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JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 1, No 4 (2018): Volume 1 Special Issue, Nomor 4, Februari 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jts.v1i4.10058


Abstract: Gampong Beureunut is a village with 323 population which located in District of , Aceh Besar. In the last 20 years, Gampong Beureunut has been repeatedly hit by flash floods  in 1987, 2000 and the latest occured on January 2nd, 2013. The occurrence of flash floods is caused by the break of natural dam at Krueng Teungku groove that is located above the village and the estuary lies right in the Gampong Beureunut so the damage impact of flash floods is quite severe. Referring to the regulation of General Guidelines for Assessment of the Disaster Ratio issued by BNPB No. 2 of 2012, will assess the level of vulnerability of the community in Gampong Beureunut in term of tackling the threat of banjir bandang. There are four indicators to be taken in advance in term of determining the level, they are; social, economic, physical and environmental vulnerability. Based on the results of analysis data which the source information mostly obtained by direct survey to the location of the research found that the vulnerability level of community Gampong Beureunut against the threat of flash floods is medium. This shows that the people of Gampong Beureunut are vulnerable to the threat of flash floods so that some strategies are needed to reduce the vulnerability, among othersthe government should support the existence of gampong institutions that have been formed as disaster information centers, the need for extension, socialization and simulation, improvement of critical facilities and relocation of housing residents who are still in danger zone of flash floods. Abstrak: Gampong Beureunut adalah suatu gampong berpenduduk 323 jiwa yang terletak di Kecamatan Seulimum Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Dalam kurun waktu 20 tahun terakhir, Gampong Beureunut telah berulang kali dilanda banjir bandang yaitu tahun 1987, 2000 dan yang terakhir pada tanggal 2 Januari 2013. Terjadinya banjir bandang tersebut disebabkan karena jebolnya bendungan alam di alur Krueng Teungku yang terletak di atas permukiman penduduk dan bermuara tepat di Gampong Beureunut sehingga dampak kerusakan yang ditimbulkan cukup parah. Dengan berpedoman pada Perka BNPB No 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pedoman Umum Pengkajian Resiko Bencana, pada penelitian ini akan ditinjau tingkat kerentanan masyarakat Gampong Beureunut terhadap ancaman banjir bandang. Untuk mendapatkan tingkat kerentanan ancaman banjir bandang, terdapat empat indikator yang harus ditentukan terlebih dahulu, yaitu kerentanan sosial, ekonomi, fisik dan lingkungan.  Dari hasil analisis data yang sumbernya sebagian besar didapat dari survey langsung ke lokasi penelitian, didapat hasil bahwa tingkat kerentanan masyarakat gampong beureunut terhadap ancaman banjir bandang adalah sedang. Ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Gampong Beureunut rentan terhadap ancaman banjir bandang sehingga diperlukan beberapa strategi untuk mengurangi kerentanan tersebut, antara lain pemerintah harus mendukung keberadaan lembaga gampong yang telah terbentuk sebagai pusat informasi bencana, perlunya dilakukan penyuluhan, sosialisasi dan simulasi, perbaikan fasilitas kritis dan relokasi perumahan penduduk yang masih berada pada zona bahaya banjir bandang.
Jurnal Natural Volume 16, Number 2, September 2016
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jn.v16i2.5018


This study aimed to evaluate the different magnetic results of an electromagnetic induction with proton magnetometer measurements on an archaeological site. The electromagnetic induction allows measuring both the apparent magnetic susceptibility in part per thousand (ppt) and the apparent electrical conductivity in millisiemens (mS/m). A proton magnetometer measures the total magnetic intensity in nanotesla (nT), caused by the induced and remanent magnetisations. An archaeological site where historical documents indicated the presence of a 13th century fortress that built by Lamuri Sultanate was selected as a test area. The measurement were conducted by divided the study area into 10 profiles.Some standard data processing have been applied to the measured data. The result of the first survey with electromagnetic induction showed low magnetic anomalies in the buried remains of Lamuri fortress. The similar value are shown as well by low magnetic field intensity in magnetometer measurement.
Jurnal Natural Volume 17, Number 2, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jn.v17i2.7012


