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Pelatihan Literasi Bahasa Inggris Bagi Siswa SD Negeri Percobaan Medan Nurmahyuni Asrul; Irma Daulay; Rahmawati; Bambang Lubis; Azizah Husda
Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat) Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat)
Publisher : Pustaka Galeri Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.089 KB)


Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PPM) ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan minat budaya membaca dan menulis / budaya literasi siswa-siswa Kelas 5 Akselerasi di SDN Percobaan Medan terhadap Bahasa Inggris, dengan tujuan agar siswa-siswa dapat menguasai literasi Bahasa Inggris yang di dapatkan dalam materi Story Telling yang di ajarkan. Dalam Pengabdian Masyarakat kali ini, ada 5 tahapan untuk metode yang telah dilalui yang terdiri dari observasi, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penerapan, dan evaluasi. Hasil dari PPM ini menunjukan bahwa program Pelatihan Literasi Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Percobaan Medan merupakan  program yang bagus karena dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami Literasi Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam Story Telling. Siswa-siswa juga mengalami pengalaman belajar yang menyenangkan karena mereka juga mempraktikan bahan literasi tersebut di depan kelas. Hal ini juga melatih dan membangun rasa percaya diri siswa sehingga di harapkan nantinya dapat bernilai positif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, khususnya dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
THE EFFECT OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN DESCRIPTIVE WRITING Nurmahyuni Asrul; Putri Permatasari Hasibuan; Yunita Gracesary Hutagalung; Kristi Natalia Br Tarigan; Dumaris Febriani Siregar
Jurnal Education and Development Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Vol.9.No.1.2021
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.123 KB) | DOI: 10.37081/ed.v9i1.2404


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh teknik mind mapping terhadap prestasi belajar menulis siswa kelas VIII SMP SWASTA PUTERI SION tahun 2020/2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan dua kelas sebagai sampel yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Masing-masing kelas diberikan pre-test dan post-test yang sama untuk mendapatkan data. Dalam penerapan teknik, kelas eksperimen diajar dengan menggunakan teknik mind mapping. Analisis data dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mind mapping merupakan teknik yang efektif untuk diterapkan dalam pengajaran menulis. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dari hasil nilai t-test = 3,63 lebih tinggi dari pada t-tabel = 2,02. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0 ditolak. Disimpulkan dalam pengajaran menulis dengan menggunakan teknik mind mapping memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap keterampilan menulis. Teknik ini membuat siswa berpikir lebih kreatif untuk memperbesar ide ke dalam tulisan siswa
THE EFFECT OF LEARNING CELL TECHNIQUE ON STUDENT'S READING COMPREHENSION Nurmahyuni Asrul; Dorlan Juliana Silitonga; Mutia Oktavia Tarigan; Aprida Barus
Jurnal Education and Development Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Vol.9.No.1.2021
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan

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The research objective was to find the effect significantly of the use of the Learning Cell Technique towardsthe students’ reading comprehension. The research population was the tenth grade students of SMAS PUTERI SION. The researchersappliedthe experimental research. It was done by applying the experimental group and the controlled group with quantitative approach. The population of the research was 40 students. The students’ total scores in the post-test in the experimental was 1,610 and 80.50 was the mean score of the students. It was found out that the total score from the post-test in controlled group was 1,225 and the mean score of the students was 61.25. The data consisted of independent sample of the t-test and it was stated that the t-test was higher than the t-table (t-test = 7.931> t-table = 3.319). The significance (p) was 0.001. The significance confirmed that 0.001 is lower than 0.005 (p < 0,005). This research had conclusion that H1was accepted and H0was rejected. The research findings were significant because p<0.05. From the result as presented above, there is a conclusion that the Learning Cell Technique significantly affected the students’ reading comprehension.
The Effect of Audio Visual Media on Students’ Reading Comprehension nurmahyuni asrul; Irma Khoirot Daulay; Dwi Suci Amaniarsih
Jurnal JOEPALLT (Journal of English Pedagogy, Linguistics, Literature, and Teaching) Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (571.681 KB) | DOI: 10.35194/jj.v8i1.868


