Siti Fatimah Muis
Faculty Medicine Science, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

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Correlation between Food Intake and Health Status with the Nutritional Status of School Children Age 9-11 in Semarang City Ali, Aiman Farag Mohammed; Muis, Siti Fatimah; Suhartono, Suhartono
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 8, No 3 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v8i3.6488


Malnutrition, a major risk factor for a number of infectious diseases, including acute upper respiratory tract infections (AURTI), is common in developing countries. Nutritional status is an important index of the quality of life. Objectives:To analyze the correlation between food intake and health status to nutritional status of 9-11 years old children in Semarang. The study was a correlation study carried among school children in Semarang aged 9-11 years old. Data are presented in the descriptive analyses and Spearman correlation. Overall, food intake (energy and protein) of 9-11 years old children in Semarang is normal with ? 90% RDA, health status of them was satisfactory (very low AURTI incidence),and their nutritional status were mostly normal. There was a correlation between energy intake with nutritional status with indicators BMI, and z-score of W/A and H/A, but there was no correlation between protein intake and AURTI with nutritional status. Energy and food intake of the children correlate with all nutritional status being studied. It should be suggested to parents to implement balanced diet, to avoid the development of obesity among elementary school children through nutrition education to prevent malnutrition as well as obesity.How to CiteAli, A. F. M., Muis, S. F., & Suhartono, S. (2016). Correlation between Food Intake and Health Status with The Nutritional Status of School Children Age 9-11 in Semarang City. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 8(3), 249-256.
Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal Vol 9 No 3 (2019): Juli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (69.325 KB) | DOI: 10.32583/pskm.9.3.2019.181-186


Kehamilan merupakan suatu krisis maturitas yang dapat menimbulkan kecemasan. Calon ibu yang belum pernah melahirkan sebelumnya atau yang disebut primigravida lebih banyak mengalami kecemasan dibandingkan ibu yang pernah melahirkan atau yang disebut multigravida. perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meminimalkan kecemasan yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan baik melalui cara farmakologis maupun non farmakologis. Literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intervensi yang digunakan untuk mengurangi kecemasan pada primigravida yang sudah dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya. Metode penulisan karya ilmiah ini menggunakan studi literature review. Sumber pustaka menggunakan artikel dengan proses pencarian artikel data base dan Jurnal tahun penerbitan 2015 hingga tahun 2019. Tema dalam artikel yang dikumpuklan yaitu terkait kecemasan pada ibu hamil. Kecemasan yang terjadi dipengaruhi dengan karakteristik masing-masing individu. Kecemasan ibu hamil mampu dicegah atau diturunkan melalui terapi kelompok suportif, terapi relaksasi, relaksasi otot progresif, relaksasi gim (guided imagery and music) dan aromaterapi lavender, teknik pernapasan diafragma, terapi musik klasik, senam hamil, terapi murottal al qur?an, SEFT (spiritual emotional freedom technique) dan terapi benson.   Kata kunci: kecemasan, primigravida   NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL INTERVENTION ON ANXIETY IN PRIMIGRAVIDA   ABSTRACT Pregnancy is a crisis of maturity that can cause anxiety. Prospective mothers who have never given birth before or who are called primigravida experience more anxiety than mothers who have given birth or are called multigravida. efforts need to be made to minimize the anxiety that occurs during pregnancy both through pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. This literature review aims to determine which interventions are used to reduce primigravida anxiety that has been done by previous researchers. This method of writing scientific papers uses the literature review study. Literature sources use articles with a 2015 data base search journal and publishing year journal article until 2019. Themes in articles collected are related to anxiety in pregnant women. Anxiety that occurs is influenced by the characteristics of each individual. Anxiety of pregnant women can be prevented or reduced through supportive group therapy, relaxation therapy, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery and music and lavender aromatherapy, diaphragmatic breathing techniques, classical music therapy, pregnancy exercises, murottal al qur'an therapy, SEFT (spiritual emotional freedom technique) and benson therapy.   Keywords: anxiety, primigravida
JNH (Journal of Nutrition and Health) Vol 7, No 3 (2019): JNH (JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (624.491 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jnh.7.3.2019.43-49


