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Tahkim (Jurnal Peradaban dan Hukum Islam) Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Prodi Hukum Keluarga Islam (Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah) Fakultas Syariah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/tahkim.v3i1.5662


ABSTRACTInsurance is a form of protection that is present either from the private sector or the government. One way of coverage in Indonesia is the Prudential institution. Prudential comes as an insurance option in which there is a waqf system. Asur waqf that serves for the overall benefit (virtue) of the people. The results show that Prudential comes with a variety of waqf insurance products with all applicable provisions, and is implemented on Islamic principles. The MUI fatwa analysis No. 106 of 2016 performed at the Prudential Insurance Institute found that discrepancies. Regarding endowment, up to 95% applies to the filing of new policies on PSBG and PSIA starting on January 10, 2019, with the condition that the leading participants have existing (conventional and sharia) systems that are still active. This action is not following fatwa no.106 / DSN-MUI / X / 2016, where insurance benefits may e represented at most 45% of the total insurance benefits.Keywords: Waqf, insurance policy, fatwa. 
Efficiency of Covid Handling Services 19 in Zakat Institutions Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Method zaini Abdul Malik; ifa hanifia senjiati
Journal of Islamic Business and Economic Review Vol 3, No 2 (2020): July, 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.791 KB)


P Covid pandemic 19 had an impact on all sectors including the economic sector which caused poverty levels in Indonesia to increase. Various parties carry out activities in the effort to deal with Covid 19 including the Zakat Institution. Through the Zakat Forum, 40 zakat institutions perform eleven covid handling services 19 and the only institution that runs all of these services is the Muhammadiyah Amil Zakat Institute (Lazismu). Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the efficiency of the performance of management services covid handling 19, and in this study focus on Lazismu Provisnsi West Java.The research method used is a qualitative method using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The input variable is fund raising and the output variable is fund channeling. The DEA approach used is the VRD approach because it sees the potential for Zakat Institutions in Indonesia growing.The results of the study are that the level of efficiency in the management of zakat funds in handling covid 19 in West Java has only reached 22%. And four regions that are already efficient, namely the West Java regional office, Majalengka Regency, Cianjur Regency and Cirebon City
Digital Marketing in Developing Brand Awareness of MSMEs Zaini Abdul Malik; Popon Srisusilawati; Irma Yunita Silviany; Risma Mustika Fajaria; Shakila Carisya Tsania
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): IJBE, Vol. 8 No. 2, May 2022
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.2.282


This large-scale social restriction by the government has a major impact on all activities. This has a big impact on MSMEs. In the MSMEs aspect, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decline in performance from the demand side (consumption and purchasing power of the people) which ultimately has an impact on the supply side, namely termination of employment and the threat of credit financing jams, even some MSMEs are not operating. The purpose of this research is to analyze digital marketing in building brand awareness used by MSMEs during the pandemic. Research method this is qualitative research with use studies case. Data study get through observation and interview, as well as supported by documentation researcher. Results study showing that digital marketing in build brand awareness done through Facebook social media management with do activity in the form of advertisement as well as operate technique mix marketing as personal selling, sales promotion and public relations as effort build brand awareness MSMEs products in particular street vendors around Unisba. Keywords: brand awareness, digital marketing, MSMEs, Unisba row stalls
Peran Lembaga Amil Zakat, Infaq dan Shadaqah Muhammadiyah (Lazismu) Banjarnegara dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian Kaum Dhuafa Sri Apriliyani; Zaini Abdul Malik
Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Syariah Volume 1, No. 1, Juli 2021, Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Syariah (JRES)
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.97 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/jres.v1i1.100


