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Profil Penggunaan Obat pada Pasien COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Ulin Banjarmasin Herda Ariyani; Sri Fitriani; Siti Rahmah
Jurnal Pharmascience Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pharmascience
Publisher : Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jps.v8i2.11144


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV -2) adalah infeksi virus baru yang pertama kali dilaporkan di Kota Wuhan, Tiongkok Tengah. Penyebaran virus ini semakin meningkat dan telah menyebar hampir ke seluruh Negara di dunia sehingga World Health Organization (WHO) mengumumkannya sebagai pandemi. Hingga saat ini, masih belum ditemukan obat antivirus khusus untuk penyakit ini dan penatalaksanaannya masih berupa terapi simptomatik dan suportif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa profil penggunaan obat pada pasien COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Ulin Banjarmasin. Penelitian non-eksperimental ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan beberapa kriteria yaitu rekam medis pasien COVID-19 rawat inap dan tanpa komorbid, yang mana telah dilakukan secara retrospektif pada periode 1–31 Januari 2021. Dari 146 sampel, diperoleh 12 sampel yang sesuai dengan kriteria. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, laki laki lebih banyak terinfeksi COVID-19 yaitu (58,33%). Berdasarkan usia, paling banyak terjadi pada rentang usia 31-40 tahun (41,67%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pasien mendominasi berada pada parameter gejala klinis kategori ringan (75%). Urutan terbanyak penggunaan obat adalah suplemen dan vitamin (49,35%), antibiotik (9,47%) dan antivirus (7,15%). Oleh karen itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jenis kelamin dan usia sangat mempengaruhi tingkat keparahan penyakit COVID-19 dan berpengaruh pada penggunaan obat untuk penyembuhan, gejala klinis yang paling banyak dijumpai adalah kategori ringan sehingga penggunaan obat terbanyak adalah golongan suplemen dan vitamin. Kata Kunci: Novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Pola, Pengobatan   Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new viral infection that was first reported in Wuhan City, Central China. The spread of this virus is increasing and has spread to almost all countries in the world so that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic. Until now, there is still no specific antiviral drug for this disease and its management is still in the form of symptomatic and supportive therapy. This study aims to determine the profile of drug use in COVID-19 patients at the Banjarmasin Ulin Regional General Hospital. This non-experimental study used a purposive sampling method with several criteria, namely medical records of inpatients of COVID-19 patients and without comorbidities, which were carried out retrospectively in the period 1–31 January 2021. From 146 samples, 12 samples were obtained that matched the criteria. . Based on gender, men were more infected with COVID-19, namely (58.33%). Based on age, most occurred in the age range of 31-40 years (41.67%). Based on clinical symptoms more mild category (75%). The highest use of drugs is the first group of supplements and vitamins (49.35%), secondly, the antibiotic group (9.47%) and thirdly, the antiviral group (7.15%). Gender and age greatly affect the severity of COVID-19 disease and affect the use of drugs for healing, the most common clinical symptoms are in the mild category so that the most drug use is in the supplement and vitamin group.
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 2, No 3 (2014): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.33 KB)


The purpose of this study was to determine the difficulty in learning social studies in junior high school education. The method used is descriptive method. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results showed that: (1) most of the social studies teachers in District Martapura have difficulty in mastering the material incorporated in the IPS, the difficulty in mastering the concept of integrated learning and development learning (2) most of the difficulties in using a social studies teacher and selecting media and learning resources matching, (3) most of the social studies teachers are still difficulties in using varied teaching methods, as well as the difficulty of choosing the appropriate method to the material (4) most of the social studies teachers in District Martapura no difficulty in making lesson plans. (5) most of the social studies teachers in the district Martapura learning difficulties in making thematic mapping.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesulitan dalam pembelajaran IPS pada jenjang pendidikan SMP. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) sebagian besar guru IPS di Kecamatan Martapura mengalami kesulitan dalam penguasaan materi yang tergabung dalam IPS, kesulitan dalam penguasaan konsep pembelajaran terpadu dan pengembangan pembelajaran (2) sebagian besar guru IPS  kesulitan dalam menggunakan dan memilih media dan sumber belajar yang cocok, (3) sebagian besar guru IPS  masih kesulitan dalam menggunakan metode pembelajaran bervariasi, serta kesulitan memilih metode yang sesuai dengan materi (4) sebagian besar guru IPS di Kecamatan Martapura tidak kesulitan dalam  membuat RPP. (5) sebagian besar guru IPS di Kecamatan Martapura kesulitan dalam membuat pemetaan pembelajaran tematik.Kata kunci : kesulitan guru, pembelajaran ips
Pengaruh Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Terhadap Peningkatan Literasi Digital Siswa di SMPN 1 Tompobulu Kabupaten Gowa Sri Fitriani; Irvan Muliyadi; Ramadayanti Ramadayanti
Literatify: Trends in Library Developments Vol 2 No 2 (2021): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.237 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/literatify.v2i2.24279


