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Penentuan Upah Minimum Kota Berdasarkan Tingkat Inflasi Menggunakan Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) Yohannes, Ervin; Mahmudy, Wayan Firdaus; Rahmi, Asyrofa
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (913.176 KB)


Upah Minimum Kota (UMK) adalah sebuah standardisasi upah atau gaji karyawan atau pegawai untuk diterapkan diperusahaan baik itu BUMN, BUMS, maupun perusahaan lain yang berskala besar. Faktor yang mempengaruhi UMK sangat banyak dan beragam salah satunya adalah rata-rata inflasi pengeluaran dimana terdapat 8 kategori yang dipakai. Tulisan ini memaparkan penggunaan Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) untuk memprediksi besarnya UMK. Pada tahap uji coba data dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu data latih dan data uji, dimana data latih digunakan untuk mencari jumlah iterasi, jumlah hidden layer, dan nilai learning rate yang optimal. Pengujian data latih memberikan hasil yakni jumlah iterasi optimal diperoleh pada saat iterasi 80, sedangkan untuk jumlah hidden layer yang optimal adalah sebanyak satu hidden layer dan untuk nilai learning rate optimal yakni pada saat bernilai 0.8. Semua variabel yang diperoleh dikatakan optimal karena memiliki rata-rata MSE paling kecil dibandingkan dengan data lainnya. Hasil yang diperoleh saat data uji dengan menggunakan iterasi, jumlah hidden layer, dan nilai learning rate yang optimal didapatkan hasil MSE sebesar 0.07280534710552478.
Penilaian Prestasi Kinerja Pegawai Menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto Hadi, Hilman Nuril; Mahmudy, Wayan Firdaus
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

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Pengukuran kinerja pegawai pada suatu perusahaan merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk evaluasi dan perencanaan perusahaan di masa datang. Setiap perusahaan  mempunyai  cara  yang  berbeda  dalam  melakukan  penilaian  kinerja  pegawai. Penilaian  kinerja harus dilakukan  dengan metode yang baik dan tepat sehingga dapat menjamin perlakuan yang adil serta memuaskan bagi para pegawai yang dinilai. Hal ini dapat menumbuhkan loyalitas dan semangat kerja pegawai. Pada makalah ini dibahas pembuatan sistem penilaian kinerja pegawai menggunakan Sistem Inferensi Fuzzy Tsukamoto. Parameter yang digunakan untuk batasan fungsi keanggotaan fuzzy berdasarkan pendapat pakar yaitu tanggung jawab, kedisiplinan dan faktor pengurang. Akurasi sistem dihitung dengan membandingkan keluaran sistem dengan penilaian pakar. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dibangun menghasilkan akurasi 84%.
Implementation of Evolution Strategies (ES) Algorithm to Optimization Lovebird Feed Composition Rizki, Agung Mustika; Mahmudy, Wayan Firdaus; Yuliastuti, Gusti Eka
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 4, No 1 (2017): May 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v4i1.9003


Lovebird current society, especially popular among bird lovers. Some people began to try to develop the cultivation of these birds. In the cultivation process to consider the composition of feed to produce a quality bird. Determining the feed is not easy because it must consider the cost and need for vitamin Lovebird. This problem can be solved by the algorithm Evolution Strategies (ES). Based on test results obtained optimal fitness value of 0.3125 using a population size of 100 and optimal fitness value of 0.3267 in the generation of 1400. 
Penanganan Fuzzy Time Window pada Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) dengan Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Yuliastuti, Gusti Eka; Mahmudy, Wayan Firdaus; Rizki, Agung Mustika
MATICS Vol 9, No 1 (2017): MATICS
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (725.243 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/mat.v9i1.4072


The route of the travel tour packages offered by travel agents is not considered optimum, so the level of satisfaction the tourist is not maximal. Selection of the route of the travel packages included in the traveling salesman problem (TSP). The problem that occurs is uncertain tourists visiting destinations at the best destinations timing hereinafter be referred to as the fuzzy time window problem. Therefore, the authors apply the genetic algorithm to solve the problem. Based on test results obtained optimum solution with the fitness value of 1.3291, a population size of 100, the number of generations of 1000, a combination of CR=0,4 and MR=0.6.
Mengukur Performa Model TSK Fuzzy Logic Menggunakan Faktor Eksternal untuk Peramalan Laju Inflasi Sari, Nadia Roosmalita; Mahmudy, Wayan Firdaus; Wibawa, Aji Prasetya
MATICS Vol 9, No 1 (2017): MATICS
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1103.249 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/mat.v9i1.3932


Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan salah satu tolak ukur menilai perkembangan ekonomi negara. Inflasi merupakan kecenderungan naiknya harga barang secara umum dan terjadi terus-menerus. Sehingga inflasi dapat dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur untuk menilai perkembangan suatu negara. Inflasi merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sering menjadi topik pembahasan di kalangan pakar ekonomi. Inflasi dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, misalnya pola konsumtif masyarakat yang tinggi. Perekonomian Indonesia akan menurun jika inflasi tidak dikendalikan dengan baik. Untuk mengendalikan laju inflasi dibutuhkan sebuah peramalan terhadap laju inflasi di Indonesia. Hasil peramalan digunakan sebagai informasi bagi pemerintah untuk menyiapkan kebijakan agar laju inflasi tetap dalam keadaan stabil. Penelitian ini mengusulkan Takaghi Sugeno Kang (TSK) fuzzy logic untuk peramalan laju inflasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur performa sistem dengan menggunakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laju inflasi. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data historis dan faktor eksternal sebagai parameter. Untuk mengevaluasi hasil peramalan digunakan teknik analisis Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan parameter time series dan faktor eksternal CPI memiliki performa sistem yang lebih baik dibandingkan faktor-faktor lain dengan RMSE sebesar 1.328.
Optimization Improved K-Means on Centroid Initialization process using Particle Swarm Optimization for Tsunami Prone Area Groupings Santika, Gayatri Dwi; Sari, Nadia Roosmalita; S, M Zaki; Mahmudy, Wayan Firdaus
MATICS Vol 10, No 1 (2018): MATICS
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.109 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/mat.v10i1.3836


Tsunami is a high wave caused by tectonic earthquakes, volcanic eruption or landslides in the ocean.  Indonesia is one of the countries that has thousands of islands. Lots of towns is a city on the banks or waterfront city. Indonesia becomes Tsunami prone areas. Tsunami can affect damage in various sectors, namely land degradation and infrastructure, environmental damage, fatalities, even the psychological impact on the victims themselves. Therefore, it takes a clustering of tsunami-prone areas. The result of clustering can give information to the public to remain alert to the danger of the tsunami. Also, clustering of the tsunami can be used by a government to prepare policies in overcoming the danger of the tsunami. Improved K-Means is an approach that proposed in this study to clustering the tsunami prone areas. In selecting the initial centroid must be done properly to produce a high accuracy. We proposed a method to determine the initial centroid appropriately, so that can increase the accuracy. The proposed method is Particle Swam Optimization (PSO). This study also uses comparison methods, such as K-Means, K-Means Improved, and K-Means Improved PSO. This study uses silhouette coefficient to test the accuracy of the system. The result showed that the proposed method has higher accuracy than the comparison method. Silhouette coefficient generated at 0.99924223 with smaller computing time
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 4, No 1 (2017): May 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v4i1.9003


Lovebird current society, especially popular among bird lovers. Some people began to try to develop the cultivation of these birds. In the cultivation process to consider the composition of feed to produce a quality bird. Determining the feed is not easy because it must consider the cost and need for vitamin Lovebird. This problem can be solved by the algorithm Evolution Strategies (ES). Based on test results obtained optimal fitness value of 0.3125 using a population size of 100 and optimal fitness value of 0.3267 in the generation of 1400.
Implementation of Evolution Strategies (ES) Algorithm to Optimization Lovebird Feed Composition Rizki, Agung Mustika; Mahmudy, Wayan Firdaus; Yuliastuti, Gusti Eka
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 4, No 1 (2017): May 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v4i1.9003


Lovebird current society, especially popular among bird lovers. Some people began to try to develop the cultivation of these birds. In the cultivation process to consider the composition of feed to produce a quality bird. Determining the feed is not easy because it must consider the cost and need for vitamin Lovebird. This problem can be solved by the algorithm Evolution Strategies (ES). Based on test results obtained optimal fitness value of 0.3125 using a population size of 100 and optimal fitness value of 0.3267 in the generation of 1400. 
Chicken feed optimization using evolution strategies and firefly algorithm Andreas Nugroho Sihananto; M. Shochibul Burhan; Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 9, No 1: February 2019
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (725.99 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v9i1.pp585-592


Mixing broiler chicken and layer hens feed using various feed ingredients is a difficult task. The feed must fulfill the minimum nutrient requirement and must break the constraint. Some classic approach like Pearson’s Square has been already introduced to solve this problem. However, the approaches cannot guarantee to fulfill nutrient requirements and desirable price. The two metaheuristic algorithms Evolution Strategies (ES) and Firefly Algorithms (FA) are being proposed in this paper to know how well they performed this problems. Result show that ES is perform much better compared to classic Pearson’s Square, but ES itself is outperform by FA on both cases.
Rule Optimization of Fuzzy Inference System Sugeno using Evolution Strategy for Electricity Consumption Forecasting Gayatri Dwi Santika; Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy; Agus Naba
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 7, No 4: August 2017
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (849.029 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v7i4.pp2241-2252


The need for accurate load forecasts will increase in the future because of the dramatic changes occurring in the electricity consumption. Sugeno fuzzy inference system (FIS) can be used for short-term load forecasting. However, challenges in the electrical load forecasting are the data used the data trend. Therefore, it is difficult to develop appropriate fuzzy rules for Sugeno FIS. This paper proposes Evolution Strategy method to determine appropriate rules for Sugeno FIS that have minimum forecasting error. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is used to evaluate the goodness of the forecasting result. The numerical experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed optimized Sugeno FIS for several test-case problems. The optimized Sugeno FIS produce lower RMSE comparable to those achieved by other well-known method in the literature.
Co-Authors A.N. Afandi Abdul Latief Abadi Achmad Arwan Achmad Basuki Achmad Ridok Adyan Nur Alfiyatin Adyan Nur Alfiyatin Agung Mustika Rizki Agung Mustika Rizki Agung Mustika Rizki Agung Mustika Rizki, Agung Mustika Agung Setia Budi Agus Naba Agus Wahyu Widodo Agus Wahyu Widodo Ahmad Afif Supianto Ahmad Afif Supianto Ahmad Afif Supianto Aji Prasetya Wibawa Alfiani Fitri Alfita Rakhmandasari Amalia Kartika Ariyani Amalia Kartika Ariyani Amalia Kartika Ariyani Anam, Syaiful Anantha Yullian Sukmadewa Andi Hamdianah Andi Maulidinnawati A K Parewe Andi Maulidinnawati A. K. Parewe Andreas Nugroho Sihananto Andreas Pardede Andreas Patuan G. Pardede Angga Vidianto Aprilia Nur Fauziyah Aprilia Nur Fauziyah Arief Andy Soebroto Arinda Hapsari Achnas Arviananda Bahtiar Asyrofa Rahmi Asyrofa Rahmi Asyrofa Rahmi Asyrofa Rahmi Asyrofa Rahmi, Asyrofa Bagus Priambodo Bagus Priambodo Bayu Rahayudi Binti Robiyatul Musanah Buce Trias Hanggara Budi Darma Setiawan Candra Dewi Candra Fajri Ananda Cleoputri Yusainy Dea Widya Hutami Diah Anggraeni Pitaloka Dinda Novitasari Diny Melsye Nurul Fajri Dita Sundarningsih Diva Kurnianingtyas Durrotul Fakhiroh Dyan Putri Mahardika Edy Santoso Edy Santoso Eko Widaryanto Elta Sonalitha Ervin Yohannes Ervin Yohannes, Ervin Evi Nur Azizah Fais Al Huda Faiz Alqorni Farid Jauhari Fatchurrochman Fatchurrochman Fatwa Ramdani, Fatwa Fauziatul Munawaroh Fendy Yulianto Fita Lathifatul Mu’asyaroh Fitra A. Bachtiar Fitra A. Bachtiar Fitri Anggarsari Fitria Dwi Nurhayati Garsinia Ely Riani Gayatri Dwi Santika Ghenniy Rachmansyah Ghozali Maski Grady Davinsyah Gusti Ahmad Fanshuri Alfarisy Gusti Ahmad Fanshuri Alfarisy Gusti Eka Yuliastuti Hafidz Ubaidillah Herman Tolle Herman Tolle Hilman Nuril Hadi Ida Wahyuni Imada Nur Afifah Imam Cholisoddin Imam Cholissodin Imam Cholissodin Indriati Indriati Irvi Oktanisa Irvi Oktanisa Ishardita Pambudi Tama Ismiarta Aknuranda Kuncahyo Setyo Nugroho Kuncahyo Setyo Nugroho Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Luthfi Hidayat M Chandra Cahyo Utomo M Shochibul Burhan M. Chandra Cahyo Utomo M. Shochibul Burhan M. Zainal Arifin M.Shochibul Burhan Mabafasa Al Khuluqi Mar'i, Farhanna Marji Marji Mayang Anglingsari Putri Mochammad Anshori Moh. Zoqi Sarwani Mohammad Zoqi Sarwani Mohammad Zoqi Sarwani Mohammad Zoqi Sarwani Muh Arif Rahman Muh. Arif Rahman Muhaimin Rifa’i Muhammad Ardhian Megatama Muhammad Faris Mas'ud Muhammad Halim Natsir Muhammad Isradi Azhar Muhammad Khaerul Ardi Muhammad Noor Taufiq Muhammad Rivai Muhammad Rofiq Mukhammad Wildan Alauddin Nadia Roosmalita Sari Nadia Roosmalita Sari Nadia Roosmalita Sari Nadya Oktavia Rahardiani Nashi Widodo Nindynar Rikatsih Nindynar Rikatsih Novi Nur Putriwijaya Nurizal Dwi Priandani Philip Faster Eka Adipraja Prayudi Lestantyo Purnomo Budi Santoso Putra, Firnanda Al Islama Achyunda Putu Bagus Arya Putu Indah Ciptayani Qoirul Kotimah Rafiuddin Rody Rani Kurnia Rayandra Yala Pratama Reiza Adi Cahya Retno Dewi Anissa Ria Febriyana Rifki Setya Armanda Rinda Wahyuni Rizal Setya Perdana Rizdania Dermawi Rizka Suhana Rizki Ramadhan Ruth Ema Febrita Ryan Iriany S, M Zaki Samaher . Santika, Gayatri Dwi Saragih, Triando Hamonangan Sari, Nadia Roosmalita Sari, Nadia Roosmalita Selly Kurnia Sari Sudarto Sudarto Sutrisno . Sutrisno Sutrisno Syafrial Syafrial Syafrial Syafrial Syandri, Hafrijal Tirana Noor Fatyanosa Titiek Yulianti Titiek Yulianti Titiek Yulianti Tomi Yahya Christyawan Tri Halomoan Simanjuntak Ullump Pratiwi Utaminingrum, Fitri Vitara Nindya Putri Hasan Vivi Nur Wijayaningrum Vivi Nur Wijayaningrum Wahyuni, Ida Widdia Lesmawati Windi Artha Setyowati Yeni Herawati Yogi Pinanda Yogie Susdyastama Putra Yudha Alif Aulia Yudha Alif Auliya Yulia Trianandi Yusuf Priyo Anggodo Yusuf Priyo Anggodo Yusuf Priyo Anggodo Yusuf Priyo Anggodo