Abstract. The role of zakat is very important, for that the amil zakat institution is a mandate of responsibility in managing zakat. The purpose of this study was to determine, Firstly the Role of Zakat in Increasing Empowerment, Secondly the Role of the Amil Zakat Institution, Infaq and Sadaqah Muhammadiyah Banjarnegara in enhancing empowerment in carrying out its programs relating to the economic empowerment of the people, especially the poor. The type of data analysis used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis, with field research specifications. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Amil zakat, infaq and shadaqah institutions in improving the economy of the poor is to use productive zakat funds as a program in the form of venture capital distributed by the LAZISMU Banjarnegara. And there is a change in economic improvement mustahiq after getting productive zakat funds with the qharhul hasan contract (benevolent loans). Abstrak. Peran zakat sangat penting, untuk itu lembaga amil zakat merupakan amanah tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan zakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, Pertama Peran Zakat dalam peningkatan pemberdayaan, Kedua Peran Lembaga Amil Zakat, infaq dan Shadaqah Muhammadiyah Banjarnegara dalam peningkatan pemberdayaan melaksanakan programnya yang berkaitan dengan pemberdayaan ekonomi umat khususnya kaum dhuafa. Jenis analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran dari Lembaga Amil zakat, infaq dan shadaqah dalam meningkatkan perekonomian kaum dhuafa yaitu dengan memanfaatkan dana zakat produktif salah satu program dalam bentuk modal usaha yang disalurkan oleh pihak LAZISMU Banjarnegara. Dan adanya perubahan peningkatan ekonomi mustahiq setelah mendapatkan dana zakat produktif dengan akad qharhul hasan (pinjaman kebajikan).
Tinjauan Jual Beli Sneakers dalam Islam Menggunakan Sistem Raffle (Undian) di Hoops Indonesia Annisa Iskandar; Zaini Abdul Malik
Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Syariah Volume 2, No. 1, Juli 2022 Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Syariah (JRES)
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.524 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/jres.v2i1.730


Abstract. Along with the times, buying and selling activities have developed in terms of products and mechanisms. As happened in buying and selling, there are shops that sell sneakers through the raffle system. Raffle is a raffle to be able to buy rare items (limited edition). The author's purpose in this study is first to find out the concept of buying and selling according to muamalah fiqh, second to find out the mechanism of buying and selling sneakers with the raffle system at Hoops Indonesia, third to find out the review of muamalah fiqh on buying and selling sneakers with the raffle system. The research method used is qualitative research, the type of data uses field research, the data source uses primary and secondary data, data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results in this study are first the concept of buying and selling in fiqh muamalah, namely the existence of pillars and conditions in practice, secondly buying and selling with the Raffle system according to the terms and conditions of buying and selling, the three lottery mechanisms in Hoops Indonesia there are five types of lottery where type 1,2 and 3 does not contain maisir, type 4 is a bit vague because of purchasing lottery tickets with a certain nominal value, and type 5 contains maisir because buyers buy available ticket slots at a certain price. Abstrak. Seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, kegiatan jual beli mengalami perkembangan dari segi produk maupun mekanismenya. Seperti yang terjadi dalam jual beli terdapat toko yang menjual sneakers melalui sistem raffle. Raffle adalah suatu undian untuk bisa membeli barang langka (limited edition). Tujuan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah pertama untuk mengetahui konsep jual beli menurut fikih muamalah, kedua untuk mengetahui mekanisme jual beli snekaers dengan sistem raffle di Hoops Indonesia, ketiga untuk mengetahui tinjauan fikih muamalah terhadap jual beli sneakers dengan sistem raffle. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif , jenis data menggunakan field research, sumber data mengggunakan data primer dan data skunder, pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dalam penelitian ini pertama kosep jual beli dalam fikih muamalah ialah adanya rukun dan syarat dalam praktiknya, kedua jual beli dengan sistem raffle sesuai dengan rukun dan syarat dalam jual beli, ketiga mekanisme undian di Hoops Indonesia terdapat lima tipe undian diamana tipe 1,2 dan 3 tidak mengandung maisir, tipe 4 sedikit samar karena pembelian tiket undian dengan nominal tertentu, dan tipe 5 mengandung maisir karena pembeli membeli slot tiket yang tersedia dengan harga tertentu.
Tinjauan Fatwa DSN No. 49/DSN MUI/II/2005 tentang Konversi Akad dan PBI No. 10/18/PBI/2008 tentang Restrukturisasi Pembiayaan bagi BUS dan UUS terhadap Pelaksanaan Konversi Akad pada Bank X Lusi Kholisiah; Zaini Abdul Malik; Encep Abdul Rojak
Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Sharia Economic Law
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.237 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/bcssel.v1i1.9


