no significant relationship between early detection of breast cancer with knowledge (p value 0.773; OR = 1.14), attitude (p value 0.934; OR = 1.65), accessibility of information (p value 0.647; OR = 1 , 23) and with the role of health workers (p value 0.11; OR = 0.45). Wilcoxon rank-sum (Mann-Whitney) test results obtained no difference in early detection of breast cancer (p value = 0.72), knowledge (p value = 0.462), attitude (p value = 0.612), information accessibility (p value = 0.374), and the role of health workers (p value = 0.196) between boarding school and non boarding school. Multivariate analysis showed no relationship of knowledge (p value 0.276; AOR 0.65); attitude (p value 0.135; AOR 2.02); information accessibility (p value 0.556; AOR 1.26); and the role of health workers (p value 0.899; OR = 0.937). It is hoped that health workers will provide regular outreach about breast cancer prevention procedures.Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, History of Breast Cancer, Information Accessibility and Role of Health Workers
Home Visit Perawat dan Kemandirian Keluarga dalam Perawatan Halusinasi pada Pasien Schizophrenia Ersida, Hermansyah, Endang Mutiawati
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume IV No.1 Januari-Juni 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.772 KB)


AbstrakDiperkirakan 70% dari pasien Schizophrenia mengalami halusinasi sebagai salah satu gejala positifnya. Diantara upaya pencegahan yang dilakukan oleh tim kesehatan di Puskesmas Dewantara dan Nisam adalah kegiatan home visit bagi penderita gangguan jiwa di komunitas. Kegiatan home visit yang dilakukan terdiri dari client engagement, client assessment dan client teaching. Namun kegiatan ini tidak dilakukan pada semua pasien gangguan jiwa dan secara khusus belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi efektifitasnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan home visit dengan perawatan halusinasi pada pasien Schizophrenia di Puskesmas Dewantara dan Nisam Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Penelitian kuantitatif survey analitik dengan menggunakan desain cross-sectional ini dilakukan sejak tanggal 20 Agustus sampai dengan 20 November 2015 pada 108 orang anggota keluarga pasien sebagai sampel yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 66.7% kegiatan home visit perawat aktif dan 66.7% perawatan halusinasi dilakukan secara mandiri. Terdapat hubungan antara home visit perawat yang aktif dengan kemandirian keluarga dalam perawatan halusinasi pada pasien Schizophrenia (p=0.000). Terdapat hubungan antara kegiatan client engagement yang aktif dengan kemandirian keluarga dalam perawatan halusinasi pada pasien Schizophrenia (p=0.000). Disarankan kepada keluarga agar dapat memanfaatkan kegiatan home visit sebagai sarana belajar dan memperoleh informasi, serta konsultasi terkait perawatan halusinasi pada pasien Schizophrenia.Kata kunci: Home visit, Kemandirian Keluarga, Perawatan halusinasiAbstractIt was estimated that 70% of Schizophrenic patients under go hallucination as one of its symptoms. Among the prevention strategies that proposed by the health team in Dewantara and Nisam Public Health Centers to deliver health care services was home visit to the patients with mental disorders who remained in community. Some activities which employed during home visit were client engagement, client assessment, and client teaching. However, these activities were not particularly evaluated for the effectiveness. This research aimed to identify the association between home visit with hallucination care of Schizophrenic patients at Dewantara and Nisam Public Health Center in North Aceh Regency. The research was an analytic survey quantitative research using a cross-sectional design conducted from August 20th to November 20th, 2015 on 108 family member as samples through interviews and observations questionnaire. The result of study found that 66.7% home visit activity was active and 66.7% hallucination care was independent. There was an association between active nurse home visit with family independency in hallucination care of Schizophrenic patients (p=0.000). It was recommended for family to utilize home visit activity as a facility to learn, gain information, and consultation about hallucination care on Schizophrenic patients.Key words: Family independency, Hallucination care, Home visit
Efektivitas Kartu Kuartet Berbasis Multimedia Terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Berdasarkan Teori Health Promotion Model Fitriani Fadillah; Teuku Tahlil; Hermansyah Hermansyah
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume V No.1 Januari-Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

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Abstrak Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di sekolah merupakan upaya memberdayakan siswa, guru, dan masyarakat lingkungan sekolah agar berperan aktif mewujudkan sekolah sehat. Banyak  metode dan media promosi kesehatan digunakan untuk meningkatkan PHBS di sekolah, salah satunya adalah kartu kuartet berbasis multimedia. Media penyuluhan kesehatan ini memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat melalui pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan skor nilai pengetahuan, sikap, tindakan dan perilaku sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan kesehatan menggunakan kartu kuartet berbasis multimedia di SMP Negeri I Sidamanik Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy eksperiment dengan desain one group pretest-posttest design pada 32 orang siswa SMP Negeri I Sidamanik kelas VIII sebanyak 8 kelas yang memiliki peringkat 1-4. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukut kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Analisis data menggunakan data univariat dan bivariat dengan uji paired sample t-test dan Wilcoxon signed rank. Hasil penelitian didapatkan adanya perubahan perilaku (p=0.003) dengan pengetahuan (p = 0.002), sikap (p = 0.001) dan  tindakan (p = 0.000) sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan kesehatan menggunakan kartu kuaret berbasis multimedia tentang PHBS di sekolah. Disimpulkan dalam penggunaan kartu kuartet berbasis multimedia efektif dalam merubah perilaku siswa tentang PHBS di sekolah. Kata kunci: PHBS tatanan sekolah, Perilaku, kartu kuartet, multimedia, Health Promotion Model  Abstract The Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (CHLB) at school was mean empower students, teachers, and the people around school in order make an active role to create a healthy school. There is lot of method and health promotion media used to increase the CHLB at school, one of them is quartet card base on multimedia. The healthy information has a significant influence to increase the clean and healthy living behavior by knowledge, attitude, and practice. The aim of this research is to know the score difference,  knowledge value, attitude, action, before and after behavior healthy information of quartet card base of multimedia given at Junior High School 1 Sidamanik North Sumatra. This research used quasy eksperiment design with one group pretest-posttest design in 32 students of Junior High School 1 Sidamanik, VII grade as many eight which procure 1-4 rank. This research used quesioer measure tool and observation sheet. Data analyze used  the univariant and bivariant data with paired sample t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank. The result of research existence established  behavior changes (p=0.003) by knowledge (p = 0.002), attitude (p = 0.001) and action (p = 0.000) before and after behavior healthy information of quartet card base on multimedia given about CHLB at school. The conclusion in using a of quartet card base of multimedia is effective to change the students behavior about CHLB at school.  Key words: CHLB the order of school, Behavior, quartet card, multimedia, Health Promotion  Model