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Comparison Between Amaryl and Nut Grass (Cyperus rotindus L.) Rhizome Extract on Blood Sugar Levels of Male Mice (Mus musculus L.) Induced by Alloxan Besty Prastiwy, Ayu Ayssca; Busman, Hendri; Nurcahyani, Nuning
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 16, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.023 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v16i1.69


Nut grass rhizome contains several chemical compounds including aetheric oil, flavonoid, saponine, and antidiabetic agents, where as amaryl is a chemical medicine used to treat diabetes.  A study about the comparison between amaryl and nut grass rhizome extract on blood sugar levels of male mice has been conducted.  The study aimed to determine the effect of nut grass rhizome extract compared to amaryl in decreasing the blood sugar levels of male mice.  The mice were divided into four groups of treatment, each group consists of six mice.  The mice were intraperitoneally induced by alloxan to induce diabetes with the dosage of 0,15 mg/40 gr BB, using 0,9% of  NaCl as solvent, before being given the medicine.  Later, the mice were given amaryl and the nut grass rhizome extract, they were group 1 as control :  amaryl 0,4 mg/40 gr BW in 0,4 ml/100 ml of aqua bidest, group 2:  nut grass rhizome extract 4,5 mg/40 gr BB in 0,4 ml/100 ml of aqua bidest, group 3:  nut grass rhizome extract 45 mg/40 gr BB in 0,4 ml/100 ml of aqua bidest, group 4:  nut grass rhizome extract 135 mg/40 gr BB in 0,4 ml/100 ml of aqua bidest.  The result showed that the mice given nut grass rhizome extract with the dosage of 135 mg/40 g BW had significantly decreased blood sugar level compared to amaryl.  This was the effect of flavoniod compound in the nut grass rhizome extract which was rich in antioxidants so it could decrease the blood sugar levels of the diabetic mice.Key words:  amaryl, nut grass rhizome extract, intraperitoneal, flavonoid, anti oxidants, diabetes.
The Effect of Ethanol Extracts of Jeruju (Holy Mangrove) Leaves (Acanthus ilicifolius L.) and Taurine on Hematopoiesis Profiles of Mice (Mus musculus L.) Induced by Alloxan Ardiansyah, Budi Khoiri; Widiastuti, Endang Linirin; Nurcahyani, Nuning; Sutyarso, Sutyarso
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 18, No 2 (2020): oktober
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.18.2.62-68


The high exposure to free radicals and glucose blood levels in diabetes potentially damage the body cells and decrease body immune status that is shown by changes in the number of blood cells that can cause complications. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of ethanol extracts of jeruju (holy mangrove) leaves (Acanthus ilicifolius L.) and taurine on hematopoiesis profile by measuring the number of erythrocytes, the number of leukocytes and the leukocytes differential. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) by 5 treatments with 5 repetitions conducted for 14 days. The treatment groups were: K1 negative control, K2 positive control (alloxan induced only), P1 induced by alloxan and given 100% ethanol extract of jeruju leaves at dose of 22.4 mg/bb/day, P2 induced by alloxan and given 50% ethanol extract of jeruju leaves dose of 22.4 mg/bb/day, and P3 induced by alloxan and given taurine dose of 15.6 mg/bb/day. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and followed by LSD test at the 5% level. The results showed that the administration of jeruju and taurin can maintain the number of leukocytes and the number of lymphocyte cells that were close to normal after induced by alloxan. But has no effect in the number of erythrocytes in mice
Bird Species Based on Tree Height Perched in the Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung Regency Putra, Bagus Susilo; Kanedi, M.; Nurcahyani, Nuning; Susanto, G. Nugroho
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 20, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.20.1.9-14


Birds are one of the most diverse animals in the world, especially in Indonesia. Liwa Botanical Garden located in Pekon Kubu Perahu, Balik Bukit District, West Lampung Regency, is a conservation area with the theme of conservation and development of ornamental plants, representing the flora of Southern Sumatra. This research is a continuation of the collaboration between the Department of Biology and Balitbang UPTD Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung Regency. The presence of birds in the Liwa Botanical Garden is also a bioindicator of biodiversity for the environment in this area. By maintaining the presence of birds in the Liwa Botanical Garden means protecting their habitat and existing plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the species of birds based on the height of the perched trees in the Liwa Botanical Garden and the abundance of their species. The method used in this research is the point count with the observation time for 9 days in the morning and evening at the height of the tree in 3 different observation stations. Birds on KRL are mostly found on perches at an altitude of 2 - 7 meters, in the category of shrubs and trees, there are 19 out of 25 bird species found. The highest Relative Abundance Index (IKR) was Collocalia esculenta at 39.91% and the lowest IKR value was 7 bird species, each with 0.14% value. The conservation status of the 25 bird species based on IUCN is Least Concern (LC) and based on CITES there is one species that is included in Appendix II, namely Ictinaetus malayensis while based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. P.20 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.1 / 6/2018 there is one bird species that is included in the protection, namely species Ictinaetus malayensis
PENURUNAN LAJU PENUAAN REPRODUKSI MENCIT JANTAN (Mus muculus.Linn) DENGAN PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK JAHE (Zingiber officinale) DALAM PAKAN Sutyarso Sutyarso; Sumayyah Annida; M. Kanedi; Hendri Busman; Nuning Nurcahyani
Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati (J-BEKH) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Lampung in collaboration with The Indonesian Association of Biology (PBI) Lampung Branch.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jbekh.v5i1.52


The ginger rhizome contains antioxidants and is chemoprotective, therefore we suspect it can decrease the aging rate in the reproductive system. The purpose of this study, to determine the effect of ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) against reproductive aging of male mice (Mus musculus). This study, using 36 male mice (Mus musculus) aged 12-14 months, divided into three groups each 12 tails. Group 1 as controls, groups 2 and 3 were given 50 mg and 100 mg ginger extract / kg of pellets. The pellet is given for 70 days ad libitum. Next, observed the number of spermatogenic cells, as well as the number and quality of spermatozoa. The results showed that ginger extract had an effect on spermatogenic and spermatozoa (P <0,01) cells of mice. The results of preleptotene spermatocyte, pakhiten and spermatid spermatocyte counts were higher, as were the number of spermatozoa, the percentage of viability and motility, and the normal morphology of spermatozoa were more in the group given ginger extract than control (P <0.01). It was concluded that ginger rhizome extract given to mice entering the aging period could inhibit the rate of decline in reproductive function.
Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung pada Areal Tambak Intensif di Sumatera Selatan dan Lampung Jani Master; Nuning Nurcahyani; Suci Natalia; Henny Indah Pertiwi
Biospecies Vol. 9 No. 2 (2016): Juli 2016
Publisher : Universitas Jambi

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Abstrak. Areal pertambakan merupakan salah satu habitat yang disukai oleh jenis burung, khususnya burung air. Penelitian ini ini bertujuan untuk indentifikasi keanekaragaman jenis-jenis burung yang terdapat pada areal pertambakan udang intensif. Penelitian dilakukan pada dua areal tambak intensif terbesar di Sumatera Selatan dan Lampung pada bulan Juni – Agustus 2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode jelajah dengan stasiun pengamatan yang ditempatkan secara purposive. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keanekaragaman burung pada dua areal tambak intensif berkisar antara sedang hingga tinggi yaitu 2,90 untuk tambak intesif di Sumatera Selatan  dan 3.55 untuk tambak intensif di Lampung. Areal tambak menjadi salah satu lokasi penting bagi burung, selain karena memiliki keanekaragaman jenis yang tinggi, areal tambak juga menjadi salah satu habitat pilihan lokasi singgah mencari makan burung-burung migran.   Kata Kunci: keanekaragaman jenis, burung air, tambak udang
Uji Efektivitas Pemberian EKstrak Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rambut Kelinci (Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus,1758)) Ayu Meilani; Mohammad Kanedi; Yulianty Yulianty; Nuning Nurcahyani
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 7 No 3 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.793 KB)


Hair is one of the important parts of the human body that has many functions, one of the mainproblems of hair that many people experience is hair loss. To find a solution for the problem of hair loss, a very much natural ingredients can be used to stimulate hair growth. One of the natural ingredients that can be used to stimulate hair growth is papaya seeds. This study discusses the effects of extracts of papaya seed (Carica papaya L.) with a concentration of the most effective hair growth rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758)). Variations of treatment used is the negative controls (K-) spread with distilled water, the positive control(K+) spread with minoxidil 2%, treatment 1 (P1) smeared gel extract of papaya seeds 5% concentration, treatment 2 (P2) smeared gel extract of papaya seeds concentration 10%, treatment 3 (P3) gel smeared papaya seed extract 15%, and treatment 4 (P4) gel smeared papaya seed extract concentration of 20%. Based on the results of further analysis of variance and LSD test at 5% significance level indicates that the gel seed extract of papaya (Carica papaya L.) to give effect to accelerate the growth of hair length but was not significantly different from the hair mass. The best treatment is at a concentration of 15% (P3).
DNA Isolation on Captive Sumatran Elephant in Elephant Training Center, Way Kambas National Park: A First Step towards Its ID Card Elly L. Rustiati; Priyambodo Priyambodo; Siti Asiyah; Dedi Candra; Diah E. Anggraini; Elizabeth D. Krismuniarti; Eko Agus Srihanto; Liza Angeliya; Nuning Nurcahyani; Enny Saswiyanti
The International Journal of Tropical Veterinary and Biomedical Research Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Vol. 3 (1) May 2018
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.698 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/ijtvbr.v3i1.11368


Elephant Training Center (ETC) Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) was built to support human-elephantmitigation conflict. The small population of captive sumatran elephant in ETC WKNP need a comprehensivestrategy in order to maintain the genetic variation of each individual and avoid inbreeding drive. Currently, geneticstudies have opened new field studies in ecology, included conservation ecology. Patterns in variation of populationhas been investigated by molecular method supporting species conservation effort. The captive sumatran elephant’sID Card is a necessary in database building, which included morphology, health status, and genetic profile. Geneticprofile in each ID Card was filled by cytogenetic and molecular profile for RADP result, that initiated with DNAisolation. The DNA sources collected by blood sampling protocol described by Asiyah et al. (2016) from captivesumatran elephant in ETC, WKNP, and be carried to laboratory in cold condition. The DNA sources stored at 4oCand isolated following commercial protocol. The result of DNA isolation stored at -20oC until amplificationanalysis. DNA isolation was successfully done, for further individual genetic ID building.