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko mayor terjadinya diabetes melitus (DM), berhubungan dengan penumpukan jaringan lemak tubuh. Banyak metode untuk mengukur jaringan lemak diantaranya indeks massa tubuh (IMT), lingkar pinggang (LP) dan Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Distribusi lemak tubuh lebih berperan dalam menentukan risiko terjadinya DM dibandingkan IMT.Tujuan: untuk mengetahui hubungan LP dengan komposisi lemak tubuh dan IMT pada penderita DM tipe 2.Metode: Penelitian cross sectional pada penderita DM tipe 2 yang berobat ke RSUD Tugu Semarang bulan September 2018-Maret 2019, n= 80 orang, dengan consecutive sampling. Uji normalitas data dengan Kolmogorov-Smirnov, jika data normal dilanjutkan uji korelasi Pearson dan jika data tidak normal dilanjutkan uji korelasi Spearman?s rho.  Hasil: LP memiliki hubungan signifikan, positif dan moderat dengan persentase total lemak tubuh (p <0,001, r = 0,451), hubungan signifikan, positif dan kuat dengan persentase lemak viseral (p <0,001, r= 0,693) dan lemak subkutan (p <0,001, r = 0,518). LP memiliki hubungan signifikan, positif dan sangat kuat dengan IMT (p <0,001, r = 0,801).Simpulan: LP memiliki hubungan positif kuat dengan lemak viseral, lemak subkutan dan IMT pada penderita DM tipe 2.Kata Kunci: lingkar pinggang, komposisi lemak tubuh, IMT, DM tipe 2
Pengaruh asupan air putih terhadap berat badan, indeks massa tubuh, dan persen lemak tubuh pada remaja putri yang mengalami gizi lebih Mulyasari, Indri; Muis, Siti Fatimah; Kartini, Apoina
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.043 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.3.2.120-125


Latar belakang : Remaja putri yang kelebihan berat badan dengan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan persen lemak tubuh tinggi berisiko menderita sindrom metabolik. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan peningkatan asupan air putih dapat menurunkan berat badan, IMT, dan persen lemak tubuh. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh asupan air putih terhadap berat badan, IMT, dan persen lemak tubuh pada remaja putri yang mengalami gizi lebih.Metode : Desain penelitian adalah pre-post test design without control. Populasi adalah mahasiswa di Asrama Kebidanan Ngudi Waluyo Ungaran usia 18-19 tahun. Jumlah subjek 26 mahasiswa dipilih secara simple random sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi. Perlakuan adalah asupan air putih 30 menit sebelum makan sebanyak 500 ml selama delapan minggu, namun hanya berjalan lima minggu karena penolakan subjek. Tidak ada intervensi pada asupan makanan dan aktivitas fisik. Berat badan diukur menggunakan timbangan injak digital Omron dan persen lemak tubuh diukur dengan Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA) merk Omron. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Paired t test dan Wilcoxon.Hasil : Rata-rata asupan air putih, yaitu 90.82 % (±454 ml) setiap kali sebelum makan. Anjuran mengkonsumsi 500 ml air putih 30 menit sebelum makan selama 8 minggu sulit dilaksanakan sehingga perlakuan hanya berlangsung lima minggu. Tidak ada perbedaan berat badan (62.9±6.75 kg vs 62.5±6.73 kg, p=0.066) dan IMT (26.6±2.69 kg/m2 vs 26.4±2.71 kg/m2, p=0.071) sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan, namun terdapat perbedaan pada persen lemak tubuh (34.2±2.76 % vs 33.7±3.05 %, p=0.037). Tingkat asupan energi (p=0.713) dan aktivitas fisik sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan tidak mengalami perubahan.Simpulan : Asupan air putih 30 menit sebelum makan sebanyak 454 ml (90.82%) selama lima minggu pada remaja putri dengan gizi lebih yang tidak mengalami perubahan asupan energi dan aktivitas fisik tidak menurunkan berat badan dan IMT, namun menurunkan persen lemak tubuh.
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Volume 1. Nomor 2. Juni 2006
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (111.52 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.1.2.


