Meitria Syahadatina Noor
Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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IKESMA Vol 6, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : FKM - UNEJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.5 KB)


Family Planning National Program is a program designed by government with the aim to control birthrate, one of which is the hormonal method, that contained estrogen and progesterone hormones. Aside from its sexual  and reproductive functions, estrogen can be used to prevent the degradation of cognitive function. The purpose of this research was to find out the comparison of cognitive function of oral contraceptive users  and the monthly injected contraceptive users by using Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) test in the area Pasayangan Public Health Center Kabupaten Banjar. It was an analytic observational study, with cross sectional design, and the subjects were 30 oral users and 30 monthly injected contraceptive users in the area Pasayangan Public Health Center Kabupaten Banjar. The result of this study indicated that there were 18 monthly injected contraceptive users who had good cognitive function, bigger in number than the oral contraceptive users (13 subjects). Analysis with Mann-Whitney test gave p value of  0.026 (p < 0.05), which showed that there was a significant difference between oral contraceptive users and monthly injected contraceptive users. It could be concluded that the cognitive function of monthly injected contraceptive users were significantly higher than oral contraceptive users. Keywords: oral contraceptives, injected contraceptives, estrogen, cognitive function
Perbedaan Kadar Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPP) Ovarium Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang Terpajan Kadmium dan Tidak Terpajan Kadmium Rahmadhani, Endah Ayu; Suhartono, Eko; Noor, Meitria Syahadatina
Jurnal Berkala Kedokteran Vol 10, No 1 (2014): Februari 2014
Publisher : Pendidikan Dokter Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v10i1.935


Abstract: Cadmium ( Cd) is one of hazardous and  poisonous material, which is that every material because of the nature of concentration or amount either directly or indirectly, can pollute the environment, health, the life of human beings and other living creatures. Cadmium induces toxicity or giving rise to a toxic effect through its ability in the formation of various free radical. An increase of free radicals that excessive will trigger oxidative stress. Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPP) is one of the makers of the occurrence of oxidative stress, derived from the influence of oxidative, stress carbonyl, and increasing the activity of inflammatory globally. This research is an experimental laboratoric the study was performed with 2 groups the treatment, first is  the control group P(0) that does not given exposure cd have been given 2 mL/day aquadest for 4 weeks, and the group exposure P(1), who is given exposure of  Cd with concentration  6 mg Cd/L given 2 mL/day for 4 weeks. The results showed average levels of AOPP in the control group P (0) was 5,319 ± 2,540 µM and  exposure group P(1) has an average of 9,360 ± 1,727 µM AOPP levels. Statistical analysis of the results of the Mann-Whitney shows that there is a meaningful difference between a group with a value of p = 0.000. Can be concluded there that effect of the difference of the formation a both group of AOPP, which in AOPP levels  exposure is higher than the control group. Keywords: cadmium, ovarium, Advanced Oxidation Protein Products, oxidative stress.  Abstract: Kadmium (Cd) merupakan salah satu bahan berbahaya dan beracun yaitu setiap bahan yang karena sifat, konsentrasi atau jumlah, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, dapat mencemari lingkungan hidup, kesehatan, kelangsungan hidup manusia serta mahluk hidup lain. Kadmium menginduksi toksisitas atau menimbulkan efek toksik melalui kemampuannya dalam pembentukan berbagai radikal bebas. Peningkatan radikal bebas yang berlebihan akan memicu terjadinya stres oksidatif. Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPP) merupakan salah satu tanda-tanda terjadinya stres oksidatif, yang berasal dari pengaruh oksidatif, stres karbonil, dan peningkatkan aktivitas inflamasi secara global. Penelitian ini bersifat studi eksperimental laboratorik yang dilakukan dengan 2 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok kontrol P(0) yang tidak diberi pajanan Cd hanya diberi akuadest sebanyak 2 mL/hari selama 4 minggu dan kelompok pajanan P(1) yang diberi pajanan Cd dengan konsentrasi 6 mg Cd/L yang diberikan sebanyak 2 mL/hari selama 4 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata kadar AOPP pada kelompok kontrol P(0) adalah 5,319 ± 2,540 µM dan kelompok pajanan P(1) memiliki rerata kadar AOPP sebesar 9,360 ± 1,727 µM. Hasil analisis statistik Mann-Whitney menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok dengan nilai p = 0,000. Dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh perbedaan pembentukan AOPP terhadap kedua kelompok, dimana kadar AOPP pada kelompok pajanan lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok kontrol. Kata-kata kunci: kadmium, ovarium, Advanced Oxidation Protein Products, stres oksidatif.
Perbedaan Kejadian Anemia pada Pasien yang Menderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Kurang Dari 5 Tahun dan Lebih Dari Sama Dengan 5 Tahun Balela, Naisya; Arifin, Miftahul; Noor, Meitria Syahadatina
Jurnal Berkala Kedokteran Vol 10, No 1 (2014): Februari 2014
Publisher : Pendidikan Dokter Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v10i1.931


ABSTRACT: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of symptoms that occur in a person caused by an increase in blood glucose levels due to a progressive decrease in insulin secretion and  motivated by insulin resistance. Prolonged hyperglycemia causes microvascular complications such as neuropathy and kidney disorder associated with the occurrence of anemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The aim of this research was to determine differences of anemia incidence in patient who suffering type 2 diabetes mellitus <5 years and ≥ 5 years in RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin from June to August 2013. The research used descriptive analytic methode with cross sectional approach. All 78 samples were selected by purposive sampling methode who fulfilled inclusion criteria, included patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, have a laboratory results of haemoglobin level, and willing to be the subject of research. Research showed that 57% patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus <5 years have anemia, whereas 86% patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus ≥ 5 years have anemia. Data were analyzed by chi-square statistic test with 95% confidence level showed that there was a significant difference between the incidence of anemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus < 5 years and ≥ 5 years (p = 0,004, RP = 1,51). It can be concluded that there was an increased risk incidence of anemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus ≥ 5 years in RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin from June to August 2013. Keywords: type II diabetes mellitus, sickness periode, anemia incidence ABSTRAK: Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan suatu kumpulan gejala yang timbul pada seseorang disebabkan karena adanya peningkatan kadar glukosa darah akibat penurunan sekresi insulin yang progresif dan dilatarbelakangi oleh resistensi insulin. Hiperglikemia yang berlangsung lama menyebabkan terjadinya komplikasi mikrovaskular yaitu neuropati dan gangguan pada ginjal yang berkaitan dengan terjadinya anemia pada pasien DM tipe 2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kejadian anemia pada pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 < 5 tahun dan ≥ 5 tahun di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode Juni-Agustus 2013. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sebanyak 78 sampel dipilih secara purposive sesuai kriteria inklusi, yaitu pasien DM tipe 2, mempunyai hasil laboratorium berupa kadar hemoglobin, dan bersedia menjadi subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 < 5 tahun mengalami kejadian anemia sebesar 57%, sedangkan pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 ≥ 5 tahun mengalami kejadian anemia sebesar 86%. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kejadian anemia pada pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 < 5 tahun dan ≥ 5 tahun (p = 0,004, RP = 1,51). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan risiko kejadian anemia pada pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 ≥ 5 tahun di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode Juni-Agustus 2013. Kata-kata kunci: diabetes melitus tipe 2, lama menderita, kejadian anemia
Hubungan Perilaku Jajan Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar: Di Kel. Cempaka Kec. Cempaka Kota Banjarbaru Hernanda, Aditya Pradipta; Djallalluddin, Djallalluddin; Noor, Meitria Syahadatina
Jurnal Berkala Kedokteran Vol 9, No 1 (2013): April 2013
Publisher : Pendidikan Dokter Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v9i1.922


ABSTRACT: Diarrheal disease in young children seems increasingly common in many topycal countries,especially in urban areas were dirty and crowded. Until now diarrhea is still one of the major health problem of the community in Indonesia.Diarrhea is always in the order of 3 greater than 10 diseases most health centers. The magnitude of the problem is evident from the high rate of mordibity and mortality due to diarrhea. The design of the study is observational analytic study. This research was conducted with a cross sectional study. From the research group hygienic respondents, 20 students (34.5%) suffered from diarrhea and as many as 38 students (63.5%) did not have diarrhea. Looking at the group of respondents unhygienic, as many as 98 students (78.4%) suffered from diarrhea and only 27 students (21.6%) who did not have diarrhea. The correlation test was used chi-square analysis because the variables have the habit of eating snacks nominal scale data form. Results obtained value of p = 0.000, this result is smaller than the value of a = 0.05. It means there is a significant relationship between the habit of eating snacks with diarrhea. The incidence of diarrhea largely categorized by 65.5% suffered from diarrhea. Figures hygiene most unhygienic categorized by 68.7% There is a significant association with the incidence of diarrhea snack behavior. Keywords: diarrhea, snack behavior, hygienic ABSTRAK      : Penyakit diare pada anak usia muda tampaknya makin sering dijumpai di berbagai negara tropis, khususnya di daerah perkotaan yang kotor dan padat. Sampai saat ini penyakit diare masih merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan utama dari masyarakat di Indonesia. Diare selalu masuk dalam urutan 3 besar dari 10 penyakit terbanyak  Puskesmas. Besarnya masalah tersebut terlihat dari tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian akibat diare. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasional analitik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Dari hasil penelitian kelompok responden yang higienis, sebanyak 20 siswa (34,5%) menderita diare dan sebanyak 38 siswa (63,5%) tidak menderita diare. Sedang pada kelompok responden tidak higienis, sebanyak 98 siswa (78,4%) menderita diare dan hanya 27 siswa (21,6%) yang tidak menderita diare. Adapun uji korelasi pada analisa ini digunakan Chi Square karena variabel kebiasaan jajan mempunyai bentuk data berskala nominal. Hasil yang didapatkan nilai p = 0,000, hasil ini ternyata lebih kecil dari nilai a = 0,05. Hal ini dapat diartikan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kebiasaan jajan dengan kejadian diare. Angka kejadian diare sebagian besar dikategorikan menderita diare sebesar 65,5%. Angka higienitas sebagian besar dikategorikan tidak higienis sebesar 68,7% Ada hubungan yang bermakna perilaku jajan dengan kejadian diare  Kata kata kunci : kejadian diare, perilaku jajan, higienis.
Perbedaan Kadar Ureum Serum Pasien yang Menderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 kurang dari 5 Tahun dan lebih dari sama dengan 5 Tahun: Studi Kasus di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Periode Juni-Agustus 2013 Kharismawati, Lucky Bintang; Arifin, Miftahul; Noor, Meitria Syahadatina
Berkala Kedokteran Vol 10, No 2 (2014): September 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v10i12.957


ABSTRACT: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is uncontaminated diseases which has chronic progressive characteristic. Type 2 diabetes patients with a long duration can lead to microvascular complication, one of which is diabetic nephropathy. Serum urea levels are significant parameters for kidney function tests. Kidney damage caused by type 2 DM can lead to elevated levels of serum urea. This study aimed to determine differences between serum urea levels of patients who suffered type 2 DM for < 5 years and ≥ 5 years in RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin period June-August 2013. The research used observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Method of sampling used by purposive sampling. A total of 72 subjects based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, consisting of 33 people who suffered type 2 DM < 5 years and 39 people who suffered type 2 DM ≥ 5 tahun. Research showed that  the mean serum urea levels who suffered type 2 DM was 44,67 mg/dL and the mean serum urea levels who suffered type 2 DM was 58,05 mg/dL.  Data were analyzed by unpaired T-test with 95 % confidence level showed that there was difference serum urea levels of patients who suffered type 2 DM for < 5 years and ≥ 5 years in RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin period June-August 2013. Key words: serum urea, diabetes mellitus type 2 ABSTRAK: Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang bersifat kronik progresif. Pasien DM tipe 2 dengan durasi yang lama dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kompilkasi mikrovaskular, salah satunya adalah nefropati diabetik. Kadar ureum serum adalah parameter yang signifikan untuk tes fungsi ginjal. Kerusakan ginjal yang disebabkan oleh DM tipe 2 dapat menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan kadar ureum serum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar ureum serum pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 < 5 tahun dan ≥ 5 tahun di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Periode Juni-Agustus 2013. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Cara pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Sebanyak 72 subjek penelitian sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang terdiri dari pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 < 5 tahun sebanyak 33 orang dan pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 ≥ 5 tahun sebanyak 39 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata kadar ureum serum pada pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 < 5 tahun sebesar 44,67 mg/dL dan rerata kadar ureum serum pada pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 ≥ 5 tahun sebesar 58,05 mg/dL. Hasil analisis data menggunakan uji T tidak berpasangan dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kadar ureum serum pasien yang menderita DM tipe 2 < 5 tahun dan ≥ 5 tahun di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Periode Juni-Agustus 2013. Kata-kata kunci: ureum serum, diabetes melitus tipe 2
Perbedaan Berat Bayi Lahir dari Ibu Preeklampsia Berat dan Tidak Preeklampsia: Tinjauan terhadap RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Periode Juni-Agustus 2013 Margareth, Yulia; Sauqi, Hardyan; Noor, Meitria Syahadatina
Berkala Kedokteran Vol 10, No 2 (2014): September 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v10i12.959


ABSTRACT: Severe preeclampsia is one of the pregnancy complication (for gestational age >20 weeks), characterized by blood pressure ≥160/110 mmHg and proteinuria >5g/24 jam. Severe preeclampsia can lead to fetus complication such as low birth weight babies. This study aimed to determine the diferences of birth weight between mother severe preeclampsia and non-preeclampsia at Banjarmasin Ulin Hospital from June to August 2013 with case-control approach. One hundred and twenty-six samples are collected with 63 samples were severe preeclampsia mother and 63 samples were non-preeclampsia mother, selected in simple random sampling. The results showed that the mean weight of babies born from severe preeclampsia mother was 2884.13 ± 524.1 grams, and mean birth weight of the mother non-preeclampsia was 3253.17 ± 390.9 grams. The results was analysed using independent T-test (α=95%) showed that p value=0,000, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference birth weight infant  between  mothers with severe preeclampsia and non-preeclampsia. Keywords : severe preeclampsia, birth weight infant, Banjarmasin Ulin Hospital. ABSTRAK: Preeklampsia berat merupakan salah satu komplikasi kehamilan pada usia kehamilan >20 minggu, ditandai dengan tekanan darah ≥160/110 mmHg dan proteinuria >5g/24 jam. Preeklampsia berat dapat menyebabkan komplikasi pada janin berupa bayi berat lahir rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan berat bayi lahir dari ibu preeklampsia berat dan tidak preeklampsia di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Periode Juni-Agustus 2013 dengan pendekatan case control. Total sampel sebanyak 126 orang dengan ibu preeklampsia berat 63 orang dan ibu tidak preeklampsia 63 orang, dipilih secara simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata berat bayi lahir dari ibu preeklampsia berat  sebesar 2884,13 ± 524,1 gram dan rerata berat bayi lahir dari ibu tidak preeklampsia sebesar 3253,17 ± 390,9 gram. Hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan uji T tidak berpasangan (α=95%) menunjukkan nilai p=0,000, sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara berat bayi lahir dari ibu preeklampsia berat dan tidak preeklampsia di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Periode Juni-Agustus 2013. Kata kunci: preeklampsia berat, berat bayi lahir, RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin.
Perbedaan Kadar Methylglyoxal (MG) Ovarium Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus) Terpajan Kadmium dan Tidak Terpajan Kadmium Husna, Annisa Halida; Suhartono, Eko; Noor, Meitria Syahadatina
Berkala Kedokteran Vol 10, No 2 (2014): September 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v10i12.956


ABSTRACT: Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal nonessensial that can pollute the environment and if it is included into the food chain and fish or plant indirectly also tainted Cd. If fish or plant that is contaminated with Cd consumed persistently by human beings in a long time will accumulate in the body and be chronic toxic by changing structural also functional an organ of the ovary. Determine the level Cd toxic in the ovary with measures level of methylglyoxal (MG). This research using the ovaries of white rats age of 2-3 months. This research to know the difference in the levels of MG of rat ovaries exposed and unexposed Cd. This study is experimental laboratory on the two groups, the control group P(0) that are aquadest as much as 2 ml per day for 4 weeks an exposure group P(1) who is given a Cd with a concentration of 6 mg/L are given as much as 2 ml for 4 weeks. The research results obtained average in the control group P(0) of 0,005 and treatment group P(1) by 0,016. Then to test normality Shapiro-wilk, after a normal, then do a non parametric tests Mann-whitney and meaningful differences between the results obtained by the control group p<0,005. There is a meaningful difference between the control group MG level of P(0) with the treatment group P(1) where the presence of increased levels of MG on Cd exposure groups. Keywords: cadmium, methylglyoxal, ovarium, stress oksidatif ABSTRAK: Kadmium (Cd) adalah logam berat nonessensial yang dapat mencemari lingkungan dan jika masuk ke dalam rantai makanan maka ikan ataupun tanaman secara tidak langsung juga tercemar Cd. Jika ikan atau tanaman yang tercemar Cd dikonsumsi terus-menerus oleh manusia dalam jangka waktu lama akan terakumulasi di tubuh dan berakibat toksiksitas kronis dengan mengubah struktural juga fungsional dari organ ovarium. Untuk mengetahui tingkat toksiksitas Cd di dalam ovarium dengan mengukur kadar methylglyoxal (MG). Penelitian ini menggunakan ovarium tikus putih yang berumur 2-3 bulan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar MG ovarium tikus putih yang terpajan Cd dan tidak terpajan Cd. Penelitian laboratorik eksperimental dilakukan dengan 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol P(0) yang diberi akuadest 2 ml setiap hari selama 4 minggu dan kelompok perlakuan P(1) yang diberi Cd konsentrasi 6 mg/L sebanyak 2 ml selama 4 minggu. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata kelompok kontrol 0.005 dan kelompok perlakuan P(1) 0.016. Data kemudian di uji normalitas Shapiro-Wilk menunjukan p=0,000 (p<0,005). Kemudian dilakukan uji non-parametrik Mann-Whitney p=0,000 (p<0,005). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar MG antara kelompok kontrol P(0) yang tidak terpajan Cd dengan kelompok perlakuan P(1) yang terpajan Cd. Kata-kata kunci: kadmium, methylglyoxal, ovarium, stress oksidatif
Perbandingan Kejadian Dismenore Pada Akseptor Pil KB Kombinasi Dengan Akseptor Suntik KB 1 Bulan DiWilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pasayangan Noor, Meitria Syahadatina; Yasmina, Alfi; Di Hanggarawati, Connyvera
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (88.743 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.9.1.14-17


More than 50% women who have menstruations will get dysmenorrheal occurrence. Dysmenorrhea is a typeof pain in the stomach that originates from uterine cramps in the menstrual period. Using the oralcontraceptive and monthly injected contraceptive can reduce dysmenorrhea occurrence. The aim of the studywas to find out the difference of dysmenorrheal occurrence between the oral contraceptive users and monthlyinjected contraceptive users in Pasayangan Public Health Center. It was an analytic observational study withcross-sectional design. Sample were chosen by purposive sampling technique. Subjects in this research were30 oral contraceptive users and 30 monthly injected contraceptive users in Pasayangan Public Health Center.The dysmenorrheal occurrence was assessed with questionnaire. The result of the research indicated thatdysmenorrheal occurrence were suffered more by oral contraceptive users (8 subjects), while only 1 bymonthly injected contraceptive users. Analysis with Fisher’s Exact Test gave p value of 0.026 (p < 0.05),hence it could be concluded that dysmenorrheal occurrence in monthly injected contraceptive users weresignificantly lower than those in oral contraceptive users.Keywords: dysmenorrhea, oral contraceptive, monthly injected contraceptive
HUBUNGAN STATUS GIZI IBU HAMIL DENGAN KEJADIAN BAYI LAHIR MATI DI KABUPATEN BANJARPERIODE 2011-2012 Mariyatul, Mariyatul; Triawanti, Triawanti; Noor, Meitria Syahadatina
Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jpkmi.v1i1.601


Stillbirth is the birth of the conception product of dead who have reached 28 weeks of gestational age (body weight ≥ 1000 grams). Stillbirth could be influenced by nutritional status of maternal pregnant. The aim of research is to indicate relationship nutritional status of maternal pregnant with stillbirth incident in Banjar regency period 2011-2012. The research had analytic observational study with case control approach around work area Pengaron Health Center, Sambung Makmur Health Center, Astambul Health Center, Pasayangan Health Center, and Dalam Pagar Health Center in Banjar Regency on May until September 2013. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The research sample were 30 maternal pregnant who have stillbirth incident (case) and 30 maternal pregnant who have livebirth (control) and suitable with inclusion criteria. The resource of research is conducted by secondary data. The data is analyzed by using Fischer exact and Chi Square. The results indicates that maternal pregnant of case had maternal height <145 cmis6,67%, increased weight gain during pregnancy <10 kg is 96,67%, maternal hemoglobin concentration <11 gr/dl is 76,67%, and maternal MUAC <23,5 cm is 50%. The conclusion with Fischer exact test: no correlation maternal height (p=0,671) and increased weight gain during pregnancy (p=0,195)with stillbirth incident. The conclusion with Chi Square test: there were correlation maternal hemoglobin concentration (p=0,001, OR=7,67)and maternal MUAC (p=0,001, OR=14)with stillbirth incident. Key words: nutritional status ofmaternal pregnant, maternal height, increased weight gain during pregnancy, maternal hemoglobin concentration, maternal MUAC, and stillbirth.  
Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jpkmi.v1i1.602


The pregnant is the period was during the fetus in the womb of mother, during the pregnant is the period in which someone woman requiring various elements of nutrition that much more than is necessary in a state of ordinary. In addition to meet the needs of her own body, various the nutrients it also needed for growth and development of a fetus who was n her womb. Nutritional needs of pregnant mother during must be fulfilled to suppress the risk of weight born low (LBW). Several factors that influence the weight babies among others born baby weight, parity, hb, mother age and the upper arm circumference (LILA ) of mother. Tanah laut district  was a city with the highest number of cases LBW at South Kalimantan,  specifically 5,2 % and Pelaihari Sub-District has the highest rate of LBW in the district, which is 5.7%. The researches aims to investigate the relation between number of birth, MUAC, Hb and mother’s age with infant’s birth weight at Pelaihari Sub-District Tanah Laut City period in 2012. The researches was analytic observational approach that used cross sectional design with 267 samples. Researches instrument used secondary data. Dependent variable is birth weight infants, independent variable are number of birth, MUAC, Hb and mother’s age. Data obtained analyzed with chi square tests.The result of this researches showed that LILA (OR=22,165:p-value<0,05), HB (OR=20,907:p-value<0,05), pregnant mothers age  (OR=6,667:p-value<0,05) and parity  (p-value>0,05) that means that there was a relationship between LILA, Hb, and pregnant mothers age with heavy the baby was born. Meanwhile, there was no relationship between parity with born baby weight Key words: pregnant mother, born baby weight, number of birth,  Hb, mother’ age, LILA