Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti
Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana, Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Badung, Bali

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Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/cp.5.1.2012.650


Sudiarta dkk., 2012. Biosorpsi Cr(III) pada biosorbent serat sabut kelapa hijau teraktivasi asam nitrat. Telah dilakukan penelitian biosorpsi Cr(III) pada biosorben serat sabut kelapa hijau (cocos mucifera) teraktivasiasam nitrat. Penelitian ini meliputi penentuan rasio optimum asam nitrat:biosorben dalam aktivasi, penentuankeasaman permukaan biosorben teraktivasi asam nitrat, penentuan kondisi optimum biosorpsi Cr(III) padabiosorben teraktivasi asam yang meliputi pH optimum dan waktu kontak optimum, penentuan isoterm dankapasitas biosorpsi Cr(III) pada biosorben teraktivasi asam nitrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivasibiosorben optimum terjadi pada rasio mmol asam nitrat : gram biosorben = 5 : 1. Keasaman permukaanbiosorben teraktivasi asam nitrat adalah 9,94± 0,33 mmol/g dan biosorben tanpa aktivasi adalah 5,3 ± 0,01mmol/g. pH optimum biosorpsi Cr(III) pada masing-masing biosorben adalah 3 dan waktu kontak optimumbiosorpsi Cr(III) pada biosorben teraktivasi asam nitrat adalah 60 menit dan biosorben tanpa aktivasi adalah120 menit. Kapasitas biosorpsi Cr(III) pada biosorben teraktivasi asam nitrat dan tanpa aktivasi adalah 13,74mg/g dan 11,91 mg/g.Kata kunci : biosorpsi, serat sabut kelapa, aktivasi, Cr (III), kapasitas biosorpsiSudiarta et al., 2012. Chromium (III) biosorption on nitric acid-biosorbent activated green coco fibre. Studies on biosorption of Cr (III) on nitric acid-biosorbent activated of green coco fibre (Cocos mucifera) had been carried out. These studies included determination of the optimum ratio of nitric acid: biosorben inactivation, the determination of surface acidity of nitric acid-biosorbent activated, determination of the optimumconditions of biosorption Cr(III) on activated biosorbnet that includes the optimum pH and the optimum contacttime, determinatiion of the isotherm and capacity biosorpsi of Cr (III ) on nitric acid-biosorbent activated.Theresults show that the activation occurs at the optimum ratio of mmol nitric acid: gram biosorbent was 5: 1. Thesurface acidity of nitric acid-biosorbent activated was 9.94 ± 0.33 mmol / g and unactivated biosorbent was 5.3± 0.01 mmol / g. The optimum pH biosorption of Cr(III) on each biosorbent is 3 and the optimum contact timebiosorption of Cr(III) on nitric acid-biosorbent activated was 60 minutes and unactivated biosorbent was 120minutes. The capacity biosorption of Cr(III) on nitric acid-biosorbent activated and unactivated biosorbnet were13.74 mg/g and 11.91 mg/g.Keywords : biosorption, coconut fibre, activation, Cr(III), capacity biosoprtion
BIOSORPSI KROMIUM(VI) PADA SERAT SABUT KELAPA HIJAU (Cocos nucifera) I Wayan Sudiarta; Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti
Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry) Vol. 4, No. 2 Juli 2010
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Udayana (Program of Study in Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University), Bali, Indonesia

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Studies on biosorption of chromium (VI) on green coconut coir fibre (Cocos nucifera) biosorbent have beencarried out. These studies included determination of biosorben acidity, optimum pH, contact time of biosorption,isoterm and biosorption capacity, and interaction type between chromium (VI) and green coconut coir fibre (Cocosnucifera) biosorben Mechanisms of interaction were determined through study on desorption chromium (VI) of thepreviously adsorbed using aquadest, 1 M HCl and 0,05 M Na2EDTA.The result showed that the total acidity of green coconut coir fibre biosorbent was 8,7158 ± 0,2569 mmol/g,the optimum pH was 2, and the contact time was 120 minute. Biosorption capacity of green coconut coir fibre (Cocosnucifera) to chromium (VI) was 12,6152 mg/g. Interaction type that occurred between chromium (VI) ion and greencoconut coir fibre biosorben (Cocos nucifera) were hydrogen bond, Van der Walls bond, cation exchange andcomplex bond.
Minyak Atsiri Daun Kemangi (Ocimum × africanum Lour.) dan Efektivitasnya Sebagai Lotion Antinyamuk terhadap Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) Ni Luh Made Yuli Indra Yanti; Ni Luh Arpiwi; Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 7 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2020.v07.i02.p14


