Nusaibah - Nusaibah
Department Marine Processing Product, Marine And Fisheries Polytechnic Of Pangandaran, Jl. Raya Babakan KM 02, Desa Babakan, Kec. Pangandaran, Kab. Pangandaran. 46393

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Bio-hydrogen Production From Vinasse By Using Agent Fermentation Of Photosynthetic Bacteria Rhodobium marinum Nusaibah - Nusaibah; Khaswar - Syamsu; Dwi - Susilaningsih
Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Research Centre of Inorganic Materials and Complexs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.108 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/ijems.2020.4.1.23-27


The aim of this research was to find out the effect of substrate concentrations (COD) of vinasse and the length of fermentation time to bio-hydrogen gas production using agent fermentation of photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodobium marinum. The production of bio-hydrogen was examined by varying COD of vinasse (10,000; 20,000; 30,000; 40,000; 50,000 mg COD/L) at certain fermentation time in the third, sixth and ninth day. The highest Hydrogen gas was obtained at ninth day of fermentation (82.66±18.6 mL). The highest Hydrogen Production Rate (HPR) and COD removal rate were obtained at concentration 50,000 mg COD/L, namely 109.98 mL H2/L/d and 1437.66 mg COD/L/d, respectively. Thus it can be concluded, the concentration of substrates (COD) from vinasse and the length of fermentation time have an effect on production of bio-hydrogen gas using Rhodobium marinum
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 14, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sangia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.14.2.308-315


Abstrak. Limbah padat hasil industri pengolahan ikan Tuna (Thunnus sp) menghasilkan jumlah limbah yang sangat melimpah dan belum termanfaatkan dengan baik, padahal salah satu jenis limbahnya yaitu tulang ikan memiliki kandungan gizi proksimat yang tinggi. Tepung tulang ikan Tuna merupakan salah satu pemanfaatan pengolahan limbah tulang ikan yang cocok dijadikan sebagai bahan tambahan pembuatan kerupuk untuk menambah nilai proksimat pada produk. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kandungan proksimat dan organoleptik kerupuk dengan penambahan tepung tulang ikan Tuna. Dari penelitian ini, didapatkan hasil pengujian organoleptik (hedonik) tertinggi diraih pada perlakuan penambahan tepung tulang ikan tuna sebanyak 5% yang selanjutnya dilakukan uji proksimat dengan nilai kadar air sebesar 7,89%, kadar abu 23,26%, kadar lemak 5,21%, kadar karbohidrat 58,4% dan kadar protein 5,24%. Sedangkan kerupuk tanpa penambahan tepung tulang ikan Tuna memiliki nilai kadar air sebesar 7,40%, kadar abu 14,06%, kadar lemak 4,21%, kadar karbohidrat 70,86% dan kadar protein 3,47%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kandungan proksimat terutama kadar protein, lemak dan mineral pada kerupuk dengan penambahan tepung tulang ikan Tuna lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan kerupuk tanpa penambahan tepung tulang ikan Tuna.
Utilization of jeruju leaves extract (Acanthus ilicifolius) as a raw anti-acne cream Nusaibah Nusaibah; Widya Pangestika; Herry Herry
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 14, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sangia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.14.1.16-24


Jeruju (Acanthus ilicifolius) is abundant in mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia and has high antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the many uses of hazardous chemicals in anti-acne creams are the reason for the need of alternative natural ingredients for making anti-acne creams. So that in this study the use of jeruju leaf extract was added as an active ingredient of anti-acne cream. This research method was carried out by extracting the leaves of jeruju using ethanol solvent then made anti acne cream with extract concentrations of 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%. After that, sensory testing, TPC, antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity against acne-causing bacteria, namely Propionibacterium acne were carried out. The results of the antibacterial activity test of the four concentrations against P.acne produced inhibition zones with a range of values, namely 10.35-12.72 mm.. In testing the antioxidant activity, the best results were obtained at a concentration of 15% extract with an IC50 value of 98.80 ppm. From these results it can be concluded that jeruju is proven to inhibit P.acne bacteria, so that it has the potential to be used as an active ingredient in making anti-acne creams. Suggestions that can be given for further research are to make jeruju extract into a form that is more acceptable to consumers in terms of odor and color without reducing its content.
KARAKTERISTIK MUTU IKAN BLACK MARLIN LOIN BEKU DI PT. SINAR SEJAHTERA SENTOSA JAKARTA Nusaibah - Nusaibah; Deden Yusman Maulid; Alkana Yusuf Fiyari; Kartika Kartika
Marlin : Marine and Fisheries Science Technology Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2020): (Februari, 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.317 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/marlin.V1.I1.2020.17-23


Ikan Black marlin merupakan ikan pelagis yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting, oleh karena itu produk olahannya yaitu Black marlin loin beku merupakan salah satu komoditi perikanan yang banyak disukai oleh pasar mancanegara. Sehingga Black marlin loin beku harus memiliki mutu yang baik untuk layak dipasarkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis karakteristik mutu ikan Black marlin beku yang diproduksi di PT. Sinar Sejahtera Sentosa. Karakteristik yang diuji meliputi karakteristik fisik menggunakan uji organoleptik, kemudian karakteristik kimiawi dengan uji histamin dan karakteristik biologi dengan melakukan uji TPC (Total Plate Count) dan hasilnya kemudian dianalisis menggunakan standar SNI Marlin Loin Beku. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian organoleptik pada black marlin loin beku yaitu 7, sedangkan hasil yang diperoleh dari uji histamin sebesar 1 mg/kg dan uji TPC yaitu 370 coloni/g. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ikan Black Marlin Loin beku telah memenuhi standar SNI Marlin Loin Beku, ikan tersebut mempunyai mutu yang baik sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi dan layak untuk dipasarkan. Black marlin is a pelagic species that has high economic value, therefore the processed product frozen loin black marlin, is one of the fisheries commodities that are preferred by foreign markets. Therefore, frozen black marlin loin must have good quality to be marketable. The aim of this research was to study and analyze the quality characteristics of frozen black marlin loin at PT. Sinar Sejahtera Sentosa. Characteristics test were done by doing physical characteristics using organoleptic test, then chemical characteristics test by doing histamine test and biological characteristics test by doing TPC (Total Plate Count) test and the results were analyzed then with standard SNI Frozen Loin Marlin. The result of organoleptic test on frozen loin black marlin were 7, while the results of histamine test were 1 mg/kg and the TPC test 370 coloni/g. From these results it can be concluded that frozen loin black marlin has fulfilled SNI standards, this fish has a good quality so safe for consumption and marketable. 
Proximate and Organoleptic Analysis of Crackers With The Addition of Tuna Fish Bone Meal (Thunnus sp) Nusaibah Nusaibah; Zulhasbi Hutabarat; David Indra Widianto; Satriya Abrian; Deden Yusman Maulid; Widya Pangestika; Kusuma Arumsari
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1324.015 KB) | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v14i2.790


Solid waste from the tuna fish processing industry produces a very abundant amount of waste and has not been utilized properly, even though one type of waste, namely fish bones, has high proximate nutritional content. Tuna fish bone meal is one of the uses fish bone waste treatment which is suitable as additional ingredient for making crackers to add proximate value to the product. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the proximate and organoleptic content of crackers with the addition of tuna fish bone meal. From this study, the highest organoleptic (hedonic) test results were obtained in the addition of 5% tuna fish bone meal, then proximate test was carried out with a water content value of 7.89%, ash content 23.26%, fat content 5.21%, carbohydrate content is 58.4% and protein content is 5.24%. While the crackers without the addition of tuna bone meal had a water content of 7.40%, ash content of 14.06%, fat content of 4.21%, carbohydrate content of 70.86% and protein content of 3.47%. These results indicate that the proximate content, especially protein, fat and mineral content in the crackers with the addition of tuna is higher than the crackers without the addition of tuna bone meal.
The Proximate Content of Mackerel Fish (Scomberomorus commerson) with Different Drying Methods Deden Yusman Maulid; Ronald Septiawan Putra; Nusaibah Nusaibah; Satriya Abrian; Widya Pangestika; Kusuma Arumsari; Endah Yuniarti
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1385.296 KB) | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v14i2.851


Fish skin is one of kind by-products of the fillet industry and the fish processing industry. Mackerel skin has not been used optimally, although it has good economic potential and has high nutritional content. This study aims to obtain the best drying method based on the proximate content produced in mackerel fish skin chips. The drying method used are natural drying using sun dried and artificial drying method using oven dried. The parameter observed was the proximate content of mackerel chips. The proximate content was obtained using the AOAC(2005) method. The results of the proximate test on mackerel skin chips with oven drying method are: the value of water content 12.85%, ash content of 16.12%, fat content of 17.74%. Carbohydrates 24,00%, Protein content 28,91%. While the proximate value using the sun drying method contains 9.21% moisture, 6.73% ash content, 17.74% fat content, 40.66% carbohydrates, and 29.95% protein content. The best drying method is obtained by sun dried method because it gives the smallest moisture (9.21%) and the highest protein content (29.95%).
Protein Content and Physical Characteristics of Chocolate Coated Manyung Fishtick (Arius thalassinus) Satriya Abrian; David Indra Widianto; Amri Iskandar; Widya Pangestika; Deden Yusman Maulid; Nusaibah Nusaibah; Kusuma Arumsari
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1381.274 KB) | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v14i2.857


