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Molecular Characteristics of Cytochrome B for Mackerel Barcoding Deden Yusman Maulid; Mala Nurilmala; Nurjanah Nurjanah; Hawis Maddupa
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 19 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia
Publisher : Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1957.716 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v19i1.11686


Cytochrome b (cyt b) is one of the genes in mitochondrial DNA that is often used as a molecularmarker to identify species through DNA Barcoding. The aim of the present study was to investigate thebioinformatic of cyt b that isolated from mackerel fish. PCR amplification showed the length of DNA cytb from king mackerel was 803 bp within purine 312 bp and pyrimidine 491 bp while Korean mackerel 791bp within purine 316 bp and pyrimidine 475 bp. Phylogenetic analysis showed all sample join in mackerelgroups (Scomberomorus commerson and Scomberomorus koreanus). The Isoelectric point value of cyt b fromking mackerel is 6.38 and molecular weight is 29826.23; Korean mackerel are 8.67 and molecular weight is29372.77. Hydrophaty plot showed cyt b of mackerel more hydrophobic. Based on 3D modelling both ofthem have eight different sections showing by different colors.Keywords: characteristic molecular, cytochrome b, Mackerel
Pengaruh Iradiasi Gamma dan Penyimpanan Dingin terhadap Kandungan Proksimat, pH, dan ALT Filet Ikan Jenaha Widya Pangestika; Satriya Abrian; Deden Yusman Maulid; Kusuma Arumsari; Sugili Putra; Farakh Fadila Windiarti; Vipi Herawati
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 25 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 25(1)
Publisher : Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v25i1.38521


Fish and fishery products are perishable foodstuffs. One technology to prolong the shelf life of fish is gamma irradiation. Irradiation is able to break the bonds of bacterial DNA chains, thereby inhibiting bacterial growth. The application of irradiation technology will certainly be much more effective when combined with other preservation technologies, such as storage at cold temperatures. In this study, skinless jenaha fish fillet (Lutjanus sp.) was irradiated at doses of 0 kGy, 3 kGy, 5 kGy, and 8 kGy. After being irradiated at a certain dose, fish fillets were stored for 6 days at a cold temperature of 5oC. Based on the results of the proximate analysis, it was found that irradiation technology did not cause significant changes to the moisture content, ash content, and fat content but slightly reduced the protein content of fish fillets. Furthermore, it was found that in terms of pH, fish fillets that were not irradiated and irradiated fish fillets were still categorized as fresh fillets until storage on the 6th day. Although the amount of bacterial contamination in fish fillets that were not irradiated was much greater than that of irradiated fish fillets, the number of bacterial contaminants in all treatments of fish fillets was still below the threshold set by SNI 7388: 2009. The pH value and the amount of bacterial contamination in all treatments Fish fillets tend to increase with the length of the storage process.
DNA Barcoding untuk Autentikasi Produk Ikan Tenggiri (Scomberomorus sp) Deden Yusman Maulid; Mala - Nurilmala
Jurnal Akuatika Vol 6, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Akuatika Vol. VI. No. 2/September 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.836 KB)


