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Changes in Congregational Prayer Practices During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Aceh from Maqashid al-Sharia Perspective Salman Abdul Muthalib; Tarmizi M. Jakfar; Muhammad Maulana; Lukman Hakim
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/al-lhkam.v16i2.5250


Covid-19 has changed the habits of almost all activities of human life, including religious matters. The worship practices have also changed, such as performing prayers at home, keeping distant rows, and wearing masks. This paper is empirical legal research that seeks to examine the living law in the Aceh society with a maqashid shari’a perpective during a pandemic. The data collection techniques were interview, observation, and document study. It concludes that the government policies, including the 2020 Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), the 2021 Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), fatwas of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and Tausiyah of Acehnese Ulema regulating and calling for restrictions on religious activities are rules with benefit values and in accordance with the principle of maqasid al-shari'a. Despite some people's rejection, the policies are, in fact, based on maqasid al-shari'a, namely protecting the life (hifz al-nafs) so that people will not get infected by the virus. Moreover, public safety is the highest law purpose to maintain. The policies also prove the state's role through the rule when conditions endanger the community in addition to avoiding harms as a part of Islamic law orders. (Covid-19 telah mengubah kebiasaan hampir seluruh aktivitas kehidupan manusia, mulai dari ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pendidikan bahkan agama. Pada aspek agama aktivitas ibadah juga mengalami perubahan misalnya himbauan shalat di rumah, menjaga jarak saf dan memakai masker. Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris yang berupaya menelaah hukum sebagaimana yang terjadi dalam realitas masyarakat dengan pendekatan hukum Islam saat pandemi. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalah wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada awalnya himbauan sebagai pemerintah tidak secara menyeluruh diikuti oleh masyarakat karena setiap daerah berbeda tingkat penularan dan kondisi covid terjadi. Setelah aturan PPKM 2021 diterapkan hal ini relatif teratur termasuk di Aceh karena dibedakan empat level dan berdasarkan tingkat penularan dan korban yaitu, merah, orange, kuning dan hijau. Kebijakan pemerintah agar tidak salat jamaah di masjid pada saat kondisi penularannya tinggi sebenarnya mengacu pada konsep maqashid syari’ah yaitu menjaga jiwa (hifz al-nafs) agar masyarakat tidak tertular virus. Meskipun sebagian masyarakat khusus daerah atau kabupaten yang tingkat penularannya rendah menganggap bahwa shalat berjamaah di masjid tetap harus dilakukan dengan pertimbangan menjaga agama (hifz al-din) sesuai protokol kesehatan. Namun patut dicatat kebijakan pemerintah tersebut mengandung kemaslahatan yang bertujuan untuk menghindari kemudharatan dan menolak bahaya sebagaimana disebutkan dalam kaidah fikih. Sehingga menghindarkan diri dari kemudharatan dan taat kepada pemerintah juga merupakan perintah syariat Islam.)
Konstruksi Teologis dalam Hadih Maja Lukman Hakim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 15, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v15i1.4881


Hadih Maja is an oral literature is the source of value in the lives of the  people of Aceh. The content itself hadih maja has a diverse range of values such  as the value of law, education, philosophy, ethics and theology. Lately hadih maja is oriented in the realm of law and social issues alone. It makes some of the  content of the hadih maja as neglected as the theological side. This paper  examines some of the central issues in the study of such concepts qadha kalam  and Qadar, rational reasoning and work ethic. In problem qadha and levels found  construction theological built in Acehnese society is the existence of an  understanding of kalam very balanced between the recognition of the absoluteness  of God and human freedom in realizing his actions. In the field of rational  reasoning, always taught the use of the maximum reasonable minds before doing  an action. Intellect is positioned as a tool to be able to measure the goodness and  badness of a deed. While the work ethic has always taught about the spirit and  optimism in life. This is the picture that proclaimed theological learning in hadih  maja. This of course is a decent value in the lives of the Acehnese appreciated
Mengenal Pemikiran Islam Liberal Lukmanul Hakim; Mohd Nasir Omar
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 14, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v14i1.4837


The Islamic liberal thought is a new school in Islamic thought that comes up to respond the current image of Islam associated with violence, radicalism, and terrorism. However, with the flexibility approach on Islamic normative position the new emerging school of thought to face against Islamic traditionalist or fundamentalist group. It raises pro and con arguments on the liberal thought. Put the debate alone, this article is not aimed to stand on one side to the other rather than to describe the Islamic liberal thought academically and object. The discussion covers the definition, aim, and epistemology of Islamic liberal. The urgency of this study is reflected through assumption of observers on Islamic thought who go with or against the presence of Islamic liberal thought without posing well understanding about the basic concept of the thought.
Nilai-Nilai Transformasi Sosial Dalam Pemikiran Teologi Muhammad Fethullah Gulen Lukman Hakim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 18, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v18i1.3030


Theological study has focused more on the theoretical and conceptual aspects. Thus, it is unable to answer various problems faced by the ummah and is unable to actualize social transformation. This paper aims to learn the values of social transformation in the theological thoughts of Muhammad Fethullah Gulen. The study findings revealed some values in the social transformation of his theological thoughts. First, He places human beings as an activator agent and viewed as a dynamic figure who embodies the role of social transformation. Second, a theological construct that puts human freedom and God's will in balance. This theology model provides an opportunity for humans to determine their own transformation but still accept God as the one who determines the results. Third, the notion of work ethic. Gulen suggests that to establish a social transformation, Muslims should be passionate, determinant, patient, aspirated, and courageous to spread goodness in the community. He offered this theological idea to encourage human beings to achieve a social transformation for future better and dignified Islam.
Quo Vadis Pengembangan Keilmuan UIN: Sekularisasi atau Quranisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan Lukman Hakim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 14, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v14i1.4915


Abstract: The conversion of State Islamic Institute to State Islamic University triggers  debate among intellectuals. Supporters of the conversion see the effort a way to islamize  knowledge. While the opponents see it differently, the conversion would secularize  knowledge. Starting from this point, this article closely studies the efforts of the Islamic  University in developing the knowledge, would it be directed to either secularization or  islamization one? To respond the question, this article offers as well as formulates the  blueprint of modified knowledge development at the Islamic University that is based on the  Quran. The blueprint is formulated through three main stages. Firstly, it positions Tauhid to be the foundation of the knowledge. Secondly, it formulates integrating curriculum that is  based on Islamic knowledge and sciences. Lastly, it revitalizes the value of practicality into  Islamic knowledge. The modified blueprint is expected to strengthen Islamic science that is  based on the true Tauhid. At the same time, it offers responsibility in responding the future  challenges.Abstrak: Transformasi status Institut Agama Islam Negeri menjadi Universitas Islam  Negeri memunculkan pro dan kontra di kalangan intelektual. Intelektual yang pro dengan  optimis memandang perubahan ini sebagai peluang islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan.  Sedangkan kalangan yang kontra menilainya sebagai bagian dari upaya sekularisasi ilmu- ilmu keislaman. Berangkat dari pertentangan pendapat di atas maka makalah ini ingin  mencermati ke mana arah pengembangan keilmuan UIN ini hendak dibawa? Apakah ia  akan mengarah kepada sekularisasi ilmu pengetahuan atau sebaliknya akan terjadi  qur‟anisasi ilmu pengetahuan? Untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas maka tulisan ini  menarwarkan sekaligus memformulasikan rekayasa blue print pengembangan keilmuan  UIN yang berbasis qur‟ani. Perancangan ini diformulasikan dalam tiga tahapan utama;  meletakkan landasan keilmuan berbasis tauhid, memformulasikan kurikulum yang  mengintergrasikan ilmu-ilmu keislaman dengan ilmu-ilmu umum, dan merevitalisasikan  nilai-nilai praktis dalam pengembangan ilmu-ilmu keislaman. Rekayasa blueprint ini  diharapkan menjadi formula penguatan sains Islam ke depan dengan landasan tauhid yang  benar sekaligus memiliki responsibilitas dalam menjawab tantangan masa depan.
Napak Tilas Warisan Sufi Persia di Nusantara Lukman Hakim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 17, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v17i1.4103


No one denies that the Persians have a unique culture and a brilliant intellectualism that becomes the center of the glorious history of human civilization. Persian triumph has influenced widely not only through the entire Islamic region in the world but also to the archipelago. One of the most prominent Persian influences in the development of Islamic teaching in archipelago is mystical ideas which derived from the Persian Sufi tradition. One of a growing pattern sufism in Indonesia which is typical of Persian is the concept of Wahdat al-wujud, ittihat and hulul. These three concepts put forward about the unification of the Creator (Khaliq) to the creature (Makhluk) who allegedly have links with faith communities Zoroasterian believed by pre-Islamic Persian. Finally, the Islamic civilization which flourished in Indonesia is a the combination of Islamic teachings and the spirit of the Persian spiritualism. This synthesis has led to a unique form and model of Islam that also raises a dynamic and controversial Sufi thought in the archipelago  (Indonesia)
Metode Penelitian Hadist Musykil Lukmanul Hakim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 13, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v13i2.4818


Abstruse hadith is caused by several things, such as the content difficult to know or to prove by the conventional sense, the contradiction with the other hadith, even with the Koran. Although this kind of hadith is abstruse, in terms of quality of it is very strong, so it should be adopted as a hadith. Hadith scholars, to some extent, address the investigation, either through the understanding of the text, as well as tighten sanad validity. This article, is trying to investigate how the techniques introduced scholars of hadith, in particular, the abstruse, as well as methods of understanding it.
Pemikiran Islam Modern Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Makhfira Nuryanti; Lukman Hakim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 22, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v22i1.5531


Al-Attas is one of the figures whose ideas continue to be the current discussion and reference in highlighting Islam as a worldview in this contemporary time. Broadly speaking, the underlying thought of al-Attas is about the condition of the decline of Muslims in various living systems, especially in the educational sector and the development of science. In his works, al-Attas is generally focus on the idea of restoring the value of Islam as a worldview (re-actualization of Islamic teachings), carrying the independence of Islam from the dependency on the  Western civilization (westernization) and from the idea of de-secularization. This is an effort to integrate Islamic science and restore the harmony between Islam and science.  Therefore, al-Attas offers several renewal concepts such as: First, the Islamization of science, that is the process of deconstruction of Western science and then reconstruct into the Islamic knowledge system. Second, the concept of Islamic education that aims to create a perfect human being, a person who is aware of their individuality and relationship with God, society, and nature. Both are the embodiments of the re-actualization of the rise of Islamic civilization.Abstrak: Al-Attas adalah salah satu tokoh yang pemikirannya terus menjadi perbincangan dan acuan dalam menyoroti Islam sebagai pandangan dunia di era kontemporer ini. Secara garis besar, yang melandasi pemikiran al-Attas adalah situasi kemunduran umat Islam dalam berbagai sistem kehidupan, terutama dalam dunia pendidikan dan perkembangan ilmu  pengetahuan. Maka dari itu, memang dalam karya-karyanya, al-Attas secara umum memfokuskan pemikirannya dalam mengembalikan nilai Islam sebagai pandangan dunia (reaktualisasi ajaran Islam), mengusung kemandirian Islam dari jeratan peradaban Barat (dewesternisasi) dan gagasan desekularisasi, suatu upaya mengintegrasikan ilmu-ilmu keislaman, mengembalikan keharmonisan antara agama (Islam) dengan sains. Untuk itu, al-Attas menawarkan beberapa konsep pembaharuan, seperti islamisasi ilmu yang merupakan proses dekonstruksi terhadap ilmu pengetahuan Barat untuk kemudian direkonstruksi ke dalam sistem pengetahuan Islam, dan konsep pendidikan Islam yang bertujuan menciptakan manusia paripurna, yaitu manusia yang sadar akan individualitasnya dan hubungannya yang tepat dengan Tuhan, masyarakat, dan alam. Keduanya adalah perwujudan dari reaktualisasi kebangkitan peradaban Islam.
Deradikalisasi Pemahaman Keagamaan di Indonesia (Mempertimbangkan Wacana Islam Moderat dan Islam Nusantara) Lukman Hakim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 23, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v23i1.8967


Islam normatively teaches harmony and peace, in reality, religious understanding is not always synonymous with coherence. So far, there have been various radical religious understandings that have worsened the image of Islam.  Furthermore, several discourses on Islamic understanding emerged as an effort to reduce radical Islamic understanding. This article seeks to discuss the de-radicalization of religious understanding in Indonesia that is offered through the discourse of moderate Islam and Nusantara Islam. To elaborate on these two discourses, this article conducts a literature review using the discourse analysis method.  In conclusion, Moderate Islam is understood as an intermediate Islamic understanding that lies between two extremes, fundamentalism and liberalism. Meanwhile, Islam Nusantara is an interpretation of the understanding of Islam based on Indonesian culture and locality, such as being tolerant, polite, friendly in a diverse frame. These two discourses are theoretically quite important as an effort to radicalize religious understanding, but at the practical level these two discourses are difficult to accept among socio-religious groups that are vulnerable to radicalism
Kesadaran Ekologi dalam Al-Qur'an: Studi Penafsiran Al-Razi pada QS. Al-Rum (30): 41 Lukman Hakim; Munawir Munawir
TAFSE: Journal of Qur'anic Studies Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.719 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/tafse.v5i2.9065


The environment is God's gift to mankind on earth. In order to use natural resources and increase public welfare, such as the 1945 Constitution has provided for in achieving the happiness of life. However, directly or indirectly, human activities have caused environmental damage. This article examines environmental damage in the Koran by looking at the interpretation of Fakhruddin al-Razi in QS. al-Rum (30): 41. This study is of a qualitative type, literature, and will carry out a search of al-Razi's interpretation of the QS. al-Rum (30): 41. This article finds that, first, the meaning of damage is indicated by the word al-fasad, al-Razi argues that what is meant by all the damage caused by human hands is the result of human shirk. Second, the relevance of al-Razi's interpretation of the phenomenon of environmental damage in Indonesia due to hurricanes, damage to green land, higher salinity and acidity of seawater, and damage to water sources in urban areas. Lingkungan hidup ialah karunia Tuhan bagi umat manuia dimuka bumi. Dalam rangka menggunakan sumber daya alam dan menaikkan kesejahteraan umum seperti yang telah dimanahkan UUD 1945 dalam menggapai pencapaian kebahagian hidup. Akan tetapi, secara langsung maupun tidak, aktivitas manusia telah banyak menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan. Artikel ini mengkaji kerusakan lingkungan dalam al-Quran dengan melihat penafsiran Fakhruddin al-Razi dalam QS. al-Rum (30): 41. Kajian ini berjenis kualitatif dengan melakukan penelusuran terhadap penafsiran al-Razi atas ayat tersebut. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa, pertama, makna kerusakan ditunjukkan oleh kata al-fasad, al-Razi berpendapat bahwa yang dimaksud dengan segala kerusakan yang terjadi sebab ulah tangan manusia adalah akibat kesyirikan manusia. Kedua, relevansi penafsiran al-Razi terhadap fenomena kerusakan lingkungan di Indonesia diakibat oleh angin topan, rusaknya lahan hijau, keasinan dan keasaman air laut semakin tinggi, dan rusaknya sumber air di area perkotaan.