This study aims to determine the effect of the school literacy movement on increasing students' digital literacy at SMPN 1 Tompobulu, Gowa district. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research located at SMPN 1 Tompobulu, Gowa Regency. The source of data in this study is primary data, namely the method of data collection using a questionnaire method distributed to all students at SMPN 1 Tompobulu, Gowa district. The number of samples used were 81 respondents, with primary data processing using analytical techniques with the help of SPSS statistical software version 22. The results of this study indicate that the school literacy movement has a positive and significant effect on increasing students' digital literacy at SMPN 1 Tompobulu, Gowa Regency by 0.811 or 81.1% while the remaining 18.9% is explained by other variables not examined in this study. . School literacy activities are complex in shaping the ability of students at SMPN 1 Tompobulu to start thinking analytically, systematically, evaluatively, critically, imaginatively and creatively so that the implementation of digital literacy is considered a very important part in the activities of the school literacy movement.
Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan Vol 15 No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Bank Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (578.021 KB) | DOI: 10.21098/bemp.v15i3.67


Berlimpahnya likuiditas global paska krisis global mengakibatkan membanjirnya aliran modal internasional ke pasar Surat Utang Negara (SUN). Selain bermanfaat, aliran modal asing tersebut,berpotensi menimbul risiko pembalikan aliran modal asing yang dapat menimbulkan ketidakstabilan di pasar keuangan domestik. Paper ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan investasi investor asing, yang mencakup faktor risiko dan return yang berasal dari domestik (pull factor) dan global (push factor). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan push factor sangat berperan mempengaruhi perilaku investor asing di pasar SUN. Bagi investor long-term, perilaku mereka untuk menempatkan dananya di pasar SUN dipengaruhi push factor, tetapi tidak dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh pull factor. Namun bagi investor short-term, baik pull maupun push factor, mempengaruhi keputusan investasi mereka. Selain itu hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa ke depan, prospek investor asing di pasar SUN masih menghadapi tantangan khususnya dari sisi volatilitas yang relatif tinggi sebagai akibat dari sensitifnya investor asing terhadap shock yang sewaktu-waktu dapat terjadi di tengah ketidakpastian kondisi pasar keuangan internasional akibat penyelesaian krisis utang di negara maju yang berlarut-larut. Dalam hal ini, Bank Indonesia dan Pemerintah perlu terus mempertahankan upaya untuk menjaga dan mengelola return dan risiko investasi di dalam negeri pada level yang lebih kompetitif dan relatif rendah dengan menjaga kekuatan dan ketangguhan perekonomian serta stabilitas keuangan domestik.Keywords : Foreign Exchange, International Lending, Corporate Finance.JEL Classification : F31, F34, G3
Capital Flows in Indonesia: the Behavior, the Role, and Its Optimality Uses for the Economy Fiskara Indawan; Sri Fitriani; Meily Ika Permata; Indriani Karlina
Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan Vol 15 No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Bank Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (594.209 KB) | DOI: 10.21098/bemp.v15i3.426


The abundance of global liquidity post the global crisis resulted in a huge amount of international capital flows to Government Securities (GS) market. Besides useful, the flow of foreign capital potentially give a risk reversal that may leads to instability in domestic financial market. This paper analyzes the determinant of foreign investors including the risk and returns, both from domestic (pull factor) as well as from global (push factor). The result shows that the push factor was instrumentally influence the behavior of foreign investors in the GS (Government Securities) market. For long-term investors, their behavior to place their funds in GS market is influenced by push factor, but not significantly affected by the pull factor. However, for short-term investors, both pull and push factors influence their investment decisions. In addition simulation results indicate that in the future, the prospect of foreign investors in the securities market still faces challenges, particularly from the relatively high volatility as a result of the shock sensitivity of foreign investors on shock that can happen in the uncertainty in the international financial markets due to ongoing debt crisis resolution in developed countries.Concerning these findings, Bank Indonesia and the government needs to maintain and manage the returns and risks of domestic investment on a more competitive and relatively low level by maintaining the strength and resilience of the domestic economy and financial stability. Keywords : Foreign Exchange, International Lending, Corporate Finance.JEL Classification : F31, F34, G3
Abdi Dosen : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 3 (2023): SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : LPPM Univ. Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/abdidos.v7i3.1845


Digital marketing is a promotion activity and market search through digital media online by utilizing various means such as social media. This service program aims to improve knowledge and skills about digital marketing, especially social media, for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) business people to increase sales and profits. Attended by silver craftsman MSME participants in Celuk Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. The methods used in service program activities, namely; socialization of social media use; sharing experiences and discussions; Next, the practice of creating social media accounts and how to make them attractive to buyers in the form of words, stories, images, and others. The results of service activities show that some business actors actively use social media as a promotional tool and have not separated personal accounts from online store accounts, some MSME participants use it occasionally and the rest of, the participants have never used social media marketing due to lack of technological skills. Overall, participants showed great interest in using social media marketing on an ongoing basis.
Dampaknya Gaya Bahasa di Media Sosial Sri Fitriani; Novi Hernawati
Fonologi : Jurnal Ilmuan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Ilmuan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Publisher : Asosiasi Periset Bahasa Sastra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/fonologi.v1i2.9


In this modern era, most people, especially the millennial generation or teenagers, are not aware of the importance of using good and correct Indonesian in writing and spelling. Language progress is not only carried out through spoken language but can also use written language, namely through cyberspace. The progress of the language can be felt in its unlimited progress, especially as technology advances are increasingly sophisticated.