Abstrak Kebutuhan produk perikanan terus meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan populasi manusia. Keterbatasan bahan baku menyebabkan meningkatnya biaya produksi dan berpotensi menimbulkan kecurangan perdagangan untuk meningkatkan keuntungan sepihak. Ikan Tenggiri (Scomberomorus sp) merupakan ikan perenang cepat dan sering digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan produk perikanan. Proses Pengolahan menyebabkan ikan ini sulit dikenali secara morfologi. Pendekatan molekuler melalui amplifikasi DNA menjadi jalan keluar untuk mengetahui keaslian produk yang telah mengalami perubahan bentuk. Sampel yang telah dikumpulkan terdiri dari baso (Sio), empek-empek (PLm), kerupuk pasar tradisional (KrPsa), dan kerupuk pasar modern (KrLM). dan. Produk tersebut berlabel ikan Tenggiri. Primer yang didesain adalah Cytochrome b dengan target 380bp, merupakan salah satu gene penyandi pada DNA mitokondria. Analisis kesejajaran digunakan untuk mengetahui kedekatan kekerabatan species. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, tiga produk yaitu baso, kerupuk dari pasar modern (KrLM), dan empek-empek diketahui menggunakan bahan baku ikan tenggiri, akan tetapi kerupuk yang diperoleh dari pasar tradisional (KrPsa) tidak terlacak menggunakan bahan baku ikan tenggiri. Kata kunci : Autentikasi, Primer, Tenggiri
AKTIVITAS ENZIM KATEPSIN PADA IKAN LELE (Clarias sp.) PADA PERLAKUAN SUHU DAN SUBSTRAT YANG BERBEDA Anhar Rozi; Ikhsanul Khairi; Reni Tri Cahyani; Stephani Bija; Nurhikma Nurhikma; Nuring Wulansari; Deden Yusman Maulid; Siluh Putu Sri Dia Utari; Diah Anggraini Wulandari; Tati Nurhayati
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jpt.v7i2.2390


Cathepsin was proteolytic enzyme which is found animal tissues included fish. Cathepsin found in fish muscle tissue, cathepsin and other hydrolyzing enzymes were place in subcellular organelles and divided into two places,  that was in muscle fibers and extracellular matrix. The aimed of this study was to the characterization of cathepsin enzyme especially catfish. So that in enviromental condition that can increased the activity of cathepsin enzyme an approtiate handling process can be carried out. The method of analyze enzyme activity, while the measurement of protein concentration refered to Bradford (1976). The treatments in this study was determination temperature (30oC, 40oC, 50oC, dan 60oC) and substrate (1.5% 2%, 2.5%). The result showed of enzyme activity with detrmination temperature very influential and fluctuating, the optimum temperature was 30oC where the activity reaches 0.38 U/ml. The best activity treatment of substrate was 1.5% where the activity reaches 0.42 U/ml. BSA Standard curve with regression equation y = 0.95x + 0.109.Keywords: Cathepsin, enzyme, substrate, temperature
Pengaruh Defatting, Frekuensi Pencucian dan Penyimpanan Beku Terhadap Kualitas Surimi Ikan Lele Anhar Rozi; Ikhsanul Khairi; Reni Tri Cahyani; Stephani Bija; Nurhikma Nurhikma; Nuring Wulansari; Deden Yusman Maulid; Siluh Putu Sri Dia Utari; Diah Anggraini Wulandari
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v9i2.11955


Catfish was a suitable alternative for the main raw material for making surimi, because it has a high protein content, easy to found and than has good prospective to be made surimi product. The aimed of this study to analyze effect of defatting, washing cycle, and frozen storage was add cryoprotectant. This research was conducted three step that is deffating, washing, and made surimi. The concentration of the selected for defatting processed was NaH2PO4 2% during 10 minutes and the result fat content was 0.15%. The best washing was one time of made kamaboko and has gel strength (510.35, and the best quality (PLG : 0%; pH : 6.53; water content : 76.6%; folding test : 3.22; bite test : 3,77) when compared with washing cycle two times and three times. The best cryoprotectant addition was 4% trehalose and result of gel strength was 354.15 for three weeks of frozen storage.
KARAKTERISTIK MUTU IKAN BLACK MARLIN LOIN BEKU DI PT. SINAR SEJAHTERA SENTOSA JAKARTA Nusaibah - Nusaibah; Deden Yusman Maulid; Alkana Yusuf Fiyari; Kartika Kartika
Marlin : Marine and Fisheries Science Technology Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2020): (Februari, 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.317 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/marlin.V1.I1.2020.17-23