Aedes aegypti L. mosquito is the vector of dengue fever disease. The effort to control the vector is by applying anti-mosquito lotion to the skin. Basil essential oil was formulated into anttimosquito lotions which is practice and easy to be carried anywhere. The use of atimosquito lotion with natural active compound of basil essential oil is one of safe solutions to repelt mosquitos. This study aimed to calculate yield of essential oil from basil leaves, to identify the active compounds, to measure protection ability of the antimosquito lotions, to to anlyse physical properties of the lotions and to analyse perception of panelists toward the lotions. The essential oil was extracted using steam distillation. The active compounds were analysed using GS-MS. Protection ability of the lotion toard Ae. aegypti L. was tested under laboratory condition using hand in cage method. Physical properties of the lotion were measured for organoleptic, pH, viscosity and homogeneity. Results showed that the yield of essential oil from basil leaves was 0,26% ± 0,05 w/w. GCMS test results showed there were 25 active compounds of the oil. The highest protection ability against A aegypti L. was lotion with 5% basil essential oil. Organoleptic test results show a thick texture, yellowish white color, aroma of olive oil and basil and a soft impression on the skin. Results of pH, viscosity and homogeneity tests show that anti-mosquito lotions containing essential oil from basil leaves met the requirements in the Indonesian National Standard. The hedonic test shows that panelists like lotion with 5% basil essential oil. The effect of lotion gives softness, comfort and the absence of sensitivity symptoms after being applied to the skin. Keywords: Aedes aegypti mosquito, dengue fever, basil essential oil, lotion.
Uji Kandungan Escherichia coli dan Total Bakteri pada Daging dan Organ Dalam Sapi di Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Kota Denpasar dan Kabupaten Badung Putu Anjarina; Retno Kawuri; Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 5 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2018.v05.i02.p06


Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menguji kandungan E. coli dan cemaran total bakteri daging sapi bagian punggung, daging bagian paha, usus, hati, limfa dan paru di Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) di Kota Denpasar dan kabupaten Badung, Bali. Hasil kandungan E. coli yang diperoleh dari Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Pesanggaran pada sampel paha sebesar 70 APM/100g dan RPH Mambal pada sampel usus sebesar 70 APM/100g. Sampel limfa dari kedua RPH memiliki nilai yang paling rendah yaitu 30 APM/100g. Nilai yang telah dijabarkan dapat dikatakan melebihi ambang batas yang diperbolehkan oleh BPOM (2009) yaitu batas maksimum cemaran E. coli 1 x 101 APM/100g. Hasil penelitian total bakteri yang diperoleh dari sampel yang diambil di RPH Pesanggaran pada sampel limfa menunujukkan hasil yang paling besar yaitu 14x104 CFU/g, sedangkan nilai yang terkecil berasal dari sampel usus yaitu 2x104 CFU/g. Hasil total bakteri yang berasal dari RPH Mambal nilai sampel yang terbesar dimiliki oleh sampel limfa sebesar 13x104 CFU/g, sedangkan nilai hasil terkecil dimiliki oleh sampel paha 1x104 CFU/g diperbolehkan BPOM (2009) yaitu 1x104 CFU/g. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan sampel daging paha, daging punggung, usus, hati, paru dan limfa memiliki nilai total cemaran E. coli dan cemaran bakteri yang melebihi batas standar yang diperbolehkan oleh BPOM Bali.
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 3 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2016.v03.i01.p07