Abstract. Climate change is a global phenomenon that currently and seriously impacts the environment. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases have caused changes in extreme climate events. We have studied index rainfall extream trend at two meteorological stations of Sultan Iskandar Muda in Banda Aceh and Cut Nyak Dien in Meulaboh from 1982-2013. Daily rainfall data were processed using software of RClimDex to obtain the extreme rainfall index. Such indexes are extreme climate index set by the expert team for Climate Change Detection Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) including of maximum 1-day and 5-days precipitation amount (RX1day and RX5day), total annual precipitation (PRCPTOT), consecutive dry days (CDD), consecutive wet days (CWD), very wet days (R95p), extremely wet days (R99p) and heavy precipitation days (R20mm). Based on our study, we found that the PRCPTOT tend to decrease, whereas occurances of RX1day and RX5day increase. The Banda Aceh station which has a monsoonal pattern is charaterized by increasing in R95p and R99p as well as but decreasing in R20mm. The CWD and CDD tend to accumulate at once. The Meulaboh station that has the type of equatorial rain show decreasing trend in R95p and R99p, but increasing trend in R20mm. The CWD and CDD occur within some days. The projection Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 from 2014-2050 showed an increasing pattern frequency of rain in Banda Aceh and a decreasing pattern in Meulaboh. Keywords: Trend, Extream Climate Index, ProjectionREFERENCE Lutgens. F.K. and Tarbuck. E.J. 2004. The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology. Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey.Ratag, M.A., Halimurrahman, Juaeni, I., Siswanto, B., dan N., Adikusumah. 2002. Perubahan Iklim : Basis Alamiah dan Dampaknya. Bandung, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional.IPCC, 2013. Climate Change. World Meteororogical Organization. Switzerland.Nuraini, Ida Sartika. 2014. Analisis dan Proyeksi Trend Temperatur dan Curah Hujan untuk Mendeteksi Perubahan Iklim (Studi Kasus Provinsi Kalimantan Barat). STMKG, Tangerang Selatan.Sulistya, W., Swarinoto, T.S., Zakir, A.,Riyanto, H., dan B., Ridwan.1998. The Impact of El Nino 1997/98 over Indonesia Region. Jakarta: Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika, No 4, Desember.Zhang, X., and Feng Yang, 2004. RClimDex User Manual. Climate Research Branch, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, Canada.Aldrian, E., 2007 Perubahan iklim global dan dampak terhadap iklim benua mantim di laut dan di daratan Prosiding Jumal Club Tahun 2007.Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika. ISBN:978-979-1241-11-3
Application of gravity method in cultural harritage Cot Sidi Abdullah Site, Samudera Pasai, North Aceh NOVIA PURNAMA SARI; TOMI AFRIZAL; FAISAL ABDULLAH; NAZLI ISMAIL
Jurnal Natural Volume 20 Number 3, October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jn.v20i3.16920


The gravity method was applied to the cultural heritage site of Cot Sidi Abdullah in Kuta Krueng Village, Samudera Pasai District, North Aceh Regency for mapping and reconstruction structure of the cultural heritage site and distribution of artifact objects buried in the subsurface. Data measurement was carried out in a grid with 2 meters spacing between the points to cover all area of the cultural heritage site. The model of gravity anomaly distribution from the vertical derivative results shows a square pattern of anomaly gravity surrounding the measurement areas. This anomaly pattern is thought as a response from the remaining walls of the site structure which are buried in the subsurface with anomalous values between 0.02 mGal/m - 0.08 mGal/m.  The estimation of the walls of the archaeological site from the anomalous response to this gravity value is proved by the excavation results in the southern part of the study area.  While the minimum value of the vertical derivative filter (-0.06 mGal/m to - 0.01 mGal/m) is the response from the area around the archaeological site.  The reconstruction results of the site based on the estimation of the walls with a length of ± 45 meters and a width of ± 40 meters.
Application of magnetic method for mapping buried structures around archaeological site of Masjid Tuha Indrapuri CUT INTAN KEUMALA; TOMI AFRIZAL; MUHAMMAD SYUKRI SURBAKTI; NAZLI ISMAIL
Jurnal Natural Volume 20 Number 2, June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jn.v20i2.16507


Magnetic gradiometer survey has been conducted on the yard of the archaeological site of Masjid Tuha Indrapuri, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province. The site is one of the oldest mosques erected during the Aceh Sultanate period. Magnetic method was applied for mapping archaeological structures buried beneath the surface. Total magnetic field data were measured using Proton Precession Magnetometer with grid spacing of 2 meters between stations covering the entire area of the site. Diurnal and international geomagnetic reference field data were corrected to the measured data in order to calculate total magnetic field anomalies that were influenced by the buried magnetic objects. The total magnetic field anomalies distribution shows two elongated structures with U-shaped patterns surrounding the mosque. The patterns are also revealed in reduction to the pole and derivative vertical filters of the total field anomaly data. The anomaly patterns are considered a response from the rest of the buried fences that were built around the mosque in the past.