Abstract. The implementation of contract conversion on MMQ financing to Murabahah contracts in the KPR program at BSI KC Tasikmalaya is indicated not to have been based on the MUI fatwa and regulations issued by Bank Indonesia in full due to several complaints from several customers regarding the difference or difference in the nominal selling price of large financing objects. Based on the background of the problem, the purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the review of the Fatwa of DSN NO. 49/DSN MUI/II/2005 concerning Akad Conversion and PBI NO. 10/18/PBI/2008 concerning Financing Restructuring for BUS and UUS for the conversion of MMQ contracts to murabahah contracts in the KPR program at BSI KC Tasikmalaya. The research method used in this research is analytical descriptive with a qualitative data analysis approach, namely examining the implementation of the MMQ contract conversion to the murabahah contract at BSI Tasikmalaya in terms of the provisions of the Fatwa DSN NO.49/DSN MUI/II/2005 and PBI NO.10/18/PBI/2008. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the conversion of the MMQ contract which was changed to the murabahah contract at BSI Tasikmalaya branch was in accordance with the provisions of the murabahah contract conversion according to the DSN-MUI Fatwa Number: 49/DSN-MUI/11/2005 concerning Murabahah Contract Conversion and PBI PBI NO. 10/18/PBI/2008 concerning Financing Restructuring for BUS and UUS. Abstrak. Pelakanaan konversi akad pada pembiayaan MMQ kepada akad Murabahah dalam program KPR di BSI KC Tasikmalaya terindikasi dilakukan belum berdasarkan fatwa MUI dan aturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia banyaknya keluhan dari para nasabah terkait selisih atau perbedaan nominal harga jual objek pembiayaan yang besar. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tinjauan Fatwa DSN NO. 49/DSN MUI/II/2005 Tentang Konversi Akad dan PBI NO. 10/18/PBI/2008 Tentang Restrukturisasi Pembiayaan Bagi BUS dan UUS terhadap pelaksanaan konversi akad MMQ kepada akad murabahah pada program KPR di BSI KC Tasikmalaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan analisa data secara kualitatif yaitu meneliti pelaksanaan konversi akad MMQ kepada akad murabahah di BSI Tasikmalaya ditinjau dari ketentuan Fatwa DSN NO. 49/DSN MUI/II/2005 dan PBI NO. 10/18/PBI/2008. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa pelaksanaan konversi akad MMQ yang diubah kepada akad murabahah di BSI KC Tasikmalaya telah sesuai dengan ketentuan konversi akad murabahah menurut Fatwa DSN-MUI Nomor : 49/DSN-MUI/11/2005 Tentang Konversi Akad Murabahah dan PBI PBI NO. 10/18/PBI/2008 Tentang Restrukturisasi Pembiayaan Bagi BUS dan UUS.
Analisis Hukum Ekonomi Syariah tentang Prinsip Collateral dalam Penyaluran Pembiayaan Akad Murabahah pada Bank Mega Syariah Kantor Cabang Bandung Hanifah Dhamier Nurahman; Zaini Abdul Malik; Iwan Permana
Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.952 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/bcssel.v2i1.386


Abstract. In the economy in Indonesia, especially in banking, of course, we generally know the principles of 5C financing analysis, namely, character (character), capacity (capacity), capital (capital), collateral (collateral), and condition of economic (economic condition). Financing risk can affect the level of profitability of Islamic Financial Institutions. Therefore, the financing and investment disbursed must be maintained and managed prudently so as not to become problematic financing (Non-Performing Financing). Collaterals should get attention that collateral does not cause bad financing to become good financing, at least the financing will get better. The formulation of the research problem is: 1. What are the provisions of the Collateral principle in Islamic Economic Law? 2. What are the provisions of the Collateral principle in Bank Mega Syariah? 3. How is the Sharia Economic Law Analysis on Collateral Principles in the Distribution of Murabahah Contract Financing at Bank Mega Syariah Bandung Branch Office? The research method used in the preparation of this research is through a normative-empirical approach using field research data collection techniques and library research.This study concludes that murabahah financing is characteristically a pure investment product and Islamic banks require customers to submit collateral with an agreement as a form of the customer's ability to return funds. Collateral is a form of confidence and prudence of Islamic banks in distributing financing and measuring the ability of customers to carry out their obligations to manage the business and bring benefits that are needed together. Abstrak. Dalam perekonomian di Indonesia, khususnya dalam perbankan tentu kita secara umum telah mengenal prinsip analisis pembiayaan 5C yaitu, character (karakter), capacity (kapasitas), capital (modal), collateral (jaminan), dan condition of economic (kondisi perekonomian). Risiko pembiayaan dapat mempengaruhi tingkat profitabilitas Lembaga Keuangan Syariah. Maka dari itu pembiayaan dan investasi yang disalurkan harus dijaga serta dikelola dengan hati-hati (prudential) agar tidak menjadi pembiayaan yang bermasalah (Non-Performing Financing). Collateral kiranya perlu mendapatkan perhatian bahwa collateral tidak menyebabkan pembiayaan yang jelek menjadi pembiayaan yang baik, paling tidak pembiayaan tersebut menjadi lebih baik. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah: 1. Bagaimana ketentuan prinsip Collateral dalam Hukum Ekonomi Syariah? 2. Bagaimana ketentuan prinsip Collateral yang ada di Bank Mega Syariah? 3. Bagaimana Analisis Hukum Ekonomi Syariah tentang Prinsip Collateral dalam Penyaluran Pembiayaan Akad Murabahah pada Bank Mega Syariah Kantor Cabang Bandung? Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan penelitian ini adalah melalui pendekatan normatif-empiris dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan data riset lapangan dan riset kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan pembiayaan murabahah secara karakteristiknya merupakan produk investasi murni dan pihak bank syariah mewajibkan nasabah untuk menyerahkan jaminan dengan perjanjian sebagai bentuk kemampuan nasabah mengembalikan dana. Jaminan menjadi salah satu bentuk keyakinan dan kehati-hatian bank syariah dalam menyalurkan pembiayaan dan mengukur kemampuan nasabah melakukan kewajibannya untuk mengelola usaha dan mendatangkan keuntungan yang dibutuhkan bersama.
Analisis Jual Beli dalam Fikih Muamalah terhadap Jual Beli Sayuran di Desa Panundaan Kabupaten Bandung Liza Muthmainah Khoeriyah; Zaini Abdul Malik,; Arif Rijal Anshori
Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.037 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/bcssel.v2i1.565


Abstract. Sale and purchase is an agreement to exchange (barter) property or goods that are liked or needed by way of consent and qabul spoken by the seller and the buyer. Buying and selling can be said to be valid if all the pillars and conditions are met during the contract. In many communities, there are still buying and selling practices that do not or have not fulfilled the pillars and conditions. As happened in the practice of buying and selling vegetables that occurred in Panundaan Village, Bandung Regency, where in practice the sale and purchase still did not meet the terms of sale and purchase regarding the price, namely at the time of payment of vegetables it was not clear when they were paid. This study aims to answer the main problem, how is the practice of buying and selling vegetables in Panundaan Village, Bandung Regency and How is the Fiqh Muamalah review of buying and selling vegetables in Panundaan Village, Bandung Regency. The method used in this research is qualitative with normative juridical approach, this data is obtained through field research and literature study. Then the data are arranged systematically and conclusions are drawn. The results of this study indicate that first, in the implementation of this buying and selling practice, it is categorized as an illegal sale and purchase because when the practice does not meet the terms of sale and purchase, that is, there is no chat or agreement at the beginning for the time to pay for the vegetables after the vegetables are brought. Abstract. Jual beli merupakan suatu perjanjian saling tukar menukar (barter) harta atau barang yang disenangi atau dibutuhkan dengan cara ijab dan qabul yang diucapkan oleh penjual dan pembeli. Jual beli dapat dikatakan sah jika rukun beserta syaratnya terpenuhi semuanya ketika akad. Dalam lingkungan banyak masyarakat masih terdapat praktik jual beli yang tidak atau belum memenuhi rukun dan syaratnya. Seperti yang terjadi dalam praktik jual beli sayuran yang terjadi di Desa Panundaan Kabupaten Bandung dimana dalam praktik jual belinya masih belum memenuhi syarat jual beli perihal harga yaitu dalam waktu pembayaran sayuran yang belum jelas kapan dibayarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab poko permasalahan, bagaimana praktik jual beli sayuran di Desa Panundaan Kabupaten Bandung dan Bagaimana tinjauan Fikih Muamalah terhadap jual beli sayuran di Desa Panundaan Kabupaten Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kualitatif dengan pendekatan Yuridis Normatif, data ini di peroleh melaui field research dan Studi pustaka. Kemudian data disusun secara sistematis dan ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa yang pertama, dalam pelakasanaannya praktik jual beli ini dikategorikan sebagai jual beli yang tidak sah karena ketika praktik tidak memnuhi syarat jual beli, yaitu tidak terdapat obrolan atau kesepakatan di awal untuk waktu pembayaran sayuran tersebut setelah sayuran tersebut dibawa.
Pengaruh Penyaluran Zakat Produktif pada Program Bandung Makmur terhadap Kesejahteraan Mustahik di Baznas Kota Bandung Muhammad Gandhi Darmawan; Zaini Abdul Malik; Popon Srisusilawati
Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.315 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/bcssel.v2i2.2878


Welfare is defined as a system of life and social life both material and spiritual which is filled with a sense of safety, decency, and inner and outer peace, Zakat is one of the most effective Islamic economic systems to improve welfare if managed properly To analyze the effect of productive zakat funds on the level of the welfare of mustahik in BAZNAS Bandung City, the aim is to determine the effect of productive zakat distribution in the prosperous bandung program on the welfare of mustahik in BAZNAS Bandung City. The research method used is a quantitative method. The type of data that will be used in this research is field research. The research begins by collecting quantitative data in the form of numbers and then systematically arranged and processed by the SPSS Statistics program. simple linear regression is used. Based on the results of research and data analysis that has been carried out, it can be seen that in this study explains that there is a positive and significant influence between the variables of productive zakat distribution in the prosperous bandung program on the welfare of mustahik in the Bandung City Baznas. It is known from the responses of respondents who stated that they agreed that information related to the amount of productive zakat assistance received could meet business needs) shows that the results of productive Zakat affect the welfare of mustahik.
Tinjuan Fikih Muamalah terhadap Sistem bagi Hasil Pekerja Farming Game World of Warcarft Vikrama Waldani; Zaini Abdul Malik; Ira Siti Rohmah Maulida
Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.764 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/bcssel.v2i2.3252


Abstract. Muamalah are the rules (laws) of Allah SWT which are intended to regulate human life in worldly affairs or affairs related to worldly and social affairs. The purpose of this research is to find out the profit sharing system according to muamalah fiqh. To find out the practice of profit sharing for workers in the farming game World of Warcarft. To find out the fiqh muamalah review of the labor sharing system for the farming game World of Warcarft. The research method used is a qualitative method whose type of research is field research. Resolution of problems according to muamalah fiqh, Berlian Net is allowed to be late in giving income or salaries because there are no consumers who buy gold but for the welfare of the workers it has been carried out in accordance with the contract agreement and in accordance with sharia principles. Abstrak. Muamalah adalah aturan-aturan (hukum) Allah SWT yang ditujukan untuk mengatur kehidupan manusia dalam urusan keduniaan atau urusan yang berkaitan dengan urusan duniawi dan social kemasyarakatan. Tujuan penelitiannya adalah Untuk mengetahui sistem bagi hasil menurut fikih muamalah. Untuk mengetahui praktik bagi hasil pada pekerja farming game World of Warcarft. Untuk mengetahui tinjauan fikih muamalah terhadap sistem bagi hasil pekerja farming game World of Warcarft. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yang jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian lapangan. Penyelesaian masalah menuruf fikih muamalah pihak Berlian Net diperbolehkan telat dalam melakukan pemberian pendapatan atau gaji dikarenakan tidak adanya konsumen yang membeli gold akan tetapi untuk kesejahteraan para pekerja sudah dilakukan sesuai dengan perjanjian kontrak dan sesuai dengan prinsip syariah.