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Journal : Maspari Journal

Bioakumulasi Logam Cd, Cu, Pb dan Zn Pada Beberapa Bagian Tubuh Ikan Gulama (Sciaena ruselli) dari Perairan Dumai, Riau Nurrachmi, Irvina; Amin, Bintal; Habibi, Muhammad Nudi
Maspari Journal : Marine Science Research Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Edisi Januari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.911 KB) | DOI: 10.36706/maspari.v2i1.1117


Determination of heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in  different parts (muscle, bone, scale, intestine, gills and fin) of a croacker fish (S. russelli) collected from Dumai coastal waters were carried out during May to July 2009. The concentration of each metal was determined by AtomicAbsorption Spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer 3110 in the Marine Chemistry Laboratory, Marine Science Department University of Riau Pekanbaru. The results showed that Zn was found to be the highest concentrations in most of the fish body parts analyzed followed by Pb, Cu and Cd in both samples from the western and eastern regions of Dumai coastal waters. In general, the concentrations of all metals analyzed in the present study were higher in fish collected from the eastern region of Dumai coastal waters where more anthropogenic activities such as industries and human habitations along the coastal area were found. The concentration of heavy metals observed were Cd:  0.098 – 0.103, 0.189 – 0.283, 0.099 – 0.289, 0.107 – 0.302, 0.182 – 0.377 and 0.118 – 0.397; Cu: 0.130 – 0.198, 0.189 – 0.341, 0.082 – 0.073, 0.132 – 0.285, 0.520 – 0.746 and 0.175 – 0.337; Pb:  3.979 – 4.109, 4.144 – 4.601, 0.970 – 2.527, 2.853 – 4.367, 5.053 – 7.074 and 4.637 – 6.262 and Zn:  5.713 – 5.755, 7.956 – 8.558, 4.649 – 6.232, 5.730 – 7.745, 8.988 – 11.115 and 8.777 – 10.686 µg/g for muscle, bone, scale, intestine, gills and fins respectively. Concentrations of heavy metals in each body part of the fish were as follow: fin > gills > intestine > scale > bone > muscle for Cd; gills >  bone > fin > intestine > muscle > scale for Cu; gills > Fin > bone > intestine > muscle > scale for Pb and gills > fin > bone > intestine > scale > muscle for Zn. The concentrations of heavy metals in muscle were lower than other analyszed organs in the present study and this was considered to be an advantageous from the human health points of view as because muscle constitute the greatest mass of the fish that is consumed.
Co-Authors ', Intan ', Jamalus Abdullah ' Adam Dionfriski Ade Mulyana Adi Maulana Afrizal Tanjung Afrizal Tanjung Afrizam ' Agustinus Robert Uria Aisyah Khasena Alfeus Jhonson Armada H Andre Thessalonians Marpaung Ani Ani Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Arbianti, Purnama Areza Maulana Arifin, Adani Fatahilal Betari Erlinda Prayitno Bintal Amin Biotal Amin, Biotal Dessy Yoswaty Dewi A. Mahmudah Dewi Seswita Zilda Dewita Dewita Dewita Dewita Dharma Eka Putra Dilla Andini Dilla Andini Dinda Savita Dodik Febriyantoro, Dodik Dwi Hindarti, Dwi Dwi Putri Pratiwi Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi Elizal, Elizal Ernanda P. Darmawan Esra Waty F, Feliatra Fadel Fadel Febeyessy Aritonang Feffiana M Amin Fitriansah, Heru Gregorius Agung Gustini Sri Ulina Hardiko, Syefri Hazmi Arief I Ketut Sudiana Ilham Yurestira Islamiati, Bening Jefri Affandi Jewlaika, Lady Joenathan Sarumpaet Joko Samiaji Jonter Sitepu Kaharudin, Zakaria Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Kusnadi, Yudi Lita Sari M. Afriansyah Margaretha Sri Ulina Sitohang Masjudi, Heri Melania Syahada Merry Sintya Dewi Michael Prawira, Michael Mikael H Dolok Saribu Mubarak ' Mudinillah, Adam Muhammad Amien Muhammad Irfan Muhammad Nudi Habibi Muhammad Nudi Habibi Muhammad Roif Alghani Muhammad Syarif Musrifin Galib Musrifin Galib Musrifin Galib Musrifin Ghalib Musrifin Ghalib Nababan, Sumiati Friesledi Nickson Panjaitan Nila Sari Lubis Nisa Tria Fatma Nur Arifin, Nur Nursyirwani, Nursyirwani Nurul Abdiah Nasution Priyono, Franciscus Edi Putra ' Putri, Zulherija Rafiq Prima Nugraha Ragiel Ramadhan Rahma I. Utami Raihan Zaki Rajiv R. Putra Ridhawani, Fiki Ridwan Rafsyanjani Rifardi ' Rifqi Rafif Anadri Riska Khaironisa Riska Khaironisa Rizki Hamdani Rosa, Mila Rozali ' Sari R. Al Haura Seli Selvia Sembiring, Herbin Sihaloho, Elpon Simon Hasintongan Aritonang Siregar, Meiyanto Siti Nur Sufaidah Siti Nursubadriah Sofia Wanda Rizki Sofyan H. Siregar Sofyan Husein Siregar Sumiati Friesledi Nababan Susiyanti. N Suzila ' Syafrizal Syafruddin Nasution Syahril Nedi Syahrul Syahrul Syawfy Luthfiandra Syukri Fajar Taufik Adrizal Tengku Rahma Lopi Thamrin ' Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Theresia Tampubolon Tri A Hadi Verid Aria Susammesin, Verid Aria Waidia Dipeta Ym Windarti Nofriyan Nengsih Wiranda Dellarosa Yasir Muammar Lubis Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yunus, Budi Andri Yusni Ikhwan Yusni Ikhwan Siregar Zakaria Kaharudin Zulkifli ' Zulkifli Zulkifli Zurya Hanifa