This study aims to determine the side effects of high-dose injections of vitamin C in a long term against liver histology. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with different long treatments of vitamin C injection in various doses of P0 (control), P1 (30 days injection), P2 (50 days injection), P3 (70 days injection) and P4 (90 days injection). Parameters measured were plasma levels of SGPT and SGOT, the percentage of hydropic degeneration,  fatty degeneration, pyknotik nuclei, and necrosis of liver cells, and also inflammatory cell infiltration and sinusoid congestion. SGOT levels showed a significant differences (P=0,009) between the treatment and control group by ANOVA test. The Kruskal Wallis test showed that ALT levels were not significantly different (P=0,86), however, the levels of creatinine showed significant differences (P=0,002). The hydropic degeneration were not significantly different (P=0,054) by Kruskal Wallis test, whereas the fatty degeneration were significantly different (P=0,000) between the treatment and control groups by ANOVA test. Pyknotik nuclei and necrotic cells showed significant differences between the control and treatment with the P value of 0,016 and 0,01 respetively. The injected white vitamin C in high doses for long periods decreased the physiological functions of female mice liver.
Penurunan Kualitas Sperma Tikus (Rattus novergivus) yang Diinjeksi Vitamin C Dosis Tinggi dalam Jangka Waktu Lama Ni Wayan Sudatri; Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti; Ni Made Suartini
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2019.v06.i01.p02


Benefits of white vitamin C to increace the immune system is already exis. However, the use of high doses of vitamin C and in the long term can cause side effects.. The objective of this study was to determine the side effects of high-dose injections of vitamin C in the long term on sperm quality of rats. The design used in this study is completely randomized design (CRD) with long treatment injections of high doses of vitamin C are different. ie: P0 (control), P1 (injected 30 days), P2 (injected 50 days ), P3 (injected 70 days) and P4 (injected 90 days). Parameters measured were sperm quality (motility, viability, morphology, number) ,. The results showed that the sperm quality of rats (Rattus novergivus). Sperm quality of male rats (Rattus norvegivus L.) were injected vitamin C in high doses for long periods of time between the control and treatment groups showed significant differences (P = 0.000). The quality of sperm of mice injected high doses of white vitamin C tend to decrease sperm quality indicated by percentage of motility, viability, and morphology of spermatozoa although the concentration of spermatozoa tends to increase. Keywords: white vitamin C, rat, sperm quality
Kualitas Spermatozoa Mencit yang Terpapar Radiasi Sinar-X Secara Berulang (SPERMATOZOA QUALITY OF MICE EXPOSED TO X-RAYS RADIATION IN REPEATED) Ni Wayan Sudatri; Ni Made Suartini; Anak Agung Sagung Alit Sukmaningsih; Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 16 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

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In radiology, X-ray has been used to diagnose disease and therapy. However, behind the technologybenefits provided by the radiation, the negative effects are often debated. The purpose of this study was toinvestigate the effects of repeated radiation on sperm quality mice (Mus musculus L). Thirty- two adultmale mice aged three months were divided into groups P1 (1x 200 rad), P2 (2x200 rad), P3 (3x200 rad) andcontrol irradiated with x-rays according to the experimental design . Spermatozoa quality parametersobserved were : number of spermatozoa, motility, viability and morphology of spermatozoa. The results ofthe Post Hoc LSD tests for significant differences (P>0.05) between the control and treatment showed thatthe X-ray radiation exposure to 1x200 rad, 2x200 rad, and 3x200 rad decreases the motility, viability,normal morphology and number spermatozoa produced compared with controls. This is caused by exposureto X-ray radiation causes the formation of free radicals in the body that damage sperm cells mice. Exposureto X-ray radiation repeatedly lowered the quality of spermatozoa of mice.
Keberadaan bakteri patogen pada sampel pangan jajanan anak sekolah dasar di Pulau Sapeken, Sumenep, Jawa Timur Ivani Dayanara; Retno Kawuri; Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 23 No 2 (2019): JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (762.33 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JBIOUNUD.2019.v23.i02.p04