Audio Visual Media has been thoroughly used by teachers and learners and has become an interesting teaching tool for teaching-learning process. One of the audio-visual aid of processes used in this study was video. The objective of this research was to find out the effect of Audio Visual Media on students’ reading comprehension. Is there any significant effect on students’ reading comprehension toward audio visual media become the problem of this research. To clarify this question, the sample was divided into two groups, control group and experimental group. The total of the sample was 50 students. The experimental group was given a treatment by using Audio Visual Media while the control group was given a treatment by using conventional method. Multiple choice test consisted 25 items was an instrument in this study. It was given before and after the treatment to measure the students’ reading comprehension. Both of groups were given the same material. Based on the result, the students who were given a treatment by using audio visual media got better results compare to the students who were given a treatment without audio visual media with the value of t-table = 2,0000 <  t-observed = 6,1851. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) is successfully rejected. It could be conclude that the audio visual media significantly affects on students’ reading comprehension.
Diathesis in Mandailing Language South Tapanuli Rahmawati; Nurmahyuni Asrul; Irma Khoirot Daulay
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): RIELS Journal, June
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rielsj.v2i2.264


This study examines diathesis in the South Tapanuli Mandailing language using a morphosyntactic approach. The purpose of this research is to describe the form of diathesis and the classification and structure of diathesis in Mandailing language. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative research type. The data of this research is the South Tapanuli Mandailing language unit which contains diathesis. The results of the analysis show that there are four types of diathesis in the South Tapanuli Mandailing language, namely active, passive, reflexive, and reciprocal.
The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Students’ Achievement in Writing Narrative Text Nurmahyuni Asrul; Sintia Friskila Rajagukguk; Veny Octaviana Sitepu; Pebi Maria Siregar; Abdurrahman Novri
Journal of English Language and Education Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jele.v6i2.170


The purpose of this research is to proof the effect of project-based learning model on students’ achievement in writing Narrative Text at grade X IPS SMA Pangeran Antasari Medan School students in 2021/2022.  This research was quasi-experimental with cause and effect relationship by involving the control-class and the experimental-class. The two classes were given pretest and post-test. The result showed mean of the experimental class was from 56.05 to 80.2 and the controlled class was from 62.1 to 74.0. From hypothetical tests, the significance T-test Sig (p)0.035(a)0.05 and that means Ha 0,05.The controlled class score increased from 62.1 to 74.05 and the critical contrast between the mean scores in controlled class (M 74.055, SD 9.8688), while the experimental class (M 80.159, Sd 8.7281), t(42) 2.173 , p 0.035 d 0.655 ) and tcount 2.137 t????????????le 2.019. By using a project-based-learning model in writing narrative text, the students can investigate and hone their capacity and creativity in writing It demonstrated that the Project-based learning models has given a solid impact on students’ achievement in writing narrative text. The Project-based-learning (PJBL) model effected the students’ achievement in writing.
Enhancing Pronunciation Skills Through Phonetic Method Nurmahyuni Asrul; Azizah Husda
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 3 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.265 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i3.394


This paper aims at stressing current issue on how to enhance pronunciation skills through the phonetic method. The design applied action research in a classroom where there are two cycles conducted after primarily doing pre-cycle. The techniques to collect the data were an oral test, interviews with students and teacher, and field notes. The findings showed that the first cycle did not significantly enhance students’ skills in pronunciation because, among 24 students, 16 students passed the test with the category of a good score and sufficient. Some students were still confused with the pronunciation instruction and failed to test underscore 60. Thus, It needs the second cycle to reach the goal of the research. The second cycle pointed out that 19 students enhanced their pronunciation skills. This research furthermore gives some contribution. First, the students will have the confidence to use English without any affection to be awkward, nervous through having an interaction with each other and make them able to communicate well. Then, in language learning, it provides both practical and theoretical teaching ideas to the prospective teachers to help and to assess their students for enhancing accurate pronunciation.  
Guided Questions Technique Towards The Students Recount Text Writing Mitha Silfia; Agnes Rianti; Fanny Lieyanti; Theresia Angel Tarigan; Nurmahyuni Asrul
INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 9 No 2 (2022): INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah (UNIMUDA) Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36232/jurnalpendidikanbahasa.v9i2.2837