Catfish (Arius thalassinus) is one of favourite consumed fish in pangandaran. It is widely used as a raw material for jambal roti salted fish. Apart from being used as salted fish, Catfish can also be processed into Fishstick which are rich in protein. The purpose of this reaserach is to determine the protein content and physical characteristic of Chocolate Coated Manyung Fishtick. Catfish meat used in the manufacture of fishstick is 0 %, 20%, 30%, 40%. The Protein contents were analysed using Kjeldahl methode. The result showed that fishtick with 40% Catfish meat has the highest protein content of 3,89%. The addition of Catfish meat had a significant effect on the characteristics of organoleptic properties. Based on hedonic testing, fishtick with the concentration of 40% fish meat is a formulation with the best acceptance to an aroma value of 7,63, a taste of 7,43 and a color of 7,17 wich indicates the spesification of the average value. The result of self life test also showed that the fishtick with concentration of 30% fish meat is the most durable according to aroma, taste, and texture analysis.
The Production of Crude Fish Oil from Trimming, Belly, and Head of Catfish (Pangasius pangasius) Widya Pangestika; Sholekha Nur Karim; Natalia Prodiana Setiawati; Kusuma Arumsari; Deden Yusman Maulid; Nusaibah Nusaibah; Satriya Abrian
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1387.37 KB) | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v14i2.860


Fish oil is an extraction that comes from the tissue in fish which contains nutrients that are good for health. Catfish (Pangasius pangasius) is a type of fish that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. The oil content in catfish is quite a lot so it is suitable for use in making fish oil. Health supplements are products with the aim of maintaining, improving health as well in addition to the need for this substance. This research aims to determine the process of make fish oil, increasing the selling value of catfish as a health supplement. The test parameter in this research were to determine the free fatty acid, water content, and organoleptic content of fish oil. This research was conducted on three treatments with different types of raw materials, namely the body parts of catfish including belly, trimming and fish head. The most yield results are at fish oil with belly materials for catfish, is 35%. The water content and free fatty acids contained in fish oil in each treatment met the existing standards. From the results of observations of turbidity, color, and odor, it is known that fish oil obtained from the belly is better than fish oil from other parts.
Penanganan limbah cair hasil pengolahan ikan asin dengan menggunakan metode ozonisasi Widya Pangestika; Arif Baswantara; Nusaibah Nusaibah; David Indra Widianto; Arpan Nasri Siregar; Eneng Wulan Rahmawati
AGROINTEK Vol 16, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Agroindustrial Technology, University of Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/agrointek.v16i4.14192


Pangandaran Regency is famous for salted fish, both for consumption by the surrounding community and for souvenirs. In the salty fish production process, of course, a lot of liquid waste is produced. The method of preparation, washing and soaking are the three stages that make the most wastewater in salting fish. Salted fish processing liquid waste is an organic waste that can be reduced its pollution parameters through ozonation technology. This study aims to study the effect of effluent pH and ozonation time on the level of degradation of effluent pollution parameters, such as: TSS, TDS, COD, BOD5, and salinity. From the analysis results, it is known that the process of flowing ozone for 80 minutes at pH 9 can reduce TSS, TDS, and salinity to the maximum, by 86.23%, 62.42%, and 61.38%, respectively. The most reductions in COD and BOD5 were achieved after giving ozone for 20 minutes at pH 10, as much as 52.20% and 54.69%, respectively. It is known that the TSS and TDS of wastewater that has been given ozone may be below the quality standard set by the Minister of the Environment, but this does not yet apply to levels of COD and BOD5. Additional processing is required so that the COD and BOD5 values can be below the quality standards recommended by the Minister of the Environment.
Pemanfaatan Buah Bakau Rhizophora sp. dan Sonneratia sp. sebagai Bahan Baku Kopi Analog: Utilization of Mangrove Fruit Rhizophora sp. and Sonneratia sp. as Raw Material for Analog Coffee Nusaibah Nusaibah; Cahya Mirawati Putri; Widya Pangestika; Novi Luthfiyana
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 25(2)
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v25i2.39852


Mangrove are plants that are commonly found on the coast of Indonesia. However, although mangrove are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, they have not been widely used as consumer goods. Product development from mangrove fruits as raw materials is required, including analog coffee made from the mangrove fruit of Rhizophora sp. and Sonneratia sp. The purpose of this study was to determine the proximate levels, antioxidants and consumer preferences through hedonic testing of each mangrove coffee production. Three raw material treatments used in this study were pure commercial ground coffee arabica type (K0) as a control, analog coffee made from the mangrove fruit Rhizophora sp. (K1), and Sonneratia sp. (K2). The results showed that the percent moisture content was in the range of 3.33-7.31% and the ash content was in the range of 2.57-3.16% of the two parameters, both samples (K1 and K2) had meets the standard SNI for coffee. 01-3542-2004. While the fat content is 9.06% - 12.6% and the protein content 7.09-11.59% of the two parameters, the highest value was achieved with the K2 treatment. Based on the antioxidant activity test in % of the inhibitory units, the percentage results were between 61.63-77.15% with the highest value K2 achieved. Based on the hedonic test, the preference for color (neutral-like), aroma (like), taste (like), texture (like). Differences in the raw materials used have a significant effect on the aroma and color, while taste and texture do not affect the preference.