School children snacks are food that is found and routinely consumed by children in the school environment.Good and healthy food must be free from hazardous and toxic materials, such as microbial contamination,chemicals and other materials. The consumed food must meet the microbial contamination requirementsbased on SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia) safety testing. Pathogenic bacteria still a serious problem invarious countries including Indonesia, since they are capable of causing foodborne diseases. Sapeken Islandis located in Sapeken Village, Sapeken District, Sumenep Regency, East Java Province. The purpose of thestudy was to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria in samples of snacks for school children onSapeken Island. The method used was the Most Probable Number (MPN) for Escherichia coli, Test Numberof Bacillus sp., Test Number of Staphyllococcus sp., Identification of Salmonella, and Total Plate Count(TPC). The test results obtained in the MPN of Escherichia coli included SD M (9.9 ± 3.8) MPN / g, SD 5(8.68 ± 2.73) MPN / g, SD IT (5.08 ± 0.66) MPN / g, and SD 4 (4.26 ± 2.44) MPN / g exceed the SNI limit.JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA 23(2): 60-71 P ISSN: 1410-5292 E ISSN: 2599-285661The results of JPT E. coli in snack empek-empek at SD I and SD 2, and JPT E. coli ojek in all elementaryschools is <3 MPN / g. The results of the empek-empek and ojek samples in all elementary schools for alltests with the parameter number Bacillus sp. is <1 x 103, the number of Staphylococcus sp. is <1 x 102,Salmonella identification is negative, TPC is <1 x 105 CFU / g. The conclusion of the study is snack forschool children (empek-empek) and ojek on Sapeken Island does not contain contamination of pathogenicbacteria Escherichia coli, Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Salmonella identification, and TPC, except forthe JPT E. coli test on empek empek in SD M, SD 5, SD IT and SD 4 that exceed SNI limits.
Number of spermatogenic cells and testes histology of mice (Mus musculus L.) after treated with different times and intervals of red calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meissn.) leaf extract Ni Made Estriana Pranadya; Iriani Setyawati; Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 23 No 1 (2019): JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (670.422 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JBIOUNUD.2019.v23.i01.p05


Tannin compounds in the form of tanic acid are known to inhibit the acrosine activity of spermatozoa and plasminogen activator, which is an antifertility mechanism. Red Calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meissn.) leaves have the potential to be developed as herbal medicines, but these leaves contain high condensed tannins, so research needs to be done to determine the effect of red kaliandra leaf extract on the reproduction of male mice.This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) in a factorial patern with four doses and three replications, i.e. control (NaCl 0,9%), doses of red caliandra leaf extract of 2, 4 and 6 mg/kg body weight and time interval of 7, 14 and 21 days. The testes organ were taken and processed histologically by Paraffin Methods and Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Parameters observed were the amount of spermatogonia, spermatocyte and spermatid cells of male mice. A directly calculation method was done by observed the cells of tubulus seminiferous histology for each treatment used a microscope camera and Image Raster software (Optilab). The data were analyzed with One Way Anova and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Calliandra calothyrsus leaf extract with different doses and time intervals decreased the amount of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids cells in the testes tubulus seminiferous of male mice, the arrangement of spermatogenic cells are increasingly irregular and the lumen were not full filled with spermatozoa cells.
MORPHOLOGY AND SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT OF RAT (Rattus norvegicus) FETUS AFTER FED DIETS CONTAINING Calliandra calothyrsus LEAF DURING GESTATION PERIOD Ruth Ellisa Christiani; Iriani Setyawati; Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 20 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Biologi
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

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This study aims to determine fetus morphology and skeleton development of rats after feddiet containingCalliandra leaf flour. This study used a completely randomized design with 16 pregnant rats that were dividedinto four treatment groups i.e. 0, 10, 17.5 and 25% of Calliandra leaf flour. The diets were given 20 g/rat/dayeach, twice a day, for 30 days (7 days of diet adaptation, 21 days of gestation period, and one day after birth).One day after the birth, all fetuses were separated from their mother for further preparation and analysis. Thedata were analyzed statistically by using SPSS 22 version. If they were distributed normally, the data would beanalyzed usingOneway ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) to see the difference among the groups.Diets containing Calliandra leaf flour fed on pregnant rats decreased weight and length of fetuses and increasedfetus hemorrhage. However, it did not cause dead fetus or decreased the number of life fetuses. Diets containingCalliandra leaf flourfed to pregnant rats did not affect the ossification of vertebrae, costae and sternebrae. However,it inhibited ossification of metacarpus, metatarsus and vertebrae caudalis.