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Examining Discourses on Integration of Philosophy and Religion (Analysis from Al-Ghazali to Al-Attas) Patimah Patimah; Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi; Saim Kayadibi
Tasfiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tasfiyah.v6i2.8141


The discourse on the integration of philosophy and religion is important because they are an essential aspect of society. This paper first tries to understand philosophy and religion, their terminologies and definitions, and theories in relating philosophy and religion. The main section of this article examines Muslim thinkers' views on philosophy and religion and frames them in Barbour’s theory of integration. While it emphasizes Ghazāli's view on Reason and Revelation and Ibn Sīnā's view on Reason and Revelation, it also discusses the thoughts of Al-Farabi, Ibn Taymiyyah, Sir Muhammad Iqbal, and Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. There are similarities and differences in Muslim scholars' views on the integration of philosophy and religion. Regardless of their differences, we found that all of them are still in Barbour’s definition of Integration, not Dialogue, independence, or even Conflict.
Examining Discourses on Integration of Philosophy and Religion (Analysis from Al-Ghazali to Al-Attas) Patimah Patimah; Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi; Saim Kayadibi
Tasfiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tasfiyah.v6i2.8141


The discourse on the integration of philosophy and religion is important because they are an essential aspect of society. This paper first tries to understand philosophy and religion, their terminologies and definitions, and theories in relating philosophy and religion. The main section of this article examines Muslim thinkers' views on philosophy and religion and frames them in Barbour’s theory of integration. While it emphasizes Ghazāli's view on Reason and Revelation and Ibn Sīnā's view on Reason and Revelation, it also discusses the thoughts of Al-Farabi, Ibn Taymiyyah, Sir Muhammad Iqbal, and Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. There are similarities and differences in Muslim scholars' views on the integration of philosophy and religion. Regardless of their differences, we found that all of them are still in Barbour’s definition of Integration, not Dialogue, independence, or even Conflict.
KONSEP PENJAGAAN TERHADAP HARTA DALAM WISATA SYARIAH Haerul Akmal; Tesa Mellina; Mulyono Jamal; Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
Ijtihad Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.31 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/ijtihad.v14i1.4501


Harta adalah amanah yang harus dikembangkan secara terencana untuk tujuan menghilangkan kemiskinan, memenuhi kebutuhan dasar setiap individu, membuat kehidupan terasa nyaman dan mendorong terciptanya distribusi pendapatan dan kekayaan yang merata, hal tersebut dapat dicapai dengan penjagaan harta, dan hal ini tidak hanya berlaku untuk individu saja, tapi juga lembaga, instansi dan industri. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian ini deskriptif analisis, metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan interview dan observasi, Penelitian ini mengambil 5 responden untuk menjawab variabel yang diteliti. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Penjagaan harta pada maqoshid syariah dilakukan dengan iktisab atau usaha dan didistribusikan sesuai dnegan tuntunan syariat. Adapun konsep penjagaan harta pada wisata syariah Lombok terhadap harta meliputi dua aspek yaitu iktisab dilakukan dengan mendirikan memperindah obyek-obyek wisata, hotel atau penginapan, dan restoran. Adapun aspek distribusi (pendapatan) dilakukan dengan infak, sedekah yaitu dengan cara membangun rumah-rumah fakir miskin pada setiap hari Jum’at, pembangunan masjid atau tempat ibadah di area obyek wisata, menyalurkan dana untuk posyandu, guru-guru ngaji dan marbot-marbot masjid.
Ibn Sina’ s Concept of Wajib al-Wujud Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
TSAQAFAH Vol. 7 No. 2 (2011): Islamic Theology
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v7i2.6


This paper is an exposition of Ibn Sina’ s concept  Wa> jib al-W uju> d(Necessary Existence),a concept of God derived from or modified out of   Aristotle’ s natural theology .Since it deviates from  Aristotle’ s philosophy ,it considerably distinct from the Greek philosophical tradition. Unlike Aristotle whose theological framework departs from physic, Ibn Sina delineates the concept of God from pure metaphysical approach consisting of ontological and cosmological arguments.From this delineation Ibn Sina has successfully solved  Aristotle’ s problem of God knowledge and change, and that is by positing that God knew something other than Himself but it does not imply change in His essence since His knowledge is unbounded by time.Be that as it ma y ,this philosophical concept is subject to further examination from theological perspectives .However,the term Wa> jib al-W uju> d is a key concept for the explication of the existence of God, but the term itself is not assumption,but the goal to be investigated.  Although Necessary Existence is only ontological concept it is used in his various way of proving God’ s existence,whether in cosmological argument or other argument. Interestingly ,since all depend on the key concept of   ‘necessity’,the proof that begins from the causality does not end in the First Cause but on Wajib al-W ujud, an end that seems to be incompatible with the beginning .
Liberalism, Liberalization and Their Impacts of Muslim Education (Special Case of Indonesian Intellectuals) Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
TSAQAFAH Vol. 8 No. 1 (2012): Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v8i1.23


This paper is aimed at elucidating the liberalization of Muslim world and its impact on education. For  that  purpose  the  author  traces  at  the  outset  the  origin  and  the  basic  concept  of liberalism, which  is of  postmodern Western worldview, including  the concept of  religious liberalism. The impact of  liberalism in general is as wider as the meaning of  liberalism in Western sense of the words. However,  this paper  confines only on  the study of  their  impact  on Muslim education with special emphasis on national education policy and on religious thought which in turn would affect curriculum development. Liberalization of religious thought appears, inter alia, through the introduction  of  the  doctrine  of  relativity  of  truth,  religious  pluralism,  gender  equality  and deconstruction  of  shari’ah  and  the  likes. All  those  religious  discourse  conceptually  hinder  the development of  curriculum and  the teaching strategy of  moral  inculcation  to the students.
Worldview Islam dan Kapitalisme Barat Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
TSAQAFAH Vol. 9 No. 1 (2013): Islamic Economics
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v9i1.36


In the era when the idea of similarity, equality and pluralism are disseminated in diversified area, one might face difficulty to distinguish one civilization from the other.Now capitalism is the most dominant system of economic in the world and even developed into a civilization that has a worldveiw. Capitalism also used to be claimed and accepted as universal system that could be applied to the whole world. In response to this state of mind, it is imperative that capitalism be studied and identified from its very basic concept, i.e worldview perspective, and then compared it with Islam. This paper is a preliminary attempt to identify capitalist worldview and prove that it differs fundamentally from the worldview of Islam. The capitalist vision on religion, world, life style, justice, freedom of thought, wealth, economic activities which are influenced by Western worldview is diametrically different from Islamic worldview. Based on this study it must be very clear that Muslim intellectual who intend to borrow certain concept of capitalism for the development of Islamic economic should realize there are fundamental principles of capitalism that are irreconciliable with that of Islamic economic.
Transcendental Unity of Apperception In Kant’sTheory of Knowledge Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
TSAQAFAH Vol. 10 No. 1 (2014): Islamic Philosophy
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v10i1.63


This article aims at delineating Kant’s theory of understanding that integrate subject and object at the transcendent level. Transcendental here refers to the process of thinking in such a way that ‘transcends’ natural thinking. It is called transcendent for it occupied not so much with objects, but much about a metaphysical solution on how the object related to the subject. It starts with transcendental deduction by relating the objective with the subjective knowledge. Here he excludes transcendental deduction from the discussion of the empirical deduction. Afterward he differentiates the metaphysical deduction from transcendental deduction, in which he identifies transcendental deduction as the explanation of the way in which a priori concept can relate to object. The most important concept in Transcendental deduction is that of apperception. The analysis of this concept involve two abilities that later become two important steps: First ability of apprehending (reproducing and recognizing) knowledge of empirical truths. Second, ability of apprehending (reproducing and recognizing) knowledge of a non-empirical kind. Thus the general feature is the view that knowledge involve essentially the ability to judge (synthesize or combine) and the move from what is true empirically of our knowledge to what is true transcendentally. This is spontaneous act of mind and is called pure apperception or original apperception, while the principle that governs the unity of consciousness is entitled the Transcendental Unity of Apperception.
Tradisi Orientalisme dan Framework Studi al-Qur’an Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
TSAQAFAH Vol. 7 No. 1 (2011): Qur'anic Studies
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v7i1.105


Orientalism is a field of study that deals with Eastern and Islamic studies as it object of study. Being a discipline of knowledge it must have specific theory and methodology or framework of study. However, since it emerged in Western intellectual tradition, it is permeated by Western worldview. In other words, being a science orientalism is value laden. This paper tries to prove the correlation between the traditions of orientalism, where religious, cultural and political melieu permeated their framework, with the study of the Qur’an. The finding suggests that the framework of orientalis in their study of the Qur’an could be resumed into four: trying to employ previous sacred text as their standard of Qur’anic studies, preferring the textual studies rather than narration, questioning the process of compilation, examining the content of the Qur’an using their own logic and experience, and finally employing the Biblical methodology. Those frameworks inevitably has resulted incongruencies that could lead one to be misunderstanding the Qur’an
The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra Being a Summary of His Book al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah fi al-Asfar al-‘Aqliyyah al-Arba’ah Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
TSAQAFAH Vol. 5 No. 2 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v5i2.131


The depiction of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy could be best out by referring to his magnum opus, al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah, usually referred to as al-Asfar alArba’ah. The book contains almost all aspect of philosophy such as theory of essence and existence, subtance, movement, time, world order, knowledge, intellect and the likes. In addition, being Muslim peripatetic, he also gives special interest on the demonstrating the concept of God and eschatology. The summary below could hopefully be instrumental for paying particular interest in further studying Mulla Sadra thought for academic pusposes. The point interest, however, is to be found in his repudiation againts Ibn Sina’s concept of Essence and Existence. Whereas Ibn Sina vindicates the essence rather than existence, Sadra gives priority to existence rather than essence. Not only has Mulla Sadra differed from Ibn Sina and other Muslim peripatetic on the issue of essence and existance, but also on the problem of substance, movement, time.
Liberalisasi Pemikiran Islam: Gerakan Bersama Missionaris, Orientalis dan Kolonialis Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
TSAQAFAH Vol. 5 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v5i1.145


Factually, liberalism in social sciences and politics in Western Civilization has marginalized religion or separated religion from social lives and politics step by step. When liberalism became parts of religious thought of Christianity, Catholic and Protestant, it had subordinated the church under the political interest and humanism, and reduced its theological role in almost all aspects of social lives. Therefore, in liberalism of religious thought, the main problem to be argued is the concept of God (Theology) then doctrine and religious dogma. After that, liberalism argued and separated the relationship between religion and politics (Secularism). Finally, liberalism of religious thought became secularism, and influenced by the wave of postmodernism thought which enhances pluralism, equality and relativism. In its expansive movement, through globalization, modernization, and westernization, the West subsequently becomes the challenge of all nations and other civilization include Islam. Specifically, Western Civilization could be seen from three cultural sources; missionaries, orientalism, and colonialism. These three movements essentially disseminate the principle or element of Western way of life.