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Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Pupuk Organik Cair terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.) Arma Herawati; Amelia A Limbongan; Wahida Wahida
AGRICOLA Vol 8 No 2 (2018): AGRICOLA
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

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Liquid organic fertilizer is an alternative nutrient used by farmers. The appropriate dose of liquid fertilizer is important to ensure efficient and effective fertilization. This study aims to determine the effect of Super Flora liquid organic fertilizer doses on the growth and production of peanuts. The method used in this study was a Randomized Block Design (RCBD) with 6 (six) treatments and repeated 4 (four) times, so there were 24 experimental units. The results showed that the treatment of liquid super organic fertilizer did not have a significantly different effect on the observed variables on the growth component of peanut plants, but had a significantly different effect on the production component, namely the stover wet weight (g), number of pods per sample, and weigh 100 seeds (g). The best dose for peanut production based on research is 5 cc/ l water, this shows the highest production yield of 1,313 g/ plot, equivalent to 3.47 tons/ha.
Pengaruh pemberian Aras Urea Yang Berbeda dan Lama Fermentasi Pupuk Organik Cair Limbah Rumen Terhadap Kandungan Fisik dan Kimia (P2O5 dan K2O) Maria Magdalena Nay Nadu Lesik; Sendy L Merly; Wahida Wahida
AGRICOLA Vol 11 No 2 (2021): AGRICOLA
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/ag.v11i2.3305


Pupuk organik cair dapat berasal dari limbah pertanian tidak tidak memiliki nilai jual, dapat berdampak pada pencermaran lingkungan dan belum dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat setempat. Sedangkan limbah peternakan berasal dari limbah rumah potong hewan (RPH) seperti cairan rumen dan bolus yang belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik, sehingga berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat. Limbah pertanian dan peternakan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik cair. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui perbandingan komposisi dan lama fermenatsi cairan rumen dan limbah pertanian terhadap kandungan POC. Urgensi dari penelitian yang dilakukan sebagai bahan informasi dasar yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan limbah pertanian dan cairan rumen sapi sebagai pupuk organik cair (POC) yang dapat digunakan oleh petani untuk mendukung pertanian organik dikabupetan Merauke. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial (RAL) dengan 3 Perlakuan dan 3 Ulangan yang terdiri dari yaitu, Perlakuan I 5%, Perlakuan II 10% dan Perlakuan III 15% yang akan dilakukan dengan fermentasi. Perlakuan waktu selama 1 minggu, 2 minggu dan 3 minggi. Sampel penelitian kemudian akan dianalisis dengan pengiriman sampel ke laboraturium UNHAS. Parameter pengataman yaitu pH dan analisis kualitas pupuk organik cair meliputi P2O5 dan K2O. Dari hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa nilai P2O5 tertinggi teradap pada PIII (urea 15%) yaitu 0,640 pada minggu ke 2 dan K2O pada perlakuan PIII (15%) yaitu 0,063 minggu ke 3. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pupuk organik cair limbah pertanian dan cairan rumen belum memenuhi standar Kementerian Pertanian.
Musamus Devotion Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Musamus Devotion Journal
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mdj.v2i2.3207


Through food processing technology, chili and tomatoes can be processed into more practical products. One of the popular chili preparations is chili sauce. Processed sauce use as a seasonings, add flavour to the food, and complement the dish. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide additional knowledge to the people of Yaba Maru Village on how to make a hygienic and durable chili sauce, that give economic advantage to the people. Yaba Maru village is one of the villages in the Tanah Miring District of Merauke Regency, which has abundant chili and tomato production. For the Yaba Maru community, tomatoes and chili are usually directly sold in raw form without processing. If the production are abundant, chili and tomatoes will be sold cheaply. Based on this, it is necessary to do community service activities that provide training on making chili sauce, to increase community knowledge and eventually increase the income of the community, especially for women or housewives. The method used in this service activity consists of training in making chili sauce, completed with how to package the sauce, to increase the quality and selling value of the products.
PELATIHAN PENGOLAHAN BATANG PISANG MENJADI “GEDEBOG CRISPY” DIKAMPUNG SERMAYAM yosefina mangera; Wahida Wahida; Nurhening Yuni Ekowati; Rosmala Widjijastuti; Indah Widanarti
Musamus Devotion Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Musamus Devotion Journal
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mdj.v4i1.4157