ABSTRACT Introduction: Patilo is one of traditional various snacks from Gunung Kidul that is made of fermented cassava waste and cassava starch. Fermentation is intended to reduce or eliminate the HCN content of cassava and to establish special flavour. The protein content of patilo is very low, therefore it can be enriched with animal protein from fresh water fish in form of fish flour or fish protein hydrolysate (FPH). Enrichment with fish protein hydrolysate has an advantage since it will be easier to digest by human because FPH better functional properties and higher solubility.Method: The study consisted of four activities that were 1) making/producing mujair FPH, 2) producing and enriched patilo with mujair FPH, 3) analyzed the nutritive values and protein digestibility of enriched and unenriched patilo and 4) analyzed the consumers acceptability of the products. The experiments were carried out in the 1) Food Engineering and Chemistry Laboratorium of Faculty of Agriculture Technology Semarang University, 2) Pilot Plan PAU and GMSK Laboratory of Bogor Institute of Agriculture, 3) Sidoardjo Village, Tepus Gunung Kidul. Variables being studied were nutritive value and protein digestibility of unenriched and enriched patilo with mujair FPH in several consumer acceptability in terms of flavour, taste, colour and texture. The study design was a complete random design of one factor in which the FPH was added in 5%, 10% and 15% concentration, each treatment repeated 3 times. Statistical analyses used for nutritive value and protein digestibility were Anova followed by Least Significant Difference test with 0,05 level of significancy Friedman and Wilcoxon Sign Rank test were used to test the organoleptic values both in the laboratory and in the field. Result:1) The nutritive value changes of raw enriched patilo were : a) significant decrease in water and carbohydrate content, b) significant increase in ash, fat and protein content compared to the unenriched patilo, 2) The nutritive value change of fried enriched patilo were : a) significant decrease in water and carbohydrate content, b) significant increase in fat, protein and energy content compared to the unenriched patilo, 3) The protein digestibility in raw and fried enriched patilo was significant higher than that without enrichement, 4) Patilo enriched with 10% mujair FPH was mostly liked by consumer either in the laboratory or in the field in term of taste, flavour and texture as for colour, all consumers prefered the unenriched patilo, 5) The changes of the nutritive values and protein digestibility were statistically significant in the enriched patilo, however from the nutrition point of view, only the increased of protein content (six folds increase) was meaningful. Conclusion: Patilo enriched with 10% mujair FPH is the most/well accepted by laboratory panelists and field consumers, and there was six folds increase in the protein content.   Key Word: Patilo, enrichment and fish protein hydrolysate.   ABSTRAK   Latar Belakang: Patilo adalah salah satu makanan jajanan tradisional Gunung Kidul yang diolah dari ampas singkong yang difermentasi dan dicampur dengan pati singkong. Kandungan protein dalam patilo sangat rendah, untuk itu perlu diperkaya antara lain dengan sumber protein hewani dari ikan air tawar baik dalam bentuk tepung ikan atau hidrolisat protein ikan (HPI). Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1). menganalisis nilai gizi patilo 2). menganalisis daya cerna protein patilo 3). menganalisis daya terima patilo goreng tanpa dan dengan penambahan HPI mujair Metode: Penelitian ini terdiri dari empat kegiatan yaitu: 1). pembuatan HPI mujair, 2). pembuatan dan pengkayaan patilo dengan HPI mujair, 3). pengujian nilai gizi dan daya cerna protein patilo tanpa dan dengan penambahan HPI mujair dan 4). uji penerimaan patilo baik di laboratorium maupun di lapangan. Variabel yang diamati adalah kandungan gizi patilo dan daya cerna protein patilo. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 1 faktor yaitu HPI0=tanpa penambahan HPI, HPI1= penambahan HPI 5% dari berat ampas (b/b), HPI2=penambahan HPI 10 % dari berat ampas (b/b) dan HPI3=penambahan HPI 15% dari berat ampas (b/b), masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Analisis kandungan gizi dan daya cerna patilo dengan Anova, uji dilanjutkan dengan uji Least Significant Difference (LSD) pada taraf dan 5%. Untuk analisis uji organoleptik baik di laboratorium maupun di lapangan dengan uji Friedman. Perbedaan hasil akan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. Hasil: 1) Nilai gizi patilo mentah dengan penambahan HPI mujair dibandingkan tanpa penambahan HPI mujair adalah : a) terjadi penurunan kadar air dan kadar karbohidrat secara signifikan (ρ<0,05) dan b) terjadi peningkatan kadar abu, kadar lemak dan kadar protein secara signifikan (ρ<0,05), 2) Nilai gizi patilo goreng dengan penambahan HPI mujair dibandingkan tanpa penambahan HPI mujair adalah : a). terjadi penurunan kadar air dan kadar karbohidrat secara signifikan (ρ<0,05) dan b).terjadi peningkatan kadar lemak, kadar protein dan energi secara signifikan (ρ<0,05) 3). Daya cerna protein patilo mentah dan goreng dengan penambahan HPI mujair meningkat secara signifikan (ρ=0,000) dibandingkan tanpa penambahan HPI mujair pada semua konsentrasi, 4). Patilo dengan penambahan HPI mujair 10% paling disukai oleh panelis agak terlatih dan panelis konsumen anak sekolah berdasarkan skor rasa, bau dan tekstur. Untuk warna, panelis agak terlatih dan panelis konsumen anak sekolah memilih patilo tanpa penambahan HPI mujair dan 5). Secara statistik perubahan nilai gizi dan daya cerna protein bermakna kecuali untuk kadar abu patilo goreng, namun dari sudut gizi perubahan yang berarti hanya pada kadar protein yang mencapai 6 kali lipat. Simpulan: Patilo yang diperkaya dengan HPI mujair 10% paling disukai oleh panelis agak terlatih maupun panelis konsumen anak sekolah dan terjadi kenaikan secara signifikan pada kadar protein yang mencapai 6 kali lipat. Kata Kunci : Patilo, pengkayaan dan hidrolisat protein ikan    Permalink :  
Pengaruh suplementasi Zn terhadap perubahan indeks TB/U anak stunted usia 24-36 bulan Kusudaryati, Dewi Pertiwi Dyah; Muis, Siti Fatimah; Widajanti, Laksmi
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.177 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.5.2.98-104


