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Publicio: Jurnal Ilmiah Politik, Kebijakan dan Sosial Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Publicio
Publisher : Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51747/publicio.v4i2.1177


The research problems are low public awareness to pay PBB, clear evidence of the benefits of development from PBB, and the lack of enthusiasm by officials to collect PBB. This study aims to determine the village government's efforts to increase public awareness to pay PBB. The research method used was qualitative with data collection techniques using interviews, observation, documentation, and literature related to the research focus. Data were analyzed using the interactive Miles, Huberman, and Saldana models. The results of the study show that increasing public awareness in paying PBB is carried out by holding intense outreach on various occasions. Collaborating with community leaders to provide an understanding of the importance and benefits of PBB, making it easy for people to pay PBB by opening payment counters at the Village Office, and making efforts to improve community data that does not match real conditions on the ground. Factors that influence people's apathy and reluctance to pay taxes are tax data discrepancies with conditions in the field, as well as inadequate facilities. As a recommendation for improvement, there needs to be intense assistance from village officials to provide awareness for the community.
Pengembangan Objek Wisata dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pembangunan Kabupaten Malang Ignatius Adiwidjaja; Maria Yelita Dorti
REFORMASI Vol 13, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rfr.v13i2.4963


Tourism is currently an industry that is growing rapidly and tourism objects have very potential value. The development of the tourism sector has an impact on changes in an area. Local government has an important function in the development of tourist objects, especially coaching and training. The purpose of this research is to find out the development of tourism objects in an effort to increase development, the research method is a library type, namely researchers obtain or dig up complete and accurate information data through documents and historical records as well as research related to the object of research. Based on the results of research efforts made in the development of tourist objects in enhancing development, namely community participation is an important role of the community consciously and voluntarily in development activities. Tourist attractions are the essence of tourist objects to attract visitors. Tourism promotion is an important tool in marketing tourism objects. Tourism services are fulfilling needs, accessibility, namely facilities and infrastructure that support tourism activities and also development to make an area even better. So to improve the development of tourist objects, adequate human resources and transportation infrastructure around tourist objects are needed.AbstrakPariwisata saat ini merupakan suatu industri yang sedang berkembang pesat dan objek wisata mempunyai nilai sangat potensial. Berkembangnya sektor wisata membawa dampak perubahan pada suatu wilayah. Pemerintah daerah mempunyai fungsi penting dalam pengembangan objek wisata terutama pembinaan dan pelatihan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengembangan objek wisata dalam upaya meningkatkan pembangunan, metode penelitian jenis kepustakaan yaitu peneliti mendapatkan atau menggali data informasi secara lengkap dan akurat melalui dokumen dan catatan sejarah serta penelitiaan yang terkait dengan obyek peneliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian upaya yang dilakukan dalam pengembangan objek wisata dalam meningkatkan pembangunan yaitu partisipasi masyarakat merupakan peran penting masyarakat secara sadar dan sukarela dalam kegiatan pembangunan. Atraksi wisata adalah intisari dari objek wisata untuk menarik pengunjung. Promosi wisata merupakan perangkat penting dalam pemasaran objek pariwisata. Pelayanan wisata merupakan sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan, aksesibilitas yaitu fasilitas sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung kegiatan pariwisata dan juga pembangunan menjadikan suatu daerah kearah lebih baik lagi. Jadi untuk meningkatkan pengembangan objek wisata yang diperlukan sumber daya manusia yang memadai dan sarana prasarana transportasi disekitar objek wisata yang lengkap.
Analisis Kualitas Pelayan Publik di Desa Sumberejo, Kecamatan Batu, Kota Batu: Analysis of the Quality of Public Servants in Sumberejo Village, Batu District, Batu City Ignatius Adiwidjaja; Agung Suprojo; Yapiter Talo Pige
Indonesian Social Science Review Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Lenvari Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aims to analyze the quality of public services in Sumberejo Village, Batu District, Batu City. The research methodology employed is qualitative, involving interviews with the Village Chief, Village Secretary, and residents of Sumberejo Village. The analysis results indicate that various aspects of public service quality, such as physical evidence, reliability, and responsiveness, have been well provided by the village authorities. However, there is a deficiency in terms of socialization to the community. These findings suggest the need for enhanced socialization efforts to ensure that the community understands and can access public services more effectively. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas pelayanan publik di Desa Sumberejo, Kecamatan Batu, Kota Batu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara dengan Kepala Desa, Sekretaris Desa, dan masyarakat Desa Sumberejo. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa aspek-aspek kualitas pelayanan publik, seperti bukti fisik, reliability, dan responsiveness, telah disediakan dengan baik oleh perangkat desa. Namun, terdapat kekurangan dalam hal sosialisasi kepada masyarakat. Temuan ini mengindikasikan perlunya peningkatan upaya sosialisasi untuk memastikan bahwa masyarakat memahami dan dapat mengakses pelayanan publik dengan lebih baik.