One of the impacts of the spread of covid 19 for the community is the decline in the economic life of the people affected by covid 19. Efforts to revive the economy of the community is done by providing training to the community to produce processed food products that have economic value. One of the most popular processed food products today is banana stem chips. Banana stem chips are processed from the midrib of banana stems, which so far have not been widely used by the community as food. Merauke is an area with an abundance of banana plant diversity, one of which is in Sermayam Village. The PKK women's group in Sermayam Village is one of the community groups that are both targets and partners in this service activity. Partners involved in this service activity are PKK women in Sermayam Village. This training activity aims to increase knowledge and skills to process processed food products from materials available in the local area. With this activity partner members are given training to process banana stems into banana stem chips so that they become more economically valuable. Partners are also given training to package attractive products so that their processed products can be accepted by the market. Seeing the enthusiasm of partners in this activity, partners are expected to increase their productivity so that they are more empowered and independent.
Kualitas Tepung Ikan di Pesisir Pantai Kabupaten Merauke Sebagai Bahan Pakan: Quality of Fish Flour on the Coast of Merauke Regency as Feed Irine Ike Praptiwi; Wahida Wahida
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Ve
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/jipvet.v11i2.146


Catch fish that are not used as food can be processed into fish flour. The purpose of this study was to analyze fish meal from several types of fish found on the coast of Merauke RegencyThis test is carried out to see the physical and chemical quality.. From the research results of this study obtained the physical quality of fish meal can be which is categorized, both in mixing feed food and storage namely: the average density of 0.58 gr / cm3, surface area 53.88 cm2, pH 6.25, threshold power 1.15 m / sec and stack angle 27.260C, average ash content of 6.31%, protein 65.46%, fat 5.46%, crude fiber 0 and water content an average of 6.32%, These results indicate the quality of fish meal is included in standard I based on the quality of SNI 2013 as feed material. Eight (8) types of fish meal that have low economic value and potential to be developed as feed ingredients include Kaca fish (Kurtus gulliveri, Pasir fish (Platycephalus endrachtensis), Bete-Bete fish (Rhinoprenes pentanemus), Duri Herkules fish (Arius sp), and Duri putih fish (Arius leptaspis).
Pengaruh Efisiensi Pemberian Air dan Penambahan Bahan Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L) Satra Satra; Yosehi Mekiuw; Wahida Wahida
Musamus AE Featuring Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2019): MAEF-J Oktober 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University

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This study aims to determine the water use efficiency (WUE) and the interaction between organic matter and the watering treatment in peanut plants. This study was held in the screen House of the agricultural Faculty of Musamus Merauke University, counted from August – November 2018. This research uses a randomized design of factorial group (RAKF) with 2 treatment factors, factor 1 watering consisting of 5 levels namely watering with the volume of water 100 ml, 200 ml, 300 ml, 400 ml, and 500 ml. As for 2nd factor, namely the addition of Organic material consisting of 4 levels, namely P0 (without organic material), PS (fertilizer charcoal husk), Pa (chicken manure fertilizer), and PSy (cow dung fertilizer), each treatment is combined and repeated 3 times. The results of this study shows that the water use efficiency has no significant effect on all research parameters and there is no interaction between the two factors for all research parameters. The best results with the highest average water use efficiency (WUE) (0.15 gr / mm) were obtained in 100 ml watering treatment with the addition of chicken manure (V1Pa).
Pengaruh Ukuran Potongan Kopra dalam Proses Pengeringan Gergorius Robertus Duyop; Yus Witdarko; Wahida Wahida
Musamus AE Featuring Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2019): MAEF-J Oktober 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University

