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Identifying Student’s Interests through Courses at English Department of Universitas Prima Indonesia Azizah Husda; Lisna Kristina Eka Pandiangan; Friska Naomi Sirait; Nopita Kristina Panjaitan
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): RIELS Journal, March
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rielsj.v3i1.390


This study aims to analyze students' interests in towards courses at English Department of Universitas Prima Indonesia in Medan. This qualitative study uses a case study design involving 60 students in the 5th semester of the Academic Year 2018 as participants. Data are obtained through questionnaires and interviews, thus the results showed that students have higher interests in the courses of teaching and education than other variety of courses taught in the English Department. The second interest was found in language skill courses. The reasons were to determine their future goals as teachers as well as the major program decision. Students argued that the majors they chose were following their interests, but some students were still unsure about the majors and interests they had chosen. This study suggests that lecturers should motivate the students to strengthen their competences particularly to identify the students’ interests in teaching or any other goals.
Enhancing Pronunciation Skills Through Phonetic Method Nurmahyuni Asrul; Azizah Husda
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 3 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.265 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i3.394


This paper aims at stressing current issue on how to enhance pronunciation skills through the phonetic method. The design applied action research in a classroom where there are two cycles conducted after primarily doing pre-cycle. The techniques to collect the data were an oral test, interviews with students and teacher, and field notes. The findings showed that the first cycle did not significantly enhance students’ skills in pronunciation because, among 24 students, 16 students passed the test with the category of a good score and sufficient. Some students were still confused with the pronunciation instruction and failed to test underscore 60. Thus, It needs the second cycle to reach the goal of the research. The second cycle pointed out that 19 students enhanced their pronunciation skills. This research furthermore gives some contribution. First, the students will have the confidence to use English without any affection to be awkward, nervous through having an interaction with each other and make them able to communicate well. Then, in language learning, it provides both practical and theoretical teaching ideas to the prospective teachers to help and to assess their students for enhancing accurate pronunciation.  
Two Stay Two Stray Techniques to Improve Junior Highschool Students English Vocabulary Mastery Bambang Nur Alamsyah Lubis; Kartina Rahmadhani Rambe; Azizah Husda
English Teaching and Linguistics Journal (ETLiJ) Vol 3, No 2 (2022): ETLIJ - English Teaching and Linguistics Journal
Publisher : English Teaching and Linguistics Journal (ETLiJ)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/etlij.v3i2.10379


This study aimed to find out the improving students English vocabulary mastery by using two stay two stray. This study was conducted by applying classroom action research in two cycles in six meetings. The population was all the seventh grade students of SMP Abdi Negara Binjai and the sample was 32. The researcher conducted the cycle I and cycle II and each cycle had vocabulary test. The number of test was 20 items. The data took from the test and analyzing by quantitative and qualitative data. The total score from the preliminary score was 2075 and the mean was 64.84 and then cycle I the total score was 22.65 and the mean was 70.78 and the cycle II the score was 2525 and the mean was 78.90 from the score, it means that two stay two stray technique could improved students vocabulary mastery.
Aptekmas Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 4 (2022): APTEKMAS Volume 5 Nomor 4 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36257/apts.v5i4.6158


Procedure text writing training at tenth grades students Teknik Kendaraan Ringan dan otomotif programs SMK SwastaYapim Biru-Biru was a training that aimed to maximize students' ability to write an English text, specifically procedure text and to make it easy in developing generic structures, linguistics feature of procedure text and type of procedure texts, and also students were able to answer questions related to the text. The subjects of the training were tenth grades students SMK Swasta Yapim Biru-Biru, Teknik Kendaraan Ringan dan Otomotif program. The communicative method was used as a method of training, presenting procedure text material which would become the basic knowledge and a benchmark successful of training that was given to students. There were several supporting instruments that were used to achieve successful of the training, such as laptops, cameras, projectors and printed texts, which were an important part of the training implementation. The results of training in writing procedure texts informed that students' ability in writing procedure texts, especially writing procedure texts in English had improved. It could be known based on successful of students in writing a procedure text that was be adapted to students program, Teknik Kendaraan Ringan dan Otomotif program.
Pelatihan Literasi dalam Ruang Digital di SMP Negeri 30 Medan Oktaviandi Bertua Pardede; Nanda Dwi Astri; Anisa Anisa; Dani Sukma Agus Setiawan; Wahyu Ningsih; Esra Perangin-angin; Amelia Simanungkalit; Ramadhan Saleh Lubis; Azizah Husda
Jurnal Mitra Prima Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Mitra Prima
Publisher : Mitra prima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/mitraprima.v5i1.3525