Background : Zn supplementation on stunted children in multiple research get the result inconsistent concerning the effect of Zn on children’s growth.Objective : To examine the effect of Zn supplementation to the change in height for index among stunted children age between 24-36 months.Methods: The research design is randomized pretest posttest control group design. The total of thirty six stunted children are divided into two groups. The treatment group is received syrup with 20 mg ZnSO4 twice a week for three months. The control group received placebo without Zn. Height for age z score (HAZ) on WHO Child Growth 2006 is used to measure height for age index while dietary intake and infection diseases are used as confounding variables.Result : There is significant difference in HAZ before and after supplementation at treatment group (p<0.001) and control group (p<0.001). There is a significant difference of the change in HAZ between the treatment group and control group (p=0.006). Percentage Achievement of Energy, Protein, and Zn Dietary Allowance have significant difference between the treatment group and control group (p=0.009; p<0.001; p<0.001, respectively). The change in HAZ, Percentage Achievement of Energy, Protein, and Zn Dietary Allowance are higher in treatment group than control group. Duration of diarrhea (p=0.045) and morbidity (p=0.019) are lower in treatment group than control group. Conclusion : Zn Supplementation among stunted children have significant effect on the change in HAZ, dietary intake, and infection.
Pengaruh konseling laktasi intensif terhadap pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif sampai 3 bulan Ambarwati, Ria; Muis, Siti Fatimah; Susanti, Purwanti
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.915 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.2.1.


Background : In 2010 within the area of Semarang Municipality, exclusive breastfeeding by mothers to their babies reaches  up to only 20,06%. One of the problems was the lack of lactation counseling especially by the health service institutions. Objectives: To reveal the effect of intensive lactation counseling on exclusive breastfeeding up to 3 months. Method: This research study was designed as a quasi-experiment of non-equivalent control group. The population of this study was a group of mothers who were in the 7th to 8th months of pregnancy bearing the second child or more. The number of the subjects was 25 mothers who were grouped into 2: the experimental groups of 12(n=12) and 27 control group of 13 (n=13). The group underwent a treatment of intensive lactation counseling of 9 times on 2 stages, the first was four-time treatments during the medical examination on their pregnancy of 7th – 8th months. The second stage of treatments was done by home visit for 5 times during week 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 after giving birth by certified lactation counselors for 40 work hours. These counselors had the experience of at least 5 clients counseling. The control group had the usual counseling that they normally received from the midwives at the Health Primary Center and  private midwives nearby. Results: The group without intensive lactation counseling showed no gain of knowledge, attitude towards early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, breastmilk and no increase of the number of exclusive breastfeeding on their babies prior to and during the study. The group with intensive lactation breastfeeding shows a significant gain of knowledge, positive attitude towards early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, breastmilk and significant increase of the number of exclusive breastfeeding for 3 months on their babies that born prior to and during the study from 2(16,7%) to 10(83,3%). Conclusion: Intensive lactation counseling increases the practice of exclusive breastfeeding up to 3 months. Keywords : intensive lactation counseling, exclusive lactation breastfeeding, 3 months
Pengaruh pendidikan gizi terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap tentang gizi anak Sekolah Dasar Nuryanto, Nuryanto; Pramono, Adriyan; Puruhita, Niken; Muis, Siti Fatimah
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.257 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.3.1.121-125


Background: Nutrition education is one method to change the knowledge and attittude of nutrition on school children.The study aimed to see the effect of nutrition education on knowledge and attitude of nutrition among school children.Methods: The study was one group pre-post test design of a quasi experimental design. Subjects were 99 schoolchildren randomly selected through multi stage sampling method among the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. They were givennutrition education using posters and pocket books in children meeting for three months. The data of knowledge andattitude were collected through interview using structure questionares. The differences in knowledge attitude andpractice of of nutrition among school children were tested by wilcoxon test.Results: The mean of knowledge about nutrition among school children before nutrition education is 66,45±9,6%increasing to 71,61±9,3% after nutrition education. Median of attitude before nutrition education is 70,31% increasingto 75% after nutrition education. The result showed that there was an effect of nutrition education on knowledge andattitude of school children.Conclusion: Nutrition education can improve knowledge and attitude of school children.