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Copra is the main raw material for making coconut oil. The quality of copra is very much determined by the drying process in order to achieve a water content level according to SNI. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the size of the copra pieces on reducing the moisture content in the drying process. The study was conducted in November 2018. There were three treatments in drying, namely coconut fruit pieces 1/2 part, 1/4 part, and 1/8 part. Drying is done under the sun for 42 hours in 6 days of drying. Measurement of the rate of reduction in copra water content was carried out at intervals of 1 hour. Water content was calculated using the gravimetric method. The results showed that the rate of reduction in water content in 1/8 part cut was faster than half or maupun part coconut. While the cut of ½ part and ¼ part, the rate of reduction in water content is not much different and does not show a significant difference. The final moisture content in drying copra for 1/2 part was 4.17%, copra 1/4 part was 4.11%, copra 1/8 part was 1.35%.
Musamus AE Featuring Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): MAEF-J April 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/maef-j.v2i2.3503


ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the land suitability class for soybean, corn and peanut plants in Kamno Sari Village, Jagebob District, Merauke Regency. Data analysis was carried out by matching or compare the land requirement for plant and the properties of the land in the study area. The results of this comparison shows the land suitability level for corn, soybeans and peanuts which includes S1 (very suitable), S2 (appropriate), S3 (marginally appropriate), N1 (not suitable at this time) and N2 (not suitable permanently). The results showed that the land suitability class for soybean plants on dry land, paddy fields and land that is planned to be cleared for planting, were classified as marginal suitability class (S3) with limiting factors for root media (r), nutrient retention (f) and available nutrients (n). On the land that is planned to be cleared for planting, the limiting factor is only available nutrients (n). While forest land and open land are included in the currently unsuitable class (N1) with a limiting factor of nutrient retention (f). Land suitability class for maize on dry land, paddy fields and planned land are classified as marginal suitability class (S3) with limiting factors for nutrient retention (f) and available nutrients (n), on planned land the limiting factor is only available nutrients (n), whereas forest and open land are included in the currently unsuitable class (N1) with a limiting factor of nutrient retention (f). Land suitability class for peanut plants on dry land, paddy fields and land plans are classified as marginal suitability class (S3) with limiting factors for root media (r), nutrient retention (f) and available nutrients (n). On the land plan the limiting factor only available nutrients (n), while forest land and open land are included in currently unsuitable class (N1) with a limiting factor is nutrient retention (f).
Pengaruh Efisiensi Pemberian Air dan Penambahan Bahan Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L) Satra Satra; Yosehi Mekiuw; Wahida Wahida
Musamus AE Featuring Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2019): MAEF-J Oktober 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University

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This study aims to determine the water use efficiency (WUE) and the interaction between organic matter and the watering treatment in peanut plants. This study was held in the screen House of the agricultural Faculty of Musamus Merauke University, counted from August – November 2018. This research uses a randomized design of factorial group (RAKF) with 2 treatment factors, factor 1 watering consisting of 5 levels namely watering with the volume of water 100 ml, 200 ml, 300 ml, 400 ml, and 500 ml. As for 2nd factor, namely the addition of Organic material consisting of 4 levels, namely P0 (without organic material), PS (fertilizer charcoal husk), Pa (chicken manure fertilizer), and PSy (cow dung fertilizer), each treatment is combined and repeated 3 times. The results of this study shows that the water use efficiency has no significant effect on all research parameters and there is no interaction between the two factors for all research parameters. The best results with the highest average water use efficiency (WUE) (0.15 gr / mm) were obtained in 100 ml watering treatment with the addition of chicken manure (V1Pa).
Pengaruh Ukuran Potongan Kopra dalam Proses Pengeringan Gergorius Robertus Duyop; Yus Witdarko; Wahida Wahida
Musamus AE Featuring Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2019): MAEF-J Oktober 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University

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Copra is the main raw material for making coconut oil. The quality of copra is very much determined by the drying process in order to achieve a water content level according to SNI. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the size of the copra pieces on reducing the moisture content in the drying process. The study was conducted in November 2018. There were three treatments in drying, namely coconut fruit pieces 1/2 part, 1/4 part, and 1/8 part. Drying is done under the sun for 42 hours in 6 days of drying. Measurement of the rate of reduction in copra water content was carried out at intervals of 1 hour. Water content was calculated using the gravimetric method. The results showed that the rate of reduction in water content in 1/8 part cut was faster than half or maupun part coconut. While the cut of ½ part and ¼ part, the rate of reduction in water content is not much different and does not show a significant difference. The final moisture content in drying copra for 1/2 part was 4.17%, copra 1/4 part was 4.11%, copra 1/8 part was 1.35%.