Literasi dalam ruang digital merupakan tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian di SMP Negeri 30 Medan. Kegiatan ini bersinergi terhadap pembelajaran siswa bahwa perkembangan ruang digitalsudah mengamplifikasikan beragam sumber belajar siswa. Sehingga dapat memberikan percepatan yang berarti terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa. Pelatihan yang dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas VIII di SMP ini menerapkan metode partisipatori yakni siswa terlibat dalam kegiatan yang disusun. Metode ini juga menerapkan pendampingan secara langsung untuk menghasilkan produk literasi yang dinamis. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan potensi bahwa siswa dapat mengelola pengetahuannya secara efisien, siswa juga dapat mengkaji informasi yang ilmiah melalui kolaborasi yang dilakukan. Selama proses pendampingan juga tampak adanya kemandirian belajar siswa melalui media belajar online “rumah belajar”, sehingga melalui monitoring bertahap yang dilakukan oleh guru kelas menunjukkan literasi yang kondusif. Selanjutnya penerapan ruang digital menjadi tool yang dapat mengoptimalkan aktivitas literasi siswa. Jurnal harian baca siswa pun semakin meningkat dengan adanya ruang digital ini dan pada akhirnya dapat membudayakan literasi siswa secara signifikan.
Indonesian Journal of Education, Social Sciences and Research (IJESSR) Vol 4, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Education, Social Sciences and Research (IJESSR)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ijessr.v4i2.15781


This study is to find out audio visual media has a significant effect to the students’ listening comprehension. The research applied quantitative design. The samples were 60 students which divide into two groups, namely experimental group and control group. The instrument of the study was multiple choice tests about conversations and stories. Based on the result of this research, the implementation of audio visual media have effect to students’ listening comprehension at the second year senior high school students score experimental group from 60 in pre-test up to 80 in post-test. The findings should that t-observed 4,05 t-table 1,66 , means that t-observed is higher that t-table. So , Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected audio visual media has significant effect on students’ listening comprehension.  
Paragraph Hamburgers Strategy in Writing a Report Text Azizah Husda; Ribka Simorangkir; Christine Natalie Zalukhu; Armitha Miranda Marbun; Lorenzo Bindunose Nababan
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature Vol 11, No 1 (2023): IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Liter
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v11i1.3998


The purpose of this study was to determine whether employing the paragraph hamburger strategy on the students’ writing report text at SMK Immanuel Medan in the academic year 2022-2023. The writers used the quantitative method when carrying out this research. After doing this research, the writers got several findings. Significant changes are made to students writing abilities after they are trained by using the paragraph hamburger strategy to learn writing skills. The results of this study allow it to be said that applying the paragraph hamburger strategy could have a significant effect on the student’s writing skills. Using the paragraph hamburger Strategy gave a more effective result than using a conventional strategy. The average scores from intensive classes were higher than the average from regular classes.  From this pretest, the average test result from the regular class was 63.86, and after doing that post-test, the mean scores were 73.18. Meanwhile, the pretest was completed by the intensive class, and the mean result was 66.00, and upon completion of the post-test, these mean scores were 82.80. The writers used the t- test to obtain the findings of this study. We might therefore say that the value was 5.64. After analyzing this data, the t-table was smaller than the t-t-test (1.67 > 5.64). That author displays a p-value of 0.05. The DF was 47. By seeing the data, the writers could conclude that the paragraph hamburger strategy could have a significant effect on the students’ report text in SMK Immanuel Medan. From this study, it might be said that Paragraph Hamburger had a big impact on the text written for a student report at SMK Immanuel Medan.