Ikan Black marlin merupakan ikan pelagis yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting, oleh karena itu produk olahannya yaitu Black marlin loin beku merupakan salah satu komoditi perikanan yang banyak disukai oleh pasar mancanegara. Sehingga Black marlin loin beku harus memiliki mutu yang baik untuk layak dipasarkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis karakteristik mutu ikan Black marlin beku yang diproduksi di PT. Sinar Sejahtera Sentosa. Karakteristik yang diuji meliputi karakteristik fisik menggunakan uji organoleptik, kemudian karakteristik kimiawi dengan uji histamin dan karakteristik biologi dengan melakukan uji TPC (Total Plate Count) dan hasilnya kemudian dianalisis menggunakan standar SNI Marlin Loin Beku. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian organoleptik pada black marlin loin beku yaitu 7, sedangkan hasil yang diperoleh dari uji histamin sebesar 1 mg/kg dan uji TPC yaitu 370 coloni/g. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ikan Black Marlin Loin beku telah memenuhi standar SNI Marlin Loin Beku, ikan tersebut mempunyai mutu yang baik sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi dan layak untuk dipasarkan. Black marlin is a pelagic species that has high economic value, therefore the processed product frozen loin black marlin, is one of the fisheries commodities that are preferred by foreign markets. Therefore, frozen black marlin loin must have good quality to be marketable. The aim of this research was to study and analyze the quality characteristics of frozen black marlin loin at PT. Sinar Sejahtera Sentosa. Characteristics test were done by doing physical characteristics using organoleptic test, then chemical characteristics test by doing histamine test and biological characteristics test by doing TPC (Total Plate Count) test and the results were analyzed then with standard SNI Frozen Loin Marlin. The result of organoleptic test on frozen loin black marlin were 7, while the results of histamine test were 1 mg/kg and the TPC test 370 coloni/g. From these results it can be concluded that frozen loin black marlin has fulfilled SNI standards, this fish has a good quality so safe for consumption and marketable. 
Marlin : Marine and Fisheries Science Technology Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2020): (Februari, 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.481 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/marlin.V1.I1.2020.1-6


Ikan asin jambal roti diproduksi dari Ikan Manyung (Arius thallassinus) dan merupakan oleh-oleh khas Pangandaran. Informasi produk ikan asin jambal roti yang dijual di Pasar Pariwisata Pangandaran sangat terbatas. Tidak ada keterangan kandungan proksimat maupun informasi kandungan kadar garam didalam kemasannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui informasi kandungan kadar garam dan komposisi proksimat pada ikan jambal roti. Kadar garam ditentukan dengan metode Mohrn sedangkan komposisi proksimat ditentukan dengan mengacu pada metode AOAC. Sampel didapatkan secara acak dari enam penjual di pasar Pariwisata Pangandaran dengan kode M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kadar garam berkisar antara 4,75-13,17%. Hasil pengujian proksimat menunjukan bahwa kadar air 51,55-62,45%; kadar protein 23,69-28,5%; kadar lemak 0,38-7,08%; kadar abu 6,57-14,27. Berdasarkan nilai SNI ikan asin 8273:2016, maka kadar garam pada sampel M3 dan M6 berada pada kisaran nilai SNI yaitu 12-20%, dan sisanya berada dibawah nilai SNI. Hasil proksimat kadar air menunjukkan bahwa semua sampel yang dikoleksi memiliki nilai kadar air melebihi batas maksimal 40%.Jambal roti salted fish was produced from giant sea catfish (Arius thallassinus) and was unique souvenir of Pangandaran. Information of jambal roti salted fish product wich is sold in Pangandaran tourism market was very restricted. There is no description about salt content and proximate composition on its package. The aim of this study was to determine the salt content and proximate composition of jambal roti salted fish. Salted content was evaluated by Mohn method, whereas proximate composition was analyzed by association of official analytical chemists method (AOAC, 2005). Samples were obtained randomly from six place in Pangandaran tourism market with code: M1; M2; M3; M4; M5; M6. The result showed that jambal roti salted fish contains 4,75%-13,17% salt. The results of proximate composition described that the moisture 51,55-62,45%; protein 23,69-28,5%; fat 0,38-7,08%; and ash 6,57-14,27%. Based on SNI of Salted fish 8273:2016, the salt contain of M3 and M6 are in the range of SNI, 12-20%, and the remaining samples are under it range. Proximate analysis showed that all samples which were collected have a moisture value exceeding the maximum limit of 40%.
Marlin : Marine and Fisheries Science Technology Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2020): (Agustus, 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/marlin.V1.I2.2020.83-90


