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Journal : Agro Bali: Agricultural Journal

Effect of Application of Sago Dregs and Rice Straw Biochar on Growth and Yield of Soybean (Glycine max L.) in Inceptisol Sopia Fransina Wambrauw; Titiek Islami; Titin Sumarni
Agro Bali : Agricultural Journal Vol 7, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Panji Sakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37637/ab.v7i2.1626


This research was conducted to determine the effect of giving sago dregs and rice straw biochar on growth and yield and to determine the correct dose of biochar for use in inceptisol soil. The research was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Research Institute for Various Nut and Tuber Crops (BALITKABI) IP2TP Jambegede, Jl. Agriculture, No.6 Kemiri Village, Kepanjen District, Malang Regency – East Java. The design used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD), which consisted of 6 treatments and was repeated four times. There are 6 treatments, namely: P0 = without biochar; P1 = 100% rice straw biochar; P 2 = sago dregs biochar 100%; p 3 = sago pulp biochar 75% + rice straw biochar 25%; p 4 = sago pulp biochar 50% + rice straw biochar 50%; p 5 = sago pulp biochar 25% + rice straw biochar 75%. Observations included plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, seed weight per plant, and weight of 100 seeds. Data were analyzed using a variance test (Anova) by MS Excel. The results of this research show that the administration of sago dregs biochar and rice straw has a significant effect on yield and growth, where treatment (P3) with a mixture or combination of 75% sago dregs + 25% rice straw biochar, gave the best response compared to other treatments, with results reached 1.64 t.ha-1. Thus, a mixture or combination of 75% sago dregs biochar + 25% rice straw biochar can be used in Inceptisol.
Co-Authors Afeiro, Mohamad Ricky Afrinda, Miftakhus Solikha Amir Hamzah Andi Kurniawan Anggara, Abi Anggarsari, Dias Anna Satyana Karyawati Anwar, Mukhlisa Zuhuddina Arinal Hasni, Gerry Pradhana Armita, Deffi Arsetia, Reanida Tri Ashari, Sinta Ayu Dewi Bambang Guritno Barunawati, Nunun El Fitroh, Muhamad Azhim Fadhila, Syahada Amalia Fatmayanti, Nadya Febrianto, Riyadi Akbar Fitriana, Diah Asih Guntoro, Andi Yuono Hardiman, Tomy Hendardi, Bramantyo Irfany, Auliy Kanwal, N. D. S. Khumairoh, Uma Koesriharti Koesriharti Kurniawati, Dwi Mertin Lestari, Aryani Trie Lutfi, Rizqy Jamaludin Luvitasari, Desy Indah Maghfour, Mochammad Dawam Marzuki, Marzuki Meganada, Ika Kartika Megawati, Rina Moch. Dawam Maghfoer Mochammad Dawam Maghfoer Mochammad Roviq Muhyidin, Hidayatul Mukti, Muhammad Saifullah Muntashilah, Ummi Hadiyati Murdiono, Wisnu Eko Murdiono, Wisnu Eko Muthoharoh, Nurul Nainggolan, Alexander Nasution, Kharisma Hapsarini Nawawi, Mochammad Nihayati, Ellis Nindita, Ajeng Devi Ningtyas, Rizky Putri Diarsari Nugroho, Agung Nur Edy Suminarti Nurhidayati, Titik Nurjanah, Risda Yunita Paramaditya, Intan Purwati, Rima Dwi Putra, Herry Pratama Putri, Aldilla Dezjona Putri, Ponco Nurmi Rachmawati, Destalia Lanny Rahmat Nugraha Rismawan, Safetian Fauzi Riyani, Norma Winda Runik Dyah Purwaningrahayu Sa’adah, Nailis Safitri, Nurma Delia Sandiwantoro, Riko Tri Sari, Rahma Pramita Sebayang, Husni Thamrin Septiana, Asep Setiawan, Ariesta Yudha Setyono Yudo Tyasmoro Sipayung, Daniel Siswati, Jiana Budi Sopia Fransina Wambrauw Subagio, Yudhistira Afnan Malay Sudiarso, Sudiarso Sugari, Didit Sunaryo Sunaryo Sunaryo, Sunaryo Surya Pradana, Gede Bayu Sutoyo Sutoyo Syakur Syakur Syukur Makmur Sitompul, Syukur Makmur Tatik Wardiyati Titin Sumarni Titin Sumarni Tristanti, Nur Azizah Ubaidillah, Adib W.H. Utomo W.H. Utomo Wahyuni, Pipit Wardani, Fajarany Ratih Widiana, Aris Nikmatul Yogi Sugito Zakiah, Suci Gita