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Sistem Image Capturing Menggunakan ESP32-Cam Untuk Memonitoring Objek Melalui Telegram Nur Atikah; Tuti Hartati; Agus Bahtiar; Kaslani; Odi Nurdiawan
KOPERTIP : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): KOPERTIP : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer
Publisher : Puslitbang Kopertip Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32485/kopertip.v6i2.141


Internet of things (IoT) saat ini terus dikembangkan dan banyak digunakan salah satunya pada keamanan warung. Sistem keamanan memiliki peran yang penting untuk mengamankan keadaan warung dari tindak kejahatan. Terjadinya tindak kejahatan seperti pencurian, karena tempat tersebut belum memiliki sistem keamanan yang baik. Penelitian ini merancang sistem keamanan warung untuk meminimalisir tindak pencurian menggunakan sensor Passive Infra Red (PIR) dan ESP32-cam yang terhubung dengan aplikasi Telegram untuk memudahkan dalam memonitoring warung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode prototype dan pengujian sistem menggunakan black box untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan tujuan. Hasil dalam penelitian ini sistem mampu mendeteksi adanya pergerakan objek dengan jarak efektif sensor 1-6 meter dengan sudut pancaran 50 derajat sampai dengan 140 derajat, serta berhasil mengirimkan pesan gambar ke aplikasi Telegram dengan kecepatan antara 4s pada jarak 2 meter dan pengiriman terlama 10s pada jarak 6 meter. Dengan adanya sistem keamanan ini dapat meningkatkan keamanan pada warung dari tindak pencurian dan meminimalisir terjadinya pencurian yang sering terjadi di warung.
Penerapan Association Rule Menggunakan Frequent Pattern Growth Untuk Rekomendasi Produk Jersey Sepakbola Anwar Musaddad; Odi Nurdiawan; Gifthera Dwilestari
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 3 No 3 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v3i3.1390


The phenomenon of the beginning of the year, what some football fans have been waiting for, is the publication of the latest jersey from their favorite team. When the new jersey was launched, football fans flocked to buy the jersey, but there were several shops available for the new jersey. This was experienced by the Eighteen Sport shop, in fulfilling the wishes of fans, there were obstacles to re-stock the jerseys that were most in demand. So many items that have not been sold. The focus of this research lies in managing jersey sales data in June, July and August, as well as high interest in the demand for club jerseys. The high demand for jerseys is influenced by the achievements of the club itself. This study uses the FP Growth algorithm with the aim of getting a recommendation pattern from the wishes of football fans. Based on the results of the support management, it was found that consumers by buying 1 jersey item will buy back 1 different jersey item as many as 15 patterns. Consumers by buying 2 jersey items will repurchase 1 different jersey item as many as 46 patterns. Consumers by buying 3 jersey items will repurchase 1 different jersey item as many as 37 patterns. Consumers by buying 4 jersey items will repurchase 1 different jersey item for 10 patterns. So that the pol data becomes the owner's recommendation to make a repeat purchase.
Klasifikasi Pemberian Bantuan UMKM Cirebon dengan Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor Hira Wahyuni Azizah; Odi Nurdiawan; Gifthera Dwilestari; Kaslani Kaslani; Edi Tohidi
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 3 No 3 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v3i3.1392


The Indonesian government in obtaining Real Time data on MSMEs who are entitled to assistance, accuracy in distributing MSME assistance, and accelerating Indonesia's economic growth through MSMEs, especially the Cirebon Regency area. There are several ways so that cash transfer assistance for micro-scale SMEs from the government is right on target, in this study the authors will use data mining techniques with the k-nearest neighbors method in classifying receiving assistance from SMEs. The data used in this study uses secondary data with attributes of Regency, District, Business Name, Product Name, Business License, Assets and Turnover. The application of the KNN algorithm uses the retrieval operator, cross validation, and in developing the model using the KNN algorithm operator, apply model and performance. The results of the accuracy are 98.46 % with details, namely the Prediction Results are Eligible and it turns out to be true as many as 339 Data. The Prediction Result is Eligible and it turns out to be true Not Eligible as much as 2 Data. Prediction results are not eligible and it turns out to be true as much as 4 data. Prediction results are not eligible and it turns out to be true, 42 data are not eligible. Recommendations for the pattern of knowledge obtained using the K-NN algorithm. Researchers provide recommendations that are feasible to be given assistance for MSMEs as many as 339 MSME participant data spread across the Cirebon district and included in the affected category. Then there are several MSME participants who cannot receive MSME assistance according to the application of the KNN algorithm, which is 42 data, and there are 2 data from participants who are proposed to receive MSME assistance. The hope of the research for participants who receive assistance from the government can survive in conditions like this covid 19
Model Klasifikasi Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Perpustakaan Online Menggunakan K-Means dan Decission Tree Khamim Surya Hadi Kusuma Al Atros; Abdul Robi Padri; Odi Nurdiawan; Ahmad Faqih; Saeful Anwar
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 8, No 6 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v8i6.3680


Riyadlul Muta'allimin Elementary School Library is one of the support units in the school's academic activities. During times like these, students are very difficult in accessing the library in school. Therefore, the school applies an Online Library, so those students and teachers who can access the library do not need to flock to school. Online libraries that have been implemented need to do an evaluation of user satisfaction because this is a new thing for Riyadlul Muta'allimin Elementary School. Satisfaction analysis can be done by the K-Means method with a decision tree. K-Means is used to group data that will be converted into labels. It is further classified using a decision tree. Based on the analysis, the prediction of cluster 1 with true cluster 1 of 48 items, true cluster 0 and true cluster 0 there are no items, then the class precision is 100%
Smart School Sebagai Sarana Informasi Sekolah di SDIT Ibnu Khaldun Cirebon Ade Bani Riyan; Dwi Teguh Afandi; Tuti Hartati; Dita Rizki Amalia; Odi Nurdiawan
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 8, No 6 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v8i6.3681


The need for information in the world of education in this modern era is very important in determining the progress of an institution. By implementing and utilizing information technology can facilitate school institutions in organizing data and will produce a database file that will make it easier for users to access data. However, the use of information technology at SDIT Ibnu Khaldun Cirebon has not been used optimally. This is where the author's desire to create a Smart School application emerged, which is an application that functions as an academic information application to support daily activities at the school.This study aims to improve the quality of schools and meet the needs of schools and parents in disseminating general school information, and student academic information at SDIT Ibnu Khaldun Cirebon.The method used in this research is the research and development method. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews. This research was conducted at SDIT Ibnu Khaldun by involving teachers, principals, students, and parents of students as research subjects.Based on the results of testing with the black box method on the Smart School application, it can be concluded that functionally it produces results that are in line with expectations
Game Edukasi Mengenal Mata Uang Indonesia “Rupiah” Untuk Pengetahuan Dasar Anak-Anak Berbasis Android Topan Hadi; Nana Suarna; Ade Irma Purnamasari; Odi Nurdiawan; Saeful Anwar
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 8, No 3 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v8i3.3609


In the current digital era, technology and science are growing rapidly to penetrate various aspects of life, including in the field of education. By utilizing the provision of applications that contain elements of education, it gives birth to new ways in one's learning process, so that the learning process is more interesting and efficient. However, there is no learning about Indonesian currency, making the children reluctant to learn. They only know about the nominal currency, without knowing in detail the elements that exist in Indonesian currency. From these problems, a conclusion was drawn to get a solution by making an educational game in the form of introducing Indonesian paper currency on Android as a learning medium for children SDN 3 Kasdul Depok Sidapurna Cirebon). Making educational games on Android can be easily, effectively. The development of this game uses the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) method. The research was conducted using a quantitative concept, where the data were taken based on a questionnaire and processed by statistical figures. The results of this study showed that the interest (0.046) & motivation (0.001) variable was said to be < 0.05 so that it affected the currency recognition game
Sistem Informasi Penjualan Motor Bekas Berbasis Android Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan di Mokascirebon.Com Agis Maulana Robani; Saepul Hadi; Odi Nurdiawan; Gifthera Dwilestari; Nana Suarna
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 8, No 6 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v8i6.3629

Abstract is a trusted showroom in Cirebon for buying and selling second hand motorcycle, where in the business of buying and selling second hand motorcycle, it requires a large amount of capital and must be able to turn in and out of the motorcycle quickly considering that the longer the motorcycle is sold, the price will be decreased, and also if the tax of motorcycle stocks are in due date, it will increase the capital costs which is needed. The length of time a motorcycle has been sold has many factors, including tight business competition, where all of them are competing to increase sales of their second hand motorcycle and also have a system that makes working faster and more precise. From those problems, an idea is emerged to increase the motorcycle sales by increasing the reach of promotional media on the Android platform and creating an Android based computerized system that is able to accelerate the internal work of the company. In designing this application using the waterfall method, where the stages are gathering needs, building and evaluating waterfall, coding, testing, evaluating the system until finally the system can be used. The programming language used is Java and also uses the Android Studio application to create the Android application. The database used is MySQL. The supporting tools used are Photoshop, Corel Draw and the Android Emulator. With this android based second hand motorcycle sales information system to Increase Sales at, it is hoped that it will be able to increase sales of second hand motorcycle and to simplify and accelerate the company's internal work
Jupiter: Journal of Computer & Information Technology Vol 2, No 1 (2021): JUPITER: Journal of Computer, Information & Technology
Publisher : Institut Bisnis Muhammadiyah Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.441 KB) | DOI: 10.53990/cist.v2i1.113


This study aims to implement a Radio Frequency Identification attendancean application that is integrated with the database to support the program to improve the disciplined attitude of the teachers of the Nurul Huda Jannatu Vocational High School Cirebon City. This Radio Frequency Identification application consists of several main components, namely id cards which are used to read the information regarding the presence of teachers of the Nurul Huda Jannatu Vocational High School Cirebon City. Database integration in this system will allow data to be automatically stored directly into a Web Server database so that the reach of information can be accessed anywhere without being limited by distance or time and does not need intensive supervision so that the tool facilitates and makes teacher activities more efficient
Optimalisasi Menggunakan Access Control List Berbasis Mikrotik pada Amami Event Organizer Mohammad Rosihin Amar; Saeful Anwar; Odi Nurdiawan
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 7 Nomor 1
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (979.651 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v7i1.1800


Technological developments can be used as a medium for disseminating information in order to market products and services. One of them is Amami event organizer, which is a company engaged in services for exhibition events. The company, which is located in the city of Cirebon, has utilized internet services as part of a campaign in their business marketing strategy. The use of the internet network itself cannot be separated from the existence of a problem, and one of them is regarding the quality of the existing network at the Amami event organizer. where there is no bandwidth management that regulates the distribution of bandwidth evenly which includes downloads and uploads, bandwidth management itself is a method for managing bandwidth limits given to a data traffic. Not only the problem of bandwidth management, another problem that the management of Amami event organizers complains about is the lack of control of internet network users in accessing certain websites so that it can interfere with work productivity and smooth use of the internet network. The solution to the problem that is carried out to overcome the problem of bandwidth management is the hotspot user method. Which users will be classified into several groups with the aim of managing bandwidth based on user logins. For user control problems, a filtering address list is used through the firewall features in Mikrotik to filter out which sites cannot be accessed by the user. This study analyzes the quality of internet network services after using the hotspot user method and using the filtering address list method. To measure the quality of the internet network, measurements are used using Quality of Service (QoS) such as throughput, jitter, packet loss, and delay. To measure QoS, a wireshark tool is needed which the tool can capture traffic. From the optimization results obtained quite good results, namely the measurement results can be seen from testing through stable QoS throughput > 1000 kbps, packet loss to 0% maximum at 2%, delay < 300 ms, and the highest Jitter at 2297 ms while the lowest at 0.001 Ms. Therefore, the thing that needs to be done by the Amami event organizer is to do bandwidth management to regulate the distribution of bandwidth for each user. As well as restricting user site access to a certain website
Kinerja Algoritma Convolutional Neural Network dalam Klasifikasi Covid-19 Varian Omicron Berdasarkan Citra Ct-Scan Thoax Odi Nurdiawan; Ruli Herdiana; Irfan Ali; Melia Melia; Mia Fijriani
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 9, No 5 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v9i5.4884


The second wave of the Covid-19 tsunami in India has broken the record for the highest number of additional cases and deaths in the world. Variant mutations are one of the contributing factors. Infection Crown variant Delta (B.1.617.2) is a mutation of the Covid-19 infection that has been endemic (SARS-CoV.2 B.1.617). The problem in this study is that the level of accuracy is still low in determining the covid-19 variant of the omicron resulting in uncertainty in decision makers by experts so that this research is needed to help with excellent accuracy measurements. The purpose of this study is to find a good model by applying the Convolutional Neural Network algorithm so that it can increase high accuracy and can be used in decision making by medical experts. The results of this study provide important information that the image size and the amount of input data greatly affect the level of accuracy in the Convolutional Neural Network method with the stages of data collection, preprocessing, Image Augmentation, Resize, Split Data, Convolutional Neural Network Architecture, Convolution, Pooling, Flattening, Full Connections, and Evaluations. Accuracy results with 400 input data produce training and testing (validation) on a chest x-ray image dataset using the Convolutional Neural Network architecture that has been created, 30 iterations (epochs) and 30 step_per_epochs showing an accuracy value of 0.88 or 88 % and the loss value is 0.3119 and the accuracy results with input data are 800 data, resulting in training and testing (validation) on the chest x-ray image dataset using the Convolutional Neural Network architecture that has been created, iterations (epochs) 30 times, and step_per_epoch as many as 30 shows an accuracy value of 0.93 or 93% and a loss value of 0.2711
Co-Authors Abdul Robi Padri Ade Bani Riyan Ade Irma Purnamasari Ade Irma Purnamasari Ade Irma Purnamasari Ade Irma Purnamasari Ade Rizki Rinaldi Adisty Tri Putra Agis Maulana Robani Agus Surip Ahmad Faqih Ahmad Faqih Ahmad Faqih Ahmad Zam Zami Ananda Rafly Andi Setiawan Anwar Musaddad Aria Pratama Arif Rinaldi Dikananda Bambang Irawan Basysyar, Fadhil Muhammad Cep Lukman Rohmat Cep Lukman Rohmat Dias Bayu Saputra Dikananda, Arif Rinaldi Dilla Eka Lusiana Dita Rizki Amalia Dwi Teguh Afandi Edi Tohidi Edi Wahyudin Eko Wiyandi Fadhil M. Basysyar Fadrin Helmi Febriansyah, Feggy Fidya Arie Pratama Fidya Arie Pratama Gifthera Dwilestari Haidah Putri Haidar Fakhri Hira Wahyuni Azizah Husein Subandi Ibnu Ubaedila Irfan Ali Irfan Ali Irfan Ali, Irfan Irma Purnamasari, Ade Irvandi Jaelani Sidik Julia Eka Yanti Kaslani Khamim Surya Hadi Kusuma Al Atros Kurniawan Fajar Abdulloh Lukmanul Hakim Martanto . Medina Aprilia Putri Melia Melia Melisa Hikari Mia Fijriani Mohammad Rosihin Amar Muchamad Sobri Sungkar, Muchamad Sobri Mulyana Mulyana Mulyawan Mulyawan Nana Suarna Nana Suarna Nana Suarna Nanda Permatasari Nining Rahaningsih Noval Salim Nur Atikah Nurhadiansyah Nurhadiansyah Nurhadiansyah, Nurhadiansyah Pratama, Fidya Arie Pratiwi, Fitriyani Purnamasari, Ade Irma Putriyana Putriyana R, Nining Rifki Nurcholis Rini Astuti Riyan Suryatana Rohmat, Cep Lukman Rudi Hartono Ruli Herdiana Ruli Herdiana Rully Pramudita Saeful Anwar Saeful Anwar Saeful Anwar, Saeful Saepul Hadi Salsa Billa Agistina Siti Aisyah Tio Prasetiya Tio Prasetya TOMAS TOMAS Topan Hadi Tuti Hartati Tuti Hartati Wiyandi, Eko Yudhistira Arie Wijaya