In this study, students in the seventh (VII) grade of Perguruan Dharma Bakti Lubuk Pakam were examined in relation to their success in creating recount texts using the guided questioning technique. Thus, students in the seventh (VII) grade made up the research population. Two classes of 24 students each, for a total of 48 pupils, were used by the writers for their research. Purposive sampling was selected as the sampling technique from two courses, each of which included 24 pupils. In this quasi-experimental study, the pre-test and post-test written assessments were used to collect data, and both groups received a distinct course of therapy. Before the post-test, the experimental group employed the guided questions methodology and the control group the traditional approach. Because the significance was less than alpha p (a), the hypothesis was accepted when it showed sig. 2-tailed (p) 0,000 (a) 0,005. The control group's score went risen from 51,46 to 63,67. From 55,46 to 70,00, the experimental group's score climbed. The variances between the experimental group's mean score (M = 70,00; SD = 16,251; t(23) = 7,174) and the control group's mean score (M = 63,67; SD = 18,087). The study's findings thus showed that the Guided Questions Technique had a bearing on students' success in making recount texts.
Aptekmas Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 4 (2022): APTEKMAS Volume 5 Nomor 4 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36257/apts.v5i4.6158


Procedure text writing training at tenth grades students Teknik Kendaraan Ringan dan otomotif programs SMK SwastaYapim Biru-Biru was a training that aimed to maximize students' ability to write an English text, specifically procedure text and to make it easy in developing generic structures, linguistics feature of procedure text and type of procedure texts, and also students were able to answer questions related to the text. The subjects of the training were tenth grades students SMK Swasta Yapim Biru-Biru, Teknik Kendaraan Ringan dan Otomotif program. The communicative method was used as a method of training, presenting procedure text material which would become the basic knowledge and a benchmark successful of training that was given to students. There were several supporting instruments that were used to achieve successful of the training, such as laptops, cameras, projectors and printed texts, which were an important part of the training implementation. The results of training in writing procedure texts informed that students' ability in writing procedure texts, especially writing procedure texts in English had improved. It could be known based on successful of students in writing a procedure text that was be adapted to students program, Teknik Kendaraan Ringan dan Otomotif program.
The Effect of SQ3R Method on Students' Achievement in Reading Narrative Text Junita Manik; Friska Nasrani Bu'ulolo; Nustani Sipahutar; Nurmahyuni Asrul; Dwi Suci Amaniarsih
Journal on Teacher Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Journal on Teacher Education
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jote.v4i2.9595


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh metode SQ3R terhadap pengetahuan, pemahaman dan minat siswa dalam membaca teks naratif. Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah SMK TELKOM MEDAN di kelas X. Penelitian ini bersifat semi eksperimen, dengan kelas eksperimen dan kontrol, serta tes yang diberikan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Setelah dilakukan tes, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 21 siswa atau 84% memiliki nilai tinggi dan 4 siswa atau 16% memiliki nilai tinggi. Selain itu, skor rata-rata kelompok eksperimen meningkat. Nilai rata-rata 54,60 sebelum metode SQ3R digunakan. Metode SQ3R menghasilkan rata-rata hasil belajar sebesar 87,64. Setelah belajar melalui metode SQ3R, mediannya adalah 86, sedangkan pada tes sebelumnya adalah 55. Standar deviasi kelompok eksperimen adalah 1,676 sebelum diproses. Standar deviasi kelompok eksperimen adalah 2,084 setelah pembelajaran melalui metode SQ3R. Setelah menerapkan model learning and answer untuk meningkatkan minat, siswa lebih banyak membaca untuk meningkatkan minat bacanya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membaca teks naratif siswa sangat dipengaruhi oleh keefektifan pembelajaran strategi ekspresi wawancara. Paradigma pembelajaran Survey, Question, Read, Recite, & Review (SQ3R), dapat menjelaskan dan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa.