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Journal : Vidya Karya

Vidya Karya Vol 37, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : FKIP ULM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (131.266 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jvk.v37i1.12691


Teaching and learning activities changed during a pandemic, namely distance learning that utilized online learning. Teaching and learning activities involve technology in packaging the material to be taught to students. One of which uses a digital module. This study describes the effect of using CLDW based digital modules on the fungi concept on students' generic science skills and responses. This study uses a quasi-experimental approach with The Non-Equivalent Control Group Design, with the research sample being class X students at SMAN 7 Banjarmasin. Analyzing data on generic science skills used the N-Gain Score test and obtained an N-gain Score of 56,72%. Based on this study's results, there is an effect of applying the CLDW digital module to students' generic science skills. Suggestions for this research, student participation and response in online learning are less than optimal. It is necessary to make habituation and active participation between teachers and students to overcome this.Keywords: CLDW; Digital Module; Fungi; Independent Learning; Science Generic SkillsSelama pandemi COVID-19, kegiatan belajar mengajar mengalami perubahan yaitu penerapan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) yang memanfaatkan pembelajaran online. Kegiatan belajar mengajar melibatkan teknologi dalam mengemas materi yang akan diajarkan kepada siswa. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan modul digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji keefektifan penggunaan modul digital berbasis CLDW pada konsep jamur terhadap keterampilan generik sains siswa dan respon siswa saat menggunakan modul yang terintegrasi dengan CLDW. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan the non-equivalent control group design dengan sampel penelitian sebesar 38 siswa kelas X MIPA 1 dan X MIPA 4 di SMAN 7 Banjarmasin. Teknik analisis data keterampilan generik sains menggunakan tes N-Gain Score dan memperoleh hasil nilai N-Gain Score 56,72%, sedangkan respon siswa dianalisis secara deskripstif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penerapan modul digital CLDW terhadap keterampilan generik sains siswa. siswa respon siswa selama penggunaan modul yang terintegrasi pada CLDW berada pada kategori setuju. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka diperlukan pembiasaan dan partisipasi aktif siswa.Kata Kunci:  CLDW; Modul Digital; Jamur; Belajar Mandiri; Keterampilan Generik Sains
Vidya Karya Vol 37, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : FKIP ULM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jvk.v37i2.14161


Vertebrate Animals sub-concept learning involves the characteristics of vertebrates in each class and requires learning materials to overcome students' difficulties. Digital handouts are one of the teaching materials made to facilitate the delivery of material during the learning process, which includes teaching materials, questions, and independent practical instructions that can be used for online and offline learning. This research method uses a quasi-experimental or quasi-experiment to test the effect of using digital handouts on learning outcomes and student responses to the Vertebrate Animal sub-concept. The sampling of this research was carried out by random sampling technique in class X SMAN 4 Banjarmasin, which later became the research sample of 48 students in the experimental class (X MIPA 1) and the control class (X MIPA 2). The learning outcomes data were tested with the SPSS 21 program using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, while the student responses were analyzed descriptively. The research results, namely, student learning outcomes, indicate that the use of digital handouts affects learning outcomes with the Asymp value. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000<0.05. In addition, students' responses to the use of digital handouts received a positive response in classroom learning with an average of 80.57%, which included the category of strongly agree.Pembelajaran sub konsep Hewan Vertebrata melibatkan ciri karakteristik vertebrata pada setiap kelasnya dan memerlukan bahan pembelajaran untuk mengatasi kesulitan peserta didik. Handout digital merupakan salah satu bahan ajar yang dibuat untuk dapat mempermudah penyampaian materi pada saat proses pembelajaran yang memuat materi bahan ajar, soal-soal, dan petunjuk praktikum mandiri yang dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran secara daring maupun luring. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu atau Quasi Experimen dengan tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan handout digital terhadap hasil belajar dan respon peserta didik pada sub konsep Hewan Vertebrata. Pengambilan sampel penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling di kelas X SMAN 4 Banjarmasin yang kemudian menjadi sampel penelitian sebesar 48 peserta didik kelas eksperimen (X MIPA 1) dan kelas kontrol (X MIPA 2). Data hasil belajar diuji dengan program SPSS 21 menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, sedangkan respon peserta didik dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu hasil belajar peserta didik menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan handout digital berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar dengan nilai Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0.000<0,05. Selain itu, respon peserta didik terhadap penggunaan handout digital mendapatkan respon yang positif dalam pembelajaran di kelas dengan rata-rata 80,57% yang termasuk kategori sangat setuju.
Profile of Science Generic Skills in Biology Learning Materials for Students in Class X Muhammad Zainal Abidin; Nurul Hidayati Utami
Vidya Karya Vol 38, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : FKIP ULM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jvk.v38i1.16107


Generic Science Skills (GSS) are the ability to think and act based on the knowledge possessed by individuals. Every human being has generic science skills that need to be developed along with the development of the human brain. This is because generic science skills can be developed in accordance with the development of the level of human thinking. After the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities experienced changes in the learning process. This resulted in learning originally carried out in the network (online) turning into offline learning (offline). Biology is a science that allows students to discover for themselves the concepts and facts contained in the biology material. Finding concepts in biology requires direct observation of biological objects. This study aimed to describe generic science skills among class X students at SMAN 1 Daha Utara. The research was conducted using a descriptive method. The description of students' generic science skills was obtained from filling out the questionnaire distributed to students. The generic science skills questionnaire used uses aspects that refer to Brotosiswoyo in 2001, which contain direct observation, indirect observation, awareness of scales, symbolic language, a framework of mind obeying the principles of natural law, logical inference, the law of cause and effect, mathematical modeling, and building the concept. This study took the population of all class X students of SMAN 1 Daha Utara. The sample for this study took 98 students randomly from six classes, namely classes X1-X6. This study uses data analysis techniques that are carried out by categorizing test results based on low, medium, and high categories. Based on the results of this study, it appears that students' generic science skills are included in the high category.