Tempe merupakan makanan fermentasi yang sudah tersebar hampir di seluruh Indonesia. Makanan ini diproduksi menggunakan alat dan metode yang sederhana. Kandungan protein tempe yang berasal dari kedelai memiliki peluang untuk ditingkatkan lagi dengan penambahan tepung ikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kandungan protein pada tempe dengan cara menambahkan tepung ikan sehingga produk yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan sebagai makanan alternative untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan protein pada manusia. Nilai proksimat didapatkan dengan mengacu pada metode AOAC. Uji proksimat terdiri dari kadar air, lemak, protein, dan serat kasar. Nilai logam berat didapatkan dengan mengacu pada SNI 3144:2015. Logam berat yang diujikan terdiri dari Hg, As, Cd, dan Pb Terdapat 4 sampel dengan perlakuan berbeda yaitu S1:tanpa penambahan tepung ikan; S2: dengan penambahan tepung ikan nila; S3: dengan penambahan tepung ikan tongkol; S4: dengan penambahan ikan tiga wajah. Hasil pengujian proksimat menunjukkan bahwa kandungan protein yang paling tinggi adalah sampel S4 yakni 22.43%. Hasil uji logam berat menunjukkan bahwa semua sampel memiliki kandungan logam berat berada di bawah ambang batas yang ditetapkan melalui SNI No 3144:2015.
RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46576/rjpkm.v3i2.1789


Salah satu kegiatan tri dharma perguruan tinggi adalah pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Pangandaran (PKPP) melaksanakan salah satu tri dhrama tersebut di Desa Cintakarya, Kecamatan Parigi, Pangandaran. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan penyuluhan terkait optimalisasi peran koperasi peternak ikan. Peran koperasi peternak ikan sangatlah penting dalam tataniaga dan pemasaran hasil budidaya ikan, mengingat semangat yang dibawa koperasi merupakan semangat gotong royong dan kekeluargaan dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Optimalisasi peran koperasi yang melibatkan anggota koperasi (peternak ikan), pemerintah, industri, dan akademisi diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak positif khususnya bagi peternak ikan. Penyuluhan optimalisasi peran koperasi peternak ikan ini dapat dinyatakan mencapai target yang diharapkan dengan kehadiran 89,28% peserta dan antusiasme peserta yang tinggi
Proximate and Organoleptic Analysis of Crackers With The Addition of Tuna Fish Bone Meal (Thunnus sp) Nusaibah Nusaibah; Zulhasbi Hutabarat; David Indra Widianto; Satriya Abrian; Deden Yusman Maulid; Widya Pangestika; Kusuma Arumsari
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1324.015 KB) | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v14i2.790


Solid waste from the tuna fish processing industry produces a very abundant amount of waste and has not been utilized properly, even though one type of waste, namely fish bones, has high proximate nutritional content. Tuna fish bone meal is one of the uses fish bone waste treatment which is suitable as additional ingredient for making crackers to add proximate value to the product. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the proximate and organoleptic content of crackers with the addition of tuna fish bone meal. From this study, the highest organoleptic (hedonic) test results were obtained in the addition of 5% tuna fish bone meal, then proximate test was carried out with a water content value of 7.89%, ash content 23.26%, fat content 5.21%, carbohydrate content is 58.4% and protein content is 5.24%. While the crackers without the addition of tuna bone meal had a water content of 7.40%, ash content of 14.06%, fat content of 4.21%, carbohydrate content of 70.86% and protein content of 3.47%. These results indicate that the proximate content, especially protein, fat and mineral content in the crackers with the addition of tuna is higher than the crackers without the addition of tuna bone meal.