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Konsep Ruh dalam Perspektif Psikologi Pendidikan Barat dan Islam Sri Astuti A. Samad
FENOMENA Vol 7 No 2 (2015): FENOMENA Vol 7 No.2, 2015
Publisher : LP2M UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.079 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v7i2.300


This paper explains the concept of ruh in the context of western and Islamic perspectif using psychology and temathic tafsir as its analysis tool. The term of ”ruh” refers to the description of human both physically and psychologically. It involves 3 dimensions; al-jismiah, al-nafsiyah and al-ruhaniah. al-jismiah deals with the dimension of al-jism (body) and its physical organs. al-nafsiyah consists of  al-aqal, al-nafs and al-qalb. al-ruhaniah consists of al-ruh and fitrah. Western psychology,-pyshoanalysis, behaviorsim, and humanism-, is misuse in interpreting al-ruh. The dimension of al-ruh is the place of the seed of religion. Western psychology views the structure of human psychology reducibility and reductivelly. Islamic psychology, which develops the concept of human structure based  on the understanding of Al-Qur;an, can accomodate that concept as long as it can be places proportionally in the system of the human spirit structure. The dimension of al-ruh can be collaborated and applied furthermore with the methods of former ulama by using more modern approaches, that is, the methods of riyadah, zikir, tazkiyah al-nufus and other methods.
Gender Differences In Letter Shape Recognition To 4-5 Year Old Children In Yogyakarta, Indonesia Munawwarah Samad; Sri Astuti; Zikra Hayati
JURNAL SERAMBI ILMU Vol 23, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Serambi Ilmu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/si.v23i1.3969


Learning in Kindergarten aims to develop some abilities possessed by children including oral communication ability, literacy and reading ability, listening ability and comprehension of command, writing ability, and ability to use literature. The gender gap remains ongoing issue in Indonesia. This paper presents evidence of gender differences in learning in differences in letter shape recognition to 4-5 year old children in which 30 children from two schools participated. This study using Quantitative research methods in comparative research. The result of this study indicates there are a difference between boys and girls aged 4-5 years in terms of recognizing and interpreting the symbols of letters in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 
Living Qur`an in Yasinan Tradition During Rabu Abeh Ritual in Gampong Lhok Pawoh, Southwest Aceh Makmunzir Makmunzir; Abdur Rokhim Hasan; Zakaria Husin Lubis; Sri Astuti A. Samad; Ruslan Sangaji
Mashdar: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hadis Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Mashdar: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hadis
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/mashdar.v5i1.6206


This article discusses an interesting phenomenon in Gampong Lhok Pawoh, where the community continues to maintain and preserve the tradition of yasinan in the Rabu Abeh ritual, despite the shifting or even extinction of many religious traditions in the modern era. This research employed qualitative methods (field research) and adopted Spradley's ethnography approach and the perspective of the living Qur'an. The aim of this study is to describe how the Qur'an comes alive in the yasinan tradition of the Rabu Abeh ritual, which is still upheld by the community of Gampong Lhok Pawoh, as well as the significance of this tradition in their daily lives. The findings reveal that the yasinan tradition in the Rabu Abeh ritual is a tangible manifestation of the living Qur'an among the people of Gampong Lhok Pawoh in Aceh Barat Daya. This tradition is performed every year on the last Wednesday of Safar, as a plea for safety and protection from potential disasters on the day of Rabu Abeh. The community perceives the connection between verse 19 of Surah Al-Qamar/54, which depicts an ill-fated day, and the Rabu Abeh day, hence they collectively recite Surah Yasin as a prayer and safeguard against potential calamities on that day. The tradition holds strong spiritual and social meanings within the community, serving as an effort to seek salvation from Allah SWT, preserving cultural heritage, fostering social bonds, and cultivating good and respectful personalities. Moreover, the tradition reminds the community of the importance of maintaining harmonious relationships with nature, while strengthening solidarity and preserving customs and culture.
Government Policy Regarding Education in Indonesia: Analysis of Competence-Based Curriculum, Educational Unit Level Curriculum, and Curriculum 2013 Abidin Nurdin; Sri Astuti A. Samad; Munawwarah Samad; Fakhrurrazi Fakrurrazi
Journal of Governance and Social Policy Vol 4, No 1 (2023): JUNE 2023
Publisher : Department of Government Studies, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/gaspol.v4i1.31812


The curriculum is a government  policy in the field of education determined by the government. The curriculum has continued to change according to the times and advances in science and technology. This study uses a qualitative method by producing descriptive data as an observable social reality, namely the educational curriculum. The social reality is then analyzed using public policy theory. This article concludes that the curriculum as a political policy from the Indonesian government in the field of education is a logical consequence of social change and development of science. From 1999 to 2013 there were three changes to the curriculum, namely the Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK), the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) and the 2013 Curriculum (K-13). Each curriculum has its own focus and emphasis point. The purpose of the curriculum changes carried out by the government from a theoretical point of view of public policy is oriented towards fulfilling the needs and interests of the community. So that the curriculum can still be adapted to social changes, scientific and technological developments that occur in society in Indonesia and the wider world
Conflict, Traditional, and Family Resistance: The Pattern of Dispute Resolution in Acehnese Community According to Islamic Law Mursyid Djawas; Sri Astuti Abdul Samad
Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Islamic Family Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/sjhk.v4i1.5271


This study discusses the resolution of disputes through adat and family security in Acehnese society according to Islamic law. The problems examined are the pattern of resolving family conflicts through adat mechanisms in Aceh; The relationship between resolving conflicts through adat and family resilience in Aceh and a review of Islamic law towards resolving family conflicts through adat in Aceh. This study uses a qualitative approach, which is to explain, describe, and analyze in-depth the results of research. Data collection techniques used were literature study and interviews with informants. While the data were analyzed using Islamic legal theory and traditional law. This research concludes that there are several patterns for example involving various parties such as Jurong, Keuchik, Tuha Peut, Teungku Imum, Imum Mukim, and the place of dispute resolution at meunasah sometimes at Keuchik's house. There is a close relationship between resolving disputes through adat and family resilience, meaning that many family problems that are resolved through adat mechanisms do not go through formal legal avenues. Then the dispute resolution is in line with Islamic law which is included in the urf category with a review of the benefits.
Kalindaqdaq Tradition of Mandar Community in West Sulawesi: Islamic Education Study Based on Local Wisdom Ridhwan Ridhwan; Sri Astuti A. Samad; Khaeruddin Kiramang; Hasan Hasan
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 23, No 2 (2021): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/eh.v23i2.13337


Kalindaqdaq is a literary work of Mandar community which is considered as an old poetry and one of the actualizations of religion and local wisdom harmonization. Several studies on Kalindaqdaq have been conducted but none explores from ethno-pedagogical perspective. This study is aimed at supporting the importance of local wisdom in Islamic education because the education process cannot be separated from the expression of culture and customary orders proven to be capable of educating humans.  This study employs a qualitative method with ethno pedagogical approach. The data are collected through a library research by identifying, selecting, and reviewing research outputs relevant to the topic and literary works about Kalindaqdaq. The analysis is conducted by finding out the integration or interconnection relationships of the local wisdom with education. The findings reveal that Kalindaqdaq functions as a means of religious education, morals, traditional socialization media, communication tools for traditional narratives and entertainment. Kalindaqdaq as a cultural product contains Islamic educational values, such as monotheism, worship, morals, social and heroism. The implication of this study derives from the findings. The findings imply that kalindaqdaq is important under an ethnopedagogical perspective, applicable in the educational process. This study is the evidence of Islam and local wisdom harmonization, which highly supports the development of Islamic education as an integral part of education in Indonesia.Kalindaqdaq merupakan karya sastra masyarakat Mandar yang tergolong sebagai puisi lama dan dianggap sebagai salah satu aktualisasi harmonisasi agama dan kearifan lokal. Beberapa penelitian tentang Kalindaqdaq telah dilakukan tetapi belum ada yang mengeksplorasi harmonisasi pendidikan Islam dan kearifan lokal dengan perspektif etnopedagogis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnopedagogis. Signifikansi kajian ini adalah untuk menegaskan bahwa keberadaan kearifan lokal dalam pendidikan Islam menjadi penting karena proses pendidikan tidak lepas dari ekspresi budaya dan tatanan adat yang dapat mendidik manusia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi pustaka dengan mengidentifikasi, memilih, dan mengkaji literature ilmiah yang relevan dengan topik penelitian dan karya sastra tentang Kalindaqdaq. Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui keterpaduan atau keterkaitan kearifan lokal dengan pendidikan. Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa Kalindaqdaq memiliki fungsi sebagai sarana pendidikan agama, moral, media sosialisasi tradisional, alat komunikasi untuk narasi tradisional dan hiburan. Kalindaqdaq sebagai produk budaya mengandung nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam seperti tauhid, ibadah, akhlak, sosial dan kepahlawanan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini berasal dari temuan. Temuan ini menyiratkan bahwa kalindaqdaq penting dari perspektif etnopedagogis, yaitu penggunaan kearifan lokal dalam proses pendidikan. Kajian ini merupakan bukti harmonisasi dan adat Islam serta mendukung pengembangan pendidikan Islam sebagai bagian integral dari pendidikan di Indonesia.
Teacher’s Spiritual Competence and Its Implication in Islamic Religious Education Learning in Pidie, Aceh Sri Astuti A. Samad; Syabuddin Gade; Hasan Basri; Silahuddin Silahuddin; Safrina Ariani
Ulumuna Vol 27 No 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/ujis.v27i2.710


Teachers have a great responsibility in education as they help direct spiritual aspects to foster good morals in students. The research examines spiritual competence and its implications for learning Islamic Religious Education in schools in Pidie, Aceh. This research is based on the field studyandapplied the qualitative descriptive-analytic method. The study subjects were five teachers, four principals, and three students at the scchoolsin Pidie. Data was collected using interviews, observations, document studies, and focused group dsicussions. The findings showed that the teachers' spiritual competence came from the sincere nature of the teachers in educatingstudents. Such sincerity became the main factor in motivating the teachers to educate sincerely, earnestly, responsibly, and with discipline so that the learning process and the quality of learning could be better. Islamic religious education teachers' spiritual competence has influenced their teaching performance and helped them complete their duties correctly. This spiritual competence also affects the students' morals and enthusiasm to improve their academic achievements. Hence, students have received proper guidance, advice, and role models from teachers in class and extracurricular activities.