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PERENCANAAN DISTRIBUSI PENERANGAN UNTUK RUANGAN DI ATAS KAPAL TB LIBERTY 217 GT MENGGUNAKAN METODE ZONAL CAVITY suardi suardi; Muhammad Uswah Pawara; Alamsyah Alamsyah; Andi Mursid Nugraha Arifuddin; Faisal Mahmuddin; Sherly Clara
Jurnal Inovtek Polbeng Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Inovtek VOL. 13 NO 1 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35314/ip.v13i1.3164


Perencanaan kelistrikan kapal harus dilakukan secara cermat dan akurat karena akan berpengaruh terhadap besar daya generator yang akan digunakan. Generator kapal dirancang untuk mampu mendistribusikan listrik untuk kebutuhan power (pompa), Penerangan (Lightning), Komunikasi dan Navigasi untuk berbagai kondisi pelayaran.  Sama halnya dengan kapal lainnya, TB Liberty  juga memerlukan distribusi tenaga dari generator untuk suplai kebutuhan listrik di atas kapal khususnya untuk penerangan kapal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besaran daya listrik yang dibutuhkan untuk distribusi penerangan diatas kapal dengan menggunakan lampu Light-Emitting Diode (LED). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode zonal cavity dengan konsep dasar membagi setiap ruangan menjadi tiga bagian yaitu height ceiling cavity (hcc), height room cavity  (hrc), dan height floor cavity (hfc) serta penentuan nilai iluminasi sesuai dengan standar yang telah di tetapkan oleh American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besar beban listrik untuk distribusi penerangan pada kapal TB Liberty dengan menggunakan lampu LED yaitu deck buttom plane sebesar 0.633 Kw, pada main deck sebesar 0.6625 Kw dan pada geladak navigasi didapatkan sebesar 0.238 Kw. Penelitian ini mampu menjadi rujukan dalam penentuan kelistrikan di atas kapal khususnya untuk instalasi penerangan kapal.
Design a Phinisi-Type Tourist Ship to Increase Tourist Interest in Vacationing at Taka Bonerate National Park Suardi Suardi; Adhy Rahmat; Wira Setiawan; Muhammad Uswah Pawara; Alamsyah Alamsyah; Andi Mursid Nugraha Arifuddin; Taufik Hidayat
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 8, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v8i2.16616


Tourism ship with the Phinisi ship concept for the Selayar Islands tourist area are designed to increase the number of tourist attractions in the area. With beach tourism destinations and coral reefs, the Selayar region is very possible to become an alternative tourist destination in Indonesia besides Bunaken, Raja Ampat, Labuan Bajo, and the island of Bali. This ship is designed with wood materials and carries the theme of the traditional Phinisi ship which is the hallmark of ships made by the Bugis-Makassar tribe since 3000 years ago and has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the world's cultural heritage (Art of Boatbuilding in South Sulawesi). This study aims to obtain a tourist ship design that can be an attraction for tourists to vacation in the Selayar Islands. The method used in this study is the parent ship design approach method, this method is very commonly used in the ship design process, namely by using a comparison ship as a reference in the design of a new ship. The main ship dimensions obtained from this research are Loa = 26 m, B = 6.1 m, H = 2.48 m, T = 1.6 m, Vs (max) = 10 Knots, and Crew = 6 persons. The room on the ship is made like a classy hotel room and other services can pamper tourists.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/MECHTA.2023.004.02.6


The production of hydrocarbon fuels shows a downward trend which forces people to look for alternative renewable fuels such as biodiesel from vegetable oil. One solution that can be applied in the use of biodiesel mixed with castor oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using a mixture of castor oil on the performance of diesel engines. The method used in this experiment is testing it directly on a diesel engine. Experiments were carried out on machines with a load of up to 4000 watts by mixing pure diesel fuel with castor oil to produce biodiesel B10, B20, and B30 as fuel. The results showed that the use of castor oil biodiesel tends to be lower than diesel oil, the torque produced by B20 17,59 N.m is greater than diesel oil, and the thermal efficiency of B20 17,04 % and SFC B20 is 470,2 gr/kWh more economical than diesel oil. B20 provides better performance values foe diesel engines and this is the right solution to be an alternative fuel other than diesel oil.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ITK (PIKAT) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): PIKAT : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35718/pikat.v4i1.729


Industri galangan kapal kayu tradisional di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara merupakan salah satu usaha mandiri yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat setempat dengan memanfaatkan keterampilan membuat kapal kayu yang diperoleh secara turun temurun dari keluarganya. Masyarakat pengrajin kapal tersebut tergabung dalam sebuah kelompok usaha bersama (KUB) yaitu KUB Panrita Lopi. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh pengrajin kapal bahkan dapat menembus pasar nasional di Indonesia. Namun, dari observasi lapangan yang dilakukan terdapat satu faktor pendukung penting dalam usaha meningkatkan kegiatan produksi yaitu penerapan standar keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) di lokasi mitra yang masih rendah seperti tidak menggunakan alat perlindungan diri ketika melakukan aktivitas mekanik dan mobilisasi logistik. Sistem yang dibangun pada KUB masih sangat tradisional sehingga perlu didorong untuk terus meningkat. Salah satunya dengan peningkatan sistem keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja bagi para pengrajin. Melalui metode penyuluhan prinsip K3 yang dilakukan oleh Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat ITK, para pengrajin kapal kayu akan memiliki pengetahuan terkait keamanan dan keselamatan dalam membangun kapal kayu. Hasil penyuluhan memperlihatkan pemahaman para pengrajin terhadap K3 mengalami peningkatan sekitar 83% yang awalnya hanya 27%.
PERAMALAN BEBAN PENERANGAN KAPAL RO-RO 32.45 METER MENGGUNAKAN METODE ZCM (ZONAL CAVITY METHOD) Suardi Suardi; Wira Setiawan; Muhammad Uswah Pawara; Andi Mursid Nugraha Arifuddin; Alamsyah Alamsyah; Widya Yulia Astin
Jurnal Media Elektrik Vol 20, No 3 (2023): MEDIA ELEKTRIK
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59562/metrik.v20i3.48604


Sistem penerangan di atas kapal penumpang kapal ro-ro 32.45 meter masih menggunakan lampu fluorescent atau biasa disebut sebagai lampu neon,  lampu ini dipandang kurang efektif mengingat berbagai penelitian menyebutkan bahwa lampu fluorescent memiliki dampak negatif berupa kandungan mercury yang membahayakan lingkungan dan daya yang lebih boros dibandingkan dengan menggunakan lampu LED. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji tingkat penghematan daya generator untuk penerangan setelah mengganti lampu fluorescent menjadi lampu LED. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode lumen atau biasa disebut metode ZCM (Zonal Caviti Method). Hasil penelitian di dapatkan jumlah beban listrik penerangan pada penerangan fluorescent yang telah di akumulasikan tiap deck sebesar 24.41 kW, sedangkan penerangan dengan jenis penerangan LED di dapatkan beban listrik penerangan sebesar 12.49 kW. Sehingga dengan hasil yang tertera di atas didapatkan efisiensi daya sebesar 11.92 kW yang  kemudian akan di simulasikan pada desain gambar 3D.
Design of Motorcycle-Passenger Ship (Klotok) Catamaran Type for Kampung Baru Balikpapan - Penajam Paser Utara Suardi Suardi; Rizky Risaldo; Andi Mursid Nugraha Arifuddin; Amalia Ika Wulandari; Wira Setiawan; Muhammad Uswah Pawara; Alamsyah Alamsyah
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 8, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v8i3.17880


Balikpapan City has an area of 508.9 km2 which has 646,727 people living here. Balikpapan City is also known as a port city because it has two domestic ports namely Kampung Baru Port and Semayang Port. Currently, the port of Kampung Baru is still active in carrying out daily activities, namely the klotok boat crossing and also the dock for motor boats berths. The condition of mobility for crossing vessels in the port of Kampung Baru that uses boat klotok is inadequate due to the lack of supporting components for access to the ship so the safety of this port is questioned. besides that, klotok ships are also only able to carry a maximum of 21 passengers and 5 motorcycles and access to loading and unloading exits is very unsafe. The purpose of this study is to design a crossing ship that can be used safely for transportation for passengers and motorcycles that will pass the sea lane for crossing to the North Penajam Paser area. The ship is designed to have an easy access door or ramp door for passenger and motorcycle mobility to improve the safety of crossings at the port of Kampung Baru. The parent Design Approach method is used in this project, this method is one way of designing a ship using comparison or comparison, namely by taking a ship that is used as a reference for a comparison ship that has the same characteristics as designed ship. The main focus to be achieved in this research obtained a General Arrangement which has more cargo than the klotok ship with a capacity of 25 passengers and 10 motorcycles, and the dimension of the ramp door used in this final project is L 1.50 m and B 1.50 m. The Principal dimension of the ship obtained in this research is Loa = 12.50 m, Lpp = 11.50 m, Lwl = 11.96 m, B = 5.75 m, B1 = 1.64 m, H = 1.8 m, T = 0.85 m, Cb = 0.56, Vs = 15 Knots. The results of this study provide a good idea of the modernization of a comfortable ferry fleet for this area.
Experimental Study on The Performance Characteristics of 4 Stroke CI Engine using Biodiesel Blend from Coconut Oil suardi suardi; Feston Sandi Paribang; Wira Setiawan; Amalia Ika Wulandari; Muhammad Uswah Pawara; Andi Mursid Nugraha Arifuddin; Alamsyah Alamsyah
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 13, No 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v13i1.188-196


To address the challenges faced by the government in the realm of petroleum imports, a promising strategy was adopted in the utilization of biodegradable and renewable sources of biodiesel, such as coconut oil. This research employed two distinct methodologies: Transesterification for biodiesel synthesis and a comprehensive assessment of fuel properties. Subsequently, an experimental phase assessed biodiesel within an engine environment to analysis performance metrics. Results showed that B30 (30% coconut oil, 70% diesel oil) has density of 0.850 g/cm³, B50 (50% coconut oil) at 0.861 g/cm³, and B100 (Pure coconut oil) at 0.893 g/cm³. The values differed from regional standards. As per ASTM D6751, B30 has a viscosity of 2.31 cSt, B50 3.22 cSt, and B100 is 7.02 cSt. Engine performance revealed B50 with the highest torque at 11.787 Nm, while B0 (pure hydrocarbon diesel) has a thermal efficiency of 38%. B0’s lowest SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption) is 261.12 g/kWh at 2000 watts load and 1000 rpm. Biodiesel coconut oil provided comparable power and torque (0.3% difference from B0) but consumed more fuel (21.6 % higher usage than B0). Keywords:  Biodiesel, Coconut oil, Engine performance, Fuel properties, Transesterification.