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Paraffin Sebagai Material Penyimpan Kalor Laten Agus Dwi Korawan
SIMETRIS Vol 13 No 1 (2019): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Paraffin is a material that is easily obtained because it is sold in supermarkets, in addition to household needs, paraffin can be used as a thermal storage material, this is because paraffin has many good properties. To find out the properties needed as heat storage material, a DSC test was performed. Based on the test results and analysis, the results show values that are almost the same as the existing references.
SIMETRIS Vol 12 No 1 (2018): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Oil wells in Ledok village, Blora regency are old wells from the Dutch era, the wells are managed by local community groups, Crude oil from the wells are taken by Pertamina, partners get rewarded according to the specified price. Partner in the Community Partnership Program (PKM) activities is L212 oil well, the chairman is Mr. Agus Purwanto. Based on the analysis of the situation, the problem in this well is that a lot of garbage at the bottom of the well, this garbage prevents the source of oil coming out, as a result the crude oil is produced a little. The purpose of the PKM program is to increase the ability of partners and increase crude oil production. The method used is discussion, training, and mentoring. The results obtained from the implementation of PKM are skills enhancement and increased production capacity
Rancang Bangun Data Logger Temperatur Agus Dwi Korawan
SIMETRIS Vol 12 No 2 (2018): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Temperature data logger is a portable measurement instrument used for reading the temperature of an object and storing the results of temperature in the form of data. Temperature data logger consists of NTC 7.5 K probe thermocouple with serial number SSR038 (16 pieces), the arduino mega microcontroller atmega 2560, and the card data logger module SC-MMC with serial number MOD009. The software used is Arduino 1.5.7 windows based. Testing of 16 thermocouples is done by dipping the thermocouple in water with an initial temperature of about 27oC, then the water is heated slowly for 650 seconds. The results show the same chart pattern, even though there is a slight difference in value. Maximum deviation is 1.0oC. The temperature which is displayed on the monitor screen and stored on the SD card is the same.
Evolusi Peleburan Paraffin Sebagai Material Penyimpan Kalor (Studi Kasus Pada Model Tube-and-shell Versus Model Cone-and-shell) Agus Dwi Korawan
SIMETRIS Vol 13 No 2 (2019): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Paraffin as a heat storage material has many advantages, including good thermal properties, safe to use because it is not easy to react, and inexpensive. In this study, the paraffin was applied to the tube-and-shell and cone-and-shell type heat storage. The observed process is the paraffin melting process, which is done by taking pictures with digital cameras in both types during the melting process, taking pictures every 45 minutes from the beginning until the completion of the melting process. The results show that the paraffin melting in the tube-and-shell model occurs first, but the paraffin smelting is finished faster in the con-and-shell model.
Jurnal Teknovasi : Jurnal Teknik dan Inovasi Vol 7, No 1 (2020): TEKNOVASI APRIL 2020
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik LP3I Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55445/teknovasi.v7i1.361


Household refrigerator is the need of every household to preserve food or other ingredients, as a consequence it requires a lot of electrical energy, whereas energy efficiency needs to be done, therefore research is needed to improve the performance of household refrigerators. So in this study conducted by varying the temperature of the condenser which aims to increase COP. The measured variables are the temperature of the refrigerant before the compressor, the temperature of the refrigerant after the compressor, the temperature of the refrigerant before the evaporator. In addition to knowing the cooling effect, the temperature of the cooling load is also measured in the evaporator. The study was conducted for 240 minutes. The results show that there is a difference in the temperature of the cooling load and also a difference in COP. Where the smaller the temperature of the condenser, the greater the COP.
Pengisian dan Pelepasan Kalor pada Penyimpan Kalor Tipe Tube-And-Shell Agus Dwi Korawan
Prosiding Simposium Nasional Rekayasa Aplikasi Perancangan dan Industri 2019: Prosiding Simposium Nasional Rekayasa Aplikasi Perancangan dan Industri
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Energi panas matahari sangat menarik perhatian sebagai energi terbarukan, karena keberadaannya sangat melimpah dan ada sepanjang masa, akan tetapi ada keterbatasan, yaitu hanya ada pada siang hari. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, perlu disimpan menggunakan penyimpan kalor agar bisa digunakan pada malam hari. Proses pada penyimpan kalor adalah proses pengisian yang dilakukan pada siang hari dan proses pelepasan yang dilakukan pada malam hari. Maka pada penelitian ini menggunakan penyimpan kalor tipe tube-and-shell, memakai paraffin sebagai material penyimpan kalor, dilakukan secara eksperimen laboratorium. Paraffin yang digunakan adalah paraffin yang dijual bebas (lilin), untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat paraffin maka dilakukan uji Differential Thermal Analysis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perubahan temperatur paraffin pada titik-titik pengukuran, dilakukan pada proses pengisian dan pelepasan kalor. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa, Pada proses pengisian kalor terjadi kenaikan temperatur paraffin pada bagian atas lebih cepat dari bagian bawah. Sedang pada proses pelepasan kalor terjadi penurunan temperatur paraffin pada bagian bawah lebih cepat dari bagian atas.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNSIQ Vol 10 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UNSIQ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32699/ppkm.v10i1.3688


Storing heat in the form of latent heat is a good method, because it is able to store a large amount of heat energy with a small volume of storage media. The use of paraffin as a heat storage medium has many advantages, including thermal stability, non-toxicity, no degradation, and high latent heat storage capacity. This study uses a parabolic mirror dish as a collector of solar thermal energy, equipped with a hinged holder that can be adjusted so that it points to the sun's position from morning to evening, the collected energy is stored in thermal storage using paraffin as a storage medium. The research was conducted from 09.00 WIB to 24.00 WIB, the research location was on the Ronggolawe College of Technology campus. The results showed that the highest temperature obtained in paraffin as a heat storage was 112 oC, while the duration of storing until 24.00 WIB was still able to maintain the temperature at 36 oC.
Analisa Pengaruh Panjang Muffler Pada Mesin 4 Tak Berkapasitas 125cc Terhadap Karakteristik Daya dan Torsi Mesin Menggunakan Pengujian Dyno dan Komputasi Fluida Dinamis Rosadila Febritasari; Achmad Alphafill Ibrahimy Yusuf; Tito Arif Sutrisno; I Komang Astana Widi; Agus Dwi Korawan
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jmemme.v7i1.7687


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa daya dan torsi mesin terhadap variasi panjang muffler yaitu muffler 1 bersekat dengan panjang body 54 cm dan diameter inlet 21 mm, muffler 2 tanpa sekat (free flow) dengan panjang body 48 cm dan muffler 3 free flow dengan panjang body 38 cm, diameter inlet kedua muffler adalah 51 mm. Tujuan variasi panjang muffler adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik daya dan torsi berdasarkan fenomena backpressure. Muffler diuji pada sepeda motor 4 langkah 125 cc dengan dynotest dan komputasi aliran fluida di saluran buang disimulasikan terhadap kecepatan dan backpressure. Pengujian dynotest menunjukkan semakin panjang muffler maka nilai daya dan torsi yang dihasilkan semakin rendah. Pada putaran mesin 7000 rpm, daya muffler 1 sebesar 10,3 HP, muffler 2 dan 3 sebesar 10,5 HP dan 10,77 HP. Pada putaran mesin 6000 rpm, torsi muffler 1 sebesar 11,15 Nm, muffler 2 dan 3 sebesar 11,37 Nm dan 11,52 Nm. Analisa CFD menunjukkan semakin panjang muffler maka tekanan gas buang semakin rendah dan kecepatan gas buang meningkat. Kecepatan aliran gas buang yang meningkat secara signifikan pada outlet dapat menyebabkan pressure drop sehingga menimbulkan backpressure. Muffler 3 direkomendasikan sebagai alternatif untuk meningkatkan performa motor berdasarkan daya dan torsi puncak yang dihasilkan mesin.
MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MENGENAL HEWAN LAUT MENGGUNAKAN KARTU RFID DI TK PERTIWI III WONOREJO CEPU KABUPATEN BLORA PROPINSI JAWA TENGAH Lastoni Wibowo; Retno Wahyusari; Eva Hertnacahyani Herraprastanti; Helmi Gunawan; Suprawikno .; Agus Dwi Korawan; Muhammad Al Ghifari; Dea Salsabilla; Lies Indriyatni; Endang Kurniawati
Fokus ABDIMAS Vol 1, No 2: APRIL 2023
Publisher : STIE Pelita Nusantara

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Learning activities in the Study Group (KB) are fun and do not burden children, so teachers are required to develop learning media. The problems faced by partners are that partners do not yet have learning media to get to know marine animals and the need for training in the use of learning media for partners. Based on an analysis of the situation and conditions faced by partners, the solution offered is to create and train for the use of learning media to get to know marine animals using an RFID card. This community service activity was carried out by a team from STT Ronggolawe Cepu in collaboration with a team of servants from STIE Pelita Nusantara Cepu. The conclusion of this activity is the creation of learning media to get to know marine animals using an RFID card and partners get learning media to get to know marine animals so that teachers can more easily introduce marine animals to students. Partners also gain knowledge and can apply technology through